View Full Version : KA rebuild kit question

03-22-2013, 10:58 AM
Going to do my rebuild on my KA, just got the car and i plan to put a turbo on it in a couple of months, is their any specific kit that should use or stay away from? Also, would it be best to get every part that i need individually or is their a really good kit out their? Tried searching on the forum and every time i got a white screen when i did this search so sorry if i repeated a previous question

03-22-2013, 12:33 PM
if its on ebay.... dont buy it
FRSPORT sells some pretty good rebuild kits for the KA as well as THE NISMO SHOP... just look around and do some research... when it comes to the important moving parts in your engine never go the easy cheap route, youll be paying a lot more for it later.