View Full Version : My Fat ass Frog ate a Mouse !

04-05-2004, 01:06 AM
Some of you might remember my post two months back of my new baby "carnivorius" frog. Well today It ate a mouse ! I mean its two month old fat ass already ate a mouse. At the pace its eating at, in one year it'll be eating guinia pigs. Here are pics of the frog swallowing the mouses last squeals.

Kid Zelda
04-05-2004, 01:08 AM
I want a PAC-MAN frog too :)

Feed it a snail :P

04-05-2004, 01:37 AM
Feed it a snail :P

Thats messed up.. It will never eat snails! But it sure loves chicken..

04-05-2004, 01:39 AM
it would scuk if the mouse clawed its way out of there

btw its OT

04-05-2004, 01:42 AM
Man, i didnt know there were frogs like that..... thats pretty insane, feed it some human, have him be an man-eater.... damn.. now that would be scary.....

04-05-2004, 01:44 AM
This is sooo 240 related.


04-05-2004, 01:46 AM
Sorry, trade you the frog for your rims?

04-05-2004, 08:38 AM
that was disturbing... the second pic makes the frong look demonic. it looks like its all swollen with red glowing eyes.

04-05-2004, 09:02 AM
I never knew there were frogs like that. Would this frog happen to bite your fingers if your not careful?

Andrew Bohan
04-05-2004, 09:14 AM
good god man!

04-05-2004, 10:14 AM
where can i get one :yum: that looks like a cool show and tell pet for school SWEET!! :D

04-05-2004, 11:50 AM
damn thst sick :eek3: I want one now

04-05-2004, 12:07 PM
What happens if you lick it?

04-05-2004, 12:08 PM
Thats one crazy ass frog!

04-05-2004, 12:33 PM
240eggsx your thinking of that hallucinogenic desert toads, that be cool if it was, I would wip the toad on filler paper and make bank off of it. Yeah this on you have to pick it up by the side because it may think your finger is a pinky mouse. Mine is still a baby, but they grow around 6-8inches in diameter and can weigh up to a pound.

04-05-2004, 01:56 PM
the teenage mutant ninja turtles dont have shit on him....hahaha

04-05-2004, 01:57 PM
There went Splinter. lol

04-05-2004, 02:00 PM
me love de chikan

btw.. you motherfuckers ever heard of frog legs? MMMMMMMM.. i'll show that frog how the food chain works.

- mike

04-05-2004, 02:06 PM
This one has little stubby chicken legs, It cant even get air. It woundnt be the best frog for frog legs, but if it was a frog hamburger, then it would be the perfect canidite. A one pounder with cheese.

04-05-2004, 08:45 PM
you motherfuckers ever heard of frog legs? MMMMMMMM.. i'll show that frog how the food chain works.

- mike

this thread is hilarious..i cannot stop laughing. i started laughing my ass off just when i read the title of the thread, then i see mike here trying to eat the legs off this fat ass frog-burger thing...damn, whew!! this place is always good for a laugh.

04-05-2004, 10:06 PM
haha nice pacman frog. mines is an albino and still growin, not large enough for small mice yet

but will be !!!!! soon !!!!

04-05-2004, 10:13 PM
:faint:Nice ass frog! I hope you don't keep him in that little cage-jar thingy all the time? My girlfreind LOVES frogs,what country is that thing native to and what do you have to do to take care of it...etc

04-05-2004, 10:45 PM
Yeah, their pretty fun to feed, they never stop eating. That small cage is not where it stays, the big one with the moss in the background is its home. I didnt want the mouse to drown in the deadly marshlands. In two months I'll post anouther pic of it, we'll see how fat it is then, and what it can eat, maybe a sparrow or something?

04-05-2004, 10:49 PM
this thread is hilarious..i cannot stop laughing. i started laughing my ass off just when i read the title of the thread, then i see mike here trying to eat the legs off this fat ass frog-burger thing...damn, whew!! this place is always good for a laugh.
lolololololol :yum: reptiles and amphibians rock!! I used to have a newt that had 5 legs :coolugh:

04-05-2004, 10:52 PM
Argentina (spelling?) They are easy to take care of. I have not cleaned its cage in a month but it seems to like the slimmy moss. I bought 40 crickets for 3$ and have them chilling on a plant on one side of the cage. I put the cricket food on the other side of the cage, so alot of the crickets that make the jorney for food never come back. Maybe once a week or two I get the frog some goldfish or a mouse. But other then that It can survive off its own, so you can through a bunch of crickets in there and your good for a month.

04-05-2004, 11:12 PM
sweet dude!

thats crazy, does it eat the mouse live or do you kill it first?.... does it use its tongue too?

04-05-2004, 11:25 PM
They mouse screams and squirms its last breath away.. The frog has a little tongue(1cm?) that it may use for crickets( ? )But it just bites the shit out of the mouse, then starts munching it down. The picture I posted is where the mouse stopped screaming, I think it could not breath from crushed ribs(?).

04-05-2004, 11:44 PM
damn...that's COOL!!!!! how much is that frog and where can I get one?

04-06-2004, 12:11 AM
There like 35$ mine was 50$ since it was albino. They live up to 10 years. I dont know if I can have it for ten years. I would be like 30 something. I guess I'll turn off the heat for a couple of winter nights if I dont want it anymore, but I like it so far, and it may become a part of me, just like a dog or cat.

04-06-2004, 11:04 AM
rofl turn off the heat thats so fucked up.But next time u feed him try to get a video of it lol, that would own.

04-06-2004, 11:45 AM
If "hypothetically" we threw the frog in a tank with my old pirhanas, who would be the survivor? A death match sounds interesting :) :o

04-06-2004, 12:20 PM
If "hypothetically" we threw the frog in a tank with my old pirhanas, who would be the survivor? A death match sounds interesting :) :o
lmao....that'd be a good one

04-06-2004, 12:45 PM
There like 35$ mine was 50$ since it was albino. They live up to 10 years. I dont know if I can have it for ten years. I would be like 30 something. I guess I'll turn off the heat for a couple of winter nights if I dont want it anymore, but I like it so far, and it may become a part of me, just like a dog or cat.

omg you're as sadistic as your frog... wtf does 'become a part of you' mean. don't tell me you ate your pet dogs and cats before. :tweak:

04-06-2004, 04:35 PM
omg you're as sadistic as your frog... wtf does 'become a part of you' mean. don't tell me you ate your pet dogs and cats before. :tweak:

No, just the frog might grow on me, and I wouldnt have the heart to kill it anymore. I think if I of got a tree frog instead, it would of been long gone by now, but the pacman is pretty entertaining so its still here after 3 months. This remainds me of a beagle I used to have, that one was not entertaining, their dumb as dirt, but I still managed to hold on to it for 8 months, intill I couldnt take it anymore, so it had to go. I think I'm not resposible enough to own a pet, but we'll see, maybe one day I'll be the best pet owner ever, and my frog will be the happiest frog ever, if not Ill email the guy with the pirranas.

04-06-2004, 08:23 PM
I want one of those turtles that is like the size of a shift knob. But they are 20 dollars and they seem to like company.

04-06-2004, 08:25 PM
damn...that's COOL!!!!! how much is that frog and where can I get one?

g2 to chinatown and u can get em for like 8 each... they sold me baby turtles for 16 for 2 and frigs were the same... a pound of rock and water gravel for $3.... dats pretty damn cheap 2 me... all u need 2 buy is the tank which costs the most

04-06-2004, 08:59 PM
Yeah, the cage and stuff is not free.
10gal tank - 25$
heating Pad -15$
cricket food - 5$
shit load of moss- 7$
Cricket cage -5$

Frog 25-60$

Your looking at a good 100$ for a nice set up. I think Im going to upgread my set up with a phat ass tank, and a fog machine, that shit would be pimp. But in reality, I'll most likley spend the money on a wide band O2 or something.

04-06-2004, 09:25 PM
Andrave, turtles smell like ass, I had three when I was younger, a Mask turtle, a Mud turtle they smelled like pure crap, but and about two years later, I got a Yellow bellyed Slidder (small collorfull turtle). The Yellow belly'd Slidder was by far the best one, and I caught that one in the wild. It didnt stink that bad (probably cause it was small) . I got In trouble and my dad told me to get ride of it. So I rode my bike over to the barb wire fence that surounded the pond, and I chucked it (like the way you skip rocks), in attempt to make it to the pond but instead of it staying flat like a frizbee it twisted vertical and came down fast and smacked the ground, never making it to the pond. Then to top that off I get home felling like crapp cause the impact probably killed the turtle, my dad locks me in the attic for half an hour on a summer day. Its fucked up, every memorry theres a fucked up version of it. The pas two day I was remembering my fuckup childhood, but I forgot about that one, who cars there hundreds more, just drink my rum and it all goes away... Back to the subject, do some reaserch before you buy one, maybe some turtles stink less then others

04-06-2004, 09:55 PM
hahaha, sucks to be you. I don't know if that shit is true, but at least you didn't grow up to be too horrible a person.

I had a pure bred Thai fighting rooster that my uncle gave to me when he was a chick. I made him a little coup in our backyard and let him roam all over the place (haha my mom's gardens) When he grew up, that sucker flew. I though chickens couldn't fly. But this fool flew. He spent most of his time in the tree above his coup. But he never left, and would spend time on our roof, the tree, and actually walked with me to the park and down the street. People thought it was weird that a rather large orange and black rooster was walking next to me. If you guys don't know what these things look like, they have really long tail feathers, very nice colors, long wing feathers and stand pretty tall. Their feet grow this long sharp barb that juts out near the ankle like a mini dagger. It's pretty scary to see. His head was at my waist line, and I'm 5'10". They're also very smart, and ferocious. I think he had a natural hatred for cats, because I've seen him kick cat butt many times. He was a cool rooster, but they don't live very long. My uncle used him a couple times for stud service, and I believe his lineage still lives on.

04-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Wholy carp, Thats bad ass. That beats the carnivorious frog by far. How long do they live, is it legal to own one of those, I want one, how much do they cost?

04-06-2004, 10:16 PM
hehehe, they're not really "legal". You would have to have the asian connection. They are actually bred for fighting thats why. But the best time to get one is when it's a chick, because they are kind of like pit bulls. If you don't have the bird since it was a chick, it's hard to control it. A chick from good lineage would probably run around 100.

04-06-2004, 10:28 PM
Thats bad ass, I saw the episod of Insomniac, when he goes to Mexico for the cock fights, I guess if I become desprate for one, I'll go to Mexico and come back with a dozen of them, keep a couple and sell the rest. No, thats to much work , I would rather get a Mexican to get one for me for 500$. But what if he just goes to Kentucy Chicken farm buys a chick for 25cents and sells it to me as a fighting one. hmmm.. I need to be sober before I figure that one out.

04-06-2004, 10:30 PM
thai fighting cocks are a lot bigger, and more colorful. Mexican fighting cocks are smaller, and usually all black, or black and red.

04-06-2004, 10:53 PM
uhOh , looks like I running out, I guess In a minute Ill have to switch to wight liqure wich sucks cause I hate white liqure, and you sould not mix the two.