View Full Version : Really great April Fools Day Prank

04-01-2004, 10:52 AM
At least I'm 90% sure it's a prank.

And.. um.. browse the "FLIMCO" section a bit...
It's either a really good prank, or a really bad idea.

04-01-2004, 12:34 PM
ain't no way that's happening.
Dr Rex Birkmire?

that's weaksauce, anyway. A better joke would be for me to ban everyone for the day. :-D

04-01-2004, 12:54 PM
nico IS a good april fools joke

04-01-2004, 12:56 PM
nico IS a good april fools joke

i guess...

but i really love their ka-t forum.. very very very informative and helpful X 1000000000000

Andrew Bohan
04-01-2004, 01:10 PM
hey, dr rex is really the guy who started it, and he really is a psychiatrist.
the rest is bs though

04-01-2004, 01:54 PM
We should extend this thread to share some of the better April Fools jokes floating around on the web.

I'm sure everyone's seen the out-of-this-world job at google.

If anyone uses bittorrent, suprnova.org had me pondering what the world was coming to for a second or two last night at 1 AM.

04-01-2004, 02:15 PM
to not start another April Fools thread i'll just post one here. Its not great, but i thought it was funny.

Seeing how I work in a high school system doign computer work, we have "digital classrooms" that consist of 24 computers that are used for internet research. One of the teachers and myself printed up some signs that said


The computers are now voice activated. To log onto the network, you will need to speak your full name and student ID. Speak directly into the monitor. If the system does not log you on, please repeat the procedure speaking slightly louder. If the system still does not work, please inform your teacher so that we can reset your account settings. Thank you."

Well, you should have seen the kids reactions. One kid was yelling, another was whispering right next to the monitor, another one was talking at the keyboard and was corrected by the kid next to him. I was watching from the hallway and was laughing my friggin a$$ off!!

04-01-2004, 02:53 PM
haha. that is pretty funny. Last year for April fools, i was hanging out with one of my friends. When i saw him, i kicked him in the nuts and said "APRIL FOOLS!!!" then i ran like the wind

04-01-2004, 07:22 PM
kick in the nuts is against the guy code man... im gonna have to say that is not cool, still kinda funny in a jackass sorta way tho,

04-01-2004, 11:22 PM
i woke my roomate up this morning by telling him the cops were out front wanting to talk to him....he was so scared

04-02-2004, 11:27 PM
long story: best friend gets married on april fools day a year ago. he's afraid to fly and is driving to miami for his honeymoon. me and brother and several other friends decide to play a gag. we get about 10-13 pairs of bras and panties from our girlfriends, and female friends and stuff. and while he's in the wedding chapel my brother is outside stufing them in the differnt crevices of his truck, in the glovebox, under the seat, in the armrest, in the door map pocket, in the back seat pocket, etc. well they got about an hour down the road and she opens the glovebox to grab cigarettes. oh imagine her surprise when a pair of shear panties fall out onto the floor. and imagine his surprise too. it took some explanation, but to this day we still laugh about it. she said his face was never redder and she was never madder.