View Full Version : no low end torque in s13 help please

03-07-2013, 11:01 PM
hey guys so i have an automatic s13 i just got not to long ago and it wasn't running. i fixed it but now there are a couple of problems. 1 is when iam accelerating from zero in forward gears it has no torque at all. tires wont even spin in the rain. but when i do it in reverse it does not have a problem. i was thinking maybe the tranny is stuck in second gear or something like that. the next thing is that my dashboard lights and accessories do not work unless i rev it up, then they work but my temperature sensor bugs out. varies up and down when i rev just like my tach. will rise and fall like my tach. if anyone has any suggestions or can give advice i would appreciate it greatly. thanks a lot in advanced....

03-07-2013, 11:11 PM
*Snip* Disregard that, I'm dumb.

When it's really cold out, sometimes my trans will stay stuck in 2nd... the OD light will blink on startup too. Doesn't happen anymore now that I'm this far south.

EDIT: Check your grounds... check your alternator... check you coolant temp sensor. Should be the one on the right on the intake manifold. There's a single wire that goes to it.

03-07-2013, 11:14 PM
i dont think you can turn an automatic car on in gear, it has to be in neutral or park to turn on

03-07-2013, 11:16 PM
i dont think you can turn an automatic car on in gear, it has to be in neutral or park to turn on
I'm pretty sure I've done it.

EDIT: You're right, I was remembering it wrong. Try this:

1. Start car.
2. Put car in first. (Check and see if this changes acceleration).
3. Turn car off while still in first.
4. Put it in park.
5. Start car and try again.

You should know what gear the car's in... they feel different and you can count them as you accelerate.

03-07-2013, 11:18 PM
I'm pretty sure I've done it.

okay i will try it in the am and see what happens, hopefully that works or that will help me find out if its getting stuck in gear or not.

03-07-2013, 11:18 PM
thank you btw.

03-07-2013, 11:23 PM
No problem man. Hope it works out for you. It's cold as shit up there, so this might be your problem.

03-08-2013, 12:17 PM
Not too sure about the tranny but with the gauges not working unless you rev it, that usually means the alternator fuse the 75A one is blown or not working. When my alternator bolt came loose and fell out while driving, I limped it a couple blocks to a friends house and fixed it and started up no problem. Then none of the gauges or anything worked until I revved, found the blown fuse, swapped it out and no problems since.