View Full Version : Mitsu might not be here for long?

04-23-2004, 11:46 PM

hmmm, sounds sucky for the mitsu people that bought new cars with that 10 year/100k mile warrenty. And yet another reason why not to buy a EVO :doh:

04-24-2004, 12:58 AM
sucks for mitsu owners :eek3d:

04-24-2004, 07:58 AM
It's a classic case of the EVO not saving the Marque... It makes perfect sense that Daimler-Chrysler pulled their money from under Mitsubishi... Their cars are underperformers(SUVs, Eclipse, base model Lancers), the others price themselves outside of the reach of the people they appeal to (EVO) and the rest are just plain fuckin boring (ever heard anyone say 'DAMN THAT GALANT IS TIGHT'?) While at the same time, Chrysler has managed to make cars that people want to buy, like the SRT-4 and their pickup trucks, the durango and damn near everything else they sell... Would you continue to funel money into a company that is not exhibiting itself to be worth it?

04-24-2004, 09:26 AM
I've always wondered why Mitsubishi was still in existance. They build whacky cars sept the lancer. Remember the VR4? a 60,000 dollar car that you can pick up for 4 grand now, 10 years later. 8 out of 10 DSM Eclipses that i've smogged were burning oil. 2 out of 3 VR4's were burning oil. They should sell the Lancer to Chrysler and badge it as a dodge, and stop making the rest of their crappy line up.

drift freaq
04-24-2004, 11:15 AM
good riddance to car company that built inferior products qualitity wise. Hence why I always called them Mitsushitty

04-24-2004, 11:19 AM
They should sell the Lancer to Chrysler and badge it as a dodge, and stop making the rest of their crappy line up.
Already have thats what the next neon will be. Well, they will at least share the platform.

It seems that the Mitsus that are made in the US are the ones with all the problems. Those and the GT3000. The Mirages (Lancers) were made in Japan and were actually pretty reliable grocery getters.

04-24-2004, 01:54 PM
A dodge-evo will not be the same thing, is this just mitsubishi usa? Or worldwide, if so the evo viii is probably the last of the "real" evo's.

04-24-2004, 03:37 PM
Honestly I think it sucks. Who really wants to see a company like that be in such a shitty spot. And I don't agree with mitsu making poor quality, underpowered vehicles at all. As far as the eclipse goes its STILL the best selling car in it's class for more years than you can count on your hands. It seems to me that there has been bad decisions made in the past and someone needs to step in and dig them out of a whole. Which I believe they can.

04-24-2004, 04:01 PM
That sucks, I have an evo.
Ohh well. hope they dont go under

drift freaq
04-24-2004, 07:01 PM
It seems that the Mitsus that are made in the US are the ones with all the problems. Those and the GT3000. The Mirages (Lancers) were made in Japan and were actually pretty reliable grocery getters.

actually there was a big scandal in Japan about 6-8 months ago because Mitsubushi was under investigation and their records revealed that they had been suppressing information about known manufacturing defects in their cars and not recalling them. Fact is the company was withholding pertinent consumer information that showed their quality control was extremely poor and that they were misleading consumers. now I am not saying other car companies have done this kind of thing before some have, though the level that they did it at and the amount of years it went on was pretty stunning. To me any car company that persists in this manner should not be in business considering it makes there cars unreliable if not possibly dangerous. Hence like I said before good riddance.

04-24-2004, 07:05 PM
the whole crank walk issue with the 7 bolts didnt help them

FastBack 240
04-24-2004, 07:06 PM
That sucks.

04-24-2004, 07:11 PM
dang, I always thought they were hiding something when they wonldn't service the 96-99 Eclipse's with the crankwalk thing. Dang, wonder how much the repair cost would be now for the mitsu when the company is gone.

oh hey D, u find anything on the engine? i really need one. L8s