View Full Version : ebay questions

04-02-2004, 05:09 PM
i haven't tried this yet but i was hoping someone would explain it to me. let's say you bid on a item with a price of 29.99 with 31.00 dollars, ebay will put down 29.99 instead of your max price so you can save money but in order to be outbid someone else would have to put 31.01. now... what would happen if you put 1,000 dollars in the first place, ebay would put 29.99 down and in order to be outbid, another person would have to put down 1,000.01 but i don't see that happening. so, has any one tried this yet? would it work?

04-02-2004, 06:14 PM
It would work in theory, but in reality there are a lot of assholes on eBay. If they figure out that you put some ridiculous bid on something, they will screw you over, and you'll be pissed when you find out that you just spent 900 bucks for a jdm air freshener.

04-02-2004, 06:18 PM
true, but wouldn't ebay protect your rights and put your minium price. also, how would the seller know?

04-02-2004, 06:21 PM
It would work in theory, but in reality there are a lot of assholes on eBay. If they figure out that you put some ridiculous bid on something, they will screw you over, and you'll be pissed when you find out that you just spent 900 bucks for a jdm air freshener.

but its jDm TyTe yo,
it would work in theory, but its something I dont want to try.....
hmmm... those prices sound like my shirts.... hehe

04-02-2004, 06:32 PM
how about something worthwild like a sr?

04-02-2004, 06:36 PM
no if you get bid up you get bid up. the seller doesnt know that you didnt want to pay 1000 for his item no matter what it is. I have seen people just put some huge amount in and them get screwed by others who figured it out. They won the item for way to much then they had to retract their bid and it really pisses the seller off. make your max bid the max you would pay. I cant count how many times i have gotten up at 3 in the morning to bid on parts.

04-02-2004, 09:02 PM
i remember, 3 years ago, i woke up 5 in the morning to bid on an Impreza 2.5RS. it was the day before the SAT too, haha. But the price was too cheap and the seller backed out, so i ended up with a S14 kouki for cheap :)

04-02-2004, 09:06 PM
i haven't tried this yet but i was hoping someone would explain it to me. let's say you bid on a item with a price of 29.99 with 31.00 dollars, ebay will put down 29.99 instead of your max price so you can save money but in order to be outbid someone else would have to put 31.01. now... what would happen if you put 1,000 dollars in the first place, ebay would put 29.99 down and in order to be outbid, another person would have to put down 1,000.01 but i don't see that happening. so, has any one tried this yet? would it work?

i don't think you understand how ebay works.

if you put down a max bid of $1000 on a $30 t-shirt, and no one bids on it at all, you win it for $30. If someone bids $31, your price bumps up to $32, and if someone then puts in $33, you pay $34 if no one else bids and the auction ends. BUT, if they bid $999, then you pay $1000, for a $30 t-shirt. Hope that explains it better.

04-02-2004, 09:09 PM
wow, i never knew ebay worked that way with bidding.

04-02-2004, 09:11 PM
im the ebay king i wait till the last 45 seconds and place this crazy bid ... never lost yet. but once bot a nissan shirt for a 101 bucks OUCH!!! ........ its such a rush lol jk

04-02-2004, 09:16 PM
lots of sellers also bid on their own stuff, so setting a high max bid is stupid in that sense.

04-02-2004, 09:52 PM
I was reading somewhere about some shit called an auction "sniper" that will take your bid on a specified item and outbid the last bidder by the BARE minimum at the last possible INSTANT to make sure you don't lose an auction. I see something such as this a far better option to you getting "smart" and bidding 1000.00 and someone elase thinking they are and bidding 950.00, and HAS to be a lot less costly.

04-02-2004, 10:19 PM
i don't think you understand how ebay works.

if you put down a max bid of $1000 on a $30 t-shirt, and no one bids on it at all, you win it for $30. If someone bids $31, your price bumps up to $32, and if someone then puts in $33, you pay $34 if no one else bids and the auction ends. BUT, if they bid $999, then you pay $1000, for a $30 t-shirt. Hope that explains it better.

are you sure, i just lost an ebay item by being outbided and it has ended, but heres the story... 0 bid at 19.99, shipping was 9.95 so my max bid was 30.05 but i was outbid so the current price was 31.05. i tried to rebid up to 40.05 but still was outbid so i decied to quit. when it ended they sent a notice in my/very bider on that item's profile, so i checked and the item was sold at 31.05 but shouldn't it be 41.05 like you said? i think this guy just did what i said in the first post so there was no way i could win but the final price was at 31.05.

has anyone tried what i said on the first post? anybody want to try? i'm timped to try! i'll post the aftermath if i ever do.

04-02-2004, 11:09 PM
are you sure, i just lost an ebay item by being outbided and it has ended, but heres the story... 0 bid at 19.99, shipping was 9.95 so my max bid was 30.05 but i was outbid so the current price was 31.05. i tried to rebid up to 40.05 but still was outbid so i decied to quit. when it ended they sent a notice in my/very bider on that item's profile, so i checked and the item was sold at 31.05 but shouldn't it be 41.05 like you said? i think this guy just did what i said in the first post so there was no way i could win but the final price was at 31.05.

has anyone tried what i said on the first post? anybody want to try? i'm timped to try! i'll post the aftermath if i ever do.

yea i am sure, i am a full time ebayer, make money on ebay for a living

04-02-2004, 11:22 PM
when you bid you don't add shipping into your bid. shipping is seperate
if I want to bid up to $20 on an item, and its $15 shipping. I bit $20, not $35.

04-02-2004, 11:36 PM
when you bid you don't add shipping into your bid. shipping is seperate
if I want to bid up to $20 on an item, and its $15 shipping. I bit $20, not $35.

i understand that, 30.05 + 9.95 = 40.00 even :werd:

04-02-2004, 11:57 PM
I was reading somewhere about some shit called an auction "sniper" that will take your bid on a specified item and outbid the last bidder by the BARE minimum at the last possible INSTANT to make sure you don't lose an auction.
I didn't know there was an actual program that did it, I think most people do it by hand though.

(Much profanity/assholery below...)
Personally I hate sniping-ass bitches. Case in point: a week ago Upspeed.com had a Buddy Club seat up for auction, starting at 200 while they normally sell on their website for 400. I watched that thing for DAYS and nobody bid on it, so I did, with a max bid of 215 (Because I'm a cheap bastard like that..). Skip ahead.. there's an hour left and I'm the high bidder, but oh noes, I have a class! So I go to class, come back, check the auction, and find out that some shitfaced cockmaster outbid me by TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY FUCKING CENTS!! Little bitch-ass trick-ass whore.
Screw those guys.

04-04-2004, 10:02 AM
I didn't know there was an actual program that did it, I think most people do it by hand though.

I was speaking on hearsay on that, I have never BID on anything on Ebay, I just "buy it now" if the option is there and remove all the bullshit from the process. Granted, I have only done THAT like 2 times and have never been presented with any issues as a result. This supervisor at my job, however, sits at her desk and is on Ebay all the time. Or I would say she USED ot be on it all the time, she was talking about the sniper that will do that shit for you, outbidding by the bare minimum at the last possible moment.

04-04-2004, 11:56 AM
you gotta pay for all those auction sniper software tho.

04-04-2004, 05:59 PM
you gotta pay for all those auction sniper software tho.
Never said that it was free... And think about it, how much does the software cot? Now how much does it cost to think you're being smart and bidding 1000.00 on a 50.00 item and another jackass bids 999.99 on that same item? I'd sooner pay for the software if I used ebay like that.

04-04-2004, 08:40 PM
I don't think your bid went through, if you tried to bid to 40.05, it should have entered a 40.05. If the other guy's high bid was higher than yours, it would have bid automatically to 41.05, assuming its by $1 increments.

Your bid must have have gone through, your bid is entered even if its not the highest, thats how you push the price up.

04-04-2004, 09:42 PM
I usually bid around the last 30 - 5 mins with the maximum I'm willing to pay for that item. It would be insane to bid $1000 with 24 hours left.....you will get raped.

04-05-2004, 12:33 AM
When i sell things on ebay, my friends bid on my item so the price can go up and we can find out the other bidders max bid. If my friends end up winning the auction they give me a positive feedback (great seller super fast shipping!! just as described A+++), and then i just repost the item using different pics. Just to give you guys an example of how curupt(sp) ebay is, and to never bid on one of my auctions!! HAHA

04-05-2004, 12:39 AM
When i sell things on ebay, my friends bid on my item so the price can go up and we can find out the other bidders max bid. If my friends end up winning the auction they give me a positive feedback (great seller super fast shipping!! just as described A+++), and then i just repost the item using different pics. Just to give you guys an example of how curupt(sp) ebay is, and to never bid on one of my auctions!! HAHA

wats ur ebay name!! :eek: lol jk... my friends would do that also but they would send emails to the other people that were losin the bid and mock them..and say they are the ebay king... they got in trouble after someone complained COMEDY tho ...lol

04-06-2004, 10:47 PM
"When i sell things on ebay, my friends bid on my item so the price can go up and we can find out the other bidders max bid. If my friends end up winning the auction they give me a positive feedback (great seller super fast shipping!! just as described A+++), and then i just repost the item using different pics. Just to give you guys an example of how curupt(sp) ebay is, and to never bid on one of my auctions!! HAHA"

Well I guess anyone should avoid auctions by "s14boy" huh? Your a fucking idiot. Post how you rip people off and to make it funny at least, you mention your ebay screen name in one of your older posts. Your a dumbass.


04-06-2004, 11:24 PM
hahaha somebody got owned

04-07-2004, 06:53 AM
I hate to say it, but that is some FUNNY shit... Also a thing that happens when you divulge too much information in a public forum forgetting what may have been placed out before. Makes me glad I never sell anything on Ebay and rarely buy anything there either. My ebay login is used more on half.com on cheap movies, CDs and video games

04-07-2004, 02:54 PM
I was recently selling some stuff on ebay, and I have to admit, it is very tempting to do exactly what he described.. I was a good boy though, and let the auctions run their course. Lost about $25 per processor but oh well.. such is life.

04-07-2004, 03:00 PM
you gotta pay for all those auction sniper software tho.
Or just do it yourself like me!! Wait till 20 seconds before its over....and BAM goes in my max bid :D by the time it goes through and the other person refeshes....its all over :boink:

Or if I'm not going to be around when it actually ends,then I put in my max bid as late as possible.