View Full Version : William Hung's CD is out

04-06-2004, 11:46 AM
Man his cd is the shiznit. You can listen to it here:
CD (http://mp.aim.com/audio.index.adp?mxid=1130112&refID=007020&partner=&_AOLFORM=w597.h395.p7)

04-06-2004, 12:12 PM
its finally out!!! i think im going to buy a copy and give it to my gf
or i'll just pimp it in my car :p

04-06-2004, 12:22 PM
i seriously hate that guy. he's like a walking chinky fobby asian stereotype, encouraging people to make fun of him (and by extension, us asians). i don't even think he knows. :squintd:

04-06-2004, 12:23 PM
hmmmm..... the record label is probabaly laughing their asses off all the way to the bank.

Personally I think they are trying to exploit him on this.....
a fobster guy trying to sing and does these weird and awkward body movements. I mean, if there was a kid like that at our school, people would make fun of them. The general public would i mean, now the general public seems to be encouraging his behavior. He can't sing, he definitely cant dance, and it doesnt seem he knows what is going on.. i mean, hes an engineering major at UC Berkeley. I would think the people that went there would have more sense to not make a fool of themselves, but then again, if you dont have a good grasp of some humility, then theres really nothing to lose. Not to mention the mad amounts of cash he gonna rake in on this "William Hung, underdog trend." Hell, maybe even the really not so normal guys will start getting the hottest chicks because, "their heart is there." I think William hung is just oblivious to what is going on and is somewhat dellusional.

he actually said that, "I hope one day people see me as a singer" Well, yeah, maybe, if you had the talent, be has obviously have not the chance to hear himself sing. Its a sad thing i think. When we watch him sing, do you laugh? Yes, why? Cause its so bad? Yeah probably. Are we laughing at him? Yeah, i think we are, and deep inside, you know that you are laughing at him.

but then again, who gives a fawk what i think.....

04-06-2004, 12:24 PM
LMAO WOW!!!!!!! I cannot believe this.....I actually like the she bangs version he did,I think its quite "entertaining" lol

04-06-2004, 12:26 PM

10 characters

04-06-2004, 01:26 PM
That techno song is pretty dope. :rawk: (Minus his voice)
"Y! M! C! A!" - :wtf:
I should buy this CD and :rawk: it in class, lol
"She bangs she bangs!" :axe:
"I believe I can fly! I believe i can touch the sky!" :axe: :smash: :loco: :wiggle: :down: :rofl: :duh: :eek3d:

04-06-2004, 02:16 PM
OMG!!!!!!! this is the greatest thing i have ever heard in my life!!!!

rock on WILLIAM!!!!!

04-06-2004, 02:22 PM
dont hate.

04-06-2004, 03:45 PM
:eek: :hahano: that was funny that was just what i need to make my day

04-06-2004, 04:38 PM
Wtf!!! :ugh:

04-06-2004, 07:19 PM
oh geez i hate that guy...i dont kno how sum1 whos ugly..with mest up teeth..fobbed out accent..can get so famous; wat has american become? i wonder if he knows the only reason hes famous because he looks like a complete idiot singing :squintd:

04-06-2004, 07:35 PM
i wonder if he knows the only reason hes famous because he looks like a complete idiot singing :squintd:

regardless he will get rich...so i wonder if he cares...

04-06-2004, 11:13 PM
dont hate.?? WHy you copying my words?

04-06-2004, 11:23 PM
Corolla's arnt welcome. jk , no but seriously their not... jk... We shall match it out on the track, but its got to be a track without many straight aways, since I can only go 40mph in reverse.

04-06-2004, 11:58 PM
Corolla's arnt welcome. jk , no but seriously their not... jk... We shall match it out on the track, but its got to be a track without many straight aways, since I can only go 40mph in reverse.

hey man are you alright?

04-07-2004, 12:01 AM
hey man are you alright?

yeah, just pushing buttons.

04-07-2004, 12:45 AM
we all kno it sux, and the company that produced it sux for makin him believe he had talent, i feel bad for the poor guy, i wonder if he knos so many people buy it and listen to him as a sad sick joke...

04-07-2004, 12:54 AM
$25K flat fee for it...he got ripped...they are gonna make a killing...

04-07-2004, 03:03 AM
He does have talent, we are just conditioned to believe what talent is... HMMMM??? HMMMMMMMMM?

04-07-2004, 11:59 AM
I like him. He's better than the rest of the tools on American Idol who think they are good but suck. At least he knows he is no good at singing and is enjoying his popularity.

04-07-2004, 12:14 PM
he needs a music video

04-07-2004, 12:53 PM
he has one coming out

04-07-2004, 01:44 PM
he has one coming out

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-07-2004, 02:03 PM
he has one coming out

it's already out...at least online, on the news, etc...

it's a bunch of almost naked hotties dancing in the rain while he is in some kinda trench coat trying to dance...pretty funny...down for the girlies though...:boink:

04-07-2004, 02:44 PM
i agree.. i find it interesting how the guy can be so null-minded to NOT know he's being made fun of. if he DOES know, he's kinda silly to take money knowing he's being DISSED. i guess you could see his public humiliation as "laughing to the bank" but i dont know if i'de be able to feel comfortable after being ridiculed like that.

he's either really stupid OR he has balls -- either way, i am sure the money he's going to make will be a good leap for his goal in life, whatever that may be. you never know whats going through people's heads..

one thing that does suck, is he could very much be perceived by the majority of idiots in the world as "a stupid asian" and well.. misrepresent himself.. kinda sell-out.. but whatever.. thats his life i guess.

Sneaker Chimp
04-07-2004, 05:32 PM
"I believe I can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyYYYYYYyyyyyyyy!" HAHAHAHAHAHAH! :rofl:

OMG He has ruined a classic by The Eagles "Hotel of California" THAT BASTARD! :axe: :cry: :smash: :loco: :faint: :axe: :tweak: :wtf: :rant: :bite: :eek: :nono: :bash: :wtc: :eek2: :rl:
Oh well. He's made more money in a couple months then i'll make in a year. That's for sure. More power to Big Jiggy Willy Hung.

04-07-2004, 09:19 PM
s15dude: the record company cannot be making think he has a lick of a chance or actual talent... They are capitolizing on his delusions of grandeur, no matter how unrealistic or just downright DUMB they may be...

nokeone: 25K? Damn right the label got a steal on that... Ask Shady what they paid for 50cent. They gave him a million cash, and after 10 million copies worldwide, interscope HAS to be glad they gave him that little, and a 100k watch as an advance....

04-07-2004, 10:15 PM
that's what i'm sayin...$25K aint shit...flat rate..from what i read no residuals or nothing..no rights to marketing at all...no merchandising...nada..

fucker shoulda hired me...for 10% woulda got him $500K within the next year easy...

04-07-2004, 10:22 PM
William Hung, A Success Story

Only in America.

04-07-2004, 10:31 PM
s15dude: the record company cannot be making think he has a lick of a chance or actual talent... They are capitolizing on his delusions of grandeur, no matter how unrealistic or just downright DUMB they may be...

Very true, which is one of the reasons I dont listen to "manufactured music" all they are doing is making money, and why not, if people are dumb, they might as well take it, this is america of course, but I'd rather see some people actually try to listen to some decent music and discover many of the groups that are really good and struggling to make it then waste there time and money on groups/singers who are not great and well be forgotten in a year... but i guess many people only care about the latest "hit" song, and who am I to judge what anyone else wants to listen to, so wutever floats your boat, and sinks your wallet :)

04-08-2004, 12:06 AM
Very true, which is one of the reasons I dont listen to "manufactured music" all they are doing is making money, and why not, if people are dumb, they might as well take it, this is america of course, but I'd rather see some people actually try to listen to some decent music and discover many of the groups that are really good and struggling to make it then waste there time and money on groups/singers who are not great and well be forgotten in a year... but i guess many people only care about the latest "hit" song, and who am I to judge what anyone else wants to listen to, so wutever floats your boat, and sinks your wallet :)

it takes less effort to know "whats new and whats hot" rather than to listen to the music in the sense that you LISTEN to the music.. to think for yourself and actually determine whether or not the sound you are listening to PASSES as MUSIC.

Most people wont understand art when they see it, whether its a painting, a car thats fixed up properly, or a talented musician.

- Mike

04-08-2004, 01:07 AM
i am sure that there are at least 100,000 people who had bought his cd. thats less than 1% of the American idol audience. If they all bought the cd for lets say $10, the company has made $1 mil right there. and I KNOW that more than 100k people bought his cd.... so there ya go.... 25k investment and word of mouth goes a LONG fucking way..... "only in America"

i dont hate him, I just dont appreciate him being used like that and making us asians look bad......

04-08-2004, 02:12 AM
America...the land of oppurtunity..

04-08-2004, 02:18 AM
im feeling his techno "free" song hahahha

04-08-2004, 01:07 PM
Im glad serbian people look like Americans , Lucky me, I dont have to get steriotyped. Other then the movies where we are bad evil people, but even then, you cant tell us apart from the white Americans. But yeah Oriental people all look the same, but I found out recently that the short ones are Japaneese, and the ones with busted up teeth are Vietnamees, thats all the lableing trates I know for Oriental people, or just Chineese, all people with squinty eyes is nore fucked up or chineese, So most white and black people just know Oriental people as Chineese, It doesnt matter if your Korean or Japaneese, your still chineese in my book. So dont think this guy specific origin is going to lable your spesific origin, He's chineese, and if you look chineese then your chineese too, and he has forever placed a lable on you when you go to the club. It may take + or- 10 years for the sterio type to ware off. Its the same as what Vanilla Ice did to white people, And If Eminem did not come out, White people would have been forever cursed. So pray the phatest rapper next to come out is chineese. Okay i got to go now, got to pick up some chineese food at Japan Express.

04-08-2004, 01:12 PM
^^ you're a fuckin moron....

that was the most idiotic rambling i have ever had the displeasure of reading..

i sincerely hope you just did a very poor job of expressing generalized sterotypes and not your own personal views...if those are your views: kill yourself and do the world a favor...

04-08-2004, 01:14 PM
^^ ? Are those chineese eyes?

04-08-2004, 01:31 PM
^^ kill yourself and do the world a favor...

At least Im not killing the world with SAR's

Come to think of it, whats worse then a coughing chineese guy on the dance floor?

04-08-2004, 01:46 PM
Im glad serbian people look like Americans , Lucky me, I dont have to get steriotyped. Other then the movies where we are bad evil people, but even then, you cant tell us apart from the white Americans. But yeah Oriental people all look the same, but I found out recently that the short ones are Japaneese, and the ones with busted up teeth are Vietnamees, thats all the lableing trates I know for Oriental people, or just Chineese, all people with squinty eyes is nore fucked up or chineese, So most white and black people just know Oriental people as Chineese, It doesnt matter if your Korean or Japaneese, your still chineese in my book. So dont think this guy specific origin is going to lable your spesific origin, He's chineese, and if you look chineese then your chineese too, and he has forever placed a lable on you when you go to the club. It may take + or- 10 years for the sterio type to ware off. Its the same as what Vanilla Ice did to white people, And If Eminem did not come out, White people would have been forever cursed. So pray the phatest rapper next to come out is chineese. Okay i got to go now, got to pick up some chineese food at Japan Express.

i dont know :wtf: to think about your post. are you joking? a racist? your stereotypes for asians are totally off. i dont know why the fuck you mentioned vanilla ice. there already is a chinese rapper - his name is jin and he signed with ruff ryders (i think - not really into hip hop). that aside, why the hell is racial categorizing related to hip hop and the teenie bopper scene in your post... seriously dude wtf are you talking about. stop licking your hallucinogenic mouse eating frog and get your head out of your ass. if it was meant as a joke it was a really bad one.

04-08-2004, 01:52 PM
^^ ? Are those chineese eyes?

you're dumber then i thought...they are simply symbols pointing upwards to show who my post was refering to...a shortcut to quoting you...

At least Im not killing the world with SAR's

Come to think of it, whats worse then a coughing chineese guy on the dance floor?

you have issues for which you should really seek professional help...

and by the way...i'm not asian...so your insults regarding asian people directed towards me make even less sense...

04-08-2004, 02:35 PM
Listen There is Four types of Races

How broad is White? hmm, Redneck, Eskimo, French, Serbian .... There all white. I have to deal with racial crap from what some rednecks did 50years ago.

Chineese= anyone with squinted eyes.

Mexicans= Portariqen, Brazilian, Mexican, Spanish, Cuban, There all Mexicans

Black= just anyone black, like white people.

So dont give me that chink chenk chang talk, Your chineese, Im white, Shante Brown is Black, Elhandro Lopez is Mexican. That is the facts, If your affended by other people thinking so blanly of your skin color, then tuff luck, I wouldnt be typing it I was the only one with those views. Hey china man, tell me the next time you spot a guy from Holland, Or wait the just white people? There all white people ! ! HAHAHA AHA AHHAHAHA ! ! ! STFU ! That why all Oriental people are chineese, nobody gives a crap if you japaneese or what ever. So fav for fav, Where's my dog?

04-08-2004, 03:01 PM
once again i don't know wtf are you talking about. your racial categories are messed up. eskimos and north american indians are more related to asians then they are to white people. anyway this is pointless... u're just being an attention whore trying to stir up trouble.

04-08-2004, 03:06 PM
I dont need the attention, shit getting boring, someones got to spice it up..

Okay, I'll let yall have the Eskimo's but we get the Hawians.

04-08-2004, 03:06 PM
i don't think he is just an attention whore stirring shit up...i think he's actually really that dumb and believes what he is writing...the ignorance in this world will never cease to amaze...i find it comical to be honest..not offensive..i feel more pity for someone like him then anything...

he can't spell worth shit...his grammar is horrible...and his views are that of a 15 year old, high school drop out, brainless racist, raised by his mother and father who also happen to be his brother and sister with ingrained views of the world which are anything but accurate...

and if you are just joking you are teh suck at humor...not that it isn't a potentially funny subject...because it can be...you just have no talent at it whatsoever...your efforts get a D+...i'm feeling generous today..

04-08-2004, 03:09 PM
How broad is White? hmm, Redneck, Eskimo, French, Serbian .... There all white. I have to deal with racial crap from what some rednecks did 50years ago.

50 years ago? Maybe you should look around, racism still exists today. Why? because people like you can't see past physical appearance and realize race has nothing to do with who a person is.

Mexicans= Portariqen, Brazilian, Mexican, Spanish, Cuban, There all Mexicans

Did you mean latino? Even then, the majority of Spanish people don't look like most Mexicans. Also they are not all Mexican, they are Puerto Rican, Brazilian, Mexican, Spanish and Cuban. It has nothing to do with what you look like but where you are born and raised. If someone was blue and born in Mexico would they not be Mexican?

That is the facts, If your affended by other people thinking so blanly of your skin color, then tuff luck, I wouldnt be typing it I was the only one with those views.

If you think there is nothing wrong with people basing opinions solely on physical attributes, you truly are an idiot.

04-08-2004, 03:15 PM
I got to admit, some of what nokeone said is true, but I was almost 17 when I dropped out of High school, but in no way does that affect my writting ability. Im not rasist just a down to earth kinda guy, I wasnt hattin on anyone just telling you not expect to be like "oh just right over next to the Vietnamees guy" yeah right, maybe in vietnam. The word chineese is used as a means of phisical discription, and food.

04-08-2004, 03:28 PM
:blah:...I was almost 17 when I dropped out of High school, but in no way does that affect my writting ability.....:blah:.....
Is that why you are using run-on sentences? Why you misspelled "racist" ? "Writing" ? Etc.

04-08-2004, 03:31 PM
:blah:when I was almost 17 when I dropped out of High school, but in no way does that affect my writting ability....:blah:

Back to Topic:

This quote by snail here,makes me think of when William Hung was on American Idle sucking all over the place bragging about having no singing training.

04-08-2004, 03:48 PM
I was going to buy your stuff. The Bazooka sub, but then I remeberd its 2004 and not 1994, that shit aint cool any more. Good luck with the sales though.. :)

04-08-2004, 03:51 PM
I was going to buy your stuff. The Bazooka sub, but then I remeberd its 2004 and not 1994, that shit aint cool any more. Good luck with the sales though.. :)

I bet it hits harder then your.....Wait,what system? :p Besides,would you take two 12's if they sounded great and were free regardless if they said "APC" on the front or not? Thats what I thought.

Wich is worse,having a not-the-best brand subwoofer in the back of your car,or none?

Bazooka sub or no education and future,or understanding of racial issues(apparently) .

Dropping out of high school? That shit aint cool man,what is this? 1975?

Racism? 1825? :doh:

04-08-2004, 03:55 PM
Okay, I know, just messing with you, but it didnt work. Iv been driving around with a shitty bombox in my pas seat, that shit sucks, The little ass intena doesnt get reseption worth shit, and I spend more time changing stations then listening music. O well, Ill have a car raidio again.

04-08-2004, 04:23 PM
Who cares what race he is? HIm singing bad isnt going to affect my judgement on future asain singers, this thread has gotten waaay off topic...

04-08-2004, 06:08 PM
all this hate because of that william hung guy..... sad arent we?

04-08-2004, 07:06 PM
TheSnail, you are one fucking idiot.

04-08-2004, 07:18 PM
Thesnail, you need to be shot.

Eskimo's are white?

04-08-2004, 07:59 PM
I got to admit, some of what nokeone said is true, but I was almost 17 when I dropped out of High school

LOOOOOSER (TheSnail, if you want to look that up in the dictionary, it's loser, you won't find looooser, you need to look in the mirror for that)

04-08-2004, 08:17 PM
Shut the fuck up faggets. People from Cali are a bunch of Homoseexual pussy bitches any ways, I dont need to waist my time. :)

04-08-2004, 08:23 PM
Shut the fuck up faggets. People from Cali are a bunch of Homoseexual pussy bitches any ways, I dont need to waist my time. :)

hey faggot, it's faggots, not faggets. homosexual, not homoseexual, you can't even spell your own sexuality, can you spell your name??

waste, not waist.

04-08-2004, 08:24 PM
Okay, you got me there. But your still a cum bubble in a fag's ass.

04-08-2004, 08:31 PM
I joke about racism and use racial epithets for EVERY race (name one, I promise I have a bunch of them) but I do so all in jest... I would only hope that you, TheSnail, are just joking, but then you go far outta your way to justify why ignorance is acceptable... If it weren't for a (now) ironic event earlier today, I probably wouldn't be posting this now, but this thread reminds me of a book I got:


*cue irony*
...I bought that book TODAY on my way in to work, before reading someone's mindless drivel and now think that to be quite ironic.

04-08-2004, 08:33 PM
Thesnail, you need to be shot.

Eskimo's are white?
I'll agree with him. And I'm from/live in the East Coast,asshole(snail).

04-08-2004, 10:02 PM
He must be getting so much :wackit: ....lol

04-08-2004, 11:05 PM
Kiss this big fat ass, Bitches ! ! ! Gettocraker, I hate to post your girl, but you asked for it.

04-09-2004, 12:49 AM
I ask that thegaysnail be banned for being such an idiot.

04-09-2004, 06:57 AM
This thread has spiraled into some serious shit and I predict that it will soon be locked because of someone's exhibition of ignorance and attepts at justification of it with insults and more ignorance...

04-10-2004, 11:14 AM
just heard from a friend, a movie production company is hiring william hung to play a role in some movie. he's more famous than jin all of a sudden, and he didn't do nearly as much.....

04-10-2004, 09:11 PM
jin's not that good of a rapper. hes awesome at battling and freestyling on his own, but put him in the recording room and he sucks.

04-10-2004, 11:39 PM
jin's not that good of a rapper. hes awesome at battling and freestyling on his own, but put him in the recording room and he sucks.

but he deserves to be more famous than william hung...