View Full Version : What kind of downloading client do you use?

04-16-2004, 10:44 AM
Now that kazaa has pretty much gone down the shitter :down: , I'm looking for a different downloading client that I could use. I've heard of a lot of different programs like mIRC, bit torrent (sp?), and some other ways. I tried using mIRC but it was just way too confusing for me.

So what kind of program do you use to download and how do you like it? I mainly want to download music, maybe some movies and programs, but mainly music.

nismo skyline
04-16-2004, 11:30 AM
kazaa lite

04-16-2004, 11:35 AM
^same as him

04-16-2004, 11:48 AM
me too, just gotta know how to wade through all the fakes not too tough

04-16-2004, 11:57 AM
:werd: When DL'ing on Kazza Lite, if its an audio file. After it hits 500kbps in transfer, play it. Let it play for alittle bit. Most corrupted audio files mess up about 10-25 seconds into the file. Sometimes at 45. Sometimes its only in a little spot. I would reccomend some kind of spyware sweeper. After i DL'ed about 5 audio files. I had about 20 traces of spyware. Spyware :rl:

04-16-2004, 12:27 PM
Kazaa sucks in any form.. way too many corrupt peices of shit on there.

Use WinMX. Never get corrupted files.

04-16-2004, 01:03 PM
shareaza is supposed to be one of the best out there...go to www.zeropaid.com they have tons of links for p2p sharing and crap...

04-16-2004, 01:30 PM
winmx is coo and so is kazaa light...but u cant dl light anymore so u got to file share it with someone

Got Sileighty?
04-16-2004, 01:33 PM
i agree with sykik. theres junk files in kazaa and kazaalite....ive actually downloaded a couple of songs where the fukd up part is about 2min into the song! bastards!

mirc IS a little complicated but you get used to it. the problem with it is that the selection pretty much sucks, especially if youre looking for old stuff.

i might give winmx a try, thanks sykik.

by the way, heres to the RIAA and whoever is monitoring music downloads: :madfawk:

i usually download stuff i have anyway, yea so heres to you again: :madfawk:

04-16-2004, 03:06 PM
don't dload things with really high bandwidths. that's a pretty good indication as to a fake. also, if the title is PERFECT with everything capitalized, artist, and album correct.

basically steer clear of the too good to be true stuff.

try out these bands too:

in flames

they ROCK!

04-16-2004, 04:05 PM
i use Mirc, its great get whole albums in no time.

04-16-2004, 04:11 PM
I have been using Mirc since day one. As long as you don't run file servers day and night, theres no chance of getting caught. Old ways are always the best ways

04-16-2004, 04:30 PM
Shareaza is the best by far, it connects to tall the stupid networks and will let you download Torrent files.

04-17-2004, 05:09 AM
for downloading entire albums of music, you g2 dl soulseek its the best.. u can pick up just about any genre of music and any artists albums... unfortunately u cant dl it anymore..maybee buy the program @ a store or file share it from ppl u know that got it

04-17-2004, 04:56 PM
I use:

Kazaa lite
Bittorrent(mainly from suprnova.org)

If i can't find it on those, its not on the 'net.

04-17-2004, 05:07 PM

they ROCK!

soilwork owns!!!! hell yeah

04-18-2004, 08:44 AM
I go to work 5 days a week, which allows me to receive a bi-weekly paycheck, which I in turn use to PURCHASE goods and services, up to and including the 500+ CDs and 200+ DVDs on my shelves... I guess I would call AT&T wireless my download client, since they facilitate my receipt of said paychecks.

04-18-2004, 10:43 AM
I go to work 5 days a week, which allows me to receive a bi-weekly paycheck, which I in turn use to PURCHASE goods and services, up to and including the 500+ CDs and 200+ DVDs on my shelves... I guess I would call AT&T wireless my download client, since they facilitate my receipt of said paychecks.

haha, nicely put :)

but im college poor and enjoy d/ling other things besides music too, actually i dont have any music downloading right now

04-18-2004, 11:25 AM

Direct Connect is the shit, been using it for years!

04-18-2004, 02:21 PM
I go to work 5 days a week, which allows me to receive a bi-weekly paycheck, which I in turn use to PURCHASE goods and services, up to and including the 500+ CDs and 200+ DVDs on my shelves... I guess I would call AT&T wireless my download client, since they facilitate my receipt of said paychecks.

there are plenty of things to download that are not illeagal.

04-18-2004, 02:46 PM

Direct Connect is the shit, been using it for years!

Word, ive been using that too. Its great for finding stuff for anyone who likes the mIRC type GUI.

04-18-2004, 06:11 PM
I go to work 5 days a week, which allows me to receive a bi-weekly paycheck, which I in turn use to PURCHASE goods and services, up to and including the 500+ CDs and 200+ DVDs on my shelves... I guess I would call AT&T wireless my download client, since they facilitate my receipt of said paychecks.

:blah: :blah: :gives:

04-18-2004, 06:16 PM
^^^^ Word...

I use... Kazaa Lite... and if i cant find a good version of a song or something... i use IRC...

DC++... its pretty big on college campus's because of the intranet transfers... but i dunno any hubs for non .edu domains

04-18-2004, 08:16 PM
there are plenty of things to download that are not illeagal.
I never have an issue with the legality of it, in fact I could care less what works for others, I'm just set in my ways and exercise my right to own the CD myself. Besides, it makes my rack look so much better to have the CDs and DVDs and shit there...

:blah: :blah: :gives:
Obviously YOU give a fuck, or enough of one to respond, thank you very much...

04-19-2004, 09:57 AM
http://club.mp3search.ru not free but as close as you can get while paying for it and as far as I can tell it is leagal because they pay for the rights to sell the songs the united states dollar just kicks the ____ out of the russian one so it is a great exchange rate for us