View Full Version : Chase Bays Brake line - OEM Master Cylinder

05-08-2013, 09:01 PM
Just wondering, does it matter which of the three ports each brake line goes to? or does it not make a difference?

The shell i bought had no hard lines, or brake lines at all so i bought the Chase Bays kit and it has no instructions... One of the three ports on the Master Cylinder was blocked shut though...


I guess instead of making a new thread, has anyone installed the ISIS Hydro Ebrake? Which line should i tee into?

05-08-2013, 09:16 PM
The chasebay lines is pretty direct.. just match up accordingly to its length. Shortest to driver side wheel well, longest to passenger wheel well, then the last line towards the under body brake line.

for hydro you attach the T to the hard line under the body. Theres only one but dont get it mixed up with the gas line... Best location would be more towards the end before the hardline splits to the 2 rear brakes, so the front brakes dont get disturbed as much.

05-08-2013, 10:42 PM
what im asking is... on the master cylinder itself, there are three ports... Does it matter which one is hooked up to which line?? or could all three ports be switched around and it would make no difference?

05-08-2013, 11:53 PM
The primary lines that go to the front calipers are installed in the two ports towards the rear of the bmc. The line from the proportioning valve that goes towards the rear of the car is installed on the port at the front of the bmc. Please someone chime in if im wrong. I still have to install my z32 bmc as well. I believe this is for non-abs? If so you have to install that 3rd fitting.

05-09-2013, 01:54 AM

So the line with the 90 on the end goes to the little box on the brake line under the firewall along the framerail on the passenger side? What is that little box for?

And then the long line with the straight fitting goes to the passenger side front brake.

And i have to cut up the hard line to install the hydro brake? eek!

05-09-2013, 10:52 PM
No. You lead a feed from the mater cylinder to your Hydro E. Then another line to the fitting in the front that the CB line goes to for the rear.

So Make Like
05-10-2013, 03:04 AM
if i'm not mistaken, the blocked off port is made that way for cars with ABS. if you don't have ABS in your car, then you need to unblock it and a hardline is supposed to go in there. i know for a 300zx mbc, you would need to tap in your own flair fitting for the hard line to seat properly.