View Full Version : Looking at a 240 on saturday...

12-06-2001, 09:10 AM
hey guys and gals,
i'm going to look at a s13 on saturday and i'm wondering if there's anything that i should specifically look for when i go to check it out. if it get's past me i'm deff going to take it to a mechanic. i know on hondas you check certain things and with mazdas it's halfshafts that you want to check. this however is my first rear wheel drive car. what should i look for on the s13 that's different than most other cars... thanks...

12-06-2001, 09:39 AM
make sure it has LSD...
it's a coveted prize amongst the S13 world

12-06-2001, 10:54 AM
check out the camber i've seen some stock 240's with some fucked up camber .... um.... i dunno what else .... sorry

12-06-2001, 10:59 AM
your pretty save 240s are wll built cars. just use your jugement if the car looks beat walk away. If it is an 89 ask about the guy about fuel injetors (i had to replace on my 89 before i sold it). The 91 and up came with a duel over head cam vs. the 89-90 singel over head cam there for the 91 and up has an extra 15 hp. agin use your jugement if the car looks in good shape, seems torun well, and the guy seems he took care of it go for it. anyway let us know what happens.....


12-06-2001, 08:47 PM
yeah it's at a dealer so i don't know about who drove it before... but i can get a carfax report... those are great =)