View Full Version : Speeding ticket, warrants?

04-10-2004, 01:47 AM
I got a speeding ticket (93 in a 65) in Ohio on the way home from DGTrials and the ticket was due on Friday the 9th. I mailed it out that day, and I'm worried that they might have issued a warrant for my arrest. My friends tell me as long as it was postmarked that day you are fine and if they do issue a warrant they send this letter first and wait a couple days.

I would love to hit up my local "touge" this weekend without fear of driving a car.

Could you guys clear this up for me?

FastBack 240
04-10-2004, 12:59 PM
Yes, had gotten a ticket in Jan and put it off to the last minute. Called to see if I would have an late penalties or warrents when I issued check on the day it was due. The lady in the clerks office said it goes by the post marked date. That was confirmed by a government official.

04-10-2004, 01:54 PM
you dont get a warrant right away. First they send you a "Failure to Appear" which could cost you 300 bucks in California..but if you get one just call in and say you already payed.

04-10-2004, 04:04 PM
should've dropped by the court house and drop it in the box....
only if you don't have a warrant...
last time i went to the court house, some guy had a warrant for his arrest, and the cops got him inside of the court house.
felt sorry for that guy.

FastBack 240
04-10-2004, 05:57 PM
................. :werd:

04-12-2004, 02:49 PM
Just call everyday until they get it.....Then once they get it, ask the clerk out on a hot date, and show her the backseat of the car you got the ticket in...got it?! :naughty:

04-12-2004, 03:05 PM
In Cali. No show = $1000 warrant.

I know. I had missed a shitload of court dates.

The following things I did was,
1. Make a new date for court.
2. Reason: NO EXCUSE.

I usually get off a shitload of time. When people make excuses, Its bad.