View Full Version : Incorporating S13 Sr20DET lower engine harness to main engine harness

02-26-2013, 02:53 AM
Hello and welcome to all wiring gurus out there!

I am in the process of starting my first wire tuck and I have noticed that on certain harnesses (chase bays for example) they have tied in the lower engine harness (i.e. alternator connecter, VSS, oil pressure sensor, starter grounds, etc.) onto the main engine harness minus the 12v alternator connector that feeds off the positive terminal.

Now my question is where do they get the proper power sources for all the said connectors? OR how do you guys go about combining the harnesses when you guys go with the full wire tuck with custom fuse panels??

Also what is the best place to pick up PET or Techflex and which exact type is best for high temp for motor areas that you guys recommend running. I have picked up some expandable loom from our local McFaddenDales but it doesnt look like it would be able to withstand the heat. Any input will be appreciated!

02-26-2013, 01:16 PM

02-26-2013, 01:37 PM
Your gonna need to so more research before tackling this. It's not complex
To combine the harnesses...there's a decent bit of material around here to get you started. Search around a bit

02-27-2013, 02:00 AM
Your gonna need to so more research before tackling this. It's not complex
To combine the harnesses...there's a decent bit of material around here to get you started. Search around a bit

Thanks for the info man, ive actually been looking it up left and right like crazy trying to gather as much stuff in but I guess I might be missing something. Know of any special build threads or DIY that can help out with this or the wire tuck for that matter?