View Full Version : I'm appalled that this hasn't been discussed yet.

01-28-2013, 01:41 PM
Can we please ID these degenerates and nail them to the fucking wall?

Idiots Shut Down A California Highway So They Can Do Donuts (http://jalopnik.com/5979321/idiots-shut-down-a-california-highway-so-they-can-do-donuts)

Video: Damn Fools Doing Donuts On 880 In Oakland [UPDATED]: SFist (http://sfist.com/2013/01/27/donuts_cars_880_oakland.php)

It was also very disheartening to read some of the comments on Jalopnik. How my own peers would "condone" and encourage this type of behavior. I'm not that old, but I feel the age disparity more and more when looking at the current car scene. The mentality (especially taste), like everything else has just gone to shit.

Not to mention that one of the participants was an S13. So next time you bitch about "5-0" and smog, think about what you did over the weekend and what type of coverage it got. You probably wanted to go down as a rockstar by broadcasting this deplorable spectacle, but we'll see what type of groupies you get every time you get pulled over in the next few months.

You guys will grow up one day and quit using YOLO as an excuse. One day, you'll graduate to using Carpe Diem instead. Only living once is traveling and experiencing the world, it's skydiving, it's riding a motorcycle on a nice summer day, it's splurging for a $1000 bottle of wine during dinner.

What happened over the weekend was broke ass kids with nothing else better to do, trying their absolute hardest to get thrills out of their pathetic lives while putting others in danger and bringing on the heat for others. All because YOLO, or haters gon hate, or u mad, or whatever else you retards like to say now a days...

Grow the fuck up and quit being an adjunct part of society!

MODS: I make a motion that once that fuck is ID'd, we ban his ass.

MEMBER IN VID: If you don't like me calling you out, we're both local. COME AT ME BRO, as you kids like to say...I fucking implore you.

01-28-2013, 01:46 PM
One day, you'll graduate to using Carpe Diem instead. Only living once is traveling and experiencing the world, it's skydiving, it's riding a motorcycle on a nice summer day, it's splurging for a $1000 bottle of wine during dinner.

This is quoted for the truth!!

01-28-2013, 01:50 PM

01-28-2013, 01:53 PM
As if there isn't enough attention on modified cars already, this video only ensures that police will lay down enforcement just as hard and laws will get more strict. A highway is not a playground, why stop and call attention to themselves like morons. It only takes 1 asshat to make everything worse.

01-28-2013, 02:26 PM
I for one, would have rammed them in with what ever vehicle I'm in.

01-28-2013, 02:26 PM

This ish is not that uncommon unfortunately. SMH Norcal.

01-28-2013, 02:27 PM
Well that guy went to The University of The Streetz

01-28-2013, 02:29 PM
Can we please ID these degenerates and nail them to the fucking wall?

Idiots Shut Down A California Highway So They Can Do Donuts (http://jalopnik.com/5979321/idiots-shut-down-a-california-highway-so-they-can-do-donuts)

Video: Damn Fools Doing Donuts On 880 In Oakland [UPDATED]: SFist (http://sfist.com/2013/01/27/donuts_cars_880_oakland.php)

MODS: I make a motion that once that fuck is ID'd, we ban his ass.

MEMBER IN VID: If you don't like me calling you out, we're both local. COME AT ME BRO, as you kids like to say...I fucking implore you.

I couldn't agree with you more. Carpe Diem.

I think you summed it up pretty well, and I don't really have anything useful to add so carry on.

01-28-2013, 02:37 PM
Also being from Norcal I am embarrassed that this happened. This isn't what we need as a car scene. The Norcal scene is already kind of a joke compared to Socal and even Vegas and Washington.

The worst part for me is that you can clearly see the Sonoma Drift number plate on the side of the car. That is my home track. 10 minutes from home and cheap track days that can't be beat, but lately the crowd has been a bit different. Before it was car people having a good time learning how to drift and being friends. I personally have had my life threatened at Sonoma Drift and the shit that goes down there isn't acceptable. $40 track days bring all the poor kids.

Everyone knows the guy who owns that S13 and it shouldn't be long before hes caught. I hope everyone involved is held responsible and it stays an isolated incident. This shit isn't acceptable. I feel you on the age disparity SW20. Its getting worse and worse.

01-28-2013, 02:54 PM
These guys are fuckin idiots!!! I agree Ban there ass!

01-28-2013, 03:00 PM
I live 20 min away from where this happened ...Nor-cals car scene has gone to shit...

its all a bunch of wanna be hyphy wanna-be's trying to show of who's nuts are bigger.

And that wasn't very smart of that s13.. EVERYONE knows that car.

01-28-2013, 03:30 PM
I'm rolling up to Oracle for the Muse concert today. I probably get to roll right over that stupid spot on the way there.

Hopefully they're out there doing it again.

01-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Apparently 4chan is hunting the individuals down. Looks like they have pretty good info on them also.

Ahhhhhhhhhh the power of the internet.

01-28-2013, 04:00 PM
exactly why all the cali cops move here and pull over every modified car and i lost my license due to no insurances and a few speeding tickets not endorsing any of this and that name plate for sonoma drift should get pulled but ive learned my lesson and working on abiding laws why cant these guys i wish i had a track within a 2 hrs closest is 3-4 hrs

01-28-2013, 04:46 PM

01-28-2013, 05:09 PM
4chan is going to make them wish they hadn't done that...

I'd be happy if their cars were seized/sold at auction, and DL suspension for a couple years for good measure...

01-28-2013, 05:18 PM
Couldn't have said it better. I'm all for going into a industrial" area where there's no civilians that can be harmed but on the highway? Seems like these people have shit for brains.

01-28-2013, 05:25 PM
i get sadder and sadder every time i click on threads of this nature.

01-28-2013, 05:26 PM
yeah 4chan is going to rip there ass a new one. i hope they get caught

01-28-2013, 05:48 PM
Payupsucker...can you really be more original??? Hope somebody sent the cops the tip on who this moron is. There's a time and place for everything. Day time, during rush hour, on the middle of one of the busiest freeway in norcal is not one of them. That fucking area is gridlocked as it is.

01-28-2013, 06:33 PM
I'm glad I get pulled over on the regular while those fucks are on their merry way.

01-29-2013, 01:34 AM
Pathetic people being pathetic smh make an example out of these fools

01-29-2013, 02:28 AM
At least they had the stupidity to post the vid on FB.

SW20: Totally agree, I too am disgusted with the direction this generation is going. And the logic (or lack thereof) in the comments on jalopnik makes me sick.

01-29-2013, 02:43 AM
those guys are at least 30 years old, minimum. i'd say mid 30s.

not sure if you're talking about us guys in the 20s. lol

01-29-2013, 03:08 AM
their physical bodies may have aged into the 30s, but they are mentally far from having their ball drop.

it takes a whole nother world of stupidity to pull this shit off. and then you can add to that for posting these videos on FB/youtube.

its like saying, "please take my car/license/freedom away"

fucking trash

01-29-2013, 08:37 AM
Haha what a bunch of pieces of shit. How is that even fun? I wish they hit each other. I don't see why there was no civilian effort to stop this horse shit.

01-29-2013, 09:34 AM
what a bunch of fucking idiots. lucky no one got hurt or we would have a situation like the fucking gun ban!

01-29-2013, 10:03 AM
Posting this link up again.


This is the purple s13 in that video. I posted this link up in the other thread but it got deleted for whatever reason.

The above FS thread is either the original owner or current owner, don't know if it actually sold. As you can see he edited his OP and deleted all of the pictures of the car etc.

01-29-2013, 10:37 AM
any link to the 4chan thread?

01-29-2013, 10:46 AM
Posting this link up again.


This is the purple s13 in that video. I posted this link up in the other thread but it got deleted for whatever reason.

The above FS thread is either the original owner or current owner, don't know if it actually sold. As you can see he edited his OP and deleted all of the pictures of the car etc.

I should have screenshot the thread when I saw it yesterday. I also find it odd that this topic was posted in the Chat section, but I can't find it anymore. :wtf:

These guys will be found and charged no doubt.

01-29-2013, 10:58 AM
I should have screenshot the thread when I saw it yesterday. I also find it odd that this topic was posted in the Chat section, but I can't find it anymore. :wtf:

These guys will be found and charged no doubt.

that stunna dude has a build thread on here also. i dough he sold that car.

01-29-2013, 11:03 AM
everyone spam that dude stelling one of those cars. he has a build thread his car is a piece of shit forsure. also its him in this profile pictures.

01-29-2013, 11:13 AM
if you have their phone number....

there's a phone text spam program. on my my buddies used it, and he turned it off, but was still getting spam messages through text an hour later.

junk was hilarious.

01-29-2013, 11:27 AM
cant the mods like trace there ip adress and find him?! or anyone that has delt with this dude have his number to talk to him or give his number to the police?

01-29-2013, 11:38 AM
cant the mods like trace there ip adress and find him?! or anyone that has delt with this dude have his number to talk to him or give his number to the police?

i think they could. its just a matter of time. pretty sure mustang forums are on it too.

01-29-2013, 11:40 AM
Don't feel too bad, bikers have done this too this weekend... Biker Marriage Proposal Shuts Down Freeway | KTLA 5 (http://ktla.com/2013/01/29/biker-marriage-proposal-shuts-down-freeway/#axzz2JO67pKUr)

But anyways, I'm from socal and seen this sideshow on LA tv news last night! It will hurt everybody..

I'm sure alot of us here have done stupid stuff, but would never promote our idiocy that big. Just be more responsible if you participate in this.

01-29-2013, 11:51 AM
When i posted that forsale thread on facebook, it must have cached the original post

https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQAqg61OIAKNC9Gz&w=90&h=90&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi29.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fc2 90%2Ftonybikerguy925%2FA5F44517-CA6F-4B1C-B544-B861DB52CDD7-3993-000003721F9932D6.jpg
The goodies: Silvia front end Hydro ebrake Z32 brakes all around Stitch welded chassis 10pt roll cage with doorbars Front rear bash bars Modded knuckles Full daft innovations

01-29-2013, 01:06 PM
Had to edit.

I hope they all get picked up for this. What a bunch ghetto hood rats.

What happened to our community?

01-29-2013, 01:48 PM
So there are idiots in states other than florida now? Are we contagious?

01-29-2013, 01:49 PM
concept-8.com/gallery.html (http://zilvia.net/f/concept-8.com/gallery.html)

That purple car is Virgil Brosseau, "I believe". I got stuck in traffic because of that stupid shit. The shop is in Vallejo Ca. I hope they all get picked up for this.

Have a nice day!!!!

He sold that car awhile ago. This is that car though with a new owner.

01-29-2013, 01:58 PM
I think what everyone is forgetting is that this shit happens in the bay area! its been going on for years its just getting more mainstream. and the only reason why people here are trippin balls is because an s13 is involved. nobody here gives a shit about the mustangs in the video. if you guys dont like this shit then move to south dakota where nothing ever happens...

01-29-2013, 02:01 PM
I think what everyone is forgetting is that this shit happens in the bay area! its been going on for years its just getting more mainstream. and the only reason why people here are trippin balls is because an s13 is involved. nobody here gives a shit about the mustangs in the video. if you guys dont like this shit then move to south dakota where nothing ever happens...

It doesn't matter how long it's been going on for. The point is that it is just now reaching critical mass, and receiving the sort of attention that it deserves.

Telling people to GTFO isn't constructive. Coming up with a useful solution is.

01-29-2013, 02:09 PM
I think what everyone is forgetting is that this shit happens in the bay area! its been going on for years its just getting more mainstream. and the only reason why people here are trippin balls is because an s13 is involved. nobody here gives a shit about the mustangs in the video. if you guys dont like this shit then move to south dakota where nothing ever happens...

Exactly, keep it on the streets of Oakland at 3am then. I could care less about the side shows that go on every weekend. They can shoot each other and play cat and mouse with OPD all they want. But when has this ever happened on a busy highway, in the middle of the day, on a weekend?

Has nothing to do with the S13, but the last time I checked it's a 240sx forum. We want the book thrown at everyone that was involved.

You're a fucking idiot if you can't tell the difference.

01-29-2013, 02:28 PM
It doesn't matter how long it's been going on for. The point is that it is just now reaching critical mass, and receiving the sort of attention that it deserves.

Telling people to GTFO isn't constructive. Coming up with a useful solution is.

usesful solution? okay please go and tell all those *snip in oakland. cause i guarantee you they will not listen to a word that anybody has to say or they wouldve stopped along time ago.

01-29-2013, 02:34 PM
*snip :keke::keke::keke::keke:

01-29-2013, 02:39 PM
usesful solution? okay please go and tell all those *snip in oakland. cause i guarantee you they will not listen to a word that anybody has to say or they wouldve stopped along time ago.

regardless of what you say. i think it is still fucking stupid. you wanna get attention? go do something without involving other people.

yes i get what you mean. i am from oakland. streets from e14 to 98 ave are always getting shut down for side show. but these people are who shut down the freeway not even from oakland. i dont think so

01-29-2013, 02:40 PM
usesful solution? okay please go and tell all those *snip in oakland. cause i guarantee you they will not listen to a word that anybody has to say or they wouldve stopped along time ago.

This has nothing to do with race either. Man, you are the most narrow-minded twat ever.

This is based on the need to admonish those and their actions, not race (read: majority of kids in vid were actually white) or what car they drive (read: S13, Mustang, Camaro, who gives a fuck).

01-29-2013, 02:42 PM
How can anyone argue that this isn't wrong? come on!
That s13 wasn't street legal, shouldn't have been on the street. Sure those domestics do it all the time, but an import car will always stand out, especially if you like to paint your wheels orange etc.

01-29-2013, 02:43 PM
Don't bother with him, he's part of the problem, not the solution we want.

Gotham needs the hero it deserves. Oh wait...

01-29-2013, 03:07 PM
One of my friends happened to be there and sent me the video before it got viral (like 10 min after it actually happened) and said the guy in the S13 is from Vallejo, so that should narrow it down.

Ive seen this happen on the Bay Bridge too, but it was just Mexicans in their Mustangs and Camaros. Definitely embarrassing to be part of the NorCal scene. All the Honda kids up here found out about 240s and boom this is what we get, a bunch of immature kids who think its cool to do this shit

01-29-2013, 03:23 PM
Idiots will be idiots.

It's not the end of the world...

Maybe we should have import control instead of gun control.

01-29-2013, 03:32 PM
4chan is going to make them wish they hadn't done that...

I'd be happy if their cars were seized/sold at auction, and DL suspension for a couple years for good measure...

Meh... they blocked traffic and did a burn out.

Why don't we seize and crush Drunk-Drivers cars?

Honestly, a few thousand in fines and mandatory drivers ed just to make them suffer. Maybe a forced public/youtube apology and some community service.

This is one of those situations where public "shaming" is required. Ban them from all the local drift events, torment them on facebook/forums.. that sort of thing.

01-29-2013, 03:55 PM
Meh... they blocked traffic and did a burn out.

Why don't we seize and crush Drunk-Drivers cars?

Honestly, a few thousand in fines and mandatory drivers ed just to make them suffer. Maybe a forced public/youtube apology and some community service.

This is one of those situations where public "shaming" is required. Ban them from all the local drift events, torment them on facebook/forums.. that sort of thing.

I pretty much agree with you. Was it fucking stupid to do donuts on a highway? Hell yeah it was. Would I want to drive next to these idiots on a public roadway? Not really.

But any drunk driver is 1000x more likely to hurt or injure you and your family members. Do we punish them severely? Not really. Do we get angry, post on the internet, and attempt to personally bring them all to justice? Nope. But maybe if they were driving drunk in an s13....

My moms friend was hit head on and almost killed by a drunk driver, at 6am on her way to work, who had 8 convicted DUIs. How the fuck is someone with 8 CONVICTED DUI's not behind bars?

And you guys want to crucify some idiots for doing slow 10mph donuts? Ehh, Ill move on with my life.

01-29-2013, 04:18 PM
And you guys want to crucify some idiots for doing slow 10mph donuts?

no matter what. it still stupid. doin that shit in the freeway.

01-29-2013, 04:53 PM
I pretty much agree with you. Was it fucking stupid to do donuts on a highway? Hell yeah it was. Would I want to drive next to these idiots on a public roadway? Not really.

But any drunk driver is 1000x more likely to hurt or injure you and your family members. Do we punish them severely? Not really. Do we get angry, post on the internet, and attempt to personally bring them all to justice? Nope. But maybe if they were driving drunk in an s13....

My moms friend was hit head on and almost killed by a drunk driver, at 6am on her way to work, who had 8 convicted DUIs. How the fuck is someone with 8 CONVICTED DUI's not behind bars?

And you guys want to crucify some idiots for doing slow 10mph donuts? Ehh, Ill move on with my life.

not religious but,
while everyone else is crying ill just do what i gotta do. :2f2f:

01-29-2013, 04:53 PM
Everyone around here already knows who owns that S13, it's no mystery. And according to his Instagram and FB CHP already showed up at his house but did...NOTHING. Just as I expected. I wouldn't expect any of them to be prosecuted. Can't charge a person with a crime without identification unless someone snapped a pic or vid of their face to prove it was them driving.

01-29-2013, 04:55 PM
Everyone around here already knows who owns that S13, it's no mystery. And according to his Instagram and FB CHP already showed up at his house but did...NOTHING. Just as I expected. I wouldn't expect any of them to be prosecuted. Can't charge a person with a crime without identification unless someone snapped a pic or vid of their face to prove it was them driving.

That's what Anonymous is for. Vigilante internet justice meted out.

01-29-2013, 05:01 PM
Everyone around here already knows who owns that S13, it's no mystery.

i have no idea who he is. i am sorry. lol

01-29-2013, 05:06 PM
That's what Anonymous is for. Vigilante internet justice meted out.

Good luck, not the kind of guy you want to fuck with honestly, good luck to all internet warriors! HAHA. I don't agree with what they did, made shit hot for everyone but oh well, what can you do.

01-29-2013, 05:09 PM
Good luck, not the kind of guy you want to fuck with honestly, good luck to all internet warriors! HAHA. I don't agree with what they did, made shit hot for everyone but oh well, what can you do.

Serious question:

How would one go about getting revenge against Anonymous?

01-29-2013, 05:17 PM
Serious question:

How would one go about getting revenge against Anonymous?

impossible. revenge against anonymous would mean revenge against the entire community.
And they would just all work together to turn the tables in less than a minute


unplug their internets.

Young Sileighty Kev
01-29-2013, 05:53 PM
what was the point of this!! i'm almost certain i've seen that s13 at the Adams track, why would you make yourself look bad just to look cool with ur domestic homies..... hope im wrong and this wasnt the one i've seen drift
p.s. please dont blame the younger generation because we all are broke ass kids so we couldnt afford an ls1

01-29-2013, 06:06 PM
impossible. revenge against anonymous would mean revenge against the entire community.
And they would just all work together to turn the tables in less than a minute


unplug their internets.

You seem like a sensible human being.

01-29-2013, 06:23 PM
what was the point of this!! i'm almost certain i've seen that s13 at the Adams track, why would you make yourself look bad just to look cool with ur domestic homies..... hope im wrong and this wasnt the one i've seen drift
p.s. please dont blame the younger generation because we all are broke ass kids so we couldnt afford an ls1

people blame the younger generation cuz they don't want to blame themselves for not preventing this.

You seem like a sensible human being.

I'm not even sure if this is sarcastic or not. lol
haters say otherwise

01-29-2013, 06:25 PM
4chan is going to make them wish they hadn't done that...

I'd be happy if their cars were seized/sold at auction, and DL suspension for a couple years for good measure...

yeah 4chan is going to rip there ass a new one. i hope they get caught

Not gonna happen that place has been full of Cancer since 09

01-29-2013, 06:32 PM
people blame the younger generation cuz they don't want to blame themselves for not preventing this.

I'm not even sure if this is sarcastic or not. lol
haters say otherwise

My original "serious" question was actually me trolling. You seemed to be playing along too, so I went with it.

Someone with a tough guy attitude in real life, (who I wouldn't want to mess with) wouldn't be able to do shit against Anonymous.

Locked bank accounts, frozen assets, fucked up online social life, CP, blah blah blah. If you can think of it, they could probably pull it off if they really wanted to.

The real question is, why do they even give a fuck about some retards doing donuts on some highway? For the lulz? I feel like their agenda has split off from the rest of /b/ and become the driving force in modern hacktivism.

01-29-2013, 06:53 PM
lol i got lost halfway through
/b/ doesnt have a care in the world so they nitpick everything they can find.
im sure /b/ is considerate enough as to not actually destroy ones real life, even though they possibly could. knock on wood.

01-29-2013, 06:53 PM
Not gonna happen that place has been full of Cancer since conception

fixed it for you.

01-29-2013, 06:58 PM
I would live homeless in san diego before ever living anywhere near oakland.

01-29-2013, 07:01 PM

Traxamillion feat. Too $hort and Mistah FAB - "Sideshow" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4d7UwaNrIQ)

01-29-2013, 07:17 PM
I would live homeless in san diego before ever living anywhere near oakland.

im with you on that one

01-29-2013, 09:58 PM
this would have NEVER happened in colorado.. Colorado gun laws are sooooo lenient that I can guarantee you they would be shot at 30 seconds into the stunt with all the people with freaking Ak 47's, pistols, AR's etc ( I have an AK lol )

Colorado allows you to have a Fully loaded AK 47 in your car, magazine in the gun, bullet in the chamber, weapon OFF safe.. ask me how I know LoL

01-29-2013, 10:07 PM
exactly why all the cali cops move here and pull over every modified car and i lost my license due to no insurances and a few speeding tickets not endorsing any of this and that name plate for sonoma drift should get pulled but ive learned my lesson and working on abiding laws why cant these guys i wish i had a track within a 2 hrs closest is 3-4 hrs

I am glad you had your license revoked.. oh just no insurance and a couple speeding tickets.. no biggie right?

01-29-2013, 10:23 PM
this would have NEVER happened in colorado.. Colorado gun laws are sooooo lenient that I can guarantee you they would be shot at 30 seconds into the stunt with all the people with freaking Ak 47's, pistols, AR's etc ( I have an AK lol )

Colorado allows you to have a Fully loaded AK 47 in your car, magazine in the gun, bullet in the chamber, weapon OFF safe.. ask me how I know LoL

And you sir are who needs to not own a gun and the reason people want to ban guns. Shooting at them for a sideshow? Yes I agree this is stupid as fuck, but SHOOTING at the is 20 times more dangerous than what they were doing...

On another note, the Bay as well as NorCal (at least where I live) has been extremely hot lately, and thanks to the douchebag in the S13, its gonna get hotter. Cops see a Mustang drive by and think nothing of it, mostly because they are relatively stock looking. However all these slammed 240s you see are obviously gonna get the attention. You thanks for giving the CHP an even better reason to look at our cars.

01-29-2013, 10:35 PM
Lol I never said I would shoot at them? I only shoot my AK for fun at the range and nowhere else. but legally you can have one fully loaded in your car in colorado.. hey it's the law not my opinion.
and How I know is because I own an ak, and have been pulled over before with it in my car ( on the way to the range ) and the Safety switch for an AK is like..not what you would think. shoot / no shoot is literally the only lever on it. and yeah mine was loaded off safe.. in a gun case in the back of my car.. not like it was in my damn hand pointing out the window..

I should not own a gun? I have done absoulety nothing wrong or stupid to not own a gun. I never said I would shoot at them, i'm just saying with how trigger happy coloradans are, they probly would have been shot at.

I could say the same about modified cars/RWD cars.. modified cars/RWD cars should be banned because of "sideshows" getting in the way with traffic, causing accidents, causing deaths, causing people to lose their jobs which in turn could make them lose their home..

It isn't the car it's the driver just like it isn't the gun it's the person wielding the gun

01-29-2013, 10:40 PM
here is the 911 calls
'Donuts on the freeway?' Listen to the 911 calls reporting sideshow on Interstate 880 - San Jose Mercury News (http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_22477347/donuts-freeway-listen-911-calls-reporting-sideshow-interstate?source=rss&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=t.co)

01-29-2013, 10:46 PM
here is the 911 calls
'Donuts on the freeway?' Listen to the 911 calls reporting sideshow on Interstate 880 - San Jose Mercury News (http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_22477347/donuts-freeway-listen-911-calls-reporting-sideshow-interstate?source=rss&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=t.co)

lol why do the cops sound like they are barely even interested..

01-29-2013, 11:16 PM
idiots like these guys make me want to carry a paintball gun in my car at all times. i'll bet i could put one in the drivers ear at 30 ft, or at least make him wish he'd worn a helmet.

these guys are fucking morons and deserve to have their cars publicly crushed and their drivers licenses revoked. i vote we bring back the public stockade

01-29-2013, 11:21 PM
Lol I never said I would shoot at them? I only shoot my AK for fun at the range and nowhere else. but legally you can have one fully loaded in your car in colorado.. hey it's the law not my opinion.
and How I know is because I own an ak, and have been pulled over before with it in my car ( on the way to the range ) and the Safety switch for an AK is like..not what you would think. shoot / no shoot is literally the only lever on it. and yeah mine was loaded off safe.. in a gun case in the back of my car.. not like it was in my damn hand pointing out the window..

I should not own a gun? I have done absoulety nothing wrong or stupid to not own a gun. I never said I would shoot at them, i'm just saying with how trigger happy coloradans are, they probly would have been shot at.

I could say the same about modified cars/RWD cars.. modified cars/RWD cars should be banned because of "sideshows" getting in the way with traffic, causing accidents, causing deaths, causing people to lose their jobs which in turn could make them lose their home..

It isn't the car it's the driver just like it isn't the gun it's the person wielding the gun

Ok if you arent going to shoot at them, why the fuck did you even bring up the fact you have an AK?? No one gives a fuck. By saying this would never happen because in Colorado blah blah blah we have guns in our cars, what does it seem like? It seems like youre going to take the gun out and threaten and/or shoot people.

01-29-2013, 11:38 PM
Ok if you arent going to shoot at them, why the fuck did you even bring up the fact you have an AK?? No one gives a fuck. By saying this would never happen because in Colorado blah blah blah we have guns in our cars, what does it seem like? It seems like youre going to take the gun out and threaten and/or shoot people.

I was merely using myself as an example about how easy it is to get guns in colorado that is all. I'm saying, if I'm in colorado and own an ak, then anyone in colorado (basically) can own one too, Do I need an AK? probably not, Does anyone for that matter need one? probably not, but what I meant was that gun shops will sell potentially dangerous guns to pretty much anyone here.. anyone.. and people here in colorado ( seriously) have been shot for less and or nothing. I don't keep a gun in my car but I do know A-lot of people here who do, so that is what I meant, I could seriously see people doing this in CO getting shot at. (not by me ) maybe I didn't say correctly what I had meant originally. MY BAD DUDE /OMAHGERD

01-30-2013, 12:11 AM
it aint bad...Ive seen it live. it was actually a slow traffic and a couple of cars didnt move ahead of me to block for their buddy, then a foxbody and a camaro started a burnout and a donut. only lasted a couple of sec.

hey atleast it was more entertaining then a couple of dudes ghost ride on the slow traffic.

01-31-2013, 01:54 AM
uh huh.....

Man Says His Car Was On Test Drive During Oakland Sideshow « CBS San Francisco (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2013/01/30/man-says-his-car-was-on-test-drive-during-oakland-sideshow/)

01-31-2013, 03:07 AM
^^^^^ suspicious if you ask me who just hands 7k cash to test drive a car then call and say where the cars at so they can load it into a trailer then paint it red

01-31-2013, 03:08 AM
yea man. 240 community has gone to shit. and since someone here said some things about race... let's just say that i've noticed more and more of one type of race and less and less of other races in this community.

01-31-2013, 03:15 AM
It really doesn't amaze me how stupid people can be anymore.

01-31-2013, 07:58 AM
Have any of you guys seen the biker one? Where the dumbfuck does a burnout then gets off to propose to the girl?

01-31-2013, 11:30 AM
*late grab*

sounds legit

01-31-2013, 11:34 AM
no dought that was legit.......

weird that the dude selling the car on here isnt the same guy also......

01-31-2013, 11:41 AM
uh huh.....

Man Says His Car Was On Test Drive During Oakland Sideshow « CBS San Francisco (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2013/01/30/man-says-his-car-was-on-test-drive-during-oakland-sideshow/)

Who lets them test drive it by themselves?? Or is that just weird to me?

01-31-2013, 12:19 PM
Yeah he seems like a stand up guy.

01-31-2013, 02:55 PM
What a joke... Lol.

01-31-2013, 04:33 PM
his comment doesnt match up. if he the dude who did test drive got beat up. they should just turn the guy in. end of story

01-31-2013, 05:11 PM
his comment doesnt match up. if he the dude who did test drive got beat up. they should just turn the guy in. end of story

exactly what i was thinking. dude is stupid

02-01-2013, 11:50 AM
@ORangevirus: Really? you must be new here, cause since 2000 they have been cruising "the loop", Nevada avenue, Academy bld, sonics meet, the WH district, "grocery store" meet, Albert tacos..etc. Doing stuff like this. Drag racing, Slow-riding "the ave" , Two laning it, drifting the parking lot...etc. No guns were fired during the events. Also you would be a dumb ass to shoot at some kids in a stae which has the second highest concentration of elite forces in the united states. Id hate to be the one to shoot the kid of a Ranger...or seal...or ghost....or war dog.....

For the rest of you: yeah its stupid, but back in the day it was the same level of stupid to the previous generation when YOU did the dumb things YOU did. Like mullets, and camaros. Pretty sure most of us on here have done a burnout leaving a store parking lot or something.

I say good show, bad taste.

02-01-2013, 12:19 PM
I give them a thumbs up for having huge gorilla nuts.

240 looks better red anyways.

T chop
02-01-2013, 02:45 PM
People love to make a big deal about everything these days.

02-01-2013, 02:50 PM
@ORangevirus: Really? you must be new here, cause since 2000 they have been cruising "the loop", Nevada avenue, Academy bld, sonics meet, the WH district, "grocery store" meet, Albert tacos..etc. Doing stuff like this. Drag racing, Slow-riding "the ave" , Two laning it, drifting the parking lot...etc. No guns were fired during the events. Also you would be a dumb ass to shoot at some kids in a stae which has the second highest concentration of elite forces in the united states. Id hate to be the one to shoot the kid of a Ranger...or seal...or ghost....or war dog.....

For the rest of you: yeah its stupid, but back in the day it was the same level of stupid to the previous generation when YOU did the dumb things YOU did. Like mullets, and camaros. Pretty sure most of us on here have done a burnout leaving a store parking lot or something.

I say good show, bad taste.

man nobody knows how to read On this forum.. I never said I would shoot at them. never said that one time.

02-01-2013, 05:15 PM
In Russia you could shoot at them.
While shooting up heroin.

02-01-2013, 05:23 PM
I think what everyone is forgetting is that this shit happens in the bay area! its been going on for years its just getting more mainstream. and the only reason why people here are trippin balls is because an s13 is involved. nobody here gives a shit about the mustangs in the video. if you guys dont like this shit then move to south dakota where nothing ever happens...

hey hey they meet at gas stations and get dumb at the side show, in there cavaliers

02-01-2013, 05:39 PM
this thread is ridiculous. why are you guys so pissed off about this? those dudes didn't hurt anyone, all they did was shut down a highway for a few minutes to do donuts. honestly, the people who you should REALLY be mad at are the ones calling this shit "drifting." anyone who gets mad about having to stop on a freeway in california is a fucking idiot. who cares?

02-01-2013, 06:02 PM
Another one of these freeway stops just happened in SoCal.. but by motorcyclists.

Not sure if i feel the same negative feel about this since the guy did this for a proposal

Romantic, Illegal Proposal Shuts Down I 10 Freeway - YouTube (http://youtu.be/qUNRT54ch9M)

02-01-2013, 06:11 PM
the only reason I don't like what they did is that People could have gotten hurt, People could have lost their jobs because of it. what if an ambulance was stuck in that traffic with a gunshot victim or something and had to wait because of it. Just because they were only doing donuts for a few minutes doesn't mean it only lasted a few minutes. I'd say it took at least another 10+ minutes to get all the traffic moving again.

that could of made someone.. easily 30 minutes late to work.. and these days people Can't afford to be late to work ever.

that is why I don't like what they did. there was no real reason behind it. there is no "statement" to be made from it, and it isn't "sticking it to the man" either.

02-01-2013, 06:13 PM
In Russia you could shoot at them.
While shooting up heroin.

Herion is a joke, Russia now has Crocodil, craziest new drug ever eats the flesh off your bones from the shoot up spots

02-01-2013, 06:16 PM
Another one of these freeway stops just happened in SoCal.. but by motorcyclists.

Not sure if i feel the same negative feel about this since the guy did this for a proposal

Romantic, Illegal Proposal Shuts Down I 10 Freeway - YouTube (http://youtu.be/qUNRT54ch9M)

Herion is a joke, Russia now has Crocodil, craziest new drug ever eats the flesh off your bones from the shoot up spots

incorrect, only eats the flesh if you miss the vain:yum:

02-01-2013, 07:20 PM
I dunno about the whole ambulance thing. I thought it was federally illegal to transport a victim on the highway unless the incident occurred there.
If you lose your job because stuck in traffic you need a new job anyways..
And "people could have gotten hurt" realy your gonna hide behind that umbrella?

02-01-2013, 08:19 PM
ITT: Overreaction.

Yeah it was bullshit, but that's it.

02-01-2013, 08:29 PM
I dunno about the whole ambulance thing. I thought it was federally illegal to transport a victim on the highway unless the incident occurred there.
If you lose your job because stuck in traffic you need a new job anyways..
And "people could have gotten hurt" realy your gonna hide behind that umbrella?

i bet you would be pissed off if you were stuck in that traffic and about to be late to work and close getting fired


02-01-2013, 09:22 PM
i bet you would be pissed off if you were stuck in that traffic and about to be late to work and close getting fired


If I was close to being fired I'd be 30 minutes early just because.

02-01-2013, 10:33 PM
I wanna see all the hella videos.

02-01-2013, 11:50 PM
Man if this was going down I'd drive right into it. Let the dumb mofos smash my car to shit.

Then immediately call my attorney and file a lawsuit

02-02-2013, 02:42 AM
you wouldn't really get anything out of the lawsuit since they most likely dont have the money to pay for the damages towlie. so youd just have a wrecked car, empty bank and sad mofos in jail.

02-02-2013, 09:38 AM
you wouldn't really get anything out of the lawsuit since they most likely dont have the money to pay for the damages towlie. so youd just have a wrecked car, empty bank and sad mofos in jail.

You could go after their insurance companies.

02-02-2013, 12:16 PM
You could go after their insurance companies.

Assuming they have insurance.

02-02-2013, 01:57 PM
My beef with this whole situation are all the copy-cats thats gonna come out of this. If one person gets away with, every other idiot out there will think they can get away with it too. All it takes is one moron to fuck up and clutch kick it into some innocent bystander's car.

02-02-2013, 02:00 PM
My beef with this whole situation are all the copy-cats thats gonna come out of this. If one person gets away with, every other idiot out there will think they can get away with it too. All it takes is one moron to fuck up and clutch kick it into some innocent bystander's car.


And we don't want Australia's Anti-Hoon laws in this country.

02-03-2013, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by fliprayzin240sx View Post
My beef with this whole situation are all the copy-cats thats gonna come out of this. If one person gets away with, every other idiot out there will think they can get away with it too. All it takes is one moron to fuck up and clutch kick it into some innocent bystander's car.


And we don't want Australia's Anti-Hoon laws in this country.

If'in you wouldda come out and just stated this right away as the reason yall are all pissed and posie, I couldda jumped on the bandwagon for this cause.
but the first post was all "oh my bloody vagina hurts".

Fortunate for me, my company knows I drive 80mi one way to get there, but I am booked all the way to the end of august. so, If I were to get fired they would lose major money and most of my clients would cancel their memberships.

Also, I would call and explain what happened and comp all my clients. No "real" issues would arise unless my employers got overzealous with their role.

02-03-2013, 04:44 PM
'It Wasn't Me!' Says Owner Of Purple 240SX That Stopped Oakland Traffic For Donuts (http://jalopnik.com/5980826/it-wasnt-me-says-owner-of-purple-240sx-that-stopped-oakland-traffic-for-donuts)

02-03-2013, 06:30 PM
'It Wasn't Me!' Says Owner Of Purple 240SX That Stopped Oakland Traffic For Donuts (http://jalopnik.com/5980826/it-wasnt-me-says-owner-of-purple-240sx-that-stopped-oakland-traffic-for-donuts)

Already reported on post #82


IMO, this should have just remained local news and it's stupid that this even made national news, but whatever. This type of stuff goes on in Oakland all the time and the media is making this out to bigger news than it should be when there are more important things to report about. Sort of reminds me when the batman shooting went down and the news kept talking about the shooter and glorifying him. Let the CHP deal with this and let it die.

Even though it was stupid and since the damage has been done and it has already gotten out of hand along bringing bad light on 240sx, I think it's kind of cool that the Bay Area is getting some national coverage.

Oh yea, the owner story is pretty clever with his story even though everyone doubts what he's saying is true. It was either him or someone he knew driving. I also find it amusing reading comments posted normal people stating "Why would someone pay $7,000 to test drive something worth nothing more than scrap metal." when they have no idea what an LS engine is.

02-03-2013, 10:03 PM
Already reported on post #82


IMO, this should have just remained local news and it's stupid that this even made national news, but whatever. This type of stuff goes on in Oakland all the time and the media is making this out to bigger news than it should be when there are more important things to report about. Sort of reminds me when the batman shooting went down and the news kept talking about the shooter and glorifying him. Let the CHP deal with this and let it die.

Even though it was stupid and since the damage has been done and it has already gotten out of hand along bringing bad light on 240sx, I think it's kind of cool that the Bay Area is getting some national coverage.

Oh yea, the owner story is pretty clever with his story even though everyone doubts what he's saying is true. It was either him or someone he knew driving. I also find it amusing reading comments posted normal people stating "Why would someone pay $7,000 to test drive something worth nothing more than scrap metal." when they have no idea what an LS engine is.

Because people are narrow minded and only think about what's in front of them. Not a lot of cars have LS too. Then again some people didn't know there was an LS in that car. but what good is them knowing in the first place
SO if people gotta start asking 'why this why that' and say they're dumb, then they are better off saving face by shutting up.

Forreals though, if people wanna start asking dumb questions and cry, they should stop wasting our precious oxygen.

i personally have easy access to an LS engine. for cheap too. but i choose not to go that route. because people talk shit about KAs, i want to bring it some justice

02-04-2013, 01:04 AM
everyone spam that dude stelling one of those cars. he has a build thread his car is a piece of shit forsure. also its him in this profile pictures.
LMAO yes bash me

02-04-2013, 02:36 AM
"He got the car back, but no word on whether he returned the $7,000. I also wonder why he didn't tell the cops or the TV station who that driver supposedly was.

Let this be a lesson to all of you: Be careful who you loan your car to for $7,000. Or don't lie to the cops and the media. One of the two."

is this reporter stupid shit?
why would he return the 7000
why would he tell the cops who gave him the 7000. obviously if you're a turdshit snitch.
i would loan anyone my car if it was $7000. fuck it right?
who doesn't lie to the cops and media and gets away with it?

lol just saying.

02-04-2013, 04:04 AM
Do this all the time in gran turismo...

Don't you?

02-04-2013, 04:08 AM
Do this all the time in gran turismo...

Don't you?

efsees are best
02-04-2013, 10:09 AM
Lol. this thread is still funny.

02-04-2013, 10:16 AM
yea man. 240 community has gone to shit. and since someone here said some things about race... let's just say that i've noticed more and more of one type of race and less and less of other races in this community.

Do you even know what race the owner of this car is?

Also, people keep calling him a kid, he's older than most of the people posting in this thread.

02-04-2013, 10:17 AM
funny how nobody says anything about how the "626 drift crew" ruined the scene hahah wow lames, just because these guys aren't asian they are ruining everything. A bunch of asians going and drifting the streets in broad day light on freeway on ramps and shit is ok. So it's only ok if your asian Im assuming

02-04-2013, 10:21 AM
I just know some of the people in this thread need to shut the fuck up and get the facts straight before they start making assumptions and generalizations.

02-04-2013, 10:23 AM
I just know some of the people in this thread need to shut the fuck up and get the facts straight before they start making assumptions and generalizations.

They were the kids in school that told on everyone to get a cookie

02-04-2013, 10:25 AM
Ha this thread brought out the truly stupid people to voice out their opinions especially those who try to argue in defense of this 32 year old kid. :picardfp:

02-04-2013, 11:41 AM
don't know whos worse anymore. the people complaining, the people defending, or the driver.
or the cookie eaters

02-04-2013, 02:21 PM
Exactly my point nobody has anything to say about the rich asian and white kids drifting on the streets and freeway on ramps in the day time while raining. They have a whole lot to say about anyone else doing it though

02-04-2013, 02:26 PM
Exactly my point nobody has anything to say about the rich asian and white kids drifting on the streets and freeway on ramps in the day time while raining. They have a whole lot to say about anyone else doing it though

Im not saying I support those kids, but they also dont shut down a whole freeway. Especially one of the most fucked up, backed up, congested freeways in the Bay. Either way, if there was traffic or not, or someone got hurt or not, it was just stupid to do hahah

02-04-2013, 02:55 PM
Do you even know what race the owner of this car is?

Also, people keep calling him a kid, he's older than most of the people posting in this thread.

so from what people say hes latino the age of early 20s as in people of 'my generation'
nah hes 35(?) from 'YOUR generation'. dont blame us young people for your fuck ups.

idk bout the race though. idc. im not racist

but when people start discriminating a large group of people based in what one person did, thats exactly what retarded media people do.

02-04-2013, 03:28 PM
People who did not graduate high school nor can formulate proper sentences in English should not be given a driver's license.

02-04-2013, 03:33 PM
People who did not graduate high school nor can formulate proper sentences in English should not be given a driver's license.

blame our area for basically requiring us to drive

02-04-2013, 04:34 PM
I stand corrected for assuming the guy's age group. But if we're dealing with a 30+ year old, he should be even more ashamed for his actions.

But much like everyone else, I'm over it. Continue to aggrandize those who bend the rules for their own fame and fortune with no consequences or accountability. Carry on, Amurika...

02-04-2013, 04:39 PM
People who did not graduate high school nor can formulate proper sentences in English should not be given a driver's license.

an yet california wants to give illegals drivers licenses. :naughty:

02-04-2013, 06:43 PM
People who base judgement on individuals by age are funny...we all develop at different rates!

Stupid that people did that, sure it'd be cool as Hell in a movie, but not on the highway in Cali...I just moved to Norcal, so I don't know shit about the car scene or cops but now i'm a little more weary to go on cruises in the bay...luckily for me I have a loud ass caged e46 m3 so cops probably won't pay attention to me.

Talking about Norcal...if some local wants to PM me a link to somewhere I can find out about events/meets besides on here that'd be tight

02-04-2013, 09:03 PM
so from what people say hes latino the age of early 20s as in people of 'my generation'
nah hes 35(?) from 'YOUR generation'. dont blame us young people for your fuck ups.

idk bout the race though. idc. im not racist

but when people start discriminating a large group of people based in what one person did, thats exactly what retarded media people do.

The owner of the car is not latino, nor is he black, nor is he in his 20's.

lol @ assumptions and generalizations.

02-04-2013, 10:38 PM
The owner of the car is not latino, nor is he black, nor is he in his 20's.

lol @ assumptions and generalizations.

I still fail to realize the point of this entire thread. So what a guy and his buddies (or random strangers) did some shit on the interstate and now its a second thought to everyones mind. I think what THEY did was cool as all hell and i would gladly of joined if i was there. Nobody got hurt, sad that some people were slightly inconvenienced yet point remains.....

The only thing to come of it all, was a bunch of know-it-alls on zilvia bitching like 12yr old girls over shit that is literally none of their concern yet making out to be of something of great importance.....:mephfawk:

Also who the fuck cares if he is black, white, latino or asian...Shit seriously? Nowadays we seriously cant think that race plays any part towards a persons character or just overall being can we? Shit is this a repeat of 1860?

02-05-2013, 12:05 AM
Also who the fuck cares if he is black, white, latino or asian...Shit seriously? Nowadays we seriously cant think that race plays any part towards a persons character or just overall being can we? Shit is this a repeat of 1860?

People are retarded in a sense where if they can't find any logical way to discriminate someone because majority of their characteristics are similar to the criticizer, they resort to race and age. shit like that.

02-05-2013, 02:26 PM
haha knew there was a thread pertaining this incident. Just can't believe that member is actually on this fourm.

02-05-2013, 03:05 PM
I still fail to realize the point of this entire thread. So what a guy and his buddies (or random strangers) did some shit on the interstate and now its a second thought to everyones mind. I think what THEY did was cool as all hell and i would gladly of joined if i was there. Nobody got hurt, sad that some people were slightly inconvenienced yet point remains.....

The only thing to come of it all, was a bunch of know-it-alls on zilvia bitching like 12yr old girls over shit that is literally none of their concern yet making out to be of something of great importance.....:mephfawk:

none of their concern? These idiots are misrepresenting the drift/tuner community. It effects everyone here one way or another. Some of what you say make sense but you thought that stuff was cool? Grow up.

02-05-2013, 03:56 PM
Wow a whole thread about this, go work on your car or do something useful with your time, people are always going to do stupid shit like this get over it.

02-05-2013, 05:30 PM
none of their concern? These idiots are misrepresenting the drift/tuner community. It effects everyone here one way or another. Some of what you say make sense but you thought that stuff was cool? Grow up.

.....You chose these people to represent YOU and the COMMUNITY?
thats a new one... where was I for this vote? why wasnt ZAR in the running?

02-05-2013, 07:01 PM
.....You chose these people to represent YOU and the COMMUNITY?
thats a new one... where was I for this vote? why wasnt ZAR in the running?

I think he meant MISrepresents.

That's what makes it upsetting. Is that people went on the news to show the public what responsible drifting was, and that what happened on 880 does not represent it.

Either way, it seems that nothing will come of this and the law has given up trying to prosecute him because he didn't criminalize himself.

02-05-2013, 08:33 PM
.....You chose these people to represent YOU and the COMMUNITY?
thats a new one... where was I for this vote? why wasnt ZAR in the running?

Lol, reading comprehension, try it.

02-05-2013, 11:08 PM
This is why people my age can't have nice things. Asshats like this. Also why I have to pay up the ass for insurance >:[

02-06-2013, 12:25 AM
Lol, reading comprehension, try it.

well since YOU said it, let me help you out...
to MISrepresent something, you have to be REPRESENTING it in the first place..........

otherwise its just an ignorant interpretation of something someone THOUGHT you were doing.
^ See what I did there. 'cause people said he was drifting.....

Like apples?

02-06-2013, 06:56 AM
well since YOU said it, let me help you out...
to MISrepresent something, you have to be REPRESENTING it in the first place..........

otherwise its just an ignorant interpretation of something someone THOUGHT you were doing.
^ See what I did there. 'cause people said he was drifting.....

Like apples?

Serious? Do I have to explain this? Let me help you out. By default, he is representing us in one way or another because we all modify, race, drive, etc... these type of cars. No voting needed. It's called stereotyping, it happens. What happened was blatant and just makes it harder for everyone else. Some people care, some obviously don't, but that doesn't change the fact that actions like that effect our community.

02-06-2013, 08:47 AM
Yolo yolo yolo

02-06-2013, 09:07 AM
Serious? Do I have to explain this? Let me help you out. By default, he is representing us in one way or another because we all modify, race, drive, etc... these type of cars. No voting needed. It's called stereotyping, it happens. What happened was blatant and just makes it harder for everyone else. Some people care, some obviously don't, but that doesn't change the fact that actions like that effect our community.

I see the whole point went waaaay over your head....
No you don't need to explain, Yes I was serious, You just cant comprehend what I was getting at.....

02-06-2013, 11:13 AM
This is why people my age can't have nice things. Asshats like this. Also why I have to pay up the ass for insurance >:[

blame thieves and the police for cracking down on illegally modified cars on why you can't have nice things.

you pay up the ass for insurance because people your age generally get into more accidents due to inexperience and, to an extent, possibly a higher percentage of all DUIs issued.

02-06-2013, 11:24 AM
people like to generalize
all black people are thieves
all asians are cheap
all latinos are drug dealers
all white people are superior
all 240sx drivers do donuts on the freeway
none if its true right?
key: plural, not singular

02-06-2013, 11:58 AM
Serious? Do I have to explain this? Let me help you out. By default, he is representing us in one way or another because we all modify, race, drive, etc... these type of cars. No voting needed. It's called stereotyping, it happens. What happened was blatant and just makes it harder for everyone else. Some people care, some obviously don't, but that doesn't change the fact that actions like that effect our community.

Don't worry about him. No one is gonna tell that Fine Young Stunter that he's wrong.
Because he isn't.


02-06-2013, 02:33 PM
Omg its Danielle!
How's my favorite twat?
I see you are still getting my name wrong....and using memes from way back when I first ran up in your mom.

Here's a spelling lesson for ya:
F.Y.N.E Y.O.U.N.G. S.T.U.N.N.A

I.C.Y. H.O.T. S.T.U.N.T.A.Z.

Can YOU spot the difference? Other than you may or may not have a younger sibling now?

02-06-2013, 03:16 PM
Way to take the trollbait.

02-06-2013, 03:17 PM
Tastes like steak

02-07-2013, 01:23 AM
this guy^ is the biggest *snip i think ive ever seen LOL!

02-07-2013, 01:25 AM
and if youre in that picture.... lol i feel bad for u, and ur familly must be pretty damn pround hahaha

02-07-2013, 09:35 AM
I'm the one on the right bro!
that's my Camaro in the background.

02-07-2013, 12:40 PM
Confession: I've done doughnuts on highway 5 south on my way to Buttonwillow at 2am.

02-07-2013, 01:02 PM
Confession: I've done doughnuts on highway 5 south on my way to Buttonwillow at 2am.

LOL. You weren't blocking any traffics were you?

Can't believe I didn't know about this till now...

What a bunch of idiots...

02-07-2013, 01:33 PM
Confession: I've done doughnuts on highway 5 south on my way to Buttonwillow at 2am.

Confession: I've done doughnuts on the 2 south,210 west,605 south.

2 south- 3 am (freeway had too much grip combined with my sticky tires I had on and broke my transmission in my turbo2 rx7)

210 west- around a bulldozer in an empty construction zone (there was a CHP hiding in the darkness and only gave me a ticket for suspended license, him and his partner liked my stunts)

605 south- 2 am

02-07-2013, 06:09 PM
ohhhh confessions! lol

02-08-2013, 01:38 AM
210 west- around a bulldozer in an empty construction zone (there was a CHP hiding in the darkness and only gave me a ticket for suspended license, him and his partner liked my stunts)

As soon as the chp comes out i would literally be like: "oh what the fuck are the chances"

02-08-2013, 10:02 AM
cops are pretty chill.my friend drove his focus without a license with like 6 people in the car and the guy didnt give him anything. he just let him go and left. my other friend was testing his speedometer to see if it was working properly and he was doin 50 in a 30 mph zone. cop pulled him over asked him why hes goin fast and my friend just told him what he was doin, "i was testing my speedometer to make sure its properly working." the cop said ok get that thing fixed and left. the thing is imo dont give cops a hard time and they wont give you a hard time. of course this is in my area and differs from place to place.

02-08-2013, 02:33 PM
blame thieves and the police for cracking down on illegally modified cars on why you can't have nice things.

you pay up the ass for insurance because people your age generally get into more accidents due to inexperience and, to an extent, possibly a higher percentage of all DUIs issued.

I don't deny that but drivers like him also raise the statistics on that car in particular that are in accidents. My insurance will be higher than someone Older, but because of people like him, insurance for a 240sx will always be higher than some econobox by default.

And as far as modified cars, I also agree. Thieves make that hard on people, but that comment was just having a 240 in general, or any sport-type vehicle for that matter.

02-11-2013, 12:23 PM
people talk about how oncoming traffic could get into accidents cuz theyre going like 60mph. but like, im sure people know what to do when they see stopped traffic. why are people assuming theyve never seen completely stopped traffic?? i ran into completely stopped traffic on 101 going south at 11pm and i didnt get into no accident.
if you get into an accident because of people doing donuts on the highway, youre partly at fault for not taking precaution as to stop when you needed to. negligence

02-11-2013, 12:51 PM
As soon as the chp comes out i would literally be like: "oh what the fuck are the chances"

exact thoughts! me and my friend were like "oh shit robo cop" what are the fucking chances there was a chp chillaxin in that same area at that exact moment haha. I thought the ticket was going to be huge but naw he was cool

A DOG 406
02-11-2013, 01:31 PM
I'm the one on the right bro!
that's my Camaro in the background.

Your kidding right? O God i hope so.

02-11-2013, 03:09 PM
last i got a ticket was a dui lol. fcking prick i blew .08 and didnt let me go cuz im not 21 lol.
never get caught in millbrae. lol

hey stunna Were you in team stunnaz couple years back?

02-11-2013, 03:28 PM
yes, serious about camaro....? lets see if you catch it?

No, not in team stunnaz.

02-11-2013, 08:37 PM
last i got a ticket was a dui lol. fcking prick i blew .08 and didnt let me go cuz im not 21 lol.
never get caught in millbrae. lol

hey stunna Were you in team stunnaz couple years back?

It is illegal to be under 21 with a bac of .01%. So at .08% you were 8 times the legal limit, as well as over the legal limit of someone over 21.

So what's your point?

02-11-2013, 08:55 PM
It is illegal to be under 21 with a bac of .01%. So at .08% you were 8 times the legal limit, as well as over the legal limit of someone over 21.

So what's your point?

just sayin. don't need to point out the obvious?