View Full Version : Is Racism Ok?

04-21-2004, 12:16 PM
I think i'm a racist. In a sense everyone is. Just the pussies dont admit it. Racism in the modern world is considered any iota of prejudice thought crossing your mind..i guess i'm a racist. But i'm more than that. I find racist jokes to be funny. Some things are derogatory and are even funnier. I think it's all a matter of how comfortable you are with yourself. I think in my mind cause i dont hate anyone, it's ok to make fun. If you are a bigot and believe your race is superior and all that good 'ol stuff, then you're not on the same page as me and you can go to hell. I'm Armenian...considered Eastern European by some, and a camel rider....errrr middle eastern by others, and even asian by some definition. Technically my bloodline is Aryan and i'm caucasian. But this doesnt matter really. The point is, we are all the same, but different. I agree with a lot of stereotypes. We all have the potential to be the same depending on how we are brought up. Your backround and upbringing changes you, which makes you act like the stereotypes that are out there. You can agree or disagree but i'm right.

Andrew Bohan
04-21-2004, 12:23 PM
i agree! racism is fun
i have friends of many races and we always make racist/culturist jokes to each other hahah

just don't hate

04-21-2004, 12:28 PM
you guys are idiots!!!!!!!

you guys could be a little bit more sensitive about it...for lik some folks...but nun theless.... :stupid:

04-21-2004, 12:29 PM
hate = bad.

I think america is getting better but we still have a lot of chillin' to do. Most people are so "aware" of racism that it changes the way we interface with other people simply b/c your worried about the reaction something you say will get. Quit worrying about the reaction. As long as what you say is said with respect, and love then it's ALL GOOD.

Other countries are not like this. They don't have that tickle of a thought in the back of their minds wondering if the next thing they want to say will offend their asian/black/latin/white friend.. They have respect for each other, and know it. They don't tip-toe around.

04-21-2004, 12:31 PM
you guys are idiots!!!!!!!

you guys could be a little bit more sensitive about it...for lik some folks...but nun theless.... :stupid:

Calling us idiots, yet telling us to show respect? Who disrespected you in the first place? The whole point of this thread was to get people's opinions. I also mentioned in my post that it's not cool to hate.

04-21-2004, 12:35 PM
i think that people just have preconseved ideas. based on anyones looks, someone is goin to say oh well that guy is a gangbanger or that guy is gay, that girl is a dyke etc. its just a bunch of bull and if those people who think like that, well id rather not meet them because they might just be losin out on life.

04-21-2004, 12:35 PM
lol.. a little defensive there man? he didn't tell you to have more respect.. just to be more sensitive.

04-21-2004, 12:37 PM
i think that people just have preconseved ideas. based on anyones looks, someone is goin to say oh well that guy is a gangbanger or that guy is gay, that girl is a dyke etc. its just a bunch of bull and if those people who think like that, well id rather not meet them because they might just be losin out on life.

dave chapelle once said you may not be a whore.. but you sure are wearin' a whore's uniform!

04-21-2004, 12:37 PM
same thing...being sensitive to someone's feelings is the same as showing respect. whatever..back to the point.. we're not idiots.

04-21-2004, 12:42 PM
I think everyone is a little racist but may or may not say the things they really want to say. I think most people are learning to be politically correct (at least in USA), but theres ALWAYS going to be racism, discrimination, etc. no matter what we're taught. We all develop our own opinions.

As far as racism being ok, depends on who you are and who you talk about it to. Racist jokes could be funny to some, and very offensive to others. That's never going to change. It all depends how you use racism. Is it just jokes, or does it go farther than that?

04-21-2004, 12:47 PM
I think that racism is good in no shape or form. Even if you are friends it still perpetuates the stereotypes, that describe no one. Stereotypes are broad generalizations that describe a group of people with a few select characteristics. However these generalizations can be applied to many people of different culture, race or nationality. If you have the preconcieved idea in your head you will notice it a lot more in the people who you think it applies to and not notice the people who it supposedly doesn't apply to.

I don't like it, but I don't mind admitting that I have racist thoughts. I realize it comes from not being exposed to different people and relying only on what is given through the media to base opinions on people. It bothers me when people who know me think of me as just another a person and then when they find out my last name is Mexican I somehow become the symbol for all that is Mexican.

04-21-2004, 12:51 PM
Personally, I'll chill with anyone, any race, any color, any religion...as long as they are cool, and down to have a good time...I would say I have 9 best freinds, 2 of them are black, 2 are asian, 1 is from Israel, 1 is Cuban, and the other 3 are white..

BUT, you have to understand that not everyone respects other races, that is why I wouldnt go to the south side of St Petersburg at night by myself, because my white a$$ will get jumped lol

I think Chris Rock said it best..."There are black people, then there are n******" . The same goes for every other race. There are white people, then there are "white trash". Its the ones with hate that ruin it for everyone...

HATE is bad.......we all need to have love, and cook-outs, and beer...and Playoff Hockey! yea!!

04-21-2004, 12:57 PM
i hate A LOT of people...yet i don't hate anyone based solely on their race, creed, sexual orientation, etc...i hate them becuase of who they are as an individual..how they act...what they say...how annoying they are...their utter lack of intelligence...

loud black girls bother me...sorry but they do...it's like shut the fuck up...does the whole subway car need to hear you?

white trash who think they are gangsters can all go to hell...you live in Little Rock..NOT Compton..

40 year old mexicans who whistle at my little sister who's 16 make me sick and i want to kill them...

hippies who only wear petulie oil and thus smell and give me headaches should be given decontamination baths...

old people who drive too slow, who can no longer comprehend life, who are stuck in the prejudices of their youth should be put out of their misery...

i'll stop here now, but i could go on for hours....

04-21-2004, 01:08 PM
Hate tends to have several levels of intensity.

You can Hate mexican food, or you can Hate Osama Bin Laden for killing 1000's of innocent people.

I tend to associate racism with the later kind of hate that is driven by blind hatred for a person based on a single aspect of their exsistance.

04-21-2004, 01:11 PM
hate to me, when refering to an individual = wanting that person to die...to be removed from this earth...

hate regarding other things such as onions, burning my tongue on something too hot, when my car breaks down, hurting myself, etc = a strong disliking...

BiluMaster K's
04-21-2004, 01:17 PM
hey guys

Stereotype is defined as a mathematical average, a tendancy,....not lies!

I am not a racist...I am ETHNICALLY AWARE...and that is what i call it. Asains drive bad-so do people from Florida,.....that dont mean that an asain guy in florida cant be a awsome driver, just that this guy would be unique.

Most of the NIGGERS i have met in life had white skin.

04-21-2004, 01:24 PM
i think...that one day...everyone will be mixed...and everyone will jus forget what they are mixed with and it'll jus be one super-race...then racism will be gone...jus seems like something possible to me...but in a long long long time

04-21-2004, 01:49 PM
consider the meaning of the word racism. You guys are all associating racism to hate and intolerance. The definition to the word racism is very broad. We are all racist. What i was asking is do you guys think it's ok to be racist in a sense that you dont hate anyone, you respect people, but you still think its' ok to believe some stereotypes and laugh at racist jokes.

04-21-2004, 01:56 PM
hey WestBP...sometimes topics float in other directions...it's ok to generate a broader discussion...

of course it's perfectly ok to believe some stereotypes and laugh at racist, sexist, homo, etc jokes...

it's when you base your views of everyone who might possibly fit a category, before you even give them a chance as an individual, on the stereotypes of a few that i think it's wrong...

04-21-2004, 01:56 PM
imo i thinks its ok to make jokes about it,if you dont have a problem with it,like when i was in 7-8 grade i was scared to use the word black i dunno why but i was just scared,but now that im almost 20 and most my friends are mexican,asian,white,black,alien and whatever we all make jokes about each other with no problem,it all depends if your ok with it

04-21-2004, 02:06 PM
it's when you base your views of everyone who might possibly fit a category, before you even give them a chance as an individual, on the stereotypes of a few that i think it's wrong...

agreed on this point. Maybe i'm trying to say, are you guys all politically correct wussy bitches? Are you afraid to call someone a midget, or retarded rather than vertically challenged or mentally challenged? or "special" This goes beyond the racist thing, but it's directly related. People are to scurred to speak their minds i think. being PC ruined everything.

What's better than winning the Special Olympics?

Not being retarded.

04-21-2004, 02:14 PM
Here's a stereotype i believe for example..Middle aged and older asian people cant drive worth an ass. Did i offend you? Sorry didnt mean to. It's been my experience though. Is it wrong to make a stereotype based on my experience? Maybe you think "It doesnt apply to everyone" Well i'm not saying it does, but to most. And then you may say "It doesnt apply to most because you dont know the majority" Well in response i would say that what i've experienced is good enough for me to make a judgment. And then you may say "The old asian man(pops) in Best Of Motoring drove faster than Keiichi" to which i would respond with "George Burns smoked Cigars will he was wrinkly and old, and he didnt get lung cancer"

Am i wrong? Would it be wrong of me to say that for example...ummmm..

O i know!!!sorry to pick on Mexicans but ..let's say i see a car. And it has candy paint, gold wire wheels,purple tint and it's like a 2-door japenese car(sentra or whatever). Before i see the driver i know he's a mexican.. Is it wrong for me to think this? Or is it just wrong for me to share it with people cause i'm comfortable with my thoughts cause i dont hate anyone. I dont like being PC .. but again i think i have enough respect that if someone told me they were offended i guess i would apologize..or not

04-21-2004, 02:27 PM
When I see the gold wire rim skated out "Vato mobile" I think to myself.. "oh what a wonderful world!" then I think, there is likely a mexican driving that car. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt though. I want say, that HAS to be a mexican, just "I bet it is"

04-21-2004, 02:45 PM
This thread reminds me of that Cheech & Chong song.. where Chong goes...

"Bee..an...e.Rss... eat Beans... !! (repeats)

and cheech sings...

"Mexican American .. something something... take Spanish so they can get a B...!!!

04-21-2004, 02:52 PM
hey guys

Asains drive bad-so do people from Florida.

I couldn't agree with you more lol

Floridians are the worst drivers...EVER...

04-21-2004, 02:54 PM
i think...that one day...everyone will be mixed...and everyone will jus forget what they are mixed with and it'll jus be one super-race...then racism will be gone...jus seems like something possible to me...but in a long long long time

a little naive i feel... we will never all get along and will all die out long before such a utopia could be remotely possible.

anyhow, i HATE having to be politically correct. i was cleaning up a car at work today and telling this guy about the gay chapter of the KKK on the chapelle show. this lesbian chick who doesn't know i know she's lesbian was like "you got something against gay people?". okay, where the hell did that come from? homo's are funny and a great source for jokes, just like ALL of us. we all have our quirks that are easy to pick out when viewed from a new angle.

the problem is that in this country we have a history with slavery and segregation (like other countries but for some reason that doesn't matter) and some people are still afraid to mention the difference. like being different is a bad thing, or something.

when we can joke about stuff and not see any lines regarding race THAT is the day we'll have true equality. when i can say nigger and have the same effect as a black dude callin me a cracker it'll all be kosher but some people have a problem letting go. stereotypes and name calling are fun until people can profit from it or use it as a soapbox. how many white people get killed by cops for criminal activity? lots. how many times are their riots to stand up for the life of a WHITE crackhead when he was gunned down while trying to kill a cop. never.

the people defending against racism for things that aren't even related to skin color perpetuate extreme racism just as much as the stereotypes that are based on facts.

all men are equal in worth. only when all sides understand this and have actions that follow can we really be free of this hate stuff.

alright, enough incoherant gibberish. i'm gonna go rub one out in honor of all my brothaz and sistaz.

04-21-2004, 02:57 PM
Here's a stereotype i believe for example..Middle aged and older asian people cant drive worth an ass. Did i offend you? Sorry didnt mean to. It's been my experience though.

nani? i'm asian and i didn't feel particularly offended by that. i happen to agree with you. most likely its the old asian guy who can't drive but thinks he can that would take offense. anyway, i happen to agree with on most of your points; however i do sometimes catch myself not giving people a chance based on my stereotypes. for instance, any time an asian kid about my age opens his mouth about cars, i instantly think 'ricer'.

racist jokes are jokes, but you have to be conscious of your audience. sometimes younger kidswill take you seriously and assume what you say is true. you might not be racist but you could be creating one. etc. etc.

04-21-2004, 06:29 PM
Stereotypes aren't good and they aren't always true, but they're neccessary. Really.
It's not our fault, it's just the way our mind works; it's almost impossible to look at anything (person, place, thing) and not evaluate it, either consciously or subconsciously. We just don't have the time or mental and physical energy to precisely examine everything, so we take shortcuts by stereotyping. I'm not talking about just people either. What do you think of when somebody talks about pit bulls? A lot of people would think "oh those are mean dogs, they'll bite you! ahhhh!!!" I'm even stereotyping right there by saying most people are afraid or wary of pit bulls...

Another problem is that race is culturally constructed. People in other areas of the world do not see race the same as we do. That's also a problem because even though we all live in America, we don't share the exact same cultures, which is where some of the confusion comes from surrounding what is racist and what isn't. In some places a persons race (based on their own perceptions as well as others) can chage many times in their life, it could even change on a daily basis.
In other places, like Rwanda for example, there are two different races of people living there (there's also a third race called the Twa who make up 1% of the population), the Hutus and the Tutsis, who are physically indistinguishable from each other. The only way to tell is by their last name. Yet 10 years ago a small group of Hutu extremists were able to incite a large portion of the Hutu population to exterminate 800,000 Tutsis. There's a lot more to the story, but imagine the kind of hate it takes to kill that many people based solely on what race they are, yet they look just like the people killing them...

Back on track. No, racism isn't really ok. Everybody is racist in some way though, including me. Everybody stereotypes people in some way, including me. We can't really stop it completely, so I think the best thing is just to acknowledge it and try to be aware when we're making unfair generalizations about a person or people we don't know. I think it's ok to make jokes though if the people around are aware that the joke doesn't neccessarily apply to them and that it's all in jest anyway.

Long... Hope that makes sense though. :)

04-21-2004, 06:45 PM
Calling us idiots, yet telling us to show respect? Who disrespected you in the first place? The whole point of this thread was to get people's opinions. I also mentioned in my post that it's not cool to hate.

dude!!! relax? the threads for fun man....chilll.......

04-21-2004, 07:21 PM
me and my friends crack on eachother about our races. im filpino, some of my friends are japanese, white, black, hawaiian, chinese, vietnamese. name it. lol. i even crack on their religion sometimes.

its all just for fun

04-21-2004, 07:56 PM
.....I tend to associate racism with the later kind of hate that is driven by blind hatred for a person based on a single aspect of their exsistance.


blind hatred is what people should understand about being racist.

04-21-2004, 08:40 PM
dude!!! relax? the threads for fun man....chilll.......


04-21-2004, 08:40 PM
dude!!! relax? the threads for fun man....chilll.......


04-21-2004, 08:40 PM
dude!!! relax? the threads for fun man....chilll.......

sorry i didnt know fun included calling me an idiot.

04-22-2004, 06:32 AM
I'm not RACIST, I don't have a real hatred for anyone based solely upon their race... I have an utter disdain for all people, regardless of their race, creed, color or gender. Stereotypes are funny to me, and I tell a lot of jokes that make people uncomfortable, even about my own people... Hell, especially about my own people. I guess you can call me "humanist" because I hate people. In fact, I hate people so much that sometimes I'll go to the mall in the food court and fart, then hang out somewhere in eyeshot just to see the disgusted look on people's faces as they walk by. This maneuver is even more fun when you do it right in fronta the chinese place and NO one goes there to eat as a result...

04-22-2004, 06:34 AM
try to be aware when we're making unfair generalizations about a person or people we don't know

okay. if i'm walking through 5th ward (the projects) at 2 am and i see a group of black guys come my way on the sidewalk should i:

a- assume they want to help me with my car trouble
b- assume the worst and look for a way to defend myself should the need arise

seriously, any honest black dude will tell you that the white dude should have known better than to be there. it's not about what you think WILL happen it's about the probability of what might happen. its in this manner that generalizations save lives. would a black guy feel comfortable walking around a KKK infected part of alabama? no, and he shouldn't. if he did he'd probably die because he was too stupid to see he was in danger but even the most retarded of us all have the ability to recognize these things.

stereotypes are based on fact. like it or not, there are people that perpetuate these images EVERY DAY. the drunk, wife beater wearing, trailor trash on cops? yeah, plenty of those. the gangsta thug dealin crack on the corner? him too.

just because you see differences and recognize them doesn't mean your racist. it means you're being honest. i don't date fat chicks, black chicks, and i try my best to avoid mexican chicks (long story). does that make me racist in a KKK type sense? nope, it's called having standards. i'm sure there are plenty of black or mexican chicks that wont even think about dating a skinny white dude.

signing off...

04-22-2004, 09:20 AM
I figured, in the interest of the spirit of this thread, I would lay out my idea I had last week, already shared with Steeles...

I watch movies that are "white" in nature and replace main characters with minorities and put the most racially irresponsible spin on the movie I can possibly come up with. Take for instance "Castaway" the movie will go the same leading up to Tom Hanks' character being on that island all alone, the difference is that his name is Leroy Jenkins, a black man. Further difference lies in the fact that BECAUSE he's a black man, no one fuckin looks for him... Fast forward like 6 years later, someone discovers that island to find a pile of bones and a volleyball with a face drawn on it.

04-22-2004, 09:39 AM
It is not ok however. Im not racist. I hate everyone the same.

04-22-2004, 09:56 AM
I figured, in the interest of the spirit of this thread, I would lay out my idea I had last week, already shared with Steeles...

I watch movies that are "white" in nature and replace main characters with minorities and put the most racially irresponsible spin on the movie I can possibly come up with. Take for instance "Castaway" the movie will go the same leading up to Tom Hanks' character being on that island all alone, the difference is that his name is Leroy Jenkins, a black man. Further difference lies in the fact that BECAUSE he's a black man, no one fuckin looks for him... Fast forward like 6 years later, someone discovers that island to find a pile of bones and a volleyball with a face drawn on it.

It wouldn't take 6 years.. Don't you know Black folks are LAZY!? He wouldn't have even made a shelter. lol :Ownedd:

04-22-2004, 10:59 AM
i thought black people didn't like airplanes

04-22-2004, 11:54 AM
no its boats we dont really like. but we are ok with them as long as there is a very clear understanding that the boat WILL be returning us from where we came. back in the day we didnt have that option

and now through the magic of Text messaging a few haikus from our friend Phlip and "Ego Trip's Big Book of Racism";
I live in terror... I don't trust those sand niggas... Still, i love slurpees

Oh mighty white man... Builder of bridges and steel... Don't touch my daughter

Yo yo, i'm black yo! Rap music and basketball... If only I danced

Kill that nigga dead... Fuck them niggas, kill them niggas... Our first gold record!

Straighten your hair out... To look like the white man's wife... At least you got ass

Norte del border... They look down at us all day... Canadians, die

Our mixed race first born... Blessed fruit of our union... Let's raise her as white

Yellow chink bastard... China man, oh china man... '2 shirts, no starch please'

No doubt it's true love... Fate has brought us together... My mail order bride

Hey, see that black man... Note how gracefully he walks... Throw a rock at him!

04-22-2004, 12:02 PM
You should see me around the shop...lol..Im not really racist i just like to make people. say "Goddamn..That was racist" and see there faces

04-22-2004, 12:09 PM
hah, most of you guys are trying to be careful in what you say right now. and thats good. really. means you didnt degrade yet :loco:

as far as me, call me whatever you want, but i do find racist jokes funny. its more of a cultural difference thing, for example, i dont stereotype all black people, why? i have black friends, but going and saying something "ah they are just nig..." is stereotyping. thats about it. me going and making racist comments usially persues one thing - i wanna piss those people off to start a fight. but thats it. why hate? because we are different,

this is why we are people. we can think, stereotype and be different from each other. call it racism of whatthefuckever. so, to hereby make out a conclusion, racism=stereotyping. plain and simple. and dont like to yourself, everyone is racism, maybe some a more, some are less. :loco:

04-22-2004, 04:25 PM

no, stereotyping is more of a learned observation generated over time. racism is the prejudice of another race. prejudging anyone is wrong but a lot of times the racism card is pulled when people are going off of much more than background. i'm just sick of the race card being pulled.

it's like with hate crimes. why the HELL is it worse for someone to kill a guy cause he's gay or black than if he looked at him wrong? it's retarded that the punishment is more severe. who the crap cares why you murdered someone? they are dead and you probably killed them for a stupid reason.

okay, i'm done.... for now!

p.s. the boat thing was funny... ha... ha...

04-22-2004, 06:12 PM
try to be aware when we're making unfair generalizations about a person or people we don't know

okay. if i'm walking through 5th ward (the projects) at 2 am and i see a group of black guys come my way on the sidewalk should i:

a- assume they want to help me with my car trouble
b- assume the worst and look for a way to defend myself should the need arise


signing off...
Well, the truth is you'll never know what the group of black guys really want until you're in it.
And just to clarify, I didn't say that we shouldn't make generalizations about other people. In fact, I think in the same paragraph I said that we can't help it, and that everybody does it, either consciously or subconsciously.
Sometimes those generalizations can help us (in the case that the group of black guys wanted to kill you for some reason), but other times they can hurt us (if they wanted to help you, would they still want to after you tried to fight them?). It's a coin toss...

04-22-2004, 07:13 PM
a coin toss denotes that it could go either way. that is not the case. sure, with some people that might be but it's about which outcome is more likely. i know that if a black dude expects a warm welcome from a very openly racist region he will be dissapointed because the redneck jackass stereotype is based on redneck jackasses that will almost certainly try to "bring down the brotha man". to assume that he'd get messed with is not racism, it's survival instinct. what would people say if a white dude got messed with in the projects? i garuntee "he should've known better" would be on both sides of the fence.

04-22-2004, 09:07 PM
ahhh, I have to much to type about this subject. I grew up racist. (I grew up in a cowboy hick town, and I'm asian) I hated white people when I was young. That's the past. After awhile, I realized that I don't hate white people. I wasn't racist, more like identi-ist. I hate certain groups of people, such as hicks, ghetto niggers, and rich snobby asians. Sure, the are asian, black and white, but I don't hate all black, white or asian people, just the people in that category. You guys get what I'm saying? I had a black, white, and two asian roomates just about 7 months ago. And we all lived together for over 4 years. I treated them like brothers and never saw them for their race.

04-22-2004, 10:51 PM
[b].......just because you see differences and recognize them doesn't mean your racist. it means you're being honest. i don't date fat chicks, black chicks, and i try my best to avoid mexican chicks (long story). does that make me racist in a KKK type sense? nope, it's called having standards. i'm sure there are plenty of black or mexican chicks that wont even think about dating a skinny white dude.

signing off...

yes they would.....just duck tape a thousand bucks on you at a party....you'll get any girl there..maybe...

04-23-2004, 08:20 AM
yes they would.....just duck tape a thousand bucks on you at a party....you'll get any girl there..maybe...

50% of what most girls want from men is money and/or power. 40% is looks, novelty, and all the other stuff they say they dont care about. 10% is what they say they only care about.

class dismissed ;)

04-23-2004, 09:04 AM
I hate the racism that seems excepted.. like coleges not excepting white males couse they dont have enough black or asian. becouse they dont want to be seen as racist. I know there are alot of us white males around. but why bother even asking about race? what does it realy have to do will how you are excepted in schools or other places like that ?

04-23-2004, 11:56 AM
heh... if people were to listen to me and my friends talking you would probably think that we are racist bastards but its all jokes towards each other... we all just kid around with each other but we never disrespect others by saying it outloud in the public where others might be offended... anything taken out of context can be hurtfull to others... but maybe if they just mind they're own business then there will be no problem

i was walking around the mall with a friend and his girlfriend buying a gift for another friend... well my friend wanted to leave already cuz we were already late but his girl kept on looking at different things and my friend says outloud to her "Dang u laggin ass filipino.. lets go already" for those that might not know stereotypically filipinos tend to lag and be late... well another couple that was walking around over heard my friend and was all muggin at him... i swear i wanted to beat the doodes ass cuz he was tryin to act like he could knock us out.. i mean my friend didnt say anything to them but since they took it out of context and they dont really understand wut was going on they got offended...

04-23-2004, 08:01 PM
that just made no fucking sence. :tweak:

04-23-2004, 10:12 PM
that just made no fucking sence. :tweak:

maybe related to SilviaSR20DET:D..j/k

50% of what most girls want from men is money and/or power. 40% is looks, novelty, and all the other stuff they say they dont care about. 10% is what they say they only care about.

class dismissed

tell that to the handless guy and his wife i met a couple months ago.

i talked to the guy at where i work, he said he lost both his arms in an accident at work..(basically the machine chewed his hands off :eek3d: )..he wasn't going to sue the company, but the company paid him about 600,000 in workers comp money...let's just say his wife was so freaken hot...(tight pants and a g hanging out.. :drool: )

the guy didn't seem like he was lying to me...he seemed pretty cool when he talked about it.......he bought so much stuff from my work too....

oops...sorry if i jack this thread..

04-24-2004, 09:46 AM

04-24-2004, 11:53 AM
*10 minutes later* I CAN'T STOP LOOKING AT THIS SITE!!!

04-24-2004, 12:40 PM
it is freaking brilliance :)

04-24-2004, 01:19 PM
how did you guys get to being racist or making racist jokes to the friendship ladder :squint:

04-24-2004, 01:59 PM
Dont hang around here much do you?

04-28-2004, 07:24 AM
how did you guys get to being racist or making racist jokes to the friendship ladder :squint:
Because racism and misogyny go hand in hand, seeing as how they are both infinitely entertaining.

04-28-2004, 07:51 AM
"Die thread DIE".....take that ! POW and that :rl:

(cue the crane kick) "CRANE KICK!" "crane kick" keeeyawwwwwwwwww!!!
*in the background "put him in a bodybag!"


04-28-2004, 08:09 AM
And by posting on the thread, you work to keep it's legacy alive... But I will share the book I most recently finished reading, ironically enough:


04-28-2004, 08:52 AM
yeah phlip I need to borrow that now that your done. oh and tonight eight oclock our favorite waitresses. bikini contest

young gun
04-28-2004, 09:35 AM
racisim is part of american life, sterotypes wouldent exist if there wasnt enough people to back them. for example Pattywagon is a term used with out question, well look at it again "patty" is a racial slur for those of irish decent that was borne during the early part of this century during the mas influx of irish citizens into america. Im irish and im cool with that, but if you called it a "niggerwagon" or a "Beanerwagon" you can bet there would be huge protests because thats raciaily insensitive(even though modern crime statistics show that the majority of people arrested in america are black and hispanic, not being racist its just the truth.) Also another reason many people harbor racil prejduice is a direct result of afirmative action. I know people who couldrnt get into certin colloges soley because they were white, thats super lame. Next i get realy mad when i hear black people toating this idea of reperations, and shit and using slavery as excuse. What The fuck!! you arnt a slave, your parents wernt slaves, shit your grand parents wernt slaves. You doent deserve shit! and while on the subject, there were white slaves too, so why dont i hear there decendants bitching about reperations? The japanese american comunity is much more deserving of such a thing, just 50 years ago they were hddeled into camps. My next point is i hate people who raise there child to be ignorant, this goes for all races, Wether its teaching them hate or teaching them ebonics it makes me sick, how are we suposed when one generation is just as ignorant as the one before, Progress requires progression. MY closing note involves the native americans if anyone deserves anything its them, but you know what were man enough not to want it. Being of native american decendant i can say i chose not to use part of my heritage as a leg up, i didnt use it to get college scholarships or anything cause i dont want any fucking handouts, ill work to make it somewhere cause thats what america is about. Hitler tried to kill off a race of people, so did america, sadly america did a beter job.

p.s. if you dont like what i have to say :fawkd: , cause i dont give two shits, the truth is the truth.

04-28-2004, 09:42 AM
I've seen the affermative action card played alot in this thread in regards to getting into college. the real problem with that is white kids arent abusing the system to balance it out. my best friend thought about this when he was trying to figure out how to go to college. he went and applied at NC A&T (a traditionally BLACK college) on guess what? a minority scholarship. he didnt end up going cause he got a full ride as a teaching fellow, but lo and behold almost 8 years later his younger brother is now an A&T aggie on a minority scholarship.

Affermative action isnt racist, its a system. learn to work it and quit bitchin

04-28-2004, 10:14 AM
the real problem with that is white kids arent abusing the system to balance it out.

Good point....Everyone has to realize that they are a minority in some form, and use it to their advantage..That's how you beat the system.

BiluMaster K's
04-28-2004, 10:42 AM
stick it to the man!

04-28-2004, 11:57 AM
i think elders need to be abused more....

young gun
04-28-2004, 12:04 PM
i think elders need to be abused more....
yeah they suck at life, live fast die young

04-28-2004, 01:23 PM
i think elders need to be abused more....

I dont know about abused but maybe they should be eaten...

The other night i was thinking. Since they brought up the military draft again on the news, i thought why not send the useless people first. First the senior citizens go. Then celebrities, then certiain demographics. Like useless people..unemployed go, people in jail/prison go, disabled people go.Illegal aliens go, and then people from hondatech.com go. It's stupid to draft 18-25 year olds. That's the next generation, the backbone of the country. What does this have to do with racism? no clue

04-28-2004, 02:48 PM
yeah they suck at life, live fast die young
Good point, that leaves a good looking corpse...

The other night i was thinking. Since they brought up the military draft again on the news, i thought why not send the useless people first. First the senior citizens go. Then celebrities, then certiain demographics. Like useless people..unemployed go, people in jail/prison go, disabled people go.Illegal aliens go, and then people from hondatech.com go. It's stupid to draft 18-25 year olds. That's the next generation, the backbone of the country. What does this have to do with racism? no clue
How do you propose that they actually FIND these illegal aliens? The ones they know about have either gotten pregnant and married into citizenship, got into some legal beef and deported, or are working anonymously at some construstion site for half what their legal contemporaries make... You were right, however, with who get's drafted in what order from there: Start with the old people, then the convicts, they'll be itching to get outta jail to do SOMETHING other than write bullshit books/poetry and converting to islam, then go ahead and start with the celebrities, but I think that the public should vote on which celebrities go first... In fact, I will be compiling a list, starting with Cuba Gooding Jr.

04-28-2004, 03:32 PM
I say we start with Frankie Munez. No 16 year old needs to have a 250,000 dollar porsche speedster. Then from there we'll go with lil bow wow..but lil romeo stays cause i like Master P. And the first senior to go will be George Bush Sr.

04-29-2004, 05:51 AM
I say we start with Frankie Munez. No 16 year old needs to have a 250,000 dollar porsche speedster. Then from there we'll go with lil bow wow..but lil romeo stays cause i like Master P. And the first senior to go will be George Bush Sr.
Agreed on Frankie Muniz, but if Bow Wow goes, so does Romeo for carbon copying his image, then Master P DOES go because he is unoriginal and untalented and downright ignorant and annoying. While we are knocking off rappers, I want D12 smoked too for being a buncha fucking clowns... Now on with the Seniors, and yes we can start with Bush senior, and you can merc Ronald Reagan with him.

04-29-2004, 07:30 AM
chingy jkwon whats that other soundalike? and I dont care how funny Chappelle's kid thiinks he is that lil bastard Nick cannon is going without a fucking gun. send Da Band over to back him up. and if I hear everyday people one mre freakin time Im digging up Arrested Development and sending them and whatever station manager that OKs that song being still played on the radio.

sending the convicts is a good idea. especially the convicted murderers. who better to kill off our enemies?

04-29-2004, 07:44 AM
, then Master P DOES go because he is unoriginal and untalented and downright ignorant and annoying.

"P, let me hear you say Uhn............."
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn!!" :squintd:

04-29-2004, 07:49 AM
"P, let me hear you say Uhn............."
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn!!" :squintd:
Back in that period when he realized that the Tupac impersonation and stealing lines from the Luniz wasn't gonna do it for him, he attempted to be original and came up with some of the most entertainingly shitty music. To move this thread back to "is racism OK," I will say that there is NOTHING wrong with racism if you are expending extra energy to hate black people from Louisiana named Percy Miller who own record labels that advocate the creation of shitty music and shittier movies...

04-29-2004, 08:35 AM
Dammit, leave the house for 30 minutes and come with more reason for racism, I have been answering this question for damn near 4 years now...
*standing in line at the grocery store*
Random 70 year old white woman: "OH MY GOD, YOUR HAIR IS SO INTERESTING!!!"
Me: *clinches fist, gritting teeth* "thank you"
WW: "Is it real? How much of it is yours?"
Me: *clinches OTHER fist and makes no effort to hide my aggravation* "yes, it is real and is all mine"
WW: "how long does it take to grow something like that, how does it work?"
Me: "almost 4 years and this is the hair's natural tendency"
WW: *putting her items on the counter and reaching* "Oh, I have just GOT to touch it"

--at this point, I am making a decision, should I square up and PUNCH this old woman, or should I approach this in a civil manner and:
1. Let her touch my hair and go on about my day, allowing this old woman to continue on hers having played me like a domesticated animal.
2. Step back and try to politely tell this woman that I would rather that she not touch my hair?

... I met in the middle.
Me: *steps back and now sporting the full 'angry black man' face* "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!"

She turned beet red and apologized, or I would assume that they were apologies, I was done listening to her bullshit...

04-29-2004, 09:24 AM
You're mean. haha. And Master P is sick. My fav cd of his was with Silkk and C-murder. Tru to tha Game.

Once upon a time in a crack house
A ni**a was choppin up a key
It was droubt season
And everybody was fiendin
So they had to come and buy their dope from me

I have respect for him cause he sold so much drugs and became rich before he was famous for being a rap star. Drug dealers are cool.

04-29-2004, 10:02 AM
I have respect for him cause he sold so much drugs and became rich before he was famous for being a rap star. Drug dealers are cool.
No, Master P was an honor student who got a large amount of money from his grandfather when he died. Collected that money while he was in college on a basketball scholarship in houston, where he was introdiuced to rap music. Hurt his knee and dropped out having lost the scholarship, made some records, pretty much copycatting cats from houston and the bay area of california, used the exposure in those 2 areas to sell a LOT of records out of the trunks of cars, opened some record stores in houston, cali and new orleans, the THREE places you go if you wanna get on with "regional" type music... The stores sell well, Tupac gets popular, he bites the "Ice Cream Man" idea from the luniz and get's popular... Tupac's popularity SOARS, his music changes accordingly... Tupac dies and everyone on the label rhymes like Pac, except for Silkk, who rhymes like my cousin Desmond, who stutters... Badly. That shit stops selling, because now cash money is out and using more of the N.O regional slang and actual good beats, master p reinvents himself again, doing the same thing, but pales in comparison... Out of the limelight now, he watches the game, Lil Bow Wow is big now and he has a son about that age. "Why the fuck not?" Now we have Lil Romeo, sadly enough... That flash in tha pan dies, NOW everyone is using Lil Jon beats or beats that sound like them... I'm watching videos after I get home from court monday and a new Master P video is on, and I hear NONE OTHER in the background of the bass-heavy 808 beat but Mr. Jonathan Smith's signature "WHAT!!!"

I guess I was suckered in for a while, but I lost interest when his fraudulent hustler stories and "follower" habits began to work at my nerves...

04-29-2004, 10:09 AM
so in fact he wasnt a drug dealer tryin to make a dolla outta 15 cent? He in fact had money from his family? lol. it's nice to know things and it's sad that it changes one's perspective on something that might have seemed real before. well okay i still respect him for making 100 million dollars in a year and starting his own rap label.. Whatcha gotta say about that huh?

Bill Roberts
04-29-2004, 12:15 PM
I simply loved the period in N.O. when I was not only recording and mixing rap artists, I actually did some productions (beats) as well and this was 1993-1997. It was hilarious when all da brothers would come in and say....hey Man, that nigga a white dude!! It took about 10 mins to break the ice ;) but we all had fun and got along fine. How I ended up producing and recording rap artists is another chapter all in itself. I guess it did not hurt that I was already in my mid 30's back then.

Good times were had by all....(except the cats that lived by their ryhmes and ryhmed their life and ended up either in prison or the wrong in of a street sweepa, mak 10, tek 9 or uzi)

I still have many friends in N.O. and I consider it pretty color blind there, I never had a problem...first glance some funny looks..but when you are doing the same thing, you are in.

Andrew Bohan
04-29-2004, 12:28 PM
haha philip you reminded me of huggy bear in starsky and hutch
nobody touches huggy bear

04-29-2004, 02:55 PM
well okay i still respect him for making 100 million dollars in a year and starting his own rap label.. Whatcha gotta say about that huh?
I can respect his having MADE the money, but leave me to my opinion on disliking the complete and total lack of honesty he has presented in HOW hemade that living and the fact that he has made that living capitolizing on the accomplishments of others who did it better than he did before he ever did it...

And the product has STILL gotten progressively shittier.

04-29-2004, 03:03 PM
ok Phlip. I totally get what you're saying. His "product" is complete shit now. And his capitolization on the accomplishments of others is why i respect him more. Same reason i respect Diddy. I dont like his product, but i like his attitude.

04-29-2004, 04:20 PM
I believe everyone is a "racist" to some extent. Origin of racism stems from difference. Which then branches out to culture, looks etc. I could hate anyone and everyone if i chose. But why would I want to waste the time doing that?

04-29-2004, 04:23 PM
I believe everyone is a "racist" to some extent. Origin of racism stems from difference. Which then branches out to culture, looks etc. I could hate anyone and everyone if i chose. But why would I want to waste the time doing that?

is that what the original topic was again??..


and you would waste time doing that because instead you waste time interacting with those you would otherwise avoid due to your previously established sterotypes and views...:)..saves time in the long run to hate people now...