View Full Version : Slight car accident not my fault...

04-01-2004, 10:40 PM
So i was going northbound (2 lanes going north) i was on the lane closest to the sidewalk... my lane has no traffic so i proceed @ like 25-30 (what i told my insurance company) but now that i think about it i was going like + or - 35 mph... anywho...
the lane next to me was slower... i was goin straight and this lady comes out a bit to try and switch lanes... but too late... she clips my rear corner panel area :faint: .... the damage is slightly pushed in w/ paint scratches from behind door + little of door to front of wheel well then continued horizontally to the other side of the wheel well... her car has damage on her front passenger bumper/fender... both cars still driveable ... she firest said it was my fault... then later her husband came talked to her... then said it was her fault and offered me 100 BUCKS !!!! my cars old but DAMN ! so i took her info and called my ins company

not my fault... doesn't seem like much but what sucks is... after all this adrenaline crap... my neck is sore ... when she clipped me it like jolted my rear end to the right (hard... but not like sliding sideways completely).... slightly lost it ( cuz it was wet from rain... reallly wet ) countered rear goes left hard then straightens hard ... sooo right left right straightened but it was hard jerks : (

wonder what will happen ... shoot me with possibilities

04-01-2004, 10:47 PM
that sucks, good luck

04-01-2004, 11:11 PM
my neck is sore ... when she clipped me it like jolted my rear end to the right (hard... but not like sliding sideways completely).... slightly lost it ( cuz it was wet from rain... reallly wet ) countered rear goes left hard then straightens hard ... sooo right left right straightened but it was hard jerks : (

Give me a break, I hate guilty people that try blame others, and the neck thing. mmm... nore your a theif or like your name states, a pussy bitch.

04-02-2004, 01:17 AM
Im the guilty one ?

04-02-2004, 01:18 AM
you want the truth...you cant handle the truth!

04-02-2004, 01:23 AM
haha, that movie was good

04-02-2004, 02:02 AM
Thaaaa... bears. Thaaaaa...bulls
Airsoft I hope you get some money for your car., Sorry about before, I have two presonalities that change by the hour.

04-02-2004, 03:39 AM
hehe np mang i love everyone!

04-02-2004, 09:46 AM
give it to insurance, if she clips you the insurance should be able to tell who's at fault....

should've had a camera in your car....take pictures of the lanes and the damage from you'rs and hers