View Full Version : CA "Discontinued" 17x9+20 5zigen Fnor 4x114

louie s13
02-05-2013, 01:24 AM
I have some 17x9 plus 20 fnor 4x114 Discontinued set
im looking to trade for mostly just varrstoens 4 lug or square rims.
cash offers not really interested, but for right price ill let them go.
Tires 225 45 17 all around (2)Yokohama 520 and (2)federal 595.

Im a noob and dont know how to put pictures on here.

These are really hard to find in these sizes !
Wheels are in great condition!!


sidewayz 240
02-05-2013, 12:43 PM
First Bump

02-05-2013, 12:48 PM
Would you trade for some XXR 530 17X9.75 powder coated white just the rims?


02-05-2013, 08:55 PM
willing too trade some xxr 962 17x9 black face polished lip

02-08-2013, 02:06 AM
bump for 4 lug fno1rc's

02-10-2013, 09:11 PM
bump for a legit seller who still can't find what he's looking for lol

sidewayz 240
02-10-2013, 10:28 PM
how much you want for rims? i got cash in hand

02-10-2013, 10:45 PM
how much you want for rims? i got cash in hand

+1 are you willing to ship?

02-12-2013, 11:19 AM
Bump for the seller

02-12-2013, 07:20 PM
Would you trade wheels and brand new tires for my wheels to your wheels??.. 17x8.5 japan made!

Would you trade for some XXR 530 17X9.75 powder coated white just the rims?


02-12-2013, 08:23 PM
Sorry my wheels got too dirty for trade :/

02-15-2013, 10:50 PM
Are these still available????

02-16-2013, 12:56 AM
Yes these are fucking hard to find, took me forever to replace one of mine when UPS lost it... I love my set.

1990 s13
02-19-2013, 02:30 AM
I got 16x7 0 offset Enkie 92 with cash on top. Or how much for sale?

02-26-2013, 05:57 PM
Lets get these sold!

Big E
02-26-2013, 06:45 PM
Bump for 4 lug!

02-26-2013, 07:46 PM
Still trying to trade?

03-02-2013, 12:29 PM
Clean rims ! Hard to find these.

03-03-2013, 07:16 PM
free bump :bow::bow::bow::bow:

03-12-2013, 03:53 PM
hhmm worth a shot, but trade for the exact same rims but 8 inch wide lol or how much to buy out in cash

louie s13
03-20-2013, 12:26 PM
im good^ thanks though mainly looking for varrstoens or square g6.

03-20-2013, 08:08 PM
Willing to ship?

louie s13
04-22-2013, 03:44 PM
Bump for sale or trade now tex 7149442012 for pics

04-22-2013, 11:24 PM
Trade two of my 8's for two of your 9's? haha :P bump for you.

04-23-2013, 01:06 AM
^^^^or you can split it up, I'll buy a pair and TheRealSy90 can also buy a pair.

04-23-2013, 06:27 AM
500$? For wheels lmk

04-23-2013, 02:54 PM
How much cash Sir
Pm me

louie s13
04-23-2013, 07:11 PM
Pm me or tex number is 714 9442012 and selling wheels and tires

04-25-2013, 11:30 PM
Are these still available?? I thought these would be gone by now....

04-27-2013, 07:48 PM
Bump for Louie!

louie s13
05-22-2013, 01:06 PM
Bump 650 with tires

05-23-2013, 01:28 AM
Bump for these rare wheels, wish I could pick them up for spares.

05-23-2013, 11:43 AM
How much cash do u want for them?

louie s13
05-28-2013, 02:12 AM
Just got some tires are rear need these gone

05-28-2013, 03:33 AM
keep these and get a new motor. no one donate to the stance *snip lifestyle lmao

louie s13
05-28-2013, 12:02 PM
2 late and my car isn't stance still drive able and these wud make good drift spares and they come with tires

08-27-2013, 12:03 AM
Are these still available?