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View Full Version : 1992 240sx Auto trans problems

02-05-2013, 01:26 PM
So, I am pretty new to all of this but just picked up a 1992 240 se from a friend a month or so ago. It was idling a little rough, seems I also have a power steering leak, as well as my overdrive was constantly off (yes unfortunately it is an automatic). I noticed that the overdrive off button flashes once for a second or so then blinks 16 times if I am not mistaking. But anyways to the main issue; I was driving yesterday and hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, until I pulled out it seemed to try and shift into third and just slipped and made a whizzing type of noise. After that I pulled to the side of the road and tried to put it back into gear and it was acting like a manual car with no clutch. The shifter would go into gear but it never caught anything just revved up everytime I hit the gas. Also I forgot to mention, the shifter lock was permanently off so you could push it in and out of any gear. So now to the main question, Is there something I can do to get a little more out of this transmission or is it done for ( I took the transmission dipstick out and the fluid didn't smell burnt). I was planning on swapping it to a five speed anyways but I was really hoping to get more out of this transmission then I did. Any input would be appreciated and im glad to be in the forum, hopefully I can meet up with some of you around the Raleigh area if anyone gets a chance. Thanks again guys look forward to speaking with you.

02-05-2013, 06:47 PM
Its an auto, just get the stuff for the manual swap together and get it done. To me it kind of sounds like some internal damage was done and it is not going to be a cheap fix.