View Full Version : ITB on a s2000

04-21-2004, 04:36 PM
So heres another deuche bag with a nice car,,

04-21-2004, 04:53 PM
what's ITB?

FastBack 240
04-21-2004, 05:03 PM
VERY LOUD. Although rather nice.

04-21-2004, 05:05 PM
ITB=individual throttle bodies....oh and its not loud enough haha j/p

04-21-2004, 05:13 PM
olllllllld video, but sweet S200 nonetheless....
dumbass for driving down the public road like that

04-21-2004, 05:26 PM
what a kook....but yeah...sick car..

04-21-2004, 06:26 PM
what's ITB?
in the butt

04-21-2004, 09:23 PM
in the butt

I believe most people use "IDB" for "In Da Butt" .

04-21-2004, 09:43 PM
my bro is doing ITB to his GSR

04-21-2004, 09:52 PM
The guy is a fucking fag and an idiot, but the car is badass.

04-21-2004, 10:33 PM
does he know his car still sounds annoying as hell?

what a dumbass for racing up and down neighborhood streets like that.

04-21-2004, 11:11 PM
ah man... this video is a keeper. I think i am going to show this to every customer so that they understand JUST how fucking nerdy you sound talking "car talk."

Seriously now, pay close attention to the beginning of this video... what do you see?

Okay.. besides a big nerd.. what do you notice?

JESUS.. the guy is crouching in front of a red toolbox, he's all geared up with gel in his hair and the worst part about this entire introduction.. is not only did he memorize and itemize EACH fucking modification.. but the guy literally blinked ONCE in a timespan of 30 seconds.

But lets put that all aside.. the car sounds fine, mean and all that.. great. What is he doing? He's fuckin ripping around public streets doing aimless burnouts and flyby's. GREAT.

Build your car.. have fun with it.. but jesus.. drive the fucking thing in a canyon, do something productive.. why waste rubber in populated areas with cars and people? If I was in his shoes, it wouldnt matter if I was in a McLaren F1, a 300Z, a 240SX.. or a Volvo 240DL.. wasting gas and tires like that is just lame.

Oh well.. atleast I got to hear the sound his cool motor makes. hehe.. he should slap on a sticker that says "Armenian Power" ... hahaha

04-22-2004, 12:10 AM
Okay.. besides a big nerd.. what do you notice?

JESUS.. the guy is crouching in front of a red toolbox, he's all geared up with gel in his hair and the worst part about this entire introduction.. is not only did he memorize and itemize EACH fucking modification.. but the guy literally blinked ONCE in a timespan of 30 seconds.
:werd: That guys looks like a complete tool with his blank stare rambling off parts like he deserves a fucking medal. :rolleyes:

Oh well.. atleast I got to hear the sound his cool motor makes.
You know, usually in car videos the exhaust is lacking in volume, which makes me wonder how much louder this car really is in real life... Personally I think it's pointlessly loud, which I guess is suiting for a twat like this guy.
The only time it sounds good to me is when he lets off the throttle.

04-22-2004, 12:38 AM
what is the advantage of individual throttle bodies?

04-22-2004, 12:59 AM
what is the advantage of individual throttle bodies?

gives each cylinder its own throttle body/butterfly. more responsive and lets a lot more air rush into the cylinders. imo, the holy grail for n/a modifications. carbs are good, intakes .. eh.. but itbs! watch out.. disadvantage? i guess it cost a lot and you needa run stand alone fuel management system and also make the throttle cables work somehow.

04-22-2004, 01:32 AM
i will let you guys noe what i think of the video when its done dl which will be like a 1hr and 15 min fuck i need dsl hahah

04-22-2004, 02:25 AM
I think the car sounds great. Although it would get annoying driving on long trips.

04-22-2004, 10:23 AM
:werd: That guys looks like a complete tool with his blank stare rambling off parts like he deserves a fucking medal. :rolleyes:

You know, usually in car videos the exhaust is lacking in volume, which makes me wonder how much louder this car really is in real life... Personally I think it's pointlessly loud, which I guess is suiting for a twat like this guy.
The only time it sounds good to me is when he lets off the throttle.

Personally, I think the car was fine.. I just think the guy is a nerd for taking video footage of HIMSELF talking like that.. all he had to do is what they do in japan, print the shit out or list it in the video.. why waste all that time saying it so i can see his goofy face? jeeeeeeeeeez... dork dork dork

from what ive read on the s2000 boards, i hear the guy is knowledgeable about his hondas and cool guy and all, great.. not hating so much on the guy, but jeeez.. just dont be such a fucking nerd. everyone i've showed this to starts laughing their asses off.. and teh HKS logo in the back.. hahaha crazy.

04-22-2004, 11:18 AM
does anyone else feel that the noise to power ratio was a bit off? the car didn't look near fast enough to justify the noise level but whateva. the thing that i dont get was the individual listing of parts that HE DOESN'T EVEN EFFECTIVELY USE. it's a serious waste of a good suspension when you "show off" with just drag racing IMO. if that's all he does he should've gotten a mustang.

and wouldn't the LACK of air filter eventually cause premature engine death? i hope he sucks in a pebble :)

04-22-2004, 11:22 AM
you can get "socks" for carbs and ITBs.

nice car. if i had an S2000 would definatly go with ITBs. too bad he's not a good or smart driver. a lot of people with nice cars don't really deserve them.

04-22-2004, 11:48 AM
I've seen the video before.

He made it cause no one believed him that he owns taht S2K.

04-22-2004, 12:12 PM
The car is ok...Get's annoying real quick though (Especially if he uses that thing everyday)

04-22-2004, 03:11 PM
I am surprised that people are complaining about the noise..

jesus, thats what performance cars sound like when they are actually being DRIVEN.

which reminds me, of course.. that most of the people that fix up their cars are pansies and dont know how to drive their cars.. so they often forget what a motor is supposed to sound like when its spinning.

04-22-2004, 03:25 PM
Let me rephrase what i posted before...FOR A DAILY DRIVEN CAR THAT'LL GET ANNOYING LET ALONE DRAW ATTENTION TO YOUR CAR (POLICE)...If i had a racecar that sounded like that i wouldn't care...On the track you're not trying to listen to music, or worry about cops...You're thinking about other things like braking points, how to take the best like, etc....Noise is drowned out on the track cause your focus is on more important things..You get what I'm trying to say? I'm not sure what this guy was saying in the beginning(i didn't have my speakers on)...If he said that it was a racecar then fine..I guess i missed that..If he said that it was his everyday ride then i think the car is too loud for that and he's just asking for the police to slap him with a fine...

04-22-2004, 06:54 PM
all he had to do is what they do in japan, print the shit out or list it in the video.. why waste all that time saying it so i can see his goofy face? jeeeeeeeeeez... dork dork dork
That's the exact same thing I was thinking when I watched it. :D Not trying to hate on him that much, he was acting like an idiot on the streets though. Really though I just felt like calling someone a twat, and this guy seemed to work. :p

About the noise, for a track car that noise level would be fine, but for a daily driven street car I'd have to get earplugs after a couple days... I'm just weak like that I guess. :ugh:

04-23-2004, 12:58 PM
lets not forget that it IS a honda...

the power to sound ratio on those tend to be a bit more skewed than those in the rest of the automotive community.

04-23-2004, 02:18 PM
lets not forget that it IS a honda...

the power to sound ratio on those tend to be a bit more skewed than those in the rest of the automotive community.

i think we just pinpointed the other reason why i hate this video :)

p.s. the first would be that the guys a gigantic asshat.