View Full Version : east coast nissan meet

02-17-2013, 09:23 PM
i'm trying to set up a nissan meet, i want it to blow the doors off the east coast honda meet... so i am going to try and get some stuff together so it could get started, who would be down to go to it and or help get something going??? umm i would like some feed back on this and some real in put so plz help here.. so hit me up on here and let me know what u think

03-25-2013, 12:33 PM
Here is my in-put for you. I have been one of the main people the to help Marcus pout the ECHM together since the first one. ITs not an easy task at all to get everything set up and make sure that you have everything taken care of for an event that size. I wish you the best of luck with the set up of it.

03-25-2013, 07:32 PM
thanks man, i just want to see one how many ppl would be n to it and if anyone would really like to do it...

04-01-2013, 04:02 PM
I'm sure that lots of people would be into it. You just gotta get the word out. Can't tell you how many times I see pictures from meets that I would have gone to if only I had known they were happening. But, like the man said, it is a lot of work and in my mind it's a thankless task which you should only do if you're not expecting to make money from it.

Basically, find a location, pick a date, and start busting your nuts planning and setting everything up. You will be solely responsible for acquiring permission to use the space and clearance from the local constabulary. After that, get creative. Find really motivated shops and vendors to support the event. Begin getting the word out at least 3 months in advance and hope for the best. I would imagine that your best bet is to make it an annual event and plan to grow it every year. If you do it properly you should have a meet the size you want within a few years. Good luck.

04-09-2013, 08:40 AM
thanks alot guys, for the input i'm not looking to make anything off of it i just want to see a nissan meet out there. i'm going to see what i can do i mean look for a place and i will do what i can to get the word out there once i get it all to get there... i really want to do it and see what can come of it so if u have anything else u may think i can use to get it started or what not plz tell me cause i want to try this

04-09-2013, 09:47 AM
sounds like fun.

04-09-2013, 10:09 AM
I would love to go to an east coast gathering, just sucks all the big shows are in the carolina/virginia area. Thats a long haul for any of us in the north east.

04-09-2013, 10:26 AM
last year at atco they had a nissan day - i dont see it on the schedule this year yet - could just get on the coat tails of that and make it official...

04-17-2013, 06:47 PM
I would totally go, if it falls between the dates of 17 MAY and 27 MAY, and if its close to Louisville, ky.. or if anybody knows of any car meets close to here..

04-17-2013, 07:50 PM
This sounds like it could be fun. Honda day without idiots fighting and all the stupidity

04-17-2013, 08:01 PM
Drift event? If not don't care