View Full Version : About to move to wyoming/Colorado

02-02-2013, 11:28 PM
Hey fellas im going to be switching bases from Texas to Wyoming/ Cheyenne area colorado etc.// but im shopping around for an S13. ive checked my home town L.A but all the 240s there are raped and ugly as hell... and currently in texas cars are decent and might try to snag one up....

long story short ive done some searching but i cant seem to find any shops in Texas or wyoming...
Does anyone know any nissan shops in texas/colorado/or wyoming (any wear near wyoming)

im looking to put an rb25 into it & will prolly have to pay to have the motor swapped in.. little to no time as a cop to learn how to swap it it... doesnt appear as simple as it was for the old civic lol... anywho thanks for any support or replies:coolugh:

02-12-2013, 09:39 PM
Nothing for a tuning shop in Wyoming, best bet is Denver!