View Full Version : Upgraded Speedo

04-13-2004, 12:59 AM
Anyone have pics or information about putting a faster speedo in?

ive seen pics before of a 240 with a speedo up to 300 kms or something.. I Wonder where you would get one of these from and if you can just pop it in or if you have to recalibrate stuff for it?

04-13-2004, 01:03 AM
on the topic of that, any way to make the tach on a s14 less laggy?

04-13-2004, 01:07 AM
I think the best way for both of those is to just not pay attention to the gauge cluster and buy some aftermarket parts such as AVC-R (a cheap alternative).

mad s13
04-13-2004, 08:12 AM
i know a place to get a speedo that reads to 180mph...let me know via pm if you want one

04-13-2004, 09:12 AM
i know about the one from LS automotive but thats not what i need......the factory looking one in KMH- i think it says nismo in it

BiluMaster K's
04-13-2004, 09:45 AM
get the U.K. kph to mph conversion kit...you'll be straight~there are all over the place in europe and they even come with a little emblem to cover the kph and say mph

04-13-2004, 02:07 PM
thats a nismo speedo your talking about.....i think www.takakaira.co.jp sells them for a s13

04-13-2004, 02:19 PM
300 kms? why? your car cant go that fast. anyway, just get Apexi revmeter. it has everything you need. and you cant beat it for 220 bucks.. im geting one.

04-13-2004, 03:45 PM
I have seen a one built by IMPUL...it went up to 320KMH...but it was waaay to expensive

04-13-2004, 06:00 PM
I dont want a rev speed meter, cause I want my car to look stock

i dont want necessarily something going up to 320 kmh but i hate that when im doing 80 miles an hour, the needle is 3/4 buried. I think I could bury it in 3rd gear

this takikaira speedo....is it a direct replacement or do you have to program / calibrate it? Damn their website is all messed up and not working

04-13-2004, 07:00 PM
its a direct replacement from NISMO japan for the s13, i would assume its calibrated man.....