View Full Version : Tired of getting broken into!!!!

04-22-2004, 08:33 PM
They broke my driver's side window, but didn't steal a single thing. They broke into another car before mine and their alarm was going off. My roommate got woken up by it and went down to the garage (I live on campus in an apartment complex). I guess he scared the thieves away as they were working on my car. They actually took the CD out of my stereo, went through my CDs... took nothing. Didn't touch my tools. Did put glass EVERYWHERE. So now I have to spend $50 I don't have to fix it.

What can I do as far as some kind of safety system so this won't happen again? I really don't have money to spend on an alarm.

Should I go for the fake LED that flashed when activated?
Give me ideas please. Damn thieves ruined my day... and it was going so well...

04-22-2004, 08:34 PM
dam that sux man, seems like theft have been going on in the recent months

04-22-2004, 08:36 PM
if you dont have 50 bucks, i dont think theres much youll be able to do unless your last name is McGyver. maybe sleep in ur car with a bat, lol. good luck.

04-22-2004, 08:56 PM
if you dont have 50 bucks, i dont think theres much youll be able to do unless your last name is McGyver. maybe sleep in ur car with a bat, lol. good luck.

I have the money... but I really shouldn't be spending it on fixing my car for bullshit reasons. It just annoys me...

I think I'm going to buy an LED to make it seem like I have an alarm. Ricey but it might work...

04-22-2004, 10:25 PM
a trunk monkey... maybe... :ugh: :rolleyes: :squint: