View Full Version : SupaDoopa stole my wheels!

04-22-2013, 02:27 PM
So I have been dealing with him for almost a year now trying to get all this sorted out an he has not done anything about it. So I will explain how everything went.

Last year in may I had my work vskf's up for sale, they were 18x9.5+15 an 18x11-5. Supadoopa lives somewhat close to me, but he is in the army an at the time he was stationed in El Paso Texas. The deal was a trade for the work's, front fenders, bumper an skirts off my s13 for his s13.

The s13 was with him in Texas an he took a plane up here to to pick up the wheels an parts when he was visiting home.

We made a bill of sale which I still have an I will post up tomorrow when I get home. After he got back to Texas he said he had an e30 that he could trade me instead of the s13 because he would rather keep the s13. I said yea because I was a fan of e30's anyways.

He said it had a rebuilt motor an all he had to do was put the oil pan on it an it would be good to go. So I was waiting for him to do that an get a conformation that the car did actually run an then I was going to call my shipping company to go pick up the car.

This never happened, he never put the oil pan on an got it running, I was talking to him for months an he would just come up with some excuse to why it has not been done yet.

Eventually I told him just to sell the car an pay me the money he owe's me. He agreed, but ended up not selling the car an traded it for a set of te37s which he has up for trade now.

So I then talked to him an told him just to send me the wheels back because I do not feel like dealing with this anymore. He told me the wheels were on his g35 which had been in an accident an was in the shop an he could not get them at the moment but would contact me when the car was out of the shop.

I have not heard from him sense, an have seen a picture with my wheels on the car, an the title of the picture is sold


I texted him today an told him if he does not give me a date when he will be paying for the wheels or ship them back to me then in the morning I am going to have to report them as stolen. I do not want to do this but at the moment it does not seam like I have any other choice.

Also here is a link to my original for sale thread on my local fourm

RI work vskf 18x9.5 18x11 - 240sxONE Forums (http://forums.240sxone.com/showthread.php?t=25265)

And here is a thread he put up about three months ago trying to trade the wheels


And here is a thread he has up now of the te37's that he traded the e30 for. Which originally was supposed to go to me but took forever an told him just to sell it an give me the cash.


I just wanted to make this thread to make everyone aware what a scumbag this kid is an to not trust anything he has up for sale or say he will buy from you.

04-22-2013, 02:47 PM
Why'd you give them to him before receiving anything?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2

04-22-2013, 02:51 PM
yea dude i woulda made his ass bring up his car and leave it if he is taking some of my parts

04-22-2013, 02:55 PM
Because I live in R.I. an the car was in Texas. He came back home an we made the deal then, He was shipping a bunch of stuff from up here to Texas an he was going to ship the wheels along with everything else he had to go down there. I was then going to have a shipping company pick up the car.

I still have the bill of sale which I will be going to the police with, I just made this thread just to give out info on how he tries to scam people.

04-22-2013, 02:56 PM
Awhile back I was dealing with a Marine for a different hobby, I was told to contact his military superiors. After the person I was dealing with saw what people were suggesting, he ended up biting the bullet and returned the money he owed me.

Try giving that a shot. Good luck though!

04-22-2013, 03:00 PM
yea dude i woulda made his ass bring up his car and leave it if he is taking some of my parts

From El Paso to R.I. is like a 35hr drive, which is pretty far. That is why I was going to use the shipping company.

Awhile back I was dealing with a Marine for a different hobby, I was told to contact his military superiors. After the person I was dealing with saw what people were suggesting, he ended up biting the bullet and returned the money he owed me.

Try giving that a shot. Good luck though!

Thanks man, that is actually a very good idea.

04-22-2013, 03:05 PM
I hope you get your wheels back or at least compensated for them.

04-22-2013, 03:11 PM
That's messed up. I would NEVER do trades that weren't in person-- no matter how high the feedback score or reputation, you can still get scammed.

Since you were the seller in this case, you should have received Supa's form of payment first. No exceptions. That's just how people get scammed, sellers get rid of their stuff first then the buyer dips just before paying.

Anyway, you could contact the authorities but I can guarantee you that there will be 0 progress made from where you are now. I wish you the best though, good luck.

04-22-2013, 03:23 PM
I hope you get your wheels back or at least compensated for them.

Thank you dude

That's messed up. I would NEVER do trades that weren't in person-- no matter how high the feedback score or reputation, you can still get scammed.

Since you were the seller in this case, you should have received Supa's form of payment first. No exceptions. That's just how people get scammed, sellers get rid of their stuff first then the buyer dips just before paying.

Anyway, you could contact the authorities but I can guarantee you that there will be 0 progress made from where you are now. I wish you the best though, good luck.

Yea I normally would not do this, but I did know him from before hand because he lives close to me so I just went an did the deal, which now i know was deff a bad idea.

04-22-2013, 03:28 PM
All I got to say is you dumbass fault for giving someone your parts without anything in return.

04-22-2013, 03:53 PM
hope you get him booted from the military....FCUK Thieves

04-22-2013, 04:07 PM
Awhile back I was dealing with a Marine for a different hobby, I was told to contact his military superiors. After the person I was dealing with saw what people were suggesting, he ended up biting the bullet and returned the money he owed me.

Try giving that a shot. Good luck though!

Only posting because this exact same thing happened to me. I got some general numbers for his post off the internet and started calling around until I got someone who knew him, then eventually to a superior.

Not long after I had my refund. Military don't fuck around.

EDIT: Also worth mentioning our email chain was through his .mil email address - might be key.

04-22-2013, 05:35 PM
^^^Ninja edit...beat me to it...

Best bet, if he's in the Army, post up his real name. Somebody can look him up in the GAU and find out which unit he's with. Once you find out his unit, get ahold of his 1st Sgt or Commander, raise enough stink about it and see what they do for you.

04-22-2013, 05:38 PM
This dude is a thief. You guys are just his latest victims. Sorry.

04-22-2013, 05:38 PM
SupaDoopa ! Man up and sort this shit up !!!

04-22-2013, 05:40 PM
Jason Pimentel is his name.

04-22-2013, 05:56 PM
Now that I look at it, dude has some bad history here too.


04-22-2013, 06:00 PM
From that second link you posted seems like there is a few people he's screwed over.

04-22-2013, 06:01 PM
Before cars he stole paintball gear I've been told, then moved on to stealing car parts.

04-22-2013, 06:01 PM
Jason Pimentel is his name.

LOL'd at " (drift king) and the goofy profile picture next to it.

Good luck op, wont need much because as everyone else has suggested; his superiors will get at him for you.

04-22-2013, 06:01 PM
Contact his chain of command. You'll have your money by the end of May and he will go to NJP and get knocked down a rank or worse, booted.

Fuck this guy. Hate people like him

04-22-2013, 06:46 PM
Thank you for the suggestions everyone. Hopefully I do get in contact with one of his commanders an he just pays me back the money or wheels an this all goes smoothly. I really don't want to go to the cops but i'm just tired of dealing with his bullshit, so for now i'm going to see if just talking with the army will work.

04-22-2013, 07:04 PM
What a fucking scumbag.
Gives the army a bad name to have fucking punks like that in service.
I hope he folds towels at the gym or some dumb shit.

04-22-2013, 08:18 PM
Jason Pimentel is his name.

Looking at his Justin Biever-ish hair, looks like he might have gotten out of the army.

Anybody in the army wanna check the GAU and see if he's still in?

04-22-2013, 08:42 PM
Contact his chain of command. You'll have your money by the end of May and he will go to NJP and get knocked down a rank or worse, booted.

Fuck this guy. Hate people like him


im ex navy and once it hits your command, you're fucked. even if you do right, you are still looked at like a scumbag. Just get a hold of the legal dept of the command. Should be pretty easy.

s0fa king
04-22-2013, 09:07 PM
lol! i love when dirtbags get found out. GTFO of the military, giving us a bad name.

04-22-2013, 09:28 PM
You might want to contact the MP's too. Since this isn't petty theft he could get the slammer.

04-22-2013, 09:32 PM
Damn me and that dude have a lot of mutual friends.

04-22-2013, 10:07 PM
from what I heard he got honorably discharged from the military..... I was friends with him on facebook, but i never knew he did so much wrong until I came on this thread.

04-22-2013, 10:55 PM
About a year and a half ago I bought an SR20 turbo elbow from SupaDoopa and never received it either.

This is the thread I bought it from:

04-23-2013, 11:34 AM
Agreement was he was coming to get the car here in TX and never did. Then recently he wanted me to pay 2K which wasn't the agr. ment. You never came and got the car. The buyer for the G backed out. We agreed IF and only IF I can sell the E30, we can go that route with cash. If not, you would come grab the car. If you plan on posting things stolen, at least be truthful. I'd like to see the paperwork that I signed also.

Also, I have our text conversations are saved on my.phone. I am not childish enough to put you on blast bug I suggest telling the whole truth before you do the same for me. Then car is here in running condition .Get on a plane and come get it. Oh wait... you sent a text saying you suddenly only wanted cash because local trouble with neighbors and cops which goes against our trade.

Liars get caught. Kids who tell the truth go far. If you want to make it work, text me so I can further save our conversations

04-23-2013, 11:37 AM
About a year and a half ago I bought an SR20 turbo elbow from SupaDoopa and never received it either.

This is the thread I bought it from:

If you never got it, why didn't you ever post feedback or a thread? Cool story, bro.

04-23-2013, 12:26 PM
Why not just make things right. If he didn’t make this thread, would you have just kept ignoring him? It’s been a year.

So you still have your s13, e30, g35, and his wheels? If the buyer of the g35 backed out, just give him his wheels back. Simple as that.

04-23-2013, 12:33 PM
just give him the wheels back.

end of thread.

04-23-2013, 12:43 PM
http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2012/098/8/5/lapis_the_rabbit_eating_popcorn_3d_by_lapisrabbitc omics-d4vgn87.jpg

Big Daddy 18det
04-23-2013, 12:46 PM
NAIRB, if he's still in the Army just take his ass to count . U have all just have all your paper work in order and If you ave emails from him or text message that will help you too .... That's what I would do .....

04-23-2013, 12:59 PM
I was originally going to pick up the car. After pricing out plane tickets, gas an food an everything I decided I was going to use a shipping company.

I never got the car because you said you needed to put the oil pan on. This is the first time you said it actually ran.

And I told you just to sell the car an give me money because you were taking forever to put the oil pan on. I figured this would be easier because you seamed to not want to work on the car an just selling it an giving me the cash would be faster, and also I didn't mind this deal because i don't have alot of room for cars because of problems with my neighbors an shit. But mostly it was just to get any from of payment out of you that I could.

And also you told me you traded the e30 for a set of te37s so I assumed the car was gone an that's why I have only been asking you for money or the wheels back.

04-23-2013, 01:20 PM
Give the wheels and parts back end of story.

04-23-2013, 01:48 PM
excited to see where this goes lol..

a friend of mine was in the marines (he was alittle nutts) decided he wanted to leave. He litterally went out to a store out of the country and stole some shit. He was then discharged. lol

go find his military superiors and get this foo screwed

04-23-2013, 03:21 PM
I don't see why this is so complicated.

04-23-2013, 03:42 PM
I talked to him a few hours ago an he told me he will be sending me the money. So hopefully soon this will be all done with.

04-23-2013, 04:03 PM
He still deserves a solid kick in the dick.

04-23-2013, 04:09 PM
I don't see why this is so complicated.

Right? This would all be solved if the dude just gave the wheels back and quit rapping too.

"Ignorant is what I be and money is what I make. I make that buttuh, land o lakes. I got all this dough but nothin' to bake. Get your girl out off my dick for heavens sake. She's with me 'cause I fuck her better. I make it rain cheese - white cheddar. She comes over on the daily even when you don't let her. She comes over wet, I get her wetter."

:coolugh: what is that?!^

04-23-2013, 04:12 PM
He is probably just mad the wheels looked like shit on his g35 so he didnt pay you lol.

04-23-2013, 04:30 PM
Looked at profile picture, read the rap verse, saw multi colored suspension pieces, kid obviously tries to hard. El paso is a shit area. It should just be part of mexico. When the chinese people at the chinese restaurant speak spanish and no english......you know shit is going down hill. The only thing cool about El Paso, is the 80 mph speed limit when you leave.

04-23-2013, 04:45 PM
Bitches wanna fuck, on my dick they land.
I got that cash money flyin' outta my hands.
Every fuckin' hour I make three hundred grand.
I fuck bitches so hard, they can't sit - they stand.

I don't get it. He makes $7.2 million a day and can't pay for some wheels? smh

04-23-2013, 06:01 PM
"Ignorant is what I be and money is what I make. I make that buttuh, land o lakes. I got all this dough but nothin' to bake. Get your girl out off my dick for heavens sake. She's with me 'cause I fuck her better. I make it rain cheese - white cheddar. She comes over on the daily even when you don't let her. She comes over wet, I get her wetter."

Whered you find this little gem at? :ddog:

04-23-2013, 06:46 PM
^Facebook lol

04-23-2013, 07:29 PM
If you never got it, why didn't you ever post feedback or a thread? Cool story, bro.

Because to me, $60 or however much I paid, is not worth the hassle like how this thread has become.

04-24-2013, 05:07 PM
This guy is the BIGGEST douche on the planet. Hes a member on 240sxONE.com and i think every posting member had a tussle with this kid at some point or another. If you dont act, you are NOT going to get your cash. Id give the douche a couple days at best, then take action. Also, all the shit ive seen come out of this ass hat idk how hes still even in the 240 community.


04-26-2013, 01:01 AM
wait, correct me if I'm wrong, but he also has a STI...?


04-26-2013, 02:12 PM
^ you are correct

05-05-2013, 03:28 PM
Wasn't interested in thread til I noticed...your local! Hope you get your shit back..or the money...or his ass kicked out of military. Fucking hate thieves.

05-06-2013, 12:14 AM
I hope you get that ignorant child kicked out of the military. I lol'd so hard at what he deemed a rap verse. The kid is trying way too hard.... Report that bastard

05-06-2013, 09:34 AM
To the OP,

Since making this thread and getting his attention, has anything been agreed upon? Did you settle anything?

05-06-2013, 10:34 PM
"Ignorant is what I be and money is what I make. I make that buttuh, land o lakes. I got all this dough but nothin' to bake. Get your girl out off my dick for heavens sake. She's with me 'cause I fuck her better. I make it rain cheese - white cheddar. She comes over on the daily even when you don't let her. She comes over wet, I get her wetter."

Wait what? No....:picardfp:

Just give his wheels back bro...

05-06-2013, 11:32 PM
Hmm I've met jay before and bought my tension rods off him. Seemed like a cool guy and we helped him sell his hatch if I remember correctly posting links everywhere. Bad situation.....

05-07-2013, 01:43 PM
go get your wheels, take a shit on his face and family then call it a day

05-08-2013, 05:59 AM
So lets go pick up your car then, I'm in for a road trip!

Since he sold the g35 with them on, I would say pick up the e30 and call it even for all
The hassle and patience you had OP your very humble stay that way lets learn from this.
I'm glad his paying you thou just work it out everyone.

05-08-2013, 06:22 AM
El paso is a shit area. It should just be part of mexico. When the chinese people at the chinese restaurant speak spanish and no english......you know shit is going down hill. The only thing cool about El Paso, is the 80 mph speed limit when you leave.


This is classic

05-08-2013, 04:10 PM
Thanks for the kind and or entertaining words everyone.

So far this is the update with this mess. On the local forum his wife messaged me and told me she seen the thread on here and had no idea that this was going on and she was going to talk to him and help get me my money.
So just waiting on the response from that.

05-08-2013, 04:28 PM
Haha, owned by the wife.

05-08-2013, 04:28 PM
Wifies jumping in?! Hahahaha!

05-08-2013, 04:31 PM
HAHA!! Oooo someones in trouble... :D

05-08-2013, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the kind and or entertaining words everyone.

So far this is the update with this mess. On the local forum his wife messaged me and told me she seen the thread on here and had no idea that this was going on and she was going to talk to him and help get me my money.
So just waiting on the response from that.

I don't ususally respond to this kind of stuff... I just sit back and eat my popcorn but this had me rolling....:Ownedd::rofl:

05-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Hope she can come through for you!

05-08-2013, 04:50 PM
Or that was him, pretending to be his wife so he can play with your emotions some more. I would have fucking called the cops already and made a complaint.

So Make Like
05-08-2013, 05:05 PM
Or that was him, pretending to be his wife so he can play with your emotions some more. I would have fucking called the cops already and made a complaint.

how low does one have to stoop?

05-08-2013, 05:12 PM
Dam, wife probably feels like she married a manchild if she has to take care of him like his mother.

S12 Drifter
05-08-2013, 05:46 PM

you mother should have swallowed you... i dont see why you 240SX owners go to his house and take all the cars he has and HIDE THEM not strip them but hide them throughout the city LMFAOOO

05-08-2013, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the kind and or entertaining words everyone.

So far this is the update with this mess. On the local forum his wife messaged me and told me she seen the thread on here and had no idea that this was going on and she was going to talk to him and help get me my money.
So just waiting on the response from that.

Did it go something like this?:

"Oh my gawd, I cannot believe he is doing this to you! It's just not like my husband. I was searching the for sale threads for car parts for him (like I usually do) and was so shocked when I saw your thread that I dropped my celly in the toilet. Otherwise I'd be on the phone with him this instant! Unfortunately he's out of town right now, but if you paypal me $40 for gas I will gladly make the drive to talk to him about it."

Flip's right. It's probably him.

05-08-2013, 06:49 PM
The message actually seamed pretty straight forward, here it is.

"Hi, I saw your thread on zilvia, and I don't have an account on there so I figured I'd message you on here. I'm jays wife and I just wanted to see what he owes you for the wheels, or if I can help resolve this. I can't get you the wheels because I still live in mass and he's in Texas but maybe I can help get your money. I already texted him and asked him what was going on but he hasn't answered. I remember him getting the wheels and he told me that you were getting the 240 from Texas. Then I remember him saying about the e30. I was not aware that none of this ever happened. I'm sorry he's doing this. Anyways, feel free to message me back on here or you can text me:"

This is it word for word minus her number.

05-08-2013, 06:55 PM
So lemme get this straight...this guy was in the army, got out long enough to have a Beib haircut on but his wife is "still living in MA" like she never moved to TX when he was stationed there? That shit sounds straiiiiiiiggggght suspect.

I say ask for neekid pix to check if she's real...

05-08-2013, 07:04 PM
^This but have her send them holding a sign with your name on it....so you know it's not some internet random...lol

05-08-2013, 07:13 PM
This is a interesting thread.... because I was looking at those wheels on Craigslist recently and that looks like the same car that they were shown on in the ad.

I'm glad I didn't buy them now that I know there basically stolen from you.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

05-08-2013, 07:13 PM
Well I know there is still a house up here because there is still cars and shit there because I know people that live near him.

I don't think he was supposed to be down there for that long but had to go back down for some reason or something, I don't remember, I didn't really care why.

And yea, if I don't get a pm back by tomorrow with some sort of real info I am just going to call her.

05-08-2013, 07:55 PM
So, what happened?

S12 Drifter
05-08-2013, 08:09 PM
This is going to blow up into another internet meme

"thief caught from military stealing and ripping people off."

05-08-2013, 08:47 PM
"Thief steals wheels, victim calls thiefs wife;

Issue resolved"

S12 Drifter
05-08-2013, 08:51 PM
"Thief steals wheels, victim calls thiefs wife;

Issue resolved"
:bowrofl: :rofl::bowrofl:

S12 Drifter
05-08-2013, 08:52 PM
does it say he even has a wife on facebook? this could be a scam ya know.

05-08-2013, 09:22 PM
"Thief steals wheels, victim calls thiefs wife;

Issue resolved"


does it say he even has a wife on facebook? this could be a scam ya know.

Im not sure, as I do not have a facebook. But I do know she is a real person, and from the last I heard she has an evo which I seen driving around from time to time.

05-09-2013, 07:37 AM
^This but have her send them holding a sign with your name on it.
Hahaha! Also ask her to lick her finger for you in the picture.

05-09-2013, 07:45 AM
So I have been dealing with him for almost a year now trying to get all this sorted out an he has not done anything about it. So I will explain how everything went.

Last year in may I had my work vskf's up for sale, they were 18x9.5+15 an 18x11-5. Supadoopa lives somewhat close to me, but he is in the army an at the time he was stationed in El Paso Texas. The deal was a trade for the work's, front fenders, bumper an skirts off my s13 for his s13.

The s13 was with him in Texas an he took a plane up here to to pick up the wheels an parts when he was visiting home.

We made a bill of sale which I still have an I will post up tomorrow when I get home. After he got back to Texas he said he had an e30 that he could trade me instead of the s13 because he would rather keep the s13. I said yea because I was a fan of e30's anyways.

He said it had a rebuilt motor an all he had to do was put the oil pan on it an it would be good to go. So I was waiting for him to do that an get a conformation that the car did actually run an then I was going to call my shipping company to go pick up the car.

This never happened, he never put the oil pan on an got it running, I was talking to him for months an he would just come up with some excuse to why it has not been done yet.

Eventually I told him just to sell the car an pay me the money he owe's me. He agreed, but ended up not selling the car an traded it for a set of te37s which he has up for trade now.

So I then talked to him an told him just to send me the wheels back because I do not feel like dealing with this anymore. He told me the wheels were on his g35 which had been in an accident an was in the shop an he could not get them at the moment but would contact me when the car was out of the shop.

I have not heard from him sense, an have seen a picture with my wheels on the car, an the title of the picture is sold


I texted him today an told him if he does not give me a date when he will be paying for the wheels or ship them back to me then in the morning I am going to have to report them as stolen. I do not want to do this but at the moment it does not seam like I have any other choice.

Also here is a link to my original for sale thread on my local fourm

RI work vskf 18x9.5 18x11 - 240sxONE Forums (http://forums.240sxone.com/showthread.php?t=25265)

And here is a thread he put up about three months ago trying to trade the wheels


And here is a thread he has up now of the te37's that he traded the e30 for. Which originally was supposed to go to me but took forever an told him just to sell it an give me the cash.


I just wanted to make this thread to make everyone aware what a scumbag this kid is an to not trust anything he has up for sale or say he will buy from you.

I don't know if this has been said or not, but since he is in the military, and you know his name, this is what you do.

Contact the base he is on, tell them you are looking for what UNIT that soldier is in. Bingo got the unit.
Find the UNIT phone number and call the Unit front desk / whatever.
Ask to speak to the Commander or 1rst sergeant.

Explain what happened, that soldier will be in The deepest shit of his life.

THe military does NOT take kindly when a civilian contacts the Higher up's in the Chain of command for somethign a Shitass lower enlisted did.

I promise, without a doubt he will be stripped of rank, article 15'd and probably court martialed, possibly even jailed.

I know from personal experience ( ex military ) seeing shit like this happen.

05-09-2013, 08:12 AM
Help a wounded soldier finish his car.

Just got MED-EVAC'd from Afghanistan recently.

I was deployed from DEC11-DEC12

05-09-2013, 08:16 AM
Don't worry he has screwed me over as well when I bought a whole car from him

it was $40 i paid you last year for tension arm bushings. you never shipped them. then you told me you would ship them soon, and i never got them. You stopped replying so i ordered them from somewhere else.

I sent the money for one of his parts last week but haven't received anything yet. Not even a confirmation msg from him. Idk what's going on..

05-09-2013, 08:32 AM
Help a wounded soldier finish his car.

Just got MED-EVAC'd from Afghanistan recently.

I was deployed from DEC11-DEC12

What happened in one day of deployment?

S12 Drifter
05-09-2013, 10:11 AM
Help a wounded soldier finish his car.

Just got MED-EVAC'd from Afghanistan recently.

I was deployed from DEC11-DEC12

thank you for serving our country :)

do you think he is lying about being in the arm/military as a ploy to throw off his true location?

05-09-2013, 11:24 AM
People say he's stationed in TX, but I think he was discharged from the military a while ago (most likely for bad behavior). Will the military even do anything to him at this point if he's not a part of them?

S12 Drifter
05-09-2013, 01:25 PM
People say he's stationed in TX, but I think he was discharged from the military a while ago (most likely for bad behavior). Will the military even do anything to him at this point if he's not a part of them?

if he did it while he was enlisted i dont say how they can't they would have to pursue him in some kinda way.... right?

05-09-2013, 02:43 PM
So lemme get this straight...this guy was in the army, got out long enough to have a Beib haircut on but his wife is "still living in MA" like she never moved to TX when he was stationed there? That shit sounds straiiiiiiiggggght suspect.

I say ask for neekid pix to check if she's real...

The wife

http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=44dc742c6ae854c912590be5122f2e42&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fzilvia.net%2Ff%2Fstolen-goods%2F514586-supadoopa-stole-my-wheels-4.html%23post5262755&v=1&libId=cd6c4e3b-0f11-4149-a2fd-da63b1f9178f&out=http%3A%2F%2Fextras.mnginteractive.com%2Flive% 2Fmedia%2Fsite577%2F2013%2F0122%2F20130122__C_TN23-DIANE%2BPC7AKGU_400.JPG&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fzilvia.net%2Ff%2Fnewreply.php%3Fd o%3Dnewreply%26p%3D5261550&title=SupaDoopa%20stole%20my%20wheels!%20-%20Page%204%20-%20Zilvia.net%20Forums%20%7C%20Nissan%20240SX%20(S ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fextras.mnginteractive.com%2Fliv.. .C7AKGU_400.JPG&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13681322227356

05-09-2013, 02:53 PM
People say he's stationed in TX, but I think he was discharged from the military a while ago (most likely for bad behavior). Will the military even do anything to him at this point if he's not a part of them?

They wont have any say over him if he is no longer in the military. Good luck getting this resolved. I would just go to texas and beat the brakes off him and take the wheels.

05-09-2013, 03:17 PM
Someones a stalkerrrr

S12 Drifter
05-09-2013, 03:20 PM
Updates updates!????

05-09-2013, 03:22 PM
Someones a stalkerrrr

LOL. it's a joke man, it's the chick from manti te's hoax

05-09-2013, 03:29 PM
So I just got a message back from her saying she thinks he gets paid on the the 13th, an she is also going to throw some money she has which combined will be about 1000 an meet up sometime this week and pay me, an pay me the rest once she gets it, which should be faster then to try to get jay to pay me.

So at least that's some progress. We will see if I actually get paid this week or not though.

05-09-2013, 03:43 PM
I'd make sure you have some sort of proof that they paid you back. With your luck they will say you held her up for money with a squirt gun and try to sue you.

05-09-2013, 03:46 PM
I am going to make a bill of sale for any time I receive money, that way no one can bullshit anything.

05-09-2013, 03:48 PM
That's probably the best way to do it. I'm sorry to hear about this. It amazes me how people will do things like this. But then again it doesn't.

05-09-2013, 04:57 PM
Youre probably getting tricked into getting gang raped by him and his buddies

05-09-2013, 04:58 PM
^ Get an anti-rape condom........

05-09-2013, 05:13 PM
Look dude what is this guys name? You can find out everything about him by his name.
Location, phone number, where he works, how old is he, etc. Easy. Public records.

Buy a cheap plane ticket to texas, rent a cheap car, show up and the dudes house, and break his legs. no harm done. then take the wheels.

This dude isn't a fucking soldier, because real soldiers aren't thieves. if that was him who said he was MEDVAC, he probably got medivac'd for rectal bleeding from shoving shit up his ass.

05-09-2013, 05:32 PM
You obviously know nothing about the inner-workings of the military.

Next contributor please...

05-09-2013, 05:39 PM
You obviously know nothing about the inner-workings of the military.

Next contributor please...

lol I was in the army, I know how it is, there are a lot of shit bags and thieves, but those people aren't soldiers, their pieces of shit.
the OP isn't going to get money or his wheels back if he is really just hoping the wife will pay.

Either go get them or chalk it up as a loss.

If you can't find him, post his name.

05-09-2013, 05:43 PM
For a second there you sounded like a poolee.

He already did on page 1

05-09-2013, 05:47 PM
For a second there you sounded like a poolee.

He already did on page 1

lol a poolee, I'm a vet, even have my Veteran ID :O

05-09-2013, 07:36 PM
The wife

http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=44dc742c6ae854c912590be5122f2e42&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fzilvia.net%2Ff%2Fstolen-goods%2F514586-supadoopa-stole-my-wheels-4.html%23post5262755&v=1&libId=cd6c4e3b-0f11-4149-a2fd-da63b1f9178f&out=http%3A%2F%2Fextras.mnginteractive.com%2Flive% 2Fmedia%2Fsite577%2F2013%2F0122%2F20130122__C_TN23-DIANE%2BPC7AKGU_400.JPG&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fzilvia.net%2Ff%2Fnewreply.php%3Fd o%3Dnewreply%26p%3D5261550&title=SupaDoopa%20stole%20my%20wheels!%20-%20Page%204%20-%20Zilvia.net%20Forums%20%7C%20Nissan%20240SX%20(S ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fextras.mnginteractive.com%2Fliv.. .C7AKGU_400.JPG&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13681322227356

His wife is Jessica Alba?

05-09-2013, 07:54 PM
I don't know if this has been said or not, but since he is in the military, and you know his name, this is what you do.

Contact the base he is on, tell them you are looking for what UNIT that soldier is in. Bingo got the unit.
Find the UNIT phone number and call the Unit front desk / whatever.
Ask to speak to the Commander or 1rst sergeant.

Explain what happened, that soldier will be in The deepest shit of his life.

THe military does NOT take kindly when a civilian contacts the Higher up's in the Chain of command for somethign a Shitass lower enlisted did.

I promise, without a doubt he will be stripped of rank, article 15'd and probably court martialed, possibly even jailed.

I know from personal experience ( ex military ) seeing shit like this happen.

Did you really had to quote all that? Better yet, how about you read the rest of the thread so you know he's been out for a while so the Army aint gonna do jack and shit.

People say he's stationed in TX, but I think he was discharged from the military a while ago (most likely for bad behavior). Will the military even do anything to him at this point if he's not a part of them?

Yes, looks like he got out but he's still living in TX.

05-09-2013, 07:58 PM
Did you really had to quote all that? Better yet, how about you read the rest of the thread so you know he's been out for a while so the Army aint gonna do jack and shit.

Yes, looks like he got out but he's still living in TX.

I read afterwards.

I saw that he is out, He is in El paso Texas, Selling reptiles "Cartel Reptiles" I guess it's his home business.

He also has another business "Random Tandem" In Boston selling car stickers.

So Make Like
05-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Youre probably getting tricked into getting gang raped by him and his buddies

and that is why we never go alone.

05-13-2013, 05:23 AM
Youre probably getting tricked into getting gang raped by him and his buddies

^ Get an anti-rape condom........
^ +1
Little will they know your armed with a tiny pepper spray can between your butt cheeks and bam spray the whole crew on the face!
Grab wallets, lawn gnomes, your wheels plus the keys of the perpetrators and go back home into your Lair. Log on Zilvia: post results.:keke: Jk good luck OP

05-13-2013, 06:40 AM
^ +1
Little will they know your armed with a tiny pepper spray can between your butt cheeks and bam spray the whole crew on the face!
Grab wallets, lawn gnomes, your wheels plus the keys of the perpetrators and go back home into your Lair. Log on Zilvia: post results.:keke: Jk good luck OP

This is actually how a person died ( on 1000 ways to die ) by putting a tiny pepper spray can in his crack.

I'd advise against it.

05-13-2013, 07:51 AM
No update on the money? Maybe wifey will realize how much of a douche he is and give you more then money....

05-13-2013, 08:03 AM
No update on the money? Maybe wifey will realize how much of a douche he is and give you more then money....

What do you think this is? Some cheesy porn plot?

Shit like that happens rarely and even if it did, a girl like that would never try to settle down unless she's got some real issues.

05-13-2013, 08:04 AM
I have this guy on my facebook, he's a serious ass clown.

05-13-2013, 12:07 PM
Well most of the other story sounds cheesy, so that seems to suit

05-13-2013, 10:19 PM
Man, the scene has changed a lot in the past ten years...

...Gather up a group of friends and go to his house if you have his address...

Trap Star
05-15-2013, 06:48 PM
Well I know there is still a house up here because there is still cars and shit there because I know people that live near him.

I don't think he was supposed to be down there for that long but had to go back down for some reason or something, I don't remember, I didn't really care why.

And yea, if I don't get a pm back by tomorrow with some sort of real info I am just going to call her.

Go fuck his wife, even if she's a troll, after your done pick a car from the driveway and do a few grand in damage.

05-31-2013, 10:40 AM
so whats up? you bang his wife/get your money back yet?

if i see this bitch with a for sale thread, ima link up to this, let it be known what reputation can do

05-31-2013, 03:03 PM
So I met up with his wife today, everything was very straightforward. I got $500 an I should be getting more soon. Also made up a new bill of sale to sign every time I receive a payment.

05-31-2013, 03:57 PM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy progress

05-31-2013, 05:06 PM
So the wife exists IRL...didnt see that coming!

05-31-2013, 05:09 PM
Well, we can see who wears the pants in that relationship!

05-31-2013, 05:15 PM
That would be embarrassing as hell, if my wife had to cover for me.

05-31-2013, 05:35 PM
is she really hott like in the picture? lol

05-31-2013, 05:49 PM
sounds fishy.

someone revives this thread today and you just happen to meet up with his wife today too? what a coincidence.

06-01-2013, 02:18 PM
^ not really sure whats fishy? Yea it was a coincidence that someone bumped it but its not that big of a deal.

06-01-2013, 03:14 PM
I'm glad to here progress was made even if it sounds a little fishy. So uh more details on the wife troll or no troll?

06-03-2013, 03:02 PM
SupaDoopa needs to be banned from this forum permanently if he's this big of a d.b !

06-03-2013, 03:36 PM
I dealt with him once and he tried to trade me a blown up Evo 9. I would not deal with ever again!

06-03-2013, 04:00 PM
well he is up posting again and nothing is being done to him so far....at this point he's basically getting away with murder (metaphorically speaking of coarse but you get my drift)

06-07-2013, 05:04 PM
Uh, my wife is dealing with it because she is local to him and I am not. I'm stationed in Texas. The car he agreed on picking up sat in my driveway for literally months and out of the blue one day he decided he wanted cash other than the car. I saved every text that we sent but I'm a bigger man to post a stupid thread over something that he started in the first place.

The issue is being dealt with. I appreciate half of you that are thousands of miles away that are posting dope one-liners on things you don't even know. You know about the he-said she-said.

And @RB24 - You are the one that offered to trade knowing all the issues. You made me drive from RI to Maryland, I got there, and you changed your mind. Nice little chop shop you got going there, doe.

06-07-2013, 05:11 PM
The wife

http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=44dc742c6ae854c912590be5122f2e42&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fzilvia.net%2Ff%2Fstolen-goods%2F514586-supadoopa-stole-my-wheels-4.html%23post5262755&v=1&libId=cd6c4e3b-0f11-4149-a2fd-da63b1f9178f&out=http%3A%2F%2Fextras.mnginteractive.com%2Flive% 2Fmedia%2Fsite577%2F2013%2F0122%2F20130122__C_TN23-DIANE%2BPC7AKGU_400.JPG&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fzilvia.net%2Ff%2Fnewreply.php%3Fd o%3Dnewreply%26p%3D5261550&title=SupaDoopa%20stole%20my%20wheels!%20-%20Page%204%20-%20Zilvia.net%20Forums%20%7C%20Nissan%20240SX%20(S ilvia)%20and%20Z%20(Fairlady)%20Car%20Forum&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fextras.mnginteractive.com%2Fliv.. .C7AKGU_400.JPG&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13681322227356

Not my wife...

What happened in one day of deployment?
DEC11 - DEC12 is a year, not a day. Days come before the months. Moron.

People say he's stationed in TX, but I think he was discharged from the military a while ago (most likely for bad behavior). Will the military even do anything to him at this point if he's not a part of them?
I am in the process of being medically discharged for being blown up in Afghanistan numerous times. If you want the detail write-up, send an e-mail to my unit and I will give them the O.K. to shoot you over an injury report.

Nice assumptions, folks. Maybe if you heard both sides before throwing a guys head on a stake, you'll probably back off. My wife is local to him and dealing with it face to face. If I were there, things would have escalated quickly but that is neither here nor there. If people would like to call me out on a forum throwing random nonsense thinking I won't check this from time to time, you're wrong.

Deal was set. His end went through. He was supposed to come get the car. Didn't. Wanted money all of a sudden which wasn't the deal. I said I'd try to sell the car and/or wheels to get him the money to help him in his personal situation which I will not disclose. That doesn't happen over night. He got antsy. Posted this stupid thread. Once this is taken care of, I'll post up screen shots of the whole conversation so I can stop reading stupid posts by people who live 2,000 miles away, read a thread, and think they're e-police.


06-08-2013, 04:17 PM
Not my wife...

DEC11 - DEC12 is a year, not a day. Days come before the months. Moron.

I am in the process of being medically discharged for being blown up in Afghanistan numerous times. If you want the detail write-up, send an e-mail to my unit and I will give them the O.K. to shoot you over an injury report.

Nice assumptions, folks. Maybe if you heard both sides before throwing a guys head on a stake, you'll probably back off. My wife is local to him and dealing with it face to face. If I were there, things would have escalated quickly but that is neither here nor there. If people would like to call me out on a forum throwing random nonsense thinking I won't check this from time to time, you're wrong.

Deal was set. His end went through. He was supposed to come get the car. Didn't. Wanted money all of a sudden which wasn't the deal. I said I'd try to sell the car and/or wheels to get him the money to help him in his personal situation which I will not disclose. That doesn't happen over night. He got antsy. Posted this stupid thread. Once this is taken care of, I'll post up screen shots of the whole conversation so I can stop reading stupid posts by people who live 2,000 miles away, read a thread, and think they're e-police.

KTHX.OP got nakid pics of yo hoe and sent them to a couple of members, including this SNIP.

06-09-2013, 12:33 AM
OP got nakid pics of yo hoe and sent them to a couple of members, including this SNIP.

Did you honestly have to go that low man smdh. That was just dumb.

06-09-2013, 01:44 AM
Too much explaining and too many excuses mate.
Your post should have said sorry for the delay, here is your money, hope we`re cool.

and I would have taken the wife pic btw , she`s hawt.

Fix up your crap mate .

06-09-2013, 01:55 AM
I'm not going to claim my wife being someone she isn't. She is in fact gorgeous but no, that isn't here. As I stated, this 'situation' wasn't entirely my fault. The deal was for a car he waited MONTHS and MONTHS to even contact me about. Like I said, I have every text with every time stamp and date. Oh, and I'd rather you guys NOT send me messages like this. Not only is it disrespectful, it's childish to tell a wounded war vet to 'die bitch.'


06-09-2013, 02:10 AM
wtf is going on in here. i understand people want to see this situation resolved but some people here are downright retards.

06-09-2013, 02:21 AM
I am not siding with Supa here because I am not part of this situation and have no place to take sides, just like the majority of the rest of the users posting who have no ties to the situation. Now on to what I have to say.

Lakaiae86 are you fucking serious with that crap? You childish disrespectful I don't know what to even call you. Have some respect for one of the men that allows you to be that disrespectful little twit, oh wait that is a oxymoron. From a fellow vet I hope you get banned for that crap. If you are going to be disrespectful, attack what he supposedly did but do not say shit like that.

06-09-2013, 07:55 AM

People post shit like that and act like lakai did to feel relevant to the thread. Pure ignorance. There's always 2 sides to the a story. I read stuff like this and just sit and watch. Had it been supa who posted a thread first about what's going on, I'm sure lakai would have sent something to nairb with the same message. Som people just need some attention.

06-09-2013, 07:58 AM
Wow, we got some retards here...alot of us here are either in the military or prior AD.

06-09-2013, 09:42 AM
Yet another dumbshit that had no need to go that low.

06-09-2013, 03:05 PM
SupaDoopa also scammed me and owes me money......

wont return PMs but more importantly wont return my MONEY for the part he NEVER SENT ME

06-09-2013, 09:34 PM
Whoa whoa whoa. Keep the military respect out of this abortion. Regardless of the fact whether you were wounded or not, you're obviously pulling some suspect ass deals and in this case, trying to bend some people over Supa, or your wife wouldn't have to be stepping in to wipe your ass for you.
And just because someone "served" doesn't mean they did any thing worthy of note. Less than half of 1% (about 0.46% ) serves in the military as of today. About 15% of that 0.46% are in actual combat related jobs so get the fuck out of here with the "he served and protected your fucking freedom blah blah blah bullshit". There are a lot of people who serve that couldn't protect a jelly donut. A good portion of the military are bunch fucking leeches with dependapotamus wives and 8 fuck trophies back home being replica shitheads of their sperm donor.
SupaDoopa-if you're going to try to fall back on your military service as proof of your upstanding character, then post up your proof of what you were and what you did like you do everything else. Until then, keep your drama seperate from the war machines still out there skull fucking the taliban on the daily, only to get back to a pb to sleep in a mud cave and eat a cheese and veggie "vomlette" MRE. I let a lot of shit slide, not posting on dumb peoples threads, but when I have to hear every fucking day from some POG who thinks he rates a PH because some vehicle in his 75 vic convoy got blown up 1000 meters away from him and now he gets headaches, in his vagina, then come on here and read this shit. No fuckin way.
I know I probably pissed off a lot of others on here, but if there is one thing I hate worse than some ignorant civilian vomiting ignorant trash, it's someone who did serve, as an office jockey data analysis water purification tire changer, trying to ride on the coattails of the real gunfighters who actually had the fuckin stones to go toe to toe with the people who hate us most in the world, and do it willingly, every day, while brothers to their left and right get their legs and cocks blown off.
Soooo, either prove yourself and your claims or shut your fuckin mouth/fingers.

06-09-2013, 10:15 PM
I love when people see a thread in this section and hop on the band wagon. And you shot me negative feedback while I was deployed. That doesn't even make any sense but if you send me PM's and screen shots to where I did you wrong, I have zero issues refunding you [with proper proof]. I see you posted negative feedback for this account while I was deployed which is a little odd but oh well.

To those who have sent me PM's recently saying I've wronged you, send me proof and I'll fix the situation. If you're trolling, you will be reported. According to my feedback, only 2 people have ever had an issue and one I paypal disputed because he claims a 3 lb. box arrived to his house empty [his picture included the string to open the box exposed i.e. took the parts out a day after the box was delivered].

I am not a scammer. I am not a thief. If I did you wrong, I will confront if like a man and get the issue resolved. Do you need to send me death threats and childish shit saying you hope I die from the wounds I occurred in Afghanistan? That's fucking stupid. I know a lot of AD vets here and some of you currently serving and that shit is straight disrespectful. Like I said, this issue is faults on both parts. I personally wouldn't go blabbering over a forum after we both agreed on a solution to the issue but hey - some would rather do it this way.

For those who are currently serving, medically discharged, and/or AD vets, thank you for telling these kids who have no idea what it means to truly serve and such. Being currently in the MEB process, I wish you guys the best of luck and from an infantryman to whatever your MOS's may be, strength and speed to you all.

06-09-2013, 10:26 PM
Whoa whoa whoa. Keep the military respect out of this abortion. Regardless of the fact whether you were wounded or not, you're obviously pulling some suspect ass deals and in this case, trying to bend some people over Supa, or your wife wouldn't have to be stepping in to wipe your ass for you.
And just because someone "served" doesn't mean they did any thing worthy of note. Less than half of 1% (about 0.46% ) serves in the military as of today. About 15% of that 0.46% are in actual combat related jobs so get the fuck out of here with the "he served and protected your fucking freedom blah blah blah bullshit". There are a lot of people who serve that couldn't protect a jelly donut. A good portion of the military are bunch fucking leeches with dependapotamus wives and 8 fuck trophies back home being replica shitheads of their sperm donor.
SupaDoopa-if you're going to try to fall back on your military service as proof of your upstanding character, then post up your proof of what you were and what you did like you do everything else. Until then, keep your drama seperate from the war machines still out there skull fucking the taliban on the daily, only to get back to a pb to sleep in a mud cave and eat a cheese and veggie "vomlette" MRE. I let a lot of shit slide, not posting on dumb peoples threads, but when I have to hear every fucking day from some POG who thinks he rates a PH because some vehicle in his 75 vic convoy got blown up 1000 meters away from him and now he gets headaches, in his vagina, then come on here and read this shit. No fuckin way.
I know I probably pissed off a lot of others on here, but if there is one thing I hate worse than some ignorant civilian vomiting ignorant trash, it's someone who did serve, as an office jockey data analysis water purification tire changer, trying to ride on the coattails of the real gunfighters who actually had the fuckin stones to go toe to toe with the people who hate us most in the world, and do it willingly, every day, while brothers to their left and right get their legs and cocks blown off.
Soooo, either prove yourself and your claims or shut your fuckin mouth/fingers.

So, you assumed that I am a POG? I am an 11B. I wish I even had MRE's on deployment. I got stuck with First Strikes which we all know suck the shaft. I wish I was a POG. I wish I hadn't been where I was doing what I did but I signed up for my MOS proudly. I have more fucking black metal memorial bands than I'd like to count so before you spew your stupid shit over the internet, know who you are talking to before making yourself look like a moron. I can't believe you'd like me to prove who I am but it's kind of weird - I didn't know they give out CIB's to POG's.


And so you know, I didn't use my military experience to fall back on. Fuck, I didn't even mention it to gain any upper hand with anyone. I don't even remember mentioning it at all.

And in case you start spewing 'blah blah blah that's Googled,' go to my Facebook [facebook.com/jayfacelulz] and look at the pictures that I feel won't violate OPSEC. If you have secret clearance like I do, I'll show you a few other pictures and videos. You sound like a POG or someone who doesn't know what a true gun fight feels like. It's always the kids that didn't see shit that want to talk about it all the time or tell the world how badass they are.


06-09-2013, 10:31 PM
I know I probably pissed off a lot of others on here, but if there is one thing I hate worse than some ignorant civilian vomiting ignorant trash, it's someone who did serve, as an office jockey data analysis water purification tire changer, trying to ride on the coattails of the real gunfighters who actually had the fuckin stones to go toe to toe with the people who hate us most in the world

I have nothing but respect for all the boots outside the wire, but honestly you would not be able to set foot in country without the help of ALL the branches. Personally, I load munitions on F-16s, Im proud of the way I serve and Im proud to be able to have a hand in watching the backs/helping out my brothers in the other branches on the ground. And to be blunt, people with the mentality like yours is the problem with the military in general.

06-09-2013, 10:42 PM
I have nothing but respect for all the boots outside the wire, but honestly you would not be able to set foot in country without the help of ALL the branches. Personally, I load munitions on F-16s, Im proud of the way I serve and Im proud to be able to have a hand in watching the backs/helping out my brothers in the other branches on the ground. And to be blunt, people with the mentality like yours is the problem with the military in general.

I concur. It's kids who need a reality check when they get shipped over and feel what war feels like, see what it looks like. It sounds like you're straight talking out of your ass to blabber on with shit like that. Honestly, you sound like a 19D. Kids like that think they win wars when in reality, they fight in line at the chow hall for midnight chow on big FOB's telling everyone at home how hard they are. Our 19D's didn't even come home with CAB's but this isn't a discussion about what MOS you/I am or anything to do with the military at all. Clearly you needed a place to vent and completely veer the subject in a different and unrelated direction.

Atta boy.

06-09-2013, 11:16 PM
1st. sending supa messages an shit like that needs to stop. I did not start this thread for people to come here and start doing things like that.

2nd. also stop with the wife shit, again I made this thread and am trying to be as professional as possible, i'm not about having people being disrespectful for entertainment.

an jay, we already have been arguing about this for over a year now. clearly there some misinformation about the car running/not running, I got fed up with waiting so I asked for money as I thought that would solve this faster an also be easier to deal with on my end. We talked back and forth and nothing seamed like it was going to be done so I made this thread. Its being dealt with an i'm happy that its all going to be done with soon.

06-10-2013, 12:15 AM
Oh I have plenty of respect for pogs, plenty of my friends are and proud. And with the poseurs multiplying by the masses, if someone is gonna say that "i was this and I did that", just prove it. As far as me veering it in this direction, that's been the main topic of this page and some of last page too.
It's simple, be proud but humble. I knew this was gonna piss people off because everyone who is a pog thinks I'm talking to them and I'm not. My life and the life of my team depended on pog's on the daily. Much respect to those who do their job and are proud and don't feel the need to flex their air lats because all they do is their fob job and hit the gym. It's the ones that fell under some blanket of "we all get a CAR/CIB" because those dudes over on the opposite side of camp cupcake took a mortar. You're gonna claim it, so I'm calling you out. Call me out, I have no problem putting someone at ease because imposters deserve to punched in their mouth and exposed for the cowards they are. Like I said I knew some of you were gonna get pissed, the ones that take it personal are usually the guilty.
And by the way, a picture of a CIB above your name tape doesn't prove anything more than you went to a store, bought one, and pinned it to yourself.

06-10-2013, 12:18 AM
And as far as all that 19D jibber jabber, sorry, I'm not in the army, I was diqualified because my nuts are still attached. J/K

06-10-2013, 02:42 AM
Like I said, go to my Facebook and check out my pictures. Send me your clearance and I'll send you some more. It's CAB, not CAR. Seems more and more like you don't even know what war looks like. My 'team' depended on POG's? That's another statement that proves you sure aren't intelligent. Anyways, I'm done acknowledging someone who is that childish and immature that your ammunition is taunts and stupid metaphors on a car forum about how bad ass you are. Maybe when you deploy, you'll have a better sense of what goes on. If you knew it would piss people off, why not be mature and not say it at all? Sounds smart.

06-10-2013, 02:48 AM
Well in the Marine Corps it's called a CAR. like I said, I still have my nuts attached.

06-10-2013, 03:32 AM
Well in the Marines, you don't have a CIB so don't assume you know the rules on how to be awarded one. And you do in fact have balls - especially after you little rants about things you don't even have the slightest idea about. Maybe you can beg to your chain of command to get you out there to Afghanistan and get yourself a nice little ribbon. Just make sure you don't take pictures of you pissing on bodies. That would be rather embarrassing.

06-10-2013, 04:49 PM
Get the sand out of your vagina, I asked you to prove your claims, you can't or won't, so therefore, I'm doubting you. I've been asked by people to show what I've done to prove I'm not full of shit, and I have no problem with that for the sake of keeping the unworthy liars in their place, but you can['t seem to wipe the butthurt off long enough to show proof. Someone who has been there and done that would be like "no sweat, I understand where you're coming from, I hate fakers too." I also have 4 brothers in the army, so I do know what it takes to get all the bells and whistles on your uniform that show where you were and what you did. Funny thing is, nobody I know seems to feel it neccesary to say "I did this and that, respect me and don't threaten me on the internet because I saw combat...once....from a distance......inside an up armored MATV". Especially to steer everyone away from the fact that you fucked somebody over, or as I've read in here, multiple people. Prove me wrong, and I'll gladly apologize sincerely, without question, but until then, I'm not buying it. And as far as pissing on bodies, well those taliban had that shit coming.

06-10-2013, 05:16 PM
I don't have anything to prove to some e-troll trying to stir the pot saying I didn't do what I did and didn't go where I went. I don't like talking about the shit I've seen or done. Maybe you do - although you have yet to say you've deployed or gotten a CAR at all, but I'm sure you'll tell the world your brave story about how you conquered the Middle East by yourself - but I am not that person. I'd actually rather forget the shit I've seen and done. You can troll on if it makes you feel better but it's always the ones that are high and mighty that get a pretty solid reality check. If you haven't deployed yet, tell me how Syria is when you get there. I'm sure you'll have loads of fun and tons of stories to tell your friends when you return. Well, IF you return.

06-10-2013, 06:45 PM
Get out of here with that bullshit. You were claiming it and I called you out. I didn't say post pics of smoked MAM's or tell your most horrible war story, there are plenty of other ways to show what you claim. This is the same shit every faker I've ever called out falls back on. "Oh it was too horrible an experience for me to post a pic of a sheet of paper that would prove the talk I just talked".
Defense.gov Photos : News Photo (http://www.defense.gov/photos/newsphoto.aspx?newsphotoid=13450)
4 deployments, Iraq and Afghanistan. 2 as a regular grunt. 2 as a Scout Sniper team leader. There, that was easy and I didn't even have to tell you all about the "horrible stories" that happened. I will not let the fakers slide, because that's what's wrong with the military.

06-10-2013, 07:37 PM
SupaDoopa wrote hardcore rap lyrics after every mission y0.



06-10-2013, 10:04 PM
And for those backing this guy up, telling me I am what's wrong with the military, you can't be serious are you? You're fist fucking me right? You're seriously going to try to convince people I am the one that's fucked up.....wait a sec......am I on punked? Where's Ashton?
I can see some people on here are already drinking the kool-aid.

06-10-2013, 11:15 PM
Those lyrics are quoted from a show we saw that night. I think they're rather hilarious. It was a white kid dressed up like Steve Urkle. I lul'd.

And you're 'what's wrong with the military' because most of us have more poise and self control than to go on a car forum of all places and start rambling about how gnarly they are and how they've been around the world putting their bullets in people. Bravo. They should give you the medal of honor.

06-10-2013, 11:48 PM
I am in the process of being medically discharged for being blown up in Afghanistan numerous times. If you want the detail write-up, send an e-mail to my unit and I will give them the O.K. to shoot you over an injury report.

You wrote this before I ever said anything. Like you're trying to get people to feel sorry for you. Probably all those distant pop shots you heard....or was that just the chow hall door squeeking next door. Cool story, I'd avoid this like the plague too if I were making shit up.

06-11-2013, 12:03 AM
Yeah. That's the cool thing about CIB's. I can get one for hearing about gun fights on the news.

Here is your proof. Here is me post-taking over Afghanistan and the middle east with my trust shaggy dog.


My social security number is 092-50-3042. My blood type is A POS. My mothers maiden name is Helen. My shoe size is 10.5. I like the color green. I am a pretty good swimmer. My dad still helps me make my bed.

If you need any more information to confirm my top secret identity, let me know. I'll be sure to send that to you via fax.

06-11-2013, 03:23 AM
You wrote this before I ever said anything. Like you're trying to get people to feel sorry for you. Probably all those distant pop shots you heard....or was that just the chow hall door squeeking next door. Cool story, I'd avoid this like the plague too if I were making shit up.

What the hell does it matter man? He was injured while serving his country, does that make it any more acceptable to send him PMs with ill wishes that he die of his injuries even if they were not combat related?


Does my best friend dying on deployment mean less because it was not combat related and instead was someone who fucked up before him who got him killed?


This is about a supposed(IDK if he did or did not) theft can we get back to that topic please?

06-11-2013, 03:44 AM
What the hell does it matter man? He was injured while serving his country, does that make it any more acceptable to send him PMs with ill wishes that he die of his injuries even if they were not combat related?


Does my best friend dying on deployment mean less because it was not combat related and instead was someone who fucked up before him who got him killed?


This is about a supposed(IDK if he did or did not) theft can we get back to that topic please?

I'm sorry for your loss, my man. I've lost a few kids in my platoon and more than I want to count in my unit in combat and non-combat related incidents and it sucks. I know the feeling and I'll pray for another brother who lost their lives serving.

Also, appreciate you bringing this back on topic. This kid is trolling for no reason bringing this thread in a completely different direction. Sucks that the matter is pretty much resolved [it was more of a misunderstanding on both ends than a theft] and this kid comes out of left field like he knows what's going on and wanting 'proof' that I got hurt calling me a liar. Why would I and a number of people in this thread who know me back me up if I were 'lying?'

Regardless, I spoke to the kid yesterday via PM's to get the ball rolling a little faster so we can delete this thread and stupid kids like this can stop sending me stupid ass PM's and trolling threads I comment on.

06-11-2013, 08:27 AM
I never said you didn't do what you claim, re read my posts. im being skeptical. And if imposters don't get under your skin then I'd be even more skeptical. I told you I would apologize if i was wrong. And as far as PM's, I've never sent you one. About the kid that did send that shit, well that's his problem.
zerodameon-sorry about your friend, but are you this guys girlfriend or something? he's already shown his ability to give it right back on his own, but if you want to make this personal between you and I, next time you're feeling froggy, hop on down to camp Pendleton. you have my name, im easy to find. I didn't get to where im at by being a quiet sheep and sure as shit ain't gonna start today, now go join the rest of the herd.

06-11-2013, 09:01 AM

S12 Drifter
06-11-2013, 10:36 AM
Those lyrics are quoted from a show we saw that night. I think they're rather hilarious. It was a white kid dressed up like Steve Urkle. I lul'd.

And you're 'what's wrong with the military' because most of us have more poise and self control than to go on a car forum of all places and start rambling about how gnarly they are and how they've been around the world putting their bullets in people. Bravo. They should give you the medal of honor.

the little respect i had for you just went down the shitter. i wont be buying anything from you ever. as a matter of fact I'm going to add you to my block list.

S12 Drifter
06-11-2013, 10:39 AM
What the hell does it matter man? He was injured while serving his country, does that make it any more acceptable to send him PMs with ill wishes that he die of his injuries even if they were not combat related?


does that give him reason just because he served his country he can scam people as he pleases? :nono:

06-11-2013, 11:02 AM
And @RB24 - You are the one that offered to trade knowing all the issues. You made me drive from RI to Maryland, I got there, and you changed your mind. Nice little chop shop you got going there, doe.[/QUOTE]

That was J3 Performance. Its a shop where engine swaps were being done. It has very good reputation here in MD. I did not know your car didn't run. But it was long ago who cares.

06-11-2013, 01:54 PM
does that give him reason just because he served his country he can scam people as he pleases? :nono:

Never said it did did I?

06-11-2013, 10:05 PM
Who said I scammed him? Do you just jump to conclusions? It is as much my fault as it is his. We agreed car for wheels. He never came and got the car so that makes me liable? We have the situation resolved without all your back and forth nonsense and disrespect for soldiers who died just because we signed up. Apparently that means it's okay if we die. You should join the West Baptist.

And I could care less if anyone blocks me or doesn't do business with me ever again. I have 100% positive feedback on nearly 10 different forums. This is the only place were I see this childish shit that doesn't involve anyone. Absolutely stupid.

@STR8 H8N - That was me in basic. I am so adorable. ;)

@S12 - So, block me. Go for it. You blocking me doesn't affect my builds, my cars or my life.

@RB24 - If it was so 'long ago,' why bring it up? If I recall, the deal was done after I sent you pictures and told you the ring lands were bad. You told me to make the drive 16 hours to meet you with a trailer as I did. Built EVO VIII for a S14 with a swap that was rattle canned. Car got there, you looked like you had no idea what to even look at on the car like it was a space ship, and then I made my way back 16 hours and I didn't flame you or even mention it anywhere. I'm a little more mature than that.

06-11-2013, 10:29 PM
lol! i love when dirtbags get found out. GTFO of the military, giving us a bad name.

+1 THis:smash:

06-12-2013, 01:13 AM
so someones wheels were stolen? errrrrr...

06-12-2013, 01:16 AM
I kinda wonder if things would have ever been resolved if this thread didn't exist... I'd bet not.

06-13-2013, 12:40 PM
I kinda wonder if things would have ever been resolved if this thread didn't exist... I'd bet not.

You should make another thread about it.

06-13-2013, 05:23 PM
Who said I scammed him? Do you just jump to conclusions? It is as much my fault as it is his. We agreed car for wheels. He never came and got the car so that makes me liable? We have the situation resolved without all your back and forth nonsense and disrespect for soldiers who died just because we signed up. Apparently that means it's okay if we die. You should join the West Baptist.

And I could care less if anyone blocks me or doesn't do business with me ever again. I have 100% positive feedback on nearly 10 different forums. This is the only place were I see this childish shit that doesn't involve anyone. Absolutely stupid.

@STR8 H8N - That was me in basic. I am so adorable. ;)

@S12 - So, block me. Go for it. You blocking me doesn't affect my builds, my cars or my life.

@RB24 - If it was so 'long ago,' why bring it up? If I recall, the deal was done after I sent you pictures and told you the ring lands were bad. You told me to make the drive 16 hours to meet you with a trailer as I did. Built EVO VIII for a S14 with a swap that was rattle canned. Car got there, you looked like you had no idea what to even look at on the car like it was a space ship, and then I made my way back 16 hours and I didn't flame you or even mention it anywhere. I'm a little more mature than that.

They way you've been acting makes you seem like a scammer, You just started writing in this thread when your "Wife" Had to handle to situation for you, in the beginning of this thread you were No Where to be found, And now your posting in this thread consistantly trying to write a story thinking you sound smart which actually makes you sound like more of a scammer. If this thread was never created you would have NEVER Responded to the OP That got his wheels stolen in the first place. Members HERE had to get your information so that the OP could contact you in some way which was your wife. Your wife has bigger balls then you.

S12 Drifter
06-13-2013, 06:42 PM
Your wife has bigger balls then you.

i wish i could sig this.

06-13-2013, 09:13 PM
They way you've been acting makes you seem like a scammer, You just started writing in this thread when your "Wife" Had to handle to situation for you, in the beginning of this thread you were No Where to be found, And now your posting in this thread consistantly trying to write a story thinking you sound smart which actually makes you sound like more of a scammer. If this thread was never created you would have NEVER Responded to the OP That got his wheels stolen in the first place. Members HERE had to get your information so that the OP could contact you in some way which was your wife. Your wife has bigger balls then you.

I do just want to correct this, that I didn't get his information from here. I was already in contact with him. People just gave me suggestions on about how to contact someone from the army to report it to. His wife contacted me on the local form and has been helping with the situation which hopefully will be settled soon.

S12 Drifter
06-14-2013, 12:13 PM
I do just want to correct this, that I didn't get his information from here. I was already in contact with him. People just gave me suggestions on about how to contact someone from the army to report it to. His wife contacted me on the local form and has been helping with the situation which hopefully will be settled soon.

his wife is in charge not him.:bite:

06-14-2013, 02:17 PM
S12 shut up you are not adding anything to this thread, just adding filth which this thread is full of already. Your comments do not help the situation for either of them, just clutter everything up.

06-14-2013, 08:15 PM
I do just want to correct this, that I didn't get his information from here. I was already in contact with him. People just gave me suggestions on about how to contact someone from the army to report it to. His wife contacted me on the local form and has been helping with the situation which hopefully will be settled soon.

Then I see no reason for this thread. Especially since the knuckle draggers showed up to jump on the bandwagon.

PM if this doesn't get resolved.