View Full Version : Turbo Gasket Q

03-28-2013, 06:03 PM
Need to replace my T3/T4 turbo to manifold gasket (t3 hot side) as well as my turbo to down pipe gasket... Do you guys have any specific sugg or will any one do? I've heard of people breaking cheap ones, but any suggestions are welcome. I have a Garrett T3/T4 and Megan 3'' downpipe, just to clarify

03-29-2013, 08:22 PM
Snug it up so its tight use a smaller ratchet or wrench, i my self use a 1/4 ratchet and stubby wrenchs after i broke 3 studs. USE ANTI SIEZE it will be your best friend. Just dont pull on them to hard. problem solved lol