View Full Version : 8yr path to residency

02-16-2013, 10:19 PM
Report: Bill would set an 8-year path to residency - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/report-bill-set-8-path-033430191.html)


02-16-2013, 10:31 PM
I was about to congratulate you thinking you became a doctor or something.

I am mad that he spent time thinking about immigration and putting in effort when he should be more focused on making our economy better here for the people legally residing here already.

I just feel like he made some half assed proposition when it would have been more beneficial for everyone to focus on correctly taxing the wealthier class, raising education standards (too much of an intellectual divide;we either have a lot of really fucking stupid kids and we have geniuses), and stimulating industry back on our own soil.


02-16-2013, 10:45 PM
So if we give all the Mexican's here citizen ship so they can vote Democrat... can I get free Mexican citizen ship?

drift freaq
02-16-2013, 10:50 PM
Ya right lets just hand 11 million people who came here illegally citizenship over the course of the next 8 years because they are here. Oh and mind that bill will cost all of us because it needs security funding plus it will cost businesses because they will have to do their own background checks to verify immigration status. LOL

What we should do is offer the people temporary work visa's . If you are here and working you get a work Visa. When the job is done you go back home. If you want to immigrate then you follow normal channels of immigrations just like my grandparents did. If you want to do seasonal work then you can apply for the temporary work visa.

Sorry guys be 11 million illegals is costing us a lot of money as a country. Blindly legalizing them is making their illegal action legitimate. They want to come here they should come here Legally not coming here illegally and then just get handed legal status.

Sorry but I know to many people worthy of being here legally that cannot get status and wind up going home. These are people who came here as students, people who before 9/11 probably could have got status but after 9/11 they are denied.
Yet the President wants to just hand the 11 million illegals citizenship. They want citizenship they should go home and apply legally.

So if we give all the Mexican's here citizen ship so they can vote Democrat... can I get free Mexican citizen ship?

He figures why the fuck not. It worked for Clinton he was the one who started this by legalizing 3 million illegals . Obama is just following in his footsteps.

Oh and just for clarification I am neither Democrat or Republican. I am just sick of the way both parties have become corrupted piles of shit.

Oh and this thread should be in loud noise not gen off topic.

02-17-2013, 11:01 PM
This whole affair is a slap in the face to all foreigners living here legally.

02-18-2013, 07:43 AM
This whole affair is a slap in the face to all foreigners living here legally.

My thoughts exactly.

A close friend in law enforcement mentioned that he used to be able to arrest illegals if he already had them stopped for something else, then they would be picked up by ICE.

NOW he isn't allowed to arrest illegals because of a lawsuit against the State of NC for harassing Hispanics. . . WTF is the world coming to? It's not like Police here were going out just looking for illegals, they were only allowed to arrest them if they already had them stopped or were arresting them for something else!!!!!!

02-18-2013, 12:49 PM
I find it sad that our politicians can’t solve this problem, and it’s passed around like a soccer ball with no one wanting to score! President Bush worked hard to get something passed, but his own party shitted on him! Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007! Even the specific part, which allowed anyone who was serving in the Armed Forces a pathway to citizenship! I served and continue to serve with individuals who are illegal immigrants, why the SIX YEAR fucking wait! Both parties are to blame, but I have a glimmer of hope this administration will get something done! How many of you would join the military and go to war knowing you may not even earn your citizenship if you die!

02-18-2013, 01:37 PM
I find it sad that our politicians can’t solve this problem, and it’s passed around like a soccer ball with no one wanting to score! President Bush worked hard to get something passed, but his own party shitted on him! Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007! Even the specific part, which allowed anyone who was serving in the Armed Forces a pathway to citizenship! I served and continue to serve with individuals who are illegal immigrants, why the SIX YEAR fucking wait! Both parties are to blame, but I have a glimmer of hope this administration will get something done! How many of you would join the military and go to war knowing you may not even earn your citizenship if you die!

I'm calling bullshit. How can you even join the service as an illegal immigrant?

We need to grow the fuck up and end natural citizen ship. We need to end the ear on drugs. Fix the good old fucked up Mexico and you won't have droves of refugees fleeing.

02-18-2013, 01:54 PM
^^Look it up there are many people who are not legal but grew up in the U.S. and joined the Military thats why I posted the name of the Bill if you want to read it. It's like saying bullshit to everyone who deployed to Iraq without body armor for themselves and vehicles, even tho the Presedent said we were ready to rage war. The orginal Dream Act was geared toward individuals in the military!

drift freaq
02-18-2013, 02:11 PM
I have respect for those that actually joined the military and served. They should be granted citizenship they worked for it and proved that they are worthy of being citizens. Do I think it was right their parents may have come here illegally? No, that is the initial problem that needs to be corrected. Though for the kids that grew up here illegally but wound up serving? They get more credit than their parents because they did serve.

That is like the only exception I find reasonable. Serving is like applying for citizenship properly.
I am sorry but anyone who crosses the border illegally and then demands rights is not proving anything beyond the fact they are willing to break laws and circumvent the system.

Now for these people who have served and have illegal parents well that is a another can of worms as far as their parents are concerned.
Not sure how to handle that part, except once the children are citizens, the parents could apply through proper channels for citizenship.Being the parents of the citizen, it might give them an exception to prove they want to be citizens as well.

Though people should be made aware. You cannot just come here illegally and have children thereby giving you or them rights, that has to stop.

02-18-2013, 02:34 PM
I have respect for those that actually joined the military and served. They should be granted citizenship they worked for it and proved that they are worthy of being citizens.
Perhaps the US could do something similar to the French Foreign Legion, and create other such programs for people who really want to emigrate here at all costs yet would/got turned away. That way they would still have a chance to prove their worth and be of some benefit.
At the same time, anyone who is here illegally should automatically be deported along with their children, no matter if they were born here (not sure if any other civilized country has such exploitable immigration law). The parents should be banned forever, and if the kids want to come back they may attempt to do so through the proper channels.

02-18-2013, 02:54 PM
If you follow politics, the President and Romney asked for the Dream Act for provision for the military to be voted for in the House of Rep.

Like I prev. stated, I’m in the service and been in for 12 years! I grew up in Texas around legal immigration and I know the importance of migrant workers. No American is going to wake up at 4am to shovel shit or bale hay for 2-4 dollars an hour. I remember getting paid 50.cents for every square bale I load on the trailer. Supply and demand principals are in play here. The demand for cheap labor that maximizes profits, and allows the consumer to pick up the tab is what every business wants. How many of you been to EUROPE? Check the price of a steak, there is a reason why it’s overpriced. The fact you have to pay everyone minimum wage and then some, to do the labor immigrants do here in the U.S. Common sense ideas will win over inflated ideas of conservatism.

02-18-2013, 03:09 PM
One of my main issues with illegal immigration are the skyrocketing crime rates that come hand-in-hand with it. Though to discuss such a 'sensitive' topic is to walk a thin line from automatically being called a bigot/racist/republican/whatever the prevalent oversensitivity has embedded in people's minds.

The reason why steak is overpriced in Europe is because the only people who eat steak in Europe are American tourists.
Not all of America is Texas, I do not need anyone to shovel dung for me. To be honest, I would welcome a food price hike, as it would help with if not solve the impeding obesity problem.
And why pay 2$ dollars an hour to an illegal worker when prisoners could be used to do the same jobs for free? Prisons are overcrowded, make some use of it.
There you go, three issues resolved. :)

02-18-2013, 03:17 PM
^^ So true, about the prisoners! I wish we could put them on a chain gang and allow them to work off their debt to society. I'm independent and vote both parties! My buddies are stationed at Rota, Spain and Naples, Italy and they say the same thing about the beef. I doesnt help u can hear them comming a mile away because they shipped their Harleys overseas with them.

02-18-2013, 03:54 PM
If you follow politics, the President and Romney asked for the Dream Act for provision for the military to be voted for in the House of Rep.

Like I prev. stated, I’m in the service and been in for 12 years! I grew up in Texas around legal immigration and I know the importance of migrant workers. No American is going to wake up at 4am to shovel shit or bale hay for 2-4 dollars an hour. I remember getting paid 50.cents for every square bale I load on the trailer. Supply and demand principals are in play here. The demand for cheap labor that maximizes profits, and allows the consumer to pick up the tab is what every business wants. How many of you been to EUROPE? Check the price of a steak, there is a reason why it’s overpriced. The fact you have to pay everyone minimum wage and then some, to do the labor immigrants do here in the U.S. Common sense ideas will win over inflated ideas of conservatism.

I agree. I can guarantee an "American" will not work any job at the rate these people are getting paid. Deporting all of them is not the solution. Look at the past Bracero program which allowed temporary work permits after the US deported illegals and had a shortage of workers. The same happened again with Operation Wetback. They eventually come back. How is that the most secure border in the world lets 6 million illegals slip by lol.

The reason why steak is overpriced in Europe is because the only people who eat steak in Europe are American tourists.

And why pay 2$ dollars an hour to an illegal worker when prisoners could be used to do the same jobs for free? Prisons are overcrowded, make some use of it.

One of my main issues with illegal immigration are the skyrocketing crime rates that come hand-in-hand with it. Though to discuss such 'sensitive' issues is to walk a thin line from automatically being called a bigot/racist/republican/whatever the inbred oversensitivity has embedded in people's minds.

Actually if you look at recent polls and data, this is a myth the media has thrown into society. Illegal immigrants account for little to no crime activity. Its usually 2nd and 3rd generation US born immigrants that commit the crimes. White Americans account for the most percentages of crimes in the US but their incarceration rate is very low. Hmm I wonder why...

02-18-2013, 04:38 PM
Actually if you look at recent polls and data, this is a myth the media has thrown into society. Illegal immigrants account for little to no crime activity. Its usually 2nd and 3rd generation US born immigrants that commit the crimes. White Americans account for the most percentages of crimes in the US but their incarceration rate is very low. Hmm I wonder why...

Because our society values human life more than finical loss. You mug an old lady with a knife for her purse and you'll get 10 years, you write a fake check for $1,000 and you'll get probation.

02-18-2013, 04:40 PM
^^Look it up there are many people who are not legal but grew up in the U.S. and joined the Military thats why I posted the name of the Bill if you want to read it. It's like saying bullshit to everyone who deployed to Iraq without body armor for themselves and vehicles, even tho the Presedent said we were ready to rage war. The orginal Dream Act was geared toward individuals in the military!

Once again.


How do you pass the background checks and security clearances to join the military as an ILLEGAL ALIEN.

02-18-2013, 04:40 PM
Give a mouse a cookie...


02-18-2013, 04:44 PM
They don't give you security clearances. While I was in boot camp I had a guy that wasn't a citizen in my flight. He was like 33 or something like that and joined to gain citizenship. He was already in college and all but denied so the next option was military so he joined and that's the last I heard of him though. I don't remember what country he was from but it wasn't a US territory like guam.

02-18-2013, 04:51 PM
They don't give you security clearances. While I was in boot camp I had a guy that wasn't a citizen in my flight. He was like 33 or something like that and joined to gain citizenship. He was already in college and all but denied so the next option was military so he joined and that's the last I heard of him though. I don't remember what country he was from but it wasn't a US territory like guam.

Okay... was he an ILLEGAL ALIEN? :picardfp:

Or was he a Legal immigrant who was in the US on some for of visa or permanent residency.

Once again, this sort of shit punishes people like him - who actually had to apply and wait to come to America only to then work his ass off to EARN to be an American. Not some shlep who hopped a fence and said "fuck you racists, give me citizen ship so I can vote for more food stamps".

02-18-2013, 07:27 PM
]QUOTE=Corbic;5144902]Once again.

What is an Illegal Alien? Do the have a stamp on their forehead saying so! How can they open a bank account ( bank of America) get a drivers license, o shit go to school? How do you pass the background checks and security clearances to join the military as an ILLEGAL ALIEN.[/QUOTE]
Tech. The next reason is for special assignmet like MSG Duty or being overseas.The background check u get before you join is a general background check. Its made to weed out people with a felony! Peole with low level crime can join, even peole who are not citizens!

Background checks are done every TEN YEARS in The NAVY AND MARINE CORPS unless you are applying for a special school i.e, snipper or X-Ray

THE UNITED STATES MILITARY RECRUITS OUTSIDE IT'S BOARDERS!!! To get them to join they are promised American Citizenship after serving honorable!

02-18-2013, 08:13 PM
Once again.

What is an Illegal Alien? Do the have a stamp on their forehead saying so! How can they open a bank account ( bank of America) get a drivers license, o shit go to school? How do you pass the background checks and security clearances to join the military as an ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Tech. The next reason is for special assignmet like MSG Duty or being overseas.The background check u get before you join is a general background check. Its made to weed out people with a felony! Peole with low level crime can join, even peole who are not citizens!

Background checks are done every TEN YEARS in The NAVY AND MARINE CORPS unless you are applying for a special school i.e, snipper or X-Ray

THE UNITED STATES MILITARY RECRUITS OUTSIDE IT'S BOARDERS!!! To get them to join they are promised American Citizenship after serving honorable!

I see a bunch of incoherent bullshit from an idiot who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about - anyone care to translate?

02-18-2013, 09:08 PM
I tried to edit the shit but it lumped several of the paragrahps together, sorry if u had a hard to making it out. I will use my pc the next time I have to comment to a jack ass, that may or may not severed his country for the past 10 plus years.

02-18-2013, 09:13 PM
One of my main issues with illegal immigration are the skyrocketing crime rates that come hand-in-hand with it. Though to discuss such a 'sensitive' topic is to walk a thin line from automatically being called a bigot/racist/republican/whatever the prevalent oversensitivity has embedded in people's minds.

The reason why steak is overpriced in Europe is because the only people who eat steak in Europe are American tourists.
Not all of America is Texas, I do not need anyone to shovel dung for me. To be honest, I would welcome a food price hike, as it would help with if not solve the impeding obesity problem.
And why pay 2$ dollars an hour to an illegal worker when prisoners could be used to do the same jobs for free? Prisons are overcrowded, make some use of it.
There you go, three issues resolved. :)

Should make those on welfare work the fields.
We are already paying them as it is.

02-18-2013, 09:43 PM
^^ Dont agree with the welfare part, but maybe for the lazy asses who only milk the system why not! It will take more money to find out who is frauding the system, but an all of the above solution may work.

Read this please!

The DREAM Act will contribute to our military’s recruitment efforts and readiness.Secretary of Defense Gates has written to DREAM Act sponsors citing the rich precedent of non-citizens serving in the U.S. military and stating that “the DREAM Act represents an opportunity to expand [the recruiting] pool, to the advantage of military recruiting and readiness.” The DREAM Act is also a part of the Department of Defense's 2010-2012 Strategic Plan (http://prhome.defense.gov/DOCS/FY2010-12%20PR%20Strategic%20Plan%20(Final%20Public)(4%20 January).pdf)to assist the military in its recruiting efforts.

Get The Facts On The DREAM Act | The White House (http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/12/01/get-facts-dream-act)

02-18-2013, 09:54 PM
One more for u Corbic!

Sailors, Marines, Families Naturalized in Ceremony Aboard Essex (http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=60556)

02-18-2013, 10:04 PM
One more for u Corbic!

Sailors, Marines, Families Naturalized in Ceremony Aboard Essex (http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=60556)



omfg an entire legalization and immigration resource to come to American!:eek2:

Immigrants to the United States (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/immigrants_1340.html)

How To Immigrate To The US - The Civil Society (http://www.thecivilsociety.info/how-to-immigrate-to-the-us.php)

What the democrats are tying to do... what their ultimate goal is, is to give a citizenship card and the right to vote to anyone that sneaks across the board or arrives in a shipping container. We already have one of the most liberal immigration and citizenship processes in the FUCKING WORLD. Go to Japan or Germany - see how fucking easy it is to become a citizen.

02-18-2013, 10:08 PM
[B]The DREAM Act will contribute to our military’s recruitment efforts and readiness.

I don't give a flying fuck what a man who is appointed and serves at the leisure of the President has to say about same Presidents agenda. You don't tell your boss he is wrong if he is going to fire you for doing so.

The US Military has no shortage of recruits, in fact it's downsizing.

Downsizing the military - The Week (http://theweek.com/article/index/233846/downsizing-the-military)

So why should we throughout good American Citizens serving their country to make room for Illegal Aliens wanting to circumvent the legal process of immigrating to America?

02-18-2013, 10:52 PM
The article never said they were not! If your an immigrant that means you went through the process to become a citizen, but if u havent then what do we call u? The name illegal alien is something some jack ass came up with to brand a group of people. The individuals in the article are children of someone who came into the U.S. illegal and were allowed to stay in the U.S. Some people call them latch key, but they lack full citizenship do to the fact their parents are illegal.
Illegal immigration drops after decade-long rise (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/12/06/illegal-immigration-drops/1750475/)

I quoted the efforts of Pres. Bush with my first post. But thanks u assumed that I was in Love with this Commander and CHIEF Obama and thats OK BY ME! I serve the U.S. not the Pres. of the U.S.

imotion s14
02-18-2013, 11:09 PM
it's not just to get potential new votes from illegals, but from the votes of their legal families.

02-19-2013, 01:43 AM

This is such an ignorant comment. Since when are people from other planets?

Back on topic......

There should be a way to weed out the bad apples in these groups. There are many immigrants here now that ARE and WANT TO CONTINUE to be positive contributing members of society. Why not let them stay and pay taxes like the rest of us?

Weed out the shitheads that are here simply to live off of taxpayer money and get them out! But why stop there and only look at illegal immigrants? There are also legal citizens that are milking the system and living off of our tax money abusing their privileges. Why not kick them out? What have they done to deserve to stay here?

To me it's not really an issue of immigration as it is more an issue of a group of lazy fucks of all colors, shapes and sizes.

Laziness is NOT exclusive to Latinos it is in every culture and ethnic group.


02-19-2013, 01:57 AM
It's not like Police here were going out just looking for illegals

Maybe your close friend wasn't but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. Do you really believe that there isn't at least one cop in North Carolina that doesn't use racial profiling as a reason to stop or arrest people? You can't be that naive.


02-19-2013, 04:52 PM
Weed out the shitheads that are here simply to live off of taxpayer money and get them out! But why stop there and only look at illegal immigrants? There are also legal citizens that are milking the system and living off of our tax money abusing their privileges. Why not kick them out? What have they done to deserve to stay here?

There is. It's called the legal immigration process.

Fill out and apply for the proper visa. The US gives out millions each year.

Why do people have a problem with this?

If the intention is truly to get illegal aliens to pay taxes - then why are we offering them "citizenship" - there are things called GREEN CARDS and WORK VISAS.

Someone does not need to be a citizen to legally live and work in the United States. I would with dozens of XPATS every freaking day who had to fill out all the proper paper work, background checks and fees so they can live and operate in the US.

This entire move to give ILLEGAL ALIENS US Citizenship is nothing but a ploy by the Democratic party to gain another 20 million votes.

02-19-2013, 10:08 PM
a ploy by the Democratic party to gain another 20 million votes.

You think Republicans don't want a piece of that pie? Was it just coincidence that Marco Rubio was the one to represent the GOP in response to the Presidents state-of-the-union speech? No, it wasn't.

I have to agree with you in part...if this goes through it will be for votes but don't think for a second that both parties don't have some sort of interest in this.
