View Full Version : Anyone here an F1 fan?

04-08-2004, 09:41 AM
Just wanted to ask someone who watches....Can my boy Kimi Raikkonen PLEASE finish a race!!??!!
And did you watch the F1 decade race where Senna dies?


04-08-2004, 09:46 AM
I am a huge F1 fan. I have been to the Monaco GP, the Italian GP and the American GP (hohum compaired to the first two). Yeah Raikkonen is going to real good, he just needs time to get used to the increased compition over F3000. I really do believe he will be another Schumacher in about 5 years.

04-08-2004, 10:07 AM
I agree, Kimi has great potential, I think he needs to leave Mercedes-McClaren though...or at least bring back his car from last year!

Do you think Shumacher can make it 4 straight wins..He is looking untouchable this year in that new Ferrari, so is Barichello

BiluMaster K's
04-08-2004, 01:55 PM
williams has no form of luck dis year.....mclaren has what i belive to be "anti-lcuk"-why arent they releasing their newest car(they have one)?

No QUESTION! Schumi and Ferrari will dominate this season, i just want to see BAR take out the others..

What do you think about Renault? New evolution of the car in Imola?? it is doing pretty dam good now!

04-08-2004, 02:01 PM
Their new car (MP-419 ?) sux....its garbage!
I like the Bahrain track last week, let the elements affect the race !

Yea, Sato looks good....Honda is pretty impressive

Renault looks good too..

BiluMaster K's
04-12-2004, 01:31 PM
i say Jenson Button is the new-man to watch. He is kinda hot right now- check the latest practice times...he has no problem "consistently" running up top.

- i wouldnt mind seeing KIMI get a good run in, he needs it.

04-12-2004, 02:13 PM
The only moment I remember is "The Pass".

Zanardi must have played Gran Turismo before it came out, because thats how i ALWAYS took that corkscrew.

04-12-2004, 02:18 PM
shumi is the man, but mclaren/benz is the team:)

04-12-2004, 02:43 PM
Yea, go Kimi/D.C. !

Honda looks good in practice..I'm just getting impatient waiting for the next race lol...

04-12-2004, 03:19 PM
Toyota will be a big player with the next 2 years as they get there shit straight.
They have the largest budget just have trouble getting the cars up to par with the other teams.

Right now, Ferrari is simply unstopable, Mclaren is right behind, Jordan kicks ass in practice but seem to always choke, same with BAR/Honda, but I still pull for Minardi each race. I mean they have to win sooner or later.

04-12-2004, 10:00 PM
Ferrari will continue to be unstopable till this other teams get off there ass. Ferrari gets a 300+ million dollar a year buget. And Jaguar and thouse other little teams just can't compete with that. Kimi is good but no one can hang with Mike. He will always be the best as long as he is with Ferrari. The whole teams revolves around him and he basically makes the car if you know what I mean, they make it to his needs and no one elses. And the Brigdestone tire isn't shit this year like it was last year, so that helps a lot.

What Ferrari needs to do is sign Ralph S. because he is a dominate force just not in a good team. They only revolve around Montoya and Ralph is better in my opinon. If Ferrari signed him, it would be over. He has more raw talent I think than Mike. Mike just has the team, the car, and the mental power to get threw anything, but Ralph can drive.

Both the brothers are my favorite. GO FERRARI.

BiluMaster K's
04-13-2004, 09:53 AM
i remeber reading that subaru was gonna go f1 long ago, but to develope a 10 cylinder flat motor meant too much $$$, so they kept it 4 and went rally...i wish they did both!

-Ralph should drive with his brother, but there is no way ferrari will have 2 brothers competing and blowing thru team orders ,sibling rivalry and such....if mike retires at the end of this season, u never know. Ferrari is on the hunt to buy new talent and they can afford it! they are eyeing KIMI ,you know.

04-13-2004, 10:38 AM
Just wanted to ask someone who watches....Can my boy Kimi Raikkonen PLEASE finish a race!!??!!
And did you watch the F1 decade race where Senna dies?


Oh man I missed Senna last race. I wish I had the speed channel.

04-14-2004, 07:31 AM
The only moment I remember is "The Pass".

Zanardi must have played Gran Turismo before it came out, because thats how i ALWAYS took that corkscrew.

That was when he was in CART at Laguna Seca. They have there first race of the year this weekend at Long Beach, will be covered on Spike TV (old TNN)

Lots of x-F1 driver competing in the race also. Nothing like a 900hp 2.5L Turbo V8

04-14-2004, 09:32 AM
Im a fan of all motorsports that dont involve 4 left turns! Especially F1 and Indy racing. They know how to mix it up and yet keep crashes to a minimum(from the races I've seen so far this year)