View Full Version : New Retail WEBSITE! - up and running! Still tweeking some pricing and shipping

Thorough Concepts, LLC
04-10-2013, 04:49 PM
http://s24.postimg.org/673e8wpt1/Home_Page_Ex_1.png (http://tcrparts.com/)

We are excited to announce the BETA launch of our brand new eCommerce website TCRparts.com (http://tcrparts.com/)!!!

Why buy from us?
-GREAT prices
-FANTASTIC selection
-AMAZING customer service
-FREE SHIPPING on all order over $99
-FINANCING available on all orders over $99 (6 months interest free)

This is a beta launch of our new webstore. A couple things to note:
1) We are still tweeking pricing on some of the last brands
2) Shipping prices are also being worked
3) If you see a bug LET US KNOW!

We plan on making this A LOT more than just a webstore, with user generated content etc. But we gotta start small and move forward.

Check out the site! Let us know if you find any glitches. We could work on this ourselves and launch in a few months, but why? When we can have enthusiasts check it out, tell us what's wrong, and possibly earn discounts in the process! We want to make the best store out there for you guys so help us out and let us know what you think!

-not ALL glitch submissions will earn discounts, must be a major glitch impacting functionality or user experience. Glitch will not count if we've already been alerted to it.
-Thorough Concepts, LLC is currently in the beta launch process. This involves the changing of prices and rates of products. Thorough Concepts, Reserves the right to cancel and refund orders for any reason (particularly pricing).
-Thorough Concepts, LLC keeps a minimal inventory, most products will be shipped directly from the manufacturer. Special order products may take longer to be received. If an order will take more than 2 business days to ship, the customer will be alerted and given the option to cancel for a full refund. Please see our Returns (http://thoroughconceptsllc.rpmware.com/return-policy) page for additional details.

04-10-2013, 10:25 PM
Uh yea how come your coilovers dont got prices on em? Im looking for a set.

Thorough Concepts, LLC
04-10-2013, 10:39 PM
Uh yea how come your coilovers dont got prices on em? Im looking for a set.

Which are you looking at? Must be some missing data in our system. If you shoot us a pm or email with the part # we'll get back to you ASAP!

04-10-2013, 11:22 PM
Sites down at the moment.

Thorough Concepts, LLC
04-10-2013, 11:31 PM
Sites down at the moment.

AAHHHH! Unfortunately you are correct! Will have that remedied shortly

Thorough Concepts, LLC
04-11-2013, 10:02 AM
Hiccup resolved, site is back up and running!

Thorough Concepts, LLC
04-14-2013, 01:12 PM
Also quick update, our ZILVIA BANNERS have been updated linking to our new site!

http://s23.postimg.org/4smwnvu8n/Czt_PPVfzi_VKKfj3_A_Uj2_Sqvi_Ej_E9_Uu_OMn_MKd_Gb_L Mhw.png (http://tcrparts.com/)

http://s17.postimg.org/sj6y4cvtr/FQsfik_S0egs_Z6_Yxi1yh_Rr_Nj_GC08_Wsgkb_OY1_PTziza 00.png (http://tcrparts.com/)

http://s23.postimg.org/cbana9azf/1sz_Cml_EZJFOh_Q0_B5_Yp_Qq_N8_UG9h_AG4_Y7lh_OO4_Ve _Joz_AY.png (http://tcrparts.com/)