View Full Version : sr20det starts!!!! but idles at 2k and smokes.. help!!!!

04-13-2004, 06:20 PM
hey guys... one problem solved.. now another problem arises...motor starts!!!!!!!!!!! let the pump prime for a bit. then i started her.. started right up.. here are the problems now... idle stays at 2k for a while... lil past 2k actually... never goes down.. the car also starts to backfire at idle occasionally.. lastly, as i was looking at the motor, i saw some smoke coming from the front of the motor.. not having a temp gauge hooked up yet, i shut the car off right away.. has anyone had this problem before... i check timing and it is correct... any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.. thank you

04-13-2004, 06:22 PM
did you bleed your coolant system?

04-13-2004, 06:25 PM
Is your throttle body opened a little or the throttle cable to short? Make sure the TB is closed. At the very least have a temp gauge hooked up.

04-15-2004, 04:46 PM
k.. throttle plate is alright.. this is the weird thing.. 2k idle.. when i gas it a lil in neutral, rev goes down to 1.5 and it seems like the motor is about to shut off then it jumps up in rpm.. whats with this??

the head
04-16-2004, 10:28 AM
1. sounds like your IAC is sticking pull it out and spray the shit out of it with carb cleaner to get all the shit out of it

2.smoke may not be temp related it could be all the shit that has been on the outside of the motor burining off remember this thing has not run for a while

both of these are things i had to do on my sr

04-16-2004, 02:05 PM
the smoke is probably coming from the turbo, when the motor gets tilted and stuf fin shipping oil gets down in there, it will burn off though just need to run it hard to clear it out, but as far the idle, i dont really know

04-16-2004, 05:19 PM
cleaning iac.. this is the lil box underneath the intake mani right.. how do i go about removing and cleaning this.. do i need to remove it to clean it.. where do i spray the carb cleaner

04-18-2004, 01:14 AM
I think you might have an air leak inyour intake manifold.
Did you plug up all your unused ports?
Cause i have the same problem...Today while swaping to a KA throttle body, i found out that my intake mainfold was missing almost half of of the throttle body gasket.
I didn't finish putting the throttle body back on but i'll let you know if it fixes the problem.

And yeah, you have to remove the IAC and spray it with carb or electronic cleaner to clean it. Heres a pic of what a IAC looks like...the red arrows pointing to the IAC adjustment screw. Turn it in to lower your idle after the car warms up.