View Full Version : Need help with car shutting off

04-19-2013, 09:00 PM
So I am fairly new to 240's. I had one a couple years ago and now have another. I have a 1991 hatch and had it for a little over a month now. Car was running great until yesterday. Two days ago I had the alternator belt tightened due to it squealing. So yesterday on the way to work I was going down a slight hill and the car started sputtering like it wanted to die but i revved the engine and it kept going. No problems the rest of the day. This morning I drive to work and no problems again. On my way back from lunch It sputters again and as I sit at a stop light the car dies. I push the clutch in and it starts back up. I get to work (honda dealership) and have a tech check to see if battery and alternator are working right and they are. Car sat there running for about 10-15 minutes then shut off. I get in start it up and start driving back to park and it died yet again. After work i drove home with no problem. Car has 85k miles and has had water pump and I think alternator replaced a couple months before I bought it. I have read it may be the fuel pump or iaa(?) sensor but most people say their car won't start back up and mine does every time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

04-19-2013, 09:10 PM
Check for vacuum leaks, and to make sure you intake tube is secure.

04-19-2013, 09:16 PM
I will check those tomorrow after work. He did take the intake tube off so may be that. Car is also idling at about 700 rpm which I thought was low but not sure what 240's usually idle at. It idles at 1k for a couple seconds when I come to a stop then drops to about 500 then goes to 700.

04-19-2013, 09:23 PM
It could be an IACV related issue as well, but I'd search for vacuum leaks first as it may be compensating for them. Good luck!

04-19-2013, 09:31 PM
Thats the thing I was trying to think of earlier! I guess I will find out tomorrow if it is a vacuum leak or not and then move to the AICV next. Thanks for the help

04-22-2013, 08:05 PM
Just wanted to say thanks again for the help. The bottom hose on the intake was not put back on properly. Reattached it and car is running good once again