01-31-2013, 12:17 AM
hey guys i cant seem to find much on body harness wiring. ive looked at schematics and such but doesnt help a whole lot. I noticed the ground running through the body harness was cut. im not sure if i cut it on accident or what but i need help figuring out where it goes. Its the thickest all black wire in the bunch, and its cut close to the fuse block and smj. I see another thick black/yellow line wire, but it goes from the fuse block or a relay behind the block to the smj and isnt tampered with at all. The wire im confused about goes down to the passenger side that grounds to the dash support, and is crimped with grounds from other plugs and such. So where does that ground connect to on the smj/fuse block side?? Any info helps!!! Thank you!