View Full Version : I hate b*tchy parents..

04-17-2004, 07:12 PM
Alright, so I'm just cruising through my neighborhood going 25mph. Some guy and his wife jump out onto their driveway and start yelling 'slow it down!!!'. This just confuses me. I look up and see a speed limit sign: 25mph. Okay...umm..question mark? So i stop my car, swing back around, get out to see what the matter was. This guy gets all in my face, pointing his finger, this is how it went..yelling
'you better slow it down, there's kids in this neighborhood!'
'sir, i was going 25..and i've lived here since before your house was built.'
'every parent in this neighborhood is looking for you, and if you don't slow it down the cops are going to come and take away your privaledge to be behind the wheel of this car.' (still yelling)
'well, I dont drive very fast through here, and when i do, there arent kids around..ya know, at like 1 or 2am. I havent had any of my neighbors say anything to me, no phone calls..and if people really are looking me, im not hard to find. You found me while my car was moving, its usually parked...much easier to see. (he's still yelling slow it down while im talking)
'you better slow it down (more fingers in the face)'
'alright well, there arent any eye witness accounts of me flying through the neighborhood'
'except for the eyewitness account of a parent seeing you.'
'ohhhh, that one..well, sir, here's an eyewitness (pointing to myself) account of you being a ****. if any other disgruntled (slow it) parents (down) want to talk to me, my car's parked down the street..set up a cop to radar at the top of the hill if you want, because i'll laugh when you get ticketed. It's been fun talking to you (by now, he's just walking away, still yelling). Bye then, I guess.'
Why are people ****s..my friend drives his MR2 50mph through the neighborhood, and I guess the thought it was me. His car is an aw11, so im not sure if they confused the two cars..because they dont look alike. Anyway, thats my story for the day, can anyone relate?

04-17-2004, 07:19 PM
give him the finger next time

04-17-2004, 07:26 PM
I have pretty much nailed down the basis of the problem here....

So i stop my car, swing back around, get out to see what the matter was.

... it would have been so much easier to let that guy stew on how fast he thought you were going from the comfort of his own front yard then to waste time from both of your days to turn around and go argue about it... YOU know that if it was that huge an issue, your driving through the neighborhood at too high a speed, someone would have said something to you, or even your parents, as I assume that you are young. Maybe he was a bit overzealous in his confronting you about it, but what were you in turning around to give him the stage?

04-17-2004, 07:31 PM
Me and my brother were cruising in my old chevelle....before I got my license,so my bro was driving,we come up to an intersection in my neighborhood,and this other guy in a truck squeaks a tire through the intersection,so then we come through and this lady yells "ITS 25!!!!" I geuss she thought we were the ones spinning tires?? About a week later,...I'm riding with my bro,same car....we spotted the ladys car and follow her through the neighborhood going like 50 (no joke) and like flag her down at a stop sign and bitch her out.....we were all cussing and she was like "ummm...I'ma christain,so please don't curse at me" ...I was like "aren't fucking christains supposed to fucking obey the law and not be hypocrytes?".....she just drove off when I said that,lol.

EDIT:There is abunch of neighbors scared of my family....lol...don't ask.

04-17-2004, 07:33 PM
Give them a ride in your SR'd 240,....then tell them now THAT is driving fast...hah hah.

04-17-2004, 07:36 PM
lol, i am in the same situation whenever I go home to my parents house. Well granted I do drive fast through there, but most of the time I do it is at 1-2 am in the morning. Most of the neighbors hate my brothers and I (80% me). I have toned down alot, but they always have some kind of excuse about something. For instance, I drove my brothers eclipse with a fart can muffler this time and I was in 2nd gear and all you can here is the muffler. When I came back my dad told me that the neighbors said that I was driving to fast, which in fact I wasn't. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it.

04-17-2004, 07:38 PM
I have pretty much nailed down the basis of the problem here....

... it would have been so much easier to let that guy stew on how fast he thought you were going from the comfort of his own front yard then to waste time from both of your days to turn around and go argue about it... YOU know that if it was that huge an issue, your driving through the neighborhood at too high a speed, someone would have said something to you, or even your parents, as I assume that you are young. Maybe he was a bit overzealous in his confronting you about it, but what were you in turning around to give him the stage?

No no, I knew what he was saying..but I just felt like shooting some bull with him. I figured he could be civilized..whatever. I drove by again about an hour ago and he was still out there doing whatever he was doing, so i slowed down to about 5mph and white-knuckled my steering wheel and put the '200mph face' on. He didnt find it as amusing as i did. :fawk:

04-17-2004, 07:44 PM
I guess I'm spoiled, the speed limit in fronta my house is 55, and the sherriff out here in the county doesn't even go that slow, you're damn near run off the road if it's anything under 65 out here except for on school days, there's an elementary school about a mile down the street, but that zone is only about 300 yards long...

04-17-2004, 08:10 PM
Some people are just dicks. They have good intentions, but they go about it like assholes.

Similar thing happened to me and couple other friends when we visited another friend of ours. He lived in a court, and his neighbor and her kids were out front at around 8 or 9 at night (dark outside) when we showed up. That bitch yelled at every one of us to slow down, but we were only going like 15-20. Long story short, when we leave (after midnight), one of my friends finds a huge wad of gum on his car, he goes over and bangs on their door for like 10 minutes, but they were too pussy to come out. So my friend wrote her a not-so-nice letter and stuck it on her vehicle with the gum. I think she got scared because I haven't seen her out in months...
That's right bitch! :mepoke:

04-17-2004, 08:11 PM
ive had the same situation as both of you (240kat and ghetto) when i went to see why this guy was yelling at me (i was honest to god going under the speed limit by 5mph) and i never speed in this neighborhood...

anyway, he yells at me to slow down and gets in front of the car, so i stop right in the middle of the road and say "i was going 5 under so whats the problem?'
he responds "no you werent, you were ovbiously going 10 over"
me: "you have a radar detector stuck up your ass? who made you town jackass who knows everything? and by the way, i was actually recording my gauge cluster with a video camera and wait, here is the video tape of it too...you can even hear you telling me to slow down"
him: "im sorry, it looked like you were going faster than that"
me: "next time you think its cool to bother me, or anyone else for that matter, dont...i dont even want to hear you speak to me again, and if you do i will file a formal complaint with the police for harassment and wasting my time for stoping me while i was buisy...and thanks now im late for work"
him: "well i said i was sorry"
me: "i dont care, get a new hobby and instead of worring about your neighbors kids (b/c he doesnt have any...which is weird in itself)...and see what happens if you tell an off duity cop to slow down..."

and with that i drove off...

lol i do the same thing everytime i go past his house when he is outside...go as slow as possible...


04-17-2004, 08:24 PM
I got the "slow it down" yell while driving the speed limit/ under limit through my neighborhood :rofl:
Seems like a common thing.

04-17-2004, 08:41 PM
both my mom and i have had a guy (same guy both times) jump out IN FRONT of our cars while going about 30 in a 25. screw that guy.... u guys got some funny stories with this kind of stuff.

04-17-2004, 09:04 PM
most people have the :eek: face when I drive by or they 100% ignore me...and I f*cking fly through the neighborhood ever since I got the S13,too. Sorry,but the kids in my hood are fucking stupid. Whenever you goto pass them they always swerve into your lane or intentinially stay in your way as much as possible,then give you this extremely nasty look when you go by...they do that to EVERYBODY....well,not to me anymore.(heh,fuckers)

04-17-2004, 09:30 PM
I have pretty much nailed down the basis of the problem here....

... it would have been so much easier to let that guy stew on how fast he thought you were going from the comfort of his own front yard then to waste time from both of your days to turn around and go argue about it... YOU know that if it was that huge an issue, your driving through the neighborhood at too high a speed, someone would have said something to you, or even your parents, as I assume that you are young. Maybe he was a bit overzealous in his confronting you about it, but what were you in turning around to give him the stage?

hahha hey you know, sometimes you gotta KEEP IT REAL....


04-17-2004, 09:36 PM
i had some1 jump in front of me while driving down the street, i was going 15, and i was in 1st gear, cuz there was a stop sign that i had just gone through, he yelled at me to slow down because there are little kids that play in the street, and also in the park that is across the street from his house. i told him " when i was a kid, i was told not to play in the street, and to look both ways before crossing the street. dont you teach your kids the same?" he agreed with me so i gave him the finger, told him to go fuck himself and stop being a dick, and peeled out.

04-17-2004, 09:38 PM
You guys ever see that celica commercial? Looks fast, lol!

I get those comments all the time; slammed, loud 5zigen exhaust and 18" wheels will do that. Its ok, I just call the cops tell them to radar my street because poeple are speeding, and they are the ones that get ticketed. Silly old people, speeding to starbucks.

04-17-2004, 09:43 PM
i had some1 jump in front of me while driving down the street, i was going 15, and i was in 1st gear, cuz there was a stop sign that i had just gone through, he yelled at me to slow down because there are little kids that play in the street, and also in the park that is across the street from his house. i told him " when i was a kid, i was told not to play in the street, and to look both ways before crossing the street. dont you teach your kids the same?" he agreed with me so i gave him the finger, told him to go fuck himself and stop being a dick, and peeled out.

You just reminded me. I was driving in my friends neighborhood following him on july 4th. We pass by this house with a bunch of people in front yard. The guy runs out to stop my friend in front of me, but doesnt get out in time, He goes right in front of my car. So i stop, he walks over and says "what the fuck you assholes doing speeding on july 4th"

He says "I am an offduty police officer, and your ass is done"

i say "Suck my fucking dick, I wasnt speeding"

I drop the clutch from 5k and leave a nice pair of black stripes, flip off my lights(so he cant see license plate number) and I am gone.

Score one for us lol :mrmeph:

04-17-2004, 09:52 PM
No no, I knew what he was saying..but I just felt like shooting some bull with him. I figured he could be civilized..whatever. I drove by again about an hour ago and he was still out there doing whatever he was doing, so i slowed down to about 5mph and white-knuckled my steering wheel and put the '200mph face' on. He didnt find it as amusing as i did. :fawk:


04-17-2004, 10:28 PM
I think the problem might be that they know you speed in the hood at night. You never really know that nobody will be in the street at night even ifyou think you got the watchful eye of an eagle, you're still just assuming.

04-17-2004, 10:45 PM
i think it comes down to this...

if they have a problem with you speeding, they need to ask you nicely or nothing at all will be accomplished, or they can call the cops and have them radar the street (which actually works against them by sometimes getting themselves tickets)

basically if someone has enough balls to yell at a stranger, you yell back louder/meaner lol

04-18-2004, 12:50 AM
you sound like a fucking 15 year old kid trying to be a hot shot around the neighborhood. please stop being stupid. maybe you will have kids one day (hopefully not) and then you will understand why you want motorists to go slow in neighborhoods. hell, maybe one day you will be going 25 on your street and a kid will pop out and you will hit and kill him. that'll teach you to be a little prick won't it?
grow up son.

04-18-2004, 01:12 AM
i think it comes down to this...

if they have a problem with you speeding

He wasn't speeding to begin with so there is nothing to have a problem with.

04-18-2004, 01:18 AM
the problem is with stupid motorists such as 240kat.

04-18-2004, 03:38 AM
He wasn't speeding to begin with so there is nothing to have a problem with.

In the first post he said that he speeds when it's late at night, assuming kids are indoors. That might be why the screaming neighbor was upset and mentioned that everyone is looking for him. People on the block probably know it's him that's speeding during the night and the one guy decided he would speak up, speak up to the yelling area that is.

04-18-2004, 04:10 AM
In the first post he said that he speeds when it's late at night, assuming kids are indoors. That might be why the screaming neighbor was upset and mentioned that everyone is looking for him. People on the block probably know it's him that's speeding during the night and the one guy decided he would speak up, speak up to the yelling area that is.

Highly doubt thats why he yelled, if it was the neighbor would have told him about it not the other way around.

04-18-2004, 04:38 AM
who cares....

you cant justify speeding and you cant justify going slow.. neither person is going to sound resonable in this case.

either your neighbor is just crazy and too damn nervous and gets pissy over cars that make noise


you drive like a fucking idiot and need to reconsider your driving skills.

either way, the important thing here is to make a "mental note" and remember that this guy is pissed off. if MORE people tell you the same thing, then you have a problem.

is wayne brady gonna have to choke this bitch? THIS IS NOT AN OPTION NYEA, SMOKE THAT SHIT.

- mike

04-18-2004, 08:11 AM
I think the issue is simple... usually neighbors dont just single someone out and point fingers. I feel at one time (or more) you have gone thru your street at excessive speeds or peeled out or something to make this/these guys pissed. Bottom line is you have offended someone... Its easy at a young age to not give a shit about adults with a protective nature. Kids do get run over, its a fact.... leave the speed and BS to some area that promotes it... Highway, track, SCCA event, or parking lot. Leave the neighborhood peaceful. From my experience... where theres smoke....... Just be careful, we ALL would hate for you to get in trouble or hurt yourself or someone else.

04-18-2004, 08:22 AM
I can relate.

My across-the-street neighbor told us once that my brother and I are the "Asian Bandits" and that we should slow down. THING IS, we never speed down our street! It's this OTHER guy with a Prelude SH who ZOOMS past every house on our street, redlining every gear (with an automatic, mind you) being an ass. So of course, since my bro and I have "modified exhausts" that it was us going 50 mph in a 25. Whatever. People will always single you out first if your car is slammed/you have a huge fart can/nicer car than them, etc etc....just keep following local laws and you'll be fine. :)

04-18-2004, 08:38 AM
when i was a kid, i was told not to play in the street, and to look both ways before crossing the street. dont you teach your kids the same?
Right, we were ALL told that and how many of us actually listened and made sure that we always did that... Exactly, because children DON'T listen and most grow to their teenage years and assume that nothing is their fucking fault, such is the case with a concerned parent who knows kids don't listen and are subject to run out into the middle of the street. Granted, that person could have been more civil about it, but did 240KAT NOT give him an audience by turning around to go listen to him yell?

04-18-2004, 10:37 AM
Right, we were ALL told that and how many of us actually listened and made sure that we always did that... Exactly, because children DON'T listen and most grow to their teenage years and assume that nothing is their fucking fault, such is the case with a concerned parent who knows kids don't listen and are subject to run out into the middle of the street. Granted, that person could have been more civil about it, but did 240KAT NOT give him an audience by turning around to go listen to him yell?

yeah, we were all told to not go into the street, but i had a best friend of mine killed when i still lived in california...he had a spotless record of not running out in the street and then one day he did and never made it...it will haunt me till the day i die, b/c i couldnt do a damn thing about it but watch...

and the weird thing was, the old lady was speeding about 10-15 over the limit and could have stopped if she wasnt

He wasn't speeding to begin with so there is nothing to have a problem with.

i worded that wrong, i meant possible speeding...

but still, who agrees that yelling to a teenager about speeding through a neighborhood is going to work? i think that it will just make it worse...or not effective at all

04-18-2004, 10:45 AM
next time this shit happens :

look him in the eyes and say "come on hit me, please! give me an excuse to cut your little fucking throat". make sure you say it right. no wimps.

i would have made this guy hit me and then proceed to beat the fuck out him in self-defence. law will be on your side once that fist is in the air.
:spank: :wtf: :spank:

04-18-2004, 11:14 AM
but still, who agrees that yelling to a teenager about speeding through a neighborhood is going to work? i think that it will just make it worse...or not effective at all
I never said I agreed with the effectiveness of this guy's yelling at a teenager, but take note that I also do not agree with said teenager's turning around to be yelled at and possibly yell himself. Was anyone's actions in this exchange the right thing to do?

04-18-2004, 12:38 PM
If you were going the speed limit, I would've just flipped him the fucking bird and drive away.

04-18-2004, 12:43 PM
You need to have a talk with the Dad and tell him to keep better control on his children. Tell him that his 12 year old girl shouldnt be riding her bike in the street after getting high smoking marajuana.

04-18-2004, 12:46 PM
You need to have a talk with the Dad and tell him to keep better control on his children. Tell him that his 12 year old girl shouldnt be riding her bike in the street after getting high smoking marajuana.

04-18-2004, 01:39 PM
the problem is with stupid motorists such as 240kat.

See, you arent doing anything differant than the parent who yelled at me. You perpetuated a problem that you dont know much about and resort to name calling. If you knew anything about my driving habits, then perhaps you could come down on me like I'm the antichrist of teenage car enthusiasts. And to think that you didnt drive like an idiot when you were a teenager is :bs:
If you look at my roster of cars, you'd see that I've had a lot of fast ones. Not one speeding ticket. No burnout tickets, no hitting kids tickets :mepoke:
So it comes down to this: i wish you had either one of my boosted 240's when you were 17, that way, the chance of you still being here making jackass, cliche 'stupid kid' comments on an online message board would be greatly decreased..and quite possibly, nill...see avatar.

04-18-2004, 03:40 PM
next time just say "Suck my balls, dude" in a Eric Cartman voice.

I hate people like that.

04-18-2004, 04:55 PM
See, you arent doing anything differant than the parent who yelled at me. You perpetuated a problem that you dont know much about and resort to name calling. If you knew anything about my driving habits, then perhaps you could come down on me like I'm the antichrist of teenage car enthusiasts. And to think that you didnt drive like an idiot when you were a teenager is :bs:
If you look at my roster of cars, you'd see that I've had a lot of fast ones. Not one speeding ticket. No burnout tickets, no hitting kids tickets :mepoke:
So it comes down to this: i wish you had either one of my boosted 240's when you were 17, that way, the chance of you still being here making jackass, cliche 'stupid kid' comments on an online message board would be greatly decreased..and quite possibly, nill...see avatar.

so are you a rich kid or what?

04-18-2004, 05:20 PM
i dont think you get a simple TICKET for hitting a kid... :)

04-18-2004, 06:22 PM
so are you a rich kid or what?

is being a rich kid supposed to be an insult?? dont be jealous just because someone has what you want. and dont say you arent, because otherwise you wouldn't have brought that up.

i dont think you get a simple TICKET for hitting a kid...

sarcasm is lost over the internet.

04-18-2004, 09:04 PM
so are you a rich kid or what?

no. my parents are divorced, i live with my mom and she's a nurse...not the most well payed job on the planet.
Anyway, back on topic...i think I might stand my clip up in front of his driveway..i still have my empty front clip from my swap, ill just tow it to his house and stand it up on its face in the middle of the night (the clip is over at my dad's house, no proof its mine)

04-18-2004, 09:41 PM
Hey guys, whats up? This is Drew's (240KAT) older brother.

yeswepromise, you need to get a goddamn life man...first off you dont know jack about 240KAT and to try to insult him by asking if he was rich was just stupid. What you should have said was wow, a kid saving his money to drop 10 grand on a engine rather than drugs, thats a great thing. The truth is he doesnt speed in the neighborhood. Theres a hill right by this guys house and when you come up it your in low gear at high rpm, so if you have exhaust on your car it sounds like its flying. I have a Roush Mustang with long tube headers and side pipes, its a loud as hell, i get the mad people flying into the streets with the *slow down* hands all the time too. Its because they are stupid and equate loud to fast.

Moreover we have gotton compliments from the other neighbors about how they appreciate us NOT flying around the neighborhood like some of the other kids that live there do.

And i swear to god, if we had been in person and you had talked to him the way that you did, you would have hit the ground before you finished your thought (or lack there of). So grow a brain and think about the situation someone is talking about before you let loose with the flames. The bottom line is this is a reoccuring thing with the same guy no matter what the speed is.

With that said....this is a pretty sweet board and the rest of you guys seem pretty cool, lol.


04-18-2004, 11:56 PM
yeswepromise, you need to get a goddamn life man...first off you dont know jack about 240KAT and to try to insult him by asking if he was rich was just stupid.
i know i know. i think my e-thugging is getting old. alas! i do know something about 240kat, he speeds in neighborhoods. i asked the question simply for information. no insult was present.

What you should have said was wow, a kid saving his money to drop 10 grand on a engine rather than drugs, thats a great thing.
where do i sign up for one of these jobs? shoot i would like...need, $10,000.
actually, drugs arent a bad idea. we could sure use some population control.

The truth is he doesnt speed in the neighborhood. Theres a hill right by this guys house and when you come up it your in low gear at high rpm, so if you have exhaust on your car it sounds like its flying.
i believe there is quite a difference between the noise emitted from a low gear/high RPM situation and a high gear/high RPM situation. i wasn't born yesterday ;)

I have a Roush Mustang with long tube headers and side pipes, its a loud as hell, i get the mad people flying into the streets with the *slow down* hands all the time too. Its because they are stupid and equate loud to fast.
wow your town must be filled with some really mentally challenged people. i feel sorry for the kids.

And i swear to god, if we had been in person and you had talked to him the way that you did, you would have hit the ground before you finished your thought (or lack there of).
may i make a suggestion? i think you should enroll in a anger management class. honestly, if asking if your brother was rich caused you to be so upset, i really believe you have a mental disorder. :/

So grow a brain and think about the situation someone is talking about before you let loose with the flames. The bottom line is this is a reoccuring thing with the same guy no matter what the speed is.
hey man i am trying my best in college. hopefully i can expand my mind. i am thinking you need to have a serious talk with said neighbor because maybe the two parties can come up with an understanding. it takes 2 to communicate! :)

With that said....this is a pretty sweet board and the rest of you guys seem pretty cool, lol.
there are a lot more assholes. :(

04-19-2004, 06:49 AM
>>i know i know. i think my e-thugging is getting old. alas! i do know something about 240kat, he speeds in neighborhoods. i asked the question simply for information. no insult was present.<<

well it seemed from the name calling, you were trying to insult

>>where do i sign up for one of these jobs? shoot i would like...need, $10,000.
actually, drugs arent a bad idea. we could sure use some population control.<<

it was from working his ass off for months and selling the car he had before and i'm asumming some sarcasm about the drugs

>>i believe there is quite a difference between the noise emitted from a low gear/high RPM situation and a high gear/high RPM situation. i wasn't born yesterday <<

aye, but to the old guy who drives a minivan everyday there probably isnt much difference between those sounds. I'm sure anyone on this or any other enthusiast board could tell the difference in sounds, but someone who doesnt know anything about cars cannot.

>>wow your town must be filled with some really mentally challenged people. i feel sorry for the kids.<<

see above

>>may i make a suggestion? i think you should enroll in a anger management class. honestly, if asking if your brother was rich caused you to be so upset, i really believe you have a mental disorder. :/<<

it was in reference to the name calling in your first couple posts, not the rich comment..the rich comment just showed how little you know about the situation

>>hey man i am trying my best in college. hopefully i can expand my mind. i am thinking you need to have a serious talk with said neighbor because maybe the two parties can come up with an understanding. it takes 2 to communicate! <<

while that is true, both parties have to be willing to talk and it was clear from the fingers in the face and yelling, the old guy wasnt willing to even hear my brother, let alone talk to him.

>>there are a lot more assholes. <<


04-19-2004, 10:33 AM
Sorry about your neighbor. (This may be racist but it's ok to be racist) I bet that guy was a conservative white male in this mid 40's that likes to secretly suck dick. He has a wife and 2 daughters. He also has a chevy in his driveway

04-19-2004, 11:06 AM
Sorry about your neighbor. (This may be racist but it's ok to be racist) I bet that guy was a conservative white male in this mid 40's that likes to secretly suck dick. He has a wife and 2 daughters. He also has a chevy in his driveway

Goddamn, right on the head of the nail. Chevy minivan, angry-homo erotic white guy, and 2 daughters..lol.

04-19-2004, 11:32 AM
haha, now thats funny as hell....

and drugs arent that bad...well some of them are and some arent...like crappy cars and cool cars, they arent equal with what they do to you :)

i love drugs lol

04-19-2004, 11:33 AM
you guys think you have it bad, try delievering italian food to a rich area with nothing but retirees.

I'll just give you a taste of my endeavors. One night I was driving through a neighborhood that happens to have next to impossible to see house numbers. As I'm in second gear, doing all of 1800 rpm, a man and woman riding there bikes with 2 young kids decides to talk to me. I noticed them on the other side of the street, peddling towards me. With more important things on my mind, like finding the damn house, i was caught off guard as the guy pulled directly in front of me. I push the clutch in, stop, figuring he must have something important to tell me. This commences.

"You need to slow it down in here, or I'm going to call the cops."
me- What?
"We see you fly through here all the time, Im going to write down your plates."

Keep in mind, this happened to be the first time i was ever in this neighborhood.

me- Uh, i dont speed in here, this is my first time,...
"dont lie to me boy"

So at this point im pist. I still cant find this house, i got 2 more delieverys in the car, and this asshat is taking up my time.

me- call me boy again and see if I dont get out of this car and kick your ass in front of your wife and kids. i didnt speed through your neighborhood.

"well be more careful"

Thats the point where i took my seatbelt off and went to open the door. Immediatly he started peddling away to his wife.

Than theres the time on halloween they yelled at me to slow down while i was doing LITERALLY 2 miles an hour riding the brake in my automatic NX. Boy o Boy did they get an earful.

04-19-2004, 11:34 AM
i dont think you get a simple TICKET for hitting a kid... :)

lol if people only got simple tickets for hitting kids (like a 1mph over ticket) they might make some kind of sport out of it...like 10 points if she has pigtails or 50 if they are on a bike moving :)

godamn im fucked up :P

04-19-2004, 09:39 PM
Sorry about your neighbor. (This may be racist but it's ok to be racist) I bet that guy was a conservative white male in this mid 40's that likes to secretly suck dick. He has a wife and 2 daughters. He also has a chevy in his driveway
Aren't stereotypes infinitely entertaining?

04-19-2004, 09:48 PM
stereotypes are the shit, how would we survive without them...and there is always a little truth behind them, thats how they get started

04-19-2004, 10:16 PM
haha great stuff so far....heres what happened to me tonite.

tonite as me and my dad were headin down to autozone to get some general tune-up crap, he was goin off the deepend big time! We have no speed limit sign on our road(bout 1/4 mile long, and neighbors with kids) so the speed limit is 35. I was accelerating as we were pullin out of our driveway, slowly I might add. I get to 20 MPH and hes like SLOW DOWN!!!!!(yellin and cussin) There's kids out!!!(they werent even by the road, they were sittin at the picnic table by their house) Im just like WTF!?! Im barely goin 20 MPH. and after I go past the neighbors house I get up to 30 and he's like "ya, your goin 20 alright".(I normally drive the speed limit and 95% its after the school bus has come and gone) then after we get what we need at Autozone and head home, there is a spot where a driveway is right after a hill and you cant see the drive till your at the top. And there is a truck backed out(still on his side) and I hit the brakes to slow down so I dont hit him and he goes off the deepend AGAIN! Sayin I have no sense behind the wheel and that now that I have my license, thats all I care about and how this is the only car he is gonna help me with, that when I wreck my car and have to get another one, he isnt gonna help me with it at all(again yellin and cussing), and how I drive excessively fast and that when the neighbors call to complain about me driving too fast down the road, he is gonna take away my car for a while. Funny thing is that I drive THE EXACT way I did when I still had my temps and I drove with my parents in the car. I mean EXACT way, speed and everything and that was in 3 totally different cars (01 Civic Sedan, 03 Element and a Toyota Pickup) and they never once crabbed bout my driving, and if they were gonna crab bout it, they should of done it then while I was still learning (not sayin that now I know everything, you are always learnin something new), not now that I have my license. I was gonna do the tune-up tonite, but im doin it first thing tomorrow after I get home from school. When my dad isnt home from work yet.

:madfawk: :madfawk: :smash: :madfawk: :axe:
God did I want to punch him so bad, I didnt tho.

04-19-2004, 11:04 PM
Aren't stereotypes infinitely entertaining?

hey was i right? was i or not? he could just be saying i'm right but i believe i'm right.

04-19-2004, 11:21 PM
03 Element

hahaha, you drove an element....:(

but seriously, ive been driving for a while and everytime my dad wants to go for a ride with me i let him drive, even if its my car...i dont even want to hear the remote possibility of him saying something retarted...like slow down its only 35 and im doing 36-37...

hes a total hipporcate too, he drive a SC'ed BMW Z3 and speeds all over the place like its nobodys buisness...yet he still manages to take time out of his day to tell me that im driving improperly

go figure, its life, and if you cant take it already...then damn, im sorry for you

04-20-2004, 06:47 AM
hey was i right? was i or not? he could just be saying i'm right but i believe i'm right.
Hey, you were definitely right, even if he was just saying you were for comedic value... That's why I still say that stereotypes are funny as hell.

04-20-2004, 09:07 AM
hahaha, you drove an element....:(
So what if I drove an Element....that Element beat my friend in a Sunfire. Which for an element isnt too shabby.

04-20-2004, 09:33 AM
Hey, you were definitely right, even if he was just saying you were for comedic value... That's why I still say that stereotypes are funny as hell.

O my bad. i didnt get what you were saying. I think i dont really understand you well. It cause you are here - and i am here_. Your intelligence level exceedes my processing capacity.

04-20-2004, 09:49 AM
O my bad. i didnt get what you were saying. I think i dont really understand you well. It cause you are here - and i am here_. Your intelligence level exceedes my processing capacity.
Nah, you're cool... You get me most of the time, it's just that at times sarcasm and humor can be terribly lost over the internet.

04-20-2004, 10:14 AM
What you guys need to understand is that EXPERIENCED drivers have that 6th sense, they are able to see things happen before they happen. Less-experienced drivers look at things like "the speed limit" while those who know their shit, have the experience to know whats happening on the road before it even happens.

So if you are a new driver, just slow your roll and handle you're business.. just learn not to drive with experienced drivers in the car because they'll want to kill you.

I get in the car with some of my friends and besides feeling like wanting to throw up, I get tired of their shitty driving skills. All you can do is sit back and hope they dont kill you, and at the same time, hope their skills end up improving.

04-20-2004, 10:18 AM
I get in the car with some of my friends and besides feeling like wanting to throw up, I get tired of their shitty driving skills. All you can do is sit back and hope they dont kill you, and at the same time, hope their skills end up improving.

:werd: i feel this way every time i drive with someone that doesnt go racing. one of my friends last night drove me home from TGI Friday's cause my car is in the shop for suspension work.. he was driving the speed limit on the freeway. Just the way he was manuevering his car made me ill(not fast lane switching or anything, just driving) .almost threw up my Broccoli Cheese soup .

mmmmm Broccoli Cheese