View Full Version : CA BRAND NEW lips and barrels! 10.5/18 all around 4.5 step front lips and 6 in rear lips

03-23-2013, 01:57 PM
i might want bigger lips so selling my new step lips and barrels for 17 inch faces, 40 holes... feeler
factory finished not polished, i know a guy who can polish all the lips for 150 if your interested
1200 for all lips and barrels 6267157111

4.5 inch front (front top of the wheel) step lip all around

6 inch lower (back rear of the wheels) step lip all around

18 inch lips fit 17 inch faces
text or call no low balls please

03-23-2013, 02:15 PM
ummmmm you may wanna post the dimensions of what you are actually selling.

03-23-2013, 02:43 PM
ummmmm you may wanna post the dimensions of what you are actually selling.

my bad did this on a rush on my phone..lol

03-23-2013, 10:36 PM
Wooooow lol

03-25-2013, 08:27 AM
Still for sale

03-26-2013, 11:30 AM
No one wants brand new lips:)

03-26-2013, 12:07 PM
how much for just the 4.5? a pair.

03-26-2013, 12:49 PM
So, you're selling 2 x 4.5" stepped lips, and 2 x 6" inners?

Or 4 x 4.5" stepped lips, and 4 x 6" inners?

03-26-2013, 03:05 PM
350 for the 4.5 pair

03-26-2013, 03:09 PM
So, you're selling 2 x 4.5" stepped lips, and 2 x 6" inners?

Or 4 x 4.5" stepped lips, and 4 x 6" inners?

im selling 4 x 4.5" stepped lips, and 4 x 6" inners as complete set or spliting them

03-26-2013, 03:31 PM
i hate to knock your price but vrwheels sells polished ones for just a couple of bucks more.

03-26-2013, 03:40 PM
vr wheels doesn't sell 40 hole step lips, only bbs

03-26-2013, 03:44 PM
VR made me lips custom to my order last time. I'm not sure what your basing your information from.

03-26-2013, 04:08 PM
their website. doesnt mention that they make custom lips. but based off your experience you'd have to call to make that order.

03-26-2013, 04:51 PM
Tempting. Where can you buy just faces?

03-26-2013, 07:04 PM
yeah, they have 18 step 40 holes in stock. they rebarrel sp1's all the time.

03-27-2013, 12:08 AM
Tempting. Where can you buy just faces? here on silvia I got mine for 740 ssr ms1s takes time and patients to find what you are looking for though:fart: