View Full Version : korean mania!

04-11-2004, 02:05 PM
this is just out of control.. haha omg.. i need to take an ice pick and shove it into my eyes.

my buddy glenn sends me this.. i seriously want death, and i want it NOW. baby VOX is the group ladies and gents.. and korean racing is where its at.. mix a bit of tupac in that shit and its the HOTNESS.

you guys can call me a hater, a stupid old-school mother funker.. i dont give a flying shit.. just watch this THEN you will know why i hate so much... ugh





04-11-2004, 02:13 PM
haha, i think thats pimp, hot chicks with... kinda... hot cars...

i dig it, except for the fake english ;)

04-11-2004, 02:27 PM

When I see pictures of girls like that, with the focus messed up, overexposed, pancake makeup... All I can think is, damn, I bet she's really unattractive under all that, hahaha.

Anyone notice the cars in the video had a lot of American-made performance parts? They prominently display a DC Sports sticker, an Autometer tach. Lots of things I don't know about the Korean car scene, I guess.

I can't comment on the music because I know jack about hip-hop. I do know that it did not make me want to shake my ass.

04-11-2004, 02:36 PM
i like it, i like the girls too :naughtyd:

fawk u haters... biotch :fawkd:

04-11-2004, 02:39 PM
Yeah man, the english is pretty fake, and the girls look like ASS in those pictures you posted...

In the video tho, holy shit, they are hawt


And yeah, what the fuck is TUPAC doing in the video?

Nice DEFI gauges too...

04-11-2004, 02:39 PM
baby vox isnt a group of ladies and gents..juss ladies..i think

04-11-2004, 02:59 PM
baby vox isnt a group of ladies and gents..juss ladies..i think

yes, and those pics above don't do justice...

04-11-2004, 03:03 PM
tupac's in there..... he shouldn't be used as an image eh. i don't dig this video cause of that shit. the freakin extacy guy doesn't even deserve to take credit in this song(he's first on the list, then baby vox) cause he don't even rap shit. usin tupac in there aint right eh.. if anything, it should have been babyvox alone in this video. btw, this video is kind of old isn't it? babyvox is a 4/5 group or some shit, no guy

04-11-2004, 03:39 PM
beat sounds really familiar, sounds sorta like dre's 'in da club' beat..almost sounds like the same sample..WTF was tupac doin in the gdang video!? yea, that kinda killed it.....the girls were alrite some of em are hurt but all good, :hitit:

04-11-2004, 05:31 PM
riddle me this: what do you get when you put a hot chick in a video that sucks?

A: a hot chick in a video that sucks

there, i said it... that bottom chick looks like a manaquin (sp?)

04-11-2004, 06:06 PM
dude the second chick looks like david lo pan from big trouble in little china.. what the fuck are you guys smoking.

if you wait a few seconds, bright white light is going to emit from her eyes and mouth and fuck your vision up..

jesus.. some of you guys....

04-11-2004, 06:25 PM
dude its cuz those pics are fawkd up...
fake computer edited pictures , just like playboy!!!! :boink:

04-11-2004, 06:46 PM
those girls are not hot. that videos different, i wouldnt say its horribly bad.

04-11-2004, 07:18 PM
those beaches are hot mang!!!! :whip:

song is wack,dude rappin in the start is wack,tupac's verse was aight,the cars well uh skyline was nice but uh hmmthe video overall was WACK!!!

04-11-2004, 08:02 PM
damn, one has no nose, the other has some crazy ass eyes...weird....

04-11-2004, 08:17 PM
Those chicks are not good looking by any means, and that second picture you posted is scary, look at the eyes! And putting Tupac in a korean pop girl group's song? Shameless.

04-11-2004, 09:26 PM
yeah i swear, whats up with all these over exposed pics of the asian ladies.... I mean, yeah, I love asian girls, but whats up with all the pics of themselves with the soft-touch and over exposure..... its like they're trying to hide something. Plus the song was lame..... its so repetitious and they seem to "try" to be cool, kinda reminds me of Fast and the Furious type of video......... bleh.... but they have better songs....... i guess they just trying to be hip-hop/rap.

04-11-2004, 09:44 PM
eh???.. is it me or did the girl in the first picture missing a nose...and the one in the second seems to have giant eyes...weird..

Got Sileighty?
04-12-2004, 01:34 AM
at least 2 or 3 of them were pretty damn hot in the video. the pics on that link above suck. the song is ehhh, its alright.

04-12-2004, 01:46 AM
damn, one has no nose, the other has some crazy ass eyes...weird....
Normally you can't trust a girl's opinion of other girls, but this chick keeps it real! :coold:

04-12-2004, 02:01 AM
Those girls look jacked up!

04-12-2004, 06:45 AM
:rofl: Those girls look like real dolls. If you don't know what a real doll is, do a search on google, it's hilarious :naughtyd:

04-12-2004, 09:12 AM
They are both ugly.

Im not going to waste my time watching the vid with ugly people in it.

04-12-2004, 10:31 AM
trueno> They are both ugly. Im not going to waste my time watching the vid with ugly people in it.

dayamn dogg.. why you gotta diss yo' asian sistas like dat y0?? hahaha

04-12-2004, 11:47 AM
ROFL i dunno, all i'm seeing are guys in that vid.Oh wait are they supposed to be women? Fooled me....where are there curves? :wtf:

They are cute....if you like to look at little boys :spank:

04-12-2004, 01:25 PM
hahah baby vox is lame...and i happened 2 be korean so i know they been out for awhile and their style has changed alot... but gyea babyvox is all girls and if u think this video is bad...go on kazaa and DL sum of their other shit back when they had a different style of music and taste... but i do g2 hand it 2 them.. they look better now than b4

04-12-2004, 01:45 PM
pure sex....

04-12-2004, 01:47 PM
I didnt really care about the music, instumental would've been better. Almost sounded like 50 Cent. But the girls... id take any of them, any time, any place, any where. LoL

04-12-2004, 02:34 PM
But the girls... id take any of them, any time, any place, any where. LoL
I would too, but they're still not good looking. :eek3: :naughtyd:

04-12-2004, 02:41 PM
I would too, but they're still not good looking. :eek3: :naughtyd:

haha yup just cuz their pop stars makes it a whole lot better

04-12-2004, 03:08 PM
trueno> They are both ugly. Im not going to waste my time watching the vid with ugly people in it.

dayamn dogg.. why you gotta diss yo' asian sistas like dat y0?? hahaha

I don't like asians.

and they're still two ugly girls. I tried to think about having sex with them with a bag over their heads but it ain't workin.

Those two, scares the shit out of me. Just pure ugliness.

04-12-2004, 03:17 PM
naw man! Your doing it all wrong. You put a paper bag over their head is right, but you forgot to put a picture of BRITNEY on the front!! :boink:

04-12-2004, 03:19 PM
naw man! Your doing it all wrong. You put a paper bag over their head is right, but you forgot to put a picture of BRITNEY on the front!! :boink:

Even Worse.

Britney's face is butter. The body is hawt.

04-12-2004, 03:26 PM
pure sex....u are wrong...

04-13-2004, 11:08 AM
pure sex....u are wrong...

You'll hit anything that walks, That no surprise.

04-13-2004, 11:16 AM
You'll hit anything that walks, That no surprise.


as long as she's skinny...darkness does wonders for an ugly chick with a nice body...:boink:

04-13-2004, 12:15 PM
the song sucks. they kind of hot though. song sucks big time though. Beats not bad though

04-13-2004, 12:36 PM

as long as she's skinny...darkness does wonders for an ugly chick with a nice body...:boink:

lol ok there is a problem with that though.These chicks have no body, straight as can be.

04-13-2004, 12:43 PM
Britney's face is butter.

True that. She looks like a man.

04-13-2004, 12:44 PM
lol ok there is a problem with that though.These chicks have no body, straight as can be.

that's ok too...cause they are asian...so they are not supposed to have big ass n titties...

skinny girls like that are refered to as "slang"...cause you can slang them around in bed...very tossable...nice to have on top...

it's all about the eclectic mix of pussy...gotta mix it up now and then...a black girl with great lips and booty one week...a nice little asian girl the next...a white girl with long hair, nice perky titties, and a small waste the following...all about variety my friend...:)

04-13-2004, 12:51 PM

:tweak: :tweak: :tweak:

04-13-2004, 01:30 PM
just take it and break it!

04-13-2004, 01:47 PM

:tweak: :tweak: :tweak:

$5000 fake love dolls??

those things are dope...if i had a bunch of extra money i'd buy them for my friends...

ok, and one for myself..just to see what it's like...lol

i saw the HBO Real Sex thing on those...some guy and his g/f had a 3-some with one..it was funny...

from what i saw they are SUPER real though...

04-13-2004, 01:59 PM
You fuckers need eye surgery. Those two bishes is fugly ass fuck. I rather fuck a goat over those two bitches. (well not really but you get my point)

04-13-2004, 02:49 PM
You fuckers need eye surgery. Those two bishes is fugly ass fuck. I rather fuck a goat over those two bitches. (well not really but you get my point)

yeah thos first two pictures are not that good...

but in these two they look pretty cute to me:


not the one on the far left though...lol

04-13-2004, 02:54 PM
so, you'd put it in their butt?

04-13-2004, 03:01 PM
dude the second chick looks like david lo pan from big trouble in little china.. what the fuck are you guys smoking.


damn, one has no nose, the other has some crazy ass eyes...weird....


Those chicks are not good looking by any means, and that second picture you posted is scary, look at the eyes!


eh???.. is it me or did the girl in the first picture missing a nose...and the one in the second seems to have giant eyes...weird..


Those girls look jacked up!


They are both ugly.


ROFL i dunno, all i'm seeing are guys in that vid.Oh wait are they supposed to be women? Fooled me....where are there curves?

They are cute....if you like to look at little boys


and they're still two ugly girls. I tried to think about having sex with them with a bag over their heads but it ain't workin.

Those two, scares the shit out of me. Just pure ugliness.


You fuckers need eye surgery. Those two bishes is fugly ass fuck. I rather fuck a goat over those two bitches


so, you'd put it in their butt?


all i saw was 5 vaginas. you all are trippin.

04-13-2004, 03:30 PM
^^Like to bukake ugly bishes.

04-13-2004, 11:34 PM
^^Like to bukake ugly bishes.

AHAHAHAHAHAA :p :wackit:

04-14-2004, 06:27 AM
Hmm...i guess I got Korean Mania cuz i kinda liked it. Has a catchy beat and they're cute *not all but enough*

04-14-2004, 11:25 AM
jesus.. i post shit like this and expect everyone to go "jee.. wow.. these girls are wack." but no.. NO.. i was wrong, there will always be those lonely guys in the automotive scene who think their cars are extentions of their penis and have NO game what-so-ever, so they just look at ANY girl and say "wow she's hot."

NO.. these girls are not hot in any way. BUT, if it takes me, trueno, and s13silviagirl, russian, and various others to tell you this -- this doesnt mean there is a problem with us, this means there is a problem with YOU. What is that? BAD TASTE.

Its okay.. some people dont know how to fix up cars, other people dont know how to differentiate an good looking lady from an ugly sea donkey, but its OH-kay.. because someone has to do it.

I guess this proves that trueno coupe and I can atleast agree on ONE thing..

hmmm.. fuck..

i still dont like his ass though.. 1986.. man, my nintendo was made in 1986.

I LOL'ED! booooooooooooooooooooooooooo

04-14-2004, 11:48 AM
jesus.. i post shit like this and expect everyone to go "jee.. wow.. these girls are wack." but no.. NO.. i was wrong, there will always be those lonely guys in the automotive scene who think their cars are extentions of their penis and have NO game what-so-ever, so they just look at ANY girl and say "wow she's hot."

NO.. these girls are not hot in any way. BUT, if it takes me, trueno, and s13silviagirl, russian, and various others to tell you this -- this doesnt mean there is a problem with us, this means there is a problem with YOU. What is that? BAD TASTE.

Its okay.. some people dont know how to fix up cars, other people dont know how to differentiate an good looking lady from an ugly sea donkey, but its OH-kay.. because someone has to do it.

I guess this proves that trueno coupe and I can atleast agree on ONE thing..

hmmm.. fuck..

i still dont like his ass though.. 1986.. man, my nintendo was made in 1986.

I LOL'ED! booooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Yup and you are in the category of doesn't know how to fix cars. Have you look at your car lately, Goodlord that so old_man way.

Im 21.. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO COUNT OLD_MAN? 1...2...3...4...5... I work at one of the biggest Networking Co which is rated at #3 right now in the whole world.

I think I pretty sum it up of where Im standing. I am more succesful than you can ever be. Im only 21, How old are you, 45? Goodlord.

Should I start listing what I own?

Nintendo? Who plays Nintendo nowadays? That so... like Old_Man category.

I don't want to be cocky, But if you want to see our difference between our age. Let me know.

-Al born in 1982 not 1986. HAHAHHAHAHHAH oh wait, I LOLED.

ps. Maybe you cant read so good. You might need new glasses, old_man. It sure says "1982" on my profile. ahhahhhaha

04-14-2004, 12:18 PM
Mike you are beginning to get on ppl's nerves.. maybe on purpose? I dont know why. Maybe you're having some personal problems you need to take care of.??iono.. But let me comment on a couple of things you said.

1-NO.. these girls are not hot in any way. BUT, if it takes me, trueno, and s13silviagirl, russian, and various others to tell you this -- this doesnt mean there is a problem with us, this means there is a problem with YOU. What is that? BAD TASTE.

To all the people who's **opinion** was that these girls arent bad looking, they have a point. They arent bad looking. And i never said any of them were hot . Ever. And no there isnt a problem with the ones that said so. There also isnt a problem with s13silviagirl, russian, truenocoupe, or whoever else you mentioned. We all have our opinions. The only one that has a problem here is you. You yourself admit to having a problem with the forum and people who post here. I'm sorry you feel that way. Most posts here are lighthearted and people are bored and come here to see wassup and pass some time.

2-but no.. NO.. i was wrong, there will always be those lonely guys in the automotive scene who think their cars are extentions of their penis and have NO game what-so-ever, so they just look at ANY girl and say "wow she's hot."

That's an unfair statement. You assume because a few people's **opinion** was that those girls are to their liking(again not me) that they are "lonely guys in the automotive scene." ???????

3-Its okay.. some people dont know how to fix up cars, other people dont know how to differentiate an good looking lady from an ugly sea donkey, but its OH-kay.. because someone has to do it.

Again you make an unrelated remark about people fixing up their cars (?) as a weak attempt to degrade people for no reason. And even though it's unrelated, i'll comment on it. Now that you bring up people that "dont know how to fix up cars", a lot of them are your own customers.. ..this is my own **opinion** I dont mean to push my view on you all but..people that spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on clear lenses and similar things fall into that category, again IMO.

4-I guess this proves that trueno coupe and I can atleast agree on ONE thing..

hmmm.. fuck..

i still dont like his ass though.. 1986.. man, my nintendo was made in 1986.

Well it's alright that you dont like someone. TO be honest, i thought AL was a dickhead for a long time. But i realized this recently. He's is a dick, and very rude. but i like that. it's him. He's funny. It's all good. I used to read your posts with high reguards..but not recently. wassup? got something you need to talk about?

04-14-2004, 12:23 PM
:werd:...substantiate your claims if you want to begin making personal attacks about members of this forum for more then their taste in females, mr. mike...

i personally don't fall into any of the generalizations you made...yet i do not find those girls butt ugly..i think a couple of them are rather attractive...one is ehh and he other two are just cute...

so it seems your argument is flawed...

04-14-2004, 12:24 PM
Well it's alright that you dont like someone. TO be honest, i thought AL was a dickhead for a long time. But i realized this recently. He's is a dick, and very rude. but i like that. it's him. He's funny. It's all good. I used to read your posts with high reguards..but not recently. wassup? got something you need to talk about?


04-14-2004, 12:25 PM

hahahahaha Al you dirty wife beater

04-14-2004, 12:29 PM
hahahahaha Al you dirty wife beater



Btw: I would never put any hands on wife at all. Just a NO WAY.

drift freaq
04-14-2004, 12:52 PM
well IMHO, a coupe of those girls are cute, in the second group photo the second one from the right was by far the best.the ones on the far left and far right just don't cut it.actually the more I look at it the more I feel the second one from the right is the only one that has it really going on face wise.
in the two original pics the with airbrushed out nose could have been cute but the pic is to messed up to really tell. All in all they are completely average for asian girls.
You know what the funniest thing about this thread is? The fact that peoples tastes vary and some of you just don't seem to get that.
One mans cup of tea is another mans bilge water. I like asian girls , grew up with california blondes got bored with them. A buddy of mine likes the northern european white girls. He goes gaga for girls that I look at and consider to be just average looks wise.
All that really counts about a women is how you feel about her and the same goes for a womens feeling about a man.
Word , I have been with absolute knockouts that could not think there way out of a paper bag. In the end it got real old real fast. Sex with a hotbody is great but if there is no mind to stimulate it gets old fast in my book. Give me a women that can excite me with her mind as well as her body and you have a real knockout, a real 10.
Its like the car that looks hot on the outside but has no engine or suspension to back it up. HAHAHAAHAHAHa breakin it down for the gearheads.

04-14-2004, 02:13 PM
you guys can make any thread huge and drawn out :w00t:

04-14-2004, 02:18 PM
thank you sir...lol..

04-18-2004, 10:04 AM
F*** the korean race scene.i just got back from korea in jan. and man let me tell you...i didnt see shit out there! i saw like 5 imported cars (nissan skyline 300 gt aka g35, 1 non turbo supra,2 mercedes s class' and a jeep wrangler!) most of the cars look like one of those ghetto apc cars.all cars are hyundai,dae woo,and kia.now what hurt me the most that i saw was a hyundai elantra with a big nismo sticker on the hood....those cars in that video are from the states or japan but not in korea.im 100% shure.Because imported stuff is really expensive ie. cars, clothes etc.koreans only buy korean made products to keep the money in korea circulating only in korea.but one thinig i did see was a sweet all black hyundai tiburon(tuscani) and he wasnt even korean, he was japanese.lol. he had some sick ass turbo kit on it all black sweetest hyundai i ever seen!

04-18-2004, 12:40 PM
TunaCoupe> Im 21.. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO COUNT OLD_MAN? 1...2...3...4...5... I work at one of the biggest Networking Co which is rated at #3 right now in the whole world. I think I pretty sum it up of where Im standing. I am more succesful than you can ever be. Im only 21, How old are you, 45? Goodlord.

...ahem... why.... why are you speaking? did anyone ask for your opinion?

Listen son, you're the kid who's in MY class. If you want to speak, raising your hand and get permission first. I'll call on you when its your time to speak.


westboroughsimp> Mike you are beginning to get on ppl's nerves.. maybe on purpose? I dont know why. Maybe you're having some personal problems you need to take care of.??iono.. But let me comment on a couple of things you said.

HEY.. no one asked you your opinion either, so shut the fuck up hoe. This is MY thread.. you want to make your own and get it 2 pages long, feel free to try. :)

haha IM OLD_S13..................BITCHES!

04-18-2004, 01:36 PM
whatever you say dawg. Take you child abuse agressions out somehwere else