View Full Version : Ka24de Whitle noise HELPPPP!

04-08-2013, 07:09 PM
Alright, its a stock ka24de
it recently started making a whistling noise, and is very loud, its annoying and havent drove it since. i checked all my vacuum hoses and there seems to be no leaks, i checked my injectors for leaks and its all good, im stumped! ANY help would be appreciated, please help me out guys, i need to get my car running good again asap. if any extra info is needed lmk. THANKS!

here is a video showing the whistling noise. (make sure volume isn't all the way up, its loud)

04-09-2013, 12:19 AM
Holy shit that sounds terrible. I notice your clutch fan isn't spinning, has it always been like that? I'm willing to bet that that is your problem. Also, check your belts as they may also be squealing.

04-09-2013, 12:26 AM
Don't even worry its just a built in supercharger. Lol

But on the real wtf never seen that before. Hope you get it fixed .

04-09-2013, 12:27 AM
Holy shit that sounds terrible. I notice your clutch fan isn't spinning, has it always been like that? I'm willing to bet that that is your problem. Also, check your belts as they may also be squealing.

Terrible right, im stumped, and no, I turned the car on and made sure the belts were tight and the noise was still there, I then removed all the belts (which is why the fan isnt spinning) to see if it was the belts or pumps but the noise is still there, so I know it isnt any of the pumps or belts. I found a video on youtube with the same problem, guy said it was the throttle body gasket, so I changed mine, but the whistling is still there.

04-09-2013, 12:28 AM
Don't even worry its just a built in supercharger. Lol

But on the real wtf never seen that before. Hope you get it fixed .

Haha right, always spooling, even at idle lol, ive never seen it or heard of it before which is why im completely lost, I dont even know what to check anymore

04-09-2013, 11:26 AM
Terrible right, im stumped, and no, I turned the car on and made sure the belts were tight and the noise was still there, I then removed all the belts (which is why the fan isnt spinning) to see if it was the belts or pumps but the noise is still there, so I know it isnt any of the pumps or belts. I found a video on youtube with the same problem, guy said it was the throttle body gasket, so I changed mine, but the whistling is still there.

Did this include removing the AC belt when you're testing?

04-09-2013, 11:38 AM
Did this include removing the AC belt when you're testing?

Yes, I removed all belts, the only thing rotating was the crank pulley

04-09-2013, 12:48 PM
Judging by the sound specially the last noise when it was shut off it doesn't sound line a VAC leak. Most VAC leak noise it typically a pulsating noise this screeching is from like a busted pulley rubbing metal to metal. If you have all belt removed and noise still exists might want to double check timing components just to rule it out.

04-09-2013, 01:00 PM
Judging by the sound specially the last noise when it was shut off it doesn't sound line a VAC leak. Most VAC leak noise it typically a pulsating noise this screeching is from like a busted pulley rubbing metal to metal. If you have all belt removed and noise still exists might want to double check timing components just to rule it out.

Yea thanks man, looks like ima have to douboe check the timing components, dammit lol, was hoping I didnt have to open up the engine, ill check it once I have time, ill get some updates here around friday

04-09-2013, 02:10 PM
It should also be worth it to take some brake parts cleaner and shoot around the intake manifold area to rule out the possibility of vacuum leaks. Get every that holds vacuum including the rubber insulators around the fuel injectors

04-09-2013, 02:32 PM
While I do agree do as much as you can to rule out vac leak. Don't do it for a long time cause if its something like its rubbing on something "friction" by the time you find it might be too late.

04-09-2013, 03:58 PM
I recorded that video and Im also helping fix the issue.

This has not been said:
The engine idles rough when the screeching noise comes on, and the idle cannot be lowered via the idle air control valve (even with the TPS sensor unplugged), which leads me to believe that hopefully it is a VAC leak. The IACV was bottomed out and the car idles at 1100-1500RPM.
Going to try carb cleaner aroudn the manifold today

04-09-2013, 07:33 PM
We noticed that a lot of white-gasoline fumes (smells strong of gasoline) is coming out of the exhaust.
I tested each spark plug and they fire.
The rotor rotates freely
Tried a new cap and nothing
Tried another MAF and nothing.
The injectors have new O-rings and pintle caps when the motor was rebuilt about 400 miles ago.

What could be causing it to blow gasoline fumes out the back if it has spark?

This is driving me nuts. thanks guys!

04-17-2013, 11:04 PM
Any updates on this? I'm actually very curious.

04-22-2013, 04:30 PM
I've got the exact problem on my ka and if I'm right then your feul rail / injectors are loose causing the whistling sound. Try checking if all three mounting spots for the feul rail are tight( the ones close to the injectors).

04-22-2013, 06:57 PM
alright guys, so the noise is gone, i changed the intake manifold gaskets and i also found this:http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb387/Aldysx/1b287a76-c46f-41df-a1fc-a2aa649726ed.jpg (http://s1203.photobucket.com/user/Aldysx/media/1b287a76-c46f-41df-a1fc-a2aa649726ed.jpg.html) , its all good now! thanks for all your help!

04-26-2013, 04:34 AM
well I have been very slow to check this area, but I was going to say replace the intake manifold gasket, and to check the rubber lines that go to the part you have circles on. Never seen the welds go bad there. Glad you found it.