View Full Version : input on mechanical issue experienced people.

04-03-2013, 01:23 PM
So a buddy of mine goes to UTI and his instructor told him to clean his fuel injectors using some sort of fuel injecter cleaner i dont know what kind. after doin so his motor began to make a loud ticking noise that Decreases as the rpms reach around 5-6k but when running at regular idel below 1k it makes this tiking noise very noticable , he said they compression tested it and all 4 cyl were below spec. they poured some oil and did it again compression increased but still below spec.(this is all from what they told me)

i was at his house and i cut off ignition to each cyl one by one and the loud ticking was still there no change. i told him to do a cyl leak test and check to see if theres any air escaping threw either the intake or exhaust valves. im sure there is a compression issue but is there anyway the hydralic lifters could have been lost oil? or damaged some how by the injector cleaner they used??(idk much about a sohc ka)

when they asked the teacher he didnt even have an answer for them.

he has a SOHC KA with 213xx miles on it.

he said when he drove it home he didnt notice any power loss just that loud ticking any input you guys have from experience would be really great.:naughtyd:

04-03-2013, 01:30 PM
Timing chain maybe

04-03-2013, 01:46 PM
Timing chain maybe

def not that.

04-03-2013, 02:24 PM
Fuel injector cleaner is not added to the engine oil, that should not have caused the ticking. With that much mileage, it could be collapsed lifters and just a coincidence that it happened after the injector cleaning. It could be the timing chain as well. I've got a guide that deteriorated to the point that there is no more plastic on it at all on a singlecam with like 150,000 miles on it. I would suggest that you pull the valvecover and inspect the timing chain/guides and the lifters. See if any of the rocker arms are extremely loose with that cylinder at TDC. I've had a S14 dualcam that had the timing chain tensioner bleed down after sitting for a week or so as well. I had to run the car for FOREVER untill it bled back up and the noise went away.

04-03-2013, 03:12 PM
Fuel injector cleaner is not added to the engine oil, that should not have caused the ticking. With that much mileage, it could be collapsed lifters and just a coincidence that it happened after the injector cleaning. It could be the timing chain as well. I've got a guide that deteriorated to the point that there is no more plastic on it at all on a singlecam with like 150,000 miles on it. I would suggest that you pull the valvecover and inspect the timing chain/guides and the lifters. See if any of the rocker arms are extremely loose with that cylinder at TDC. I've had a S14 dualcam that had the timing chain tensioner bleed down after sitting for a week or so as well. I had to run the car for FOREVER untill it bled back up and the noise went away.

can you give me more info on a collapsed lifter?

the day before he did the valve cover gaskt and while the cover was off looked down the front timming cover and the timming chain guide did not have broken bits looked normal for a 215xxx mile car.
i took a long philips screw driver to the front of the timming cover and put it to my ear and hear the normal rattle a chain would make, NOT as if rubbing on the cover then i did the same thing to the valve cover and it makes the loud ticking all the way across the engine.

04-03-2013, 03:27 PM
Put each cylinder on TDC and see if the rocker arms are super loose. If the lifters are normal they shouldn't be loose. If the lifters are collapsed they'll be clearly loose.

04-04-2013, 02:45 PM
yup it sounds like a coincidental collapsed lifter, tick tick tick i heard one the other day like that. I would swap in an OEM KA24DE engine, nows your chance!

and I was just thinking, in my experience, the problem is not always what it seems to be. There are not many things that go "tick" in a KA24E but I am sure there is another possible cause.