View Full Version : I have no life...

03-31-2004, 10:01 PM
Is it just me or do I have no life.
Shits deppresing when you move, so a block of metal (240) is one of my only friends.I understand having a hobbie is cool and all, but since the car is always there, its basically all Ive done in the past two years. I guess its better then my first year moved ( drugs drugs drugs) and all that shit is probably the reason I feel like shit. Anyway, I dont want to become obsesive on 240's, I wake up now and think 240, 240 240, but I would hate to see my self disconected from society, in my house with 240sx paper weights, 240 shaped cookies, and so on. Does any one else know what I mean, or am I just taking crazy pills?

03-31-2004, 11:04 PM

hahahahaha, just kidding man. Go out and hit on some girl or something

03-31-2004, 11:07 PM
or just post on here more often....

03-31-2004, 11:15 PM
good enough!

03-31-2004, 11:23 PM
Moving by yourself is rough, but eventually, things work out.

I had a serious bitch of a time moving away from everything and everyone I knew in Upstate NY to take a job down here by myself. But, I've made the best of it.

Sinking yourself into hobbies is admirable and a great way to meet like-minded people. Don't feel down about it.

03-31-2004, 11:29 PM
theres no point in being down ...

go to your local bar and talk to some chicks

03-31-2004, 11:41 PM
yeah, all my friends here are 240 people, my girlfriend is still in NC, To her, I just dont want to seem like a 240 lunatic, and rather a person that just drives and enjoys his car. The thing is, Unless you have money coming out of your ass were you can just buy a finish one, by building the car with your bare hands, with you own broke ass expenses, and create a car that cars of 200,000$ would get the shit stomped out of them, brings some light to the life of someone with no life. I still have a girl, but if I keep it up , it wont be for long. I just need to chill out, or at least not talk 240's to her.

04-01-2004, 01:22 AM
yeah I guess I am "dull boy" 240 or I gues 200 is all I got. :(

04-01-2004, 07:57 AM
go to track events; meet other car people. voila friends who also like cars.

04-01-2004, 09:52 AM
na. get yourself a gym membership.

actually get 2. first in a gym where you actually work out (body builders gym)
and second one in the meat market gym, to get hoes. works everytime. :naughtyd:

04-01-2004, 11:32 AM
think about suicide. It's fun :) Give it a try see if it works for you, and then tell 5 of your friends, and its GaRonTeeeeeed to give you good luck for the next 5 years. It worked for me. ;)
Not only am I the president of the Pennsylvania chapter of the Loser's institution for men I'm also a customer.
You have nothing to lose, just send me 10 bucks if it works for you. Hah.

Serious, I have no idea. My car is my life, it's why I wake up at least. I also am like the guy in fight club and go to different self help groups and try and pick up chicks. Narcotics anonyomous is the best, It's where all the freaks come to chill. Get a shrink, then you can whine and complain, and he or she gets paid to listen so they don't argue like normal people. It's like beating up your old grandmother who's in a wheelchair, easy and fulfilling. I think I am going to give mine a call right now, thanks for the idea. Sure no problem.

Oh yeah that gives me a even better idea. Further develop your latent and dormant split personality. Remember skitzophrentics are never alone! plus then they give you drugs that insurance covers and you feel no guilt when taken them. Plus you don't have to deal some coniving(sp) dealer. Remember that the little colored ones are always the strongest. Ha ha. Being totally insane has its advantages, plus I can still drive. So just keep in mind that I'm out there in the population with all you normal folk's. I'll be seing you.:)

Read books. Like the Devils Butcher Shop, Lord of the Flies, Nietzche's Anti-Christ, and don't forget the best one of them all chicken soup for the soul. I actually didn't read that last one but I'm sure I would like it, they say its right up my alley. Which confused me because I don't have a personal alley, but if you got one for sale I'll take it off your hands fast. I used to have to go to this one alley all the time to buy my medicine but one day the cops where there and told me they would arrest me if ever came into that whole part of the city again. I was so confused. But now my docter does not practice in that alley he has a nice building with other doctors and many helpful nurses. I think im going insane.

MEDICATION TIME. good bye. Auto.:)

04-01-2004, 01:53 PM
I agree with Autodestruct, Talking to so your self is normal I dont know why most people think bad about it. The only one I can live with out (auto you probably know what I mean) is argueing with your self. I know It sounds weird, but several times a day, In my mind I put myself in in a situation, where I am talking for both people, anyways what ends up happening is I end up tense and pissed off as if Im about to fight. Plus yelling at yourself doesnt look that good. I think its okay, I dont have a radio in my car but I just have a conversation with myself. I guess I am crazy, but what is crazy, and is it all that bad. They say you are considerd legaly insane after taking 7 hits of acid, Ivr taken double that at once, and probably 70-90 all together. Its cool though, now I have a hell of an imagination, but that also gets me when I try to go to sleep, In less I am drunk, It takes me about two hrs to fall asleep expecialy if I am argueing then my heart is pumping all fast and shit, that shit aint cool, but I guess everything else is fine. Ps: I dont read books, I just go to death at www.deathndementia.com when I need to refuel, If you fear metal corruption stay away.

04-01-2004, 02:02 PM
dude... i'm scared for you. you need a girlfriend or something.

04-01-2004, 02:14 PM
Its cool man, I have a girlfriend, she lives in a diff state though, my mind may be different, but in society, I seem the same. Its not like Im going shoot any thing up, I just have to keep myself entertained, you just made me think of something, what if 20years down the road, theise metal abilities ar not enteraining anymore? Would suicide be next? man this sux, I got to go, i got to think about this.

04-01-2004, 02:50 PM
less thinking, more drugs and sex! dr. poopy says it is so. then you'll be a happy individual.

04-01-2004, 03:04 PM
find other hobbies too (girls), sometimes i get tired of the crap box and try to find pleasure in something else (girls) go enroll in school (girls) meet some people and have a beer (with girls)

Andrew Bohan
04-02-2004, 01:27 AM
there's always porn too

04-02-2004, 02:22 AM
i guess you took my advice

01-14-2005, 10:50 AM
actually man, a car is a great hobby to have. Yes you grow attached, and your obsess ( i know i have), but its like any other thing. you need Moderation. Drugs are often an outlet people go to when feeling lost, lonely or confused. I know i have. I love drugs, but cars are better than drugs. You spend a lot of money on both, but you end up with something cool after spending all the money on a car, unlike drugs where you just end up with bad habits, and ailments associated with taking those drugs.
I've been down that road, i'm still dealing with it today. I've pretty much kicked all my drugs from the past....except for my favorite two. I still drink, although i watch myself, and i still smoke pot...although i've been making a honorable attempt to cut back. I've got a Job with the Govt. and its kinda frowned upon to do drugs...lol.
i need to clean up my act and put more effort into work. I find working on my car (which ive recently been making enough money to start modding my car again) helps keep me out of trouble.
You cant get too wrapped up in it though, or youll find it consuming all other aspects of your life.

heres another bit of advice, with some nice segway. Im sure your g/f is supportive or your enthusiasm for cars, but becareful. You could lose her if for a second she thinks you care more about your car than her. I was with a girl for close to 4 years, we were together most of highscool and part of college. we thought we were getting married. I was going to school, playing football, and was thinking about my car the rest of the time. I didnt work much and she paid for most things, b/c i spent almost all my money on my car. She moved 7 hrs away in the same state to attend pharmacy school, while i stayed home and went to school and hung out with my friends and worked on my car. i neglected her. The best thing i've ever had in my life. As you might guess we broke up shortly b4 our 4th ann. she needed to focus on school, w/o having to have her heart broken whenever i forgot bout her or something along those lines.
I dropped out of school and lost my job, and resented my car.
Kinda went on a drug binge. started drinking even more heavily. My p's kicked me out of my house, i moved in with a guy that was a very bad influence on me, in a very bad part of town. i was broke, and whats worse is he tried to kill me. I moved back in with my parents, straigtened up my act for a lil bit, and tried to save money and get my life together. it was tough.
The only thing that saved me was my ex g/f. My friends couldnt break my slump. She told me that i was just too engrossed in my car, and showed me how good of a hobby cars are. We still keep in touch daily now. I pulled my self out of the abyss i was in, found a job that pays great, w/benefits and theyll pay for me to go back to school.

Dude, step back, take a look at things. Do you own your own place, or atleast are living independent of other people? are you in decent health? still breathing? do you have a girl that loves you, even if shes in another state? do you make some pretty badass cars? (ill answer that one for you, YES!)

sometimes just take a deep breath and analyze things, break them down and do it 1 by 1. Its not all that bad.
we only get live once remember, make the most out of it. Find things about life that you love, and hold on to them.

wow, i just spilled my guts on that one. But for some reason this thread just hit a nerve for me and i had to share. hope this helps...

01-14-2005, 12:54 PM
nice to see a different side of you coastek240. one of the first real contributions on this forum.

TheSnail, I agree with everyone else. You shouldn't feel bad at all for the love of your car, just moderate as said above. Good luck with everything man...you have my support through this little internet community.

01-14-2005, 02:15 PM
FYI - 04-02-2004, 04:22 AM

That's a long time ago.

01-14-2005, 02:17 PM
daaaaamn...your trippin on some good ass shit. lemme get some of that. "240 shaped cookies" !?

01-14-2005, 02:26 PM
damn!! i hate it when i don't read the dates!

01-14-2005, 02:29 PM
Is it just me or do I have no life.
Shits deppresing when you move, so a block of metal (240) is one of my only friends.I understand having a hobbie is cool and all, but since the car is always there, its basically all Ive done in the past two years. I guess its better then my first year moved ( drugs drugs drugs) and all that shit is probably the reason I feel like shit. Anyway, I dont want to become obsesive on 240's, I wake up now and think 240, 240 240, but I would hate to see my self disconected from society, in my house with 240sx paper weights, 240 shaped cookies, and so on. Does any one else know what I mean, or am I just taking crazy pills?

I felt the same way.. which is why I decided to step out of the 240 community.. some people within that crowd were even friends with me for the wrong reason.. sometimes the more memorable moments are not just from your car, but just having fun w/ other people and enjoying life in different ways.. I wish I could travel more, and hopefully that dream will come true one day.

01-14-2005, 03:02 PM
theres always your left hand and some handlotion ;)

Sil Beer S13
01-14-2005, 03:03 PM
wow this is almost a year old.

01-14-2005, 03:12 PM
I think cars is a hobby and as long as you treat it as such it is ok. Its the point when your car becomes your life then you know you're in trouble. Get out, go do something, drive the car you work on so hard somewhere. Pick up a new hobby, take classes at community college. You'll find you will feel better when you surround yourself with other people.

I think that's one of the biggest things about American mainstream culture, we are so isolated. Other cultures around the world are a lot more friendly, open, social and focused on groups rather than individuals.

My gf and I broke up about a year ago... I am glad I've had the car to keep me busy and focused on something that I do like and not think about her.

Always remember that people > cars.

01-14-2005, 05:00 PM
you are wrong. he went to self help groups to cry.

screw people. finding even a few that will stand by you thick and thin is next to impossible. screw women, they'll leave you for your friends.

machines cannot hurt you and can be controlled.

machines are perfect.

01-14-2005, 05:06 PM
Makoto, I beg of you, stop watching the Matrix movies, Agent Smith

01-14-2005, 08:05 PM
Ne postojati u depresiji ugoditi. Probati nalaz nov hobiji, i sećati se taj mnogobrojan narod vjerojatno imati tvrđi stoka nego te. Promena tvoj život, Naći sreća!
Nadam se sve će biti bolji umjesto te ubuduće.

01-14-2005, 08:07 PM
Care to repeat that in a language that we all speak?

01-14-2005, 08:17 PM
Just telling Snail to cheer up, not be depressed, there are many people out there that have worse problems, take control and change life for the better, etc..

01-14-2005, 08:43 PM
go rent some movies man, porn works also but it gets tiring after a few mins.ummm err sorry to say u need to find a local bed buddy to vent ur frustration on...so yes that means cheating. but seriously i think u just might need some homies and take ur self to a social place to meet new people. did u even know GT4 is coming out.. take care of ur self buddy. we wouldnt want to lose a fellow 240 man.

01-14-2005, 11:07 PM
oh yeah and if you do decide to off yourself feel free to give me any parts/tools that you think might be handy in the future, k? cool.

01-14-2005, 11:09 PM
thats cold............

01-15-2005, 03:27 AM
throwback thread! But anyways... Car modding is a terrible way to waste money due to the fact that it becomes a valuable and very vulnerable prized possesion. Any thief who really wants your car can take it, or some drunk bastard can hit you when you least expect it. And in my case all I am remembered by in high-school (technically) is my old car (SUpEr JDm TYte MaZDa MX-6) I even won best car in the yearbook. Now I flip through that shit and say damn thats all I was...not most likely to succed or anything impressive but I drove a car that only other car modders appreciated, which is what... 1 out of 15 drivers on the road? Since MX-6's have next to NO aftermarket support...I slowly spent a total of $4,000 in mods and $4000 in reapairs (POS! and its still fucked till this day) in 2 years. I just did a tally of how much I spent on my S14...I've done OVER $5,000 in mods in not even 6 months yet. I first got the car and I knew I was in trouble cause of the aftermarket support...but damn when I look back, was it really worth it? I could have went to fucking paris then china then hawaii. But now I have a car that just causes envy and jealousy...and it isnt even the best and it never will be.

Sorry for the venting...just that today my coworker saw me looking at the JDM kouki front on the net and I told her I was going to pick up my JDM front on monday for $350. She said "whats wrong with your bumper it...it looks cool, like a transformer" (reffering to stock with lip) then I said "yeah thats why Im changing it to the JDM" and she said "why waste money if its not broken, and whats a JDM?"...I gave up after that. 10 mins later she comes by again and catches me looking at the R34 rims someone was selling awhile back and she said "wow $1500 for rims? and they dont even come with tires? what a waste of money!" Then my other guy co worker walks by and says "skyline rims, those are dope, you should get them"....Then I was thinking about it and Am I putting all this money into my car to impress a bunch of guys? Whoaaaa. Then another little thing I noticed today, a lady was walking on the sidewalk with a cigarette talking to her friend and she ashed on a car and wasnt even paying attention...I was just thinking, what if I was parked there? Most people in the world dont really give a flying fuck what you drive. And I just realized I spend most of the day looking at cars, reading about cars, thinking about cars...whats the big deal? I don't have anything else to spend my money on and this was always an outlet that was supported by friends and I always thought was right (big bro does muscle cars). And I earned every penny of that money for the past 3 years too, I worked my ass off, it was NOT handed down from mommy and daddy! And all I have to show for it is a broke-down mazda that i put back to stock. Sorry again for venting just something that was eating at me all day.


01-15-2005, 09:53 AM
throwback thread! But anyways... Car modding is a terrible way to waste money due to the fact that it becomes a valuable and very vulnerable prized possesion. Any thief who really wants your car can take it, or some drunk bastard can hit you when you least expect it. And in my case all I am remembered by in high-school (technically) is my old car (SUpEr JDm TYte MaZDa MX-6) I even won best car in the yearbook. Now I flip through that shit and say damn thats all I was...not most likely to succed or anything impressive but I drove a car that only other car modders appreciated, which is what... 1 out of 15 drivers on the road? Since MX-6's have next to NO aftermarket support...I slowly spent a total of $4,000 in mods and $4000 in reapairs (POS! and its still fucked till this day) in 2 years. I just did a tally of how much I spent on my S14...I've done OVER $5,000 in mods in not even 6 months yet. I first got the car and I knew I was in trouble cause of the aftermarket support...but damn when I look back, was it really worth it? I could have went to fucking paris then china then hawaii. But now I have a car that just causes envy and jealousy...and it isnt even the best and it never will be.

Sorry for the venting...just that today my coworker saw me looking at the JDM kouki front on the net and I told her I was going to pick up my JDM front on monday for $350. She said "whats wrong with your bumper it...it looks cool, like a transformer" (reffering to stock with lip) then I said "yeah thats why Im changing it to the JDM" and she said "why waste money if its not broken, and whats a JDM?"...I gave up after that. 10 mins later she comes by again and catches me looking at the R34 rims someone was selling awhile back and she said "wow $1500 for rims? and they dont even come with tires? what a waste of money!" Then my other guy co worker walks by and says "skyline rims, those are dope, you should get them"....Then I was thinking about it and Am I putting all this money into my car to impress a bunch of guys? Whoaaaa. Then another little thing I noticed today, a lady was walking on the sidewalk with a cigarette talking to her friend and she ashed on a car and wasnt even paying attention...I was just thinking, what if I was parked there? Most people in the world dont really give a flying fuck what you drive. And I just realized I spend most of the day looking at cars, reading about cars, thinking about cars...whats the big deal? I don't have anything else to spend my money on and this was always an outlet that was supported by friends and I always thought was right (big bro does muscle cars). And I earned every penny of that money for the past 3 years too, I worked my ass off, it was NOT handed down from mommy and daddy! And all I have to show for it is a broke-down mazda that i put back to stock. Sorry again for venting just something that was eating at me all day.


Amen to that one bro..

Funny thing is:
my current car gets more attention than any of the previous cars I've owned, but I didnt do shit to it, LOL.

only thing i found modding/driving cars good for is putting off troubles, (not thinking about em).. but time is drawing near, and I really should have saved or spent that money in other ways.. I'm glad instead of lowering my car or getting a set of rims I could go back home again and visit my family, plus had a damn good time, these memories I will never forget. I am just thinking there is more to life than something with 4 wheels. It doesnt mean I wont completely turn my back on my car hobby, but I will never make my life rotate around it again. I am glad I picked up the knowledge I have with the 5 240sx's I've owned in the past few years, which helped me get a job that lets me enjoy what I do.

01-15-2005, 10:35 AM
what you guys dont understand is that since just about everything we do is a waste of time and money dumping an excessive amoutn of effort and cash into car you like is totally reasonable. do you really think you should drop 5grand in super nice house furnishings or get a few more parts for the car? sccrew my house. i don't NEED a kitchen table. i NEED coilovers so i can do one of the things that makes me feel the best i've ever felt. i love wrenching and all but driving is where my heart is so almost everything i do is to make that experience better. screw some hypocrite that says i waste money on "some littel nissan". dump money on your drugs, women, and other crap that you can't truly enjoy. i'll take my cars cause i have yet to see one leave a guy for his best friend.

now, i gotta go figure out where that coolant is leakin from ;)

p.s. you should've asked that whore how many shoes she owns.

01-15-2005, 11:18 AM
Hey, jerk, I put a lot of money into my shoes too!!!

01-15-2005, 05:55 PM
nice to see a different side of you coastek240. one of the first real contributions on this forum. damn man, thats a lil harsh? You sayin that i dont contribute anything worth while in any of my other threads?...or is this supposed to be a compliment?

FYI - 04-02-2004, 04:22 AM

That's a long time ago.

damn!! i hate it when i don't read the dates!
yeah my bad. truth is i didnt even check the date. I was really bored, and i saw this thread at the bottom of the page in the 'similar threads' block. i opened it b/c i guess i was curious, and what theSnail wrote kinda struck a chord with me. I guess my post was a lil theraputic for myself. I was at work, really bored and half asleep from staying up the night before partying.

btw Grant & 2fourDsx, i feel ya man. I was in the same boat. In High School i think i was more known for my 240 rather than being myself. Most of my former classmates that i run into these days ask me how my car is doing rather than if im still with my Ex, or playing football, or how im doing in school (i was very academic oriented, and always made good grades).

I was soo wrapped up in my car and everything related.
I still enjoy it, and it is my hobby. But just that. Something i do in my sparetime. Good stress relief and a fun pastime. Stick with it.

01-15-2005, 06:13 PM
I'm a little late on this thread but TheSnail I just read your initial post(the only one I read, though I'm gonna read CoasTek240 long post, seemed interesting) and feel like passing a reply read from a personal favorite forum about somebody bored of smoking herbs. Again, not my words, just something that gave me a whole new perspective of life. Enjoy, and please do read it all, it's not THAT long!
Remember how just a gram of ganja would get you blazed for hours as a youth? lol - good times

But now you're prolly not enjoying it as much, it seems routine and boring. Mix it up a little. Try something else.

Forget t.v. - it's an idiot box. If you think ganja is boring, why waste your life staring at silly drawings that people got paid to animate (Family Guy is kinda funny tho) or actors who get paid to talk to you so you don't think about your life?

T.v. is for morons IMO. So is some music, what a scam. There's prolly a guy laying on his bed, smokin a doobie, t.v. on in another room - music playing and he's 'just chillin' - what a waste of life, innit?

Do you find yourself staring at walls?

Like, I'd be inside, i'd have my t.v. on (I hate tv) in one room, music in another, the computer with internet going - and i'd walk around from room to room tokin up. I'd watch a bit of tv, get bored, surf the net, get bored, lay on the bed listening to tunes, get bored, and eventually take a walk to get some fresh air.

It's just a sign you're getting old dude.

Like, t.v. isn't as entertaining anymore. The latest music sounds strange and crappy. Reading a book is out of the question - why bother reading something when you do that all day long on the internet?

I think deep down it's your attitude. From birth you've been spoon fed your days. Like, you go to school then work, always having something to do. However, when you have nothing to do - this is when your personality shines through. For you - you respond by saying 'I'm bored - what to do?' and so do I.

The best things I can think of doing when I feel like that is like;

1. I have a cool new digi cam, I like taking pictures so some days I'll just be taking pictures all day long.

2. Cooking. I enjoy eating food, so I brought a recipe book, got all the ingredients, and started cooking from scratch. I had a great time learning how to bake brownies ;)

3. Painting. I brought some expensive ass oils and brushes, canvas and shit. Came to about £60 - but I painted like a mad man. At the time it was the only thing that kept me from going insane.

4. Growing marijuana. This is something that's kept me busy for near on 10 years. I've never tired of it. I'm always improving from the previous grow, learning from mistakes, and always have some decent ganja by harvest :)

If I was you, I'd throw the t.v. out. Don't watch that shit - it rots your mind dude. Try going minimalist. Remove everything that capitalist America wants you to have, such as a hi-fi, t.v., dvd-player, computer and all that shit and throw it away. Now it will be just you, sitting in silence, in your room with no distractions. This gives you peace to think, ponder, like never before. If you thought you were bored with all that expensive electronic equipment burning your eyes, try living without it. It's like waking up from a dream.

This gives you the incentive to work hard at not being bored with the life that God gives you. It opens your eyes to the beauty of nature and all God given things such as the clarity of water, the strength of the trees, the cool blue hues of the skies. The enchantment of the moon, etc...

You will soon realise you should actually be thankful for still being alive in such a beautiful world.

You have to realise you've spammed your brain.

Bordem is what results from spam. The audio/visual messages from t.v. music internet magazines get merged together into one mass soup for the soul. This sucks ass like you've already figured out. Be more selective.

The mind is what you feed it. If you feed yourself crap from the beginning, such as media, you will become a receiver of info-tainment rather than a producer of it.

Think to yourself, all that time wasted watching and listening, all those 'passive' pass-times, forget that shit. Try doing something productive.

In a sense you've spoilt your sensibilities, your perception of the world. This is why the media is shit. You don't need anything they have to offer. Why whore yourself, your mind and soul, to something as mindless and devoid of soul as Hollywood?

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered what the fuck is wrong with me? How can I improve myself? How can I become a better person for me, friends, and family?

Just sitting on your ass watching stupid movies is a bad habit to break.

I enjoy writing as a hobby, which is why I enjoy the internet forums. The mind is like a muscle, if you don't use it, you lose it. Like, everything I learned at school, all the classes I excelled in, I have forgotten. Everything I learned - schwoosh - gone.

However, I did persist in the english language. Writing. I write on OG loads each day - this helps keep my writing skills sharp. I've gotten lax with grammar, vocab, and shit, but I don't do this for the money, I do it to keep a standard.

I never really know what to say to someone who is bored - because when you feel that way nothing really seems fun anymore. But like, when you strip away all the crap out of your life - you start to realise that perhaps there is something more to life than the usual shit, and things change.

peace out

01-15-2005, 06:59 PM
I know this thread is a year old....but going to a party/club/bar/some social event, getting tipsy (drunk), and talking to whatever girl is next to you works wonders.

I don't know if TheSnail is reading this thread....properly has another girl by now (I hope).

01-15-2005, 07:13 PM
10 mins later she comes by again and catches me looking at the R34 rims someone was selling awhile back and she said "wow $1500 for rims? and they dont even come with tires? what a waste of money!" Then my other guy co worker walks by and says "skyline rims, those are dope, you should get them"....Then I was thinking about it and Am I putting all this money into my car to impress a bunch of guys? Whoaaaa.
If youre investing all this money in your car to impress other people then youre doing it for the wrong reason.

01-15-2005, 10:24 PM
I always liked show cars since I was into the lowrider scene when I was a youngin...living in So Cal, lowriders were the shit back in 94. Then I started to get into imports and when I finally got a car I realized that show cars are a waste of money. All that is done just to impress the judges, its all cookie cutter..need 13 tvs in your car and neon everywhere or your car sucks. I never did anything cause someone told me to, so I strayed away from the show scene and decided just to fix my mazda up the way I wanted to...clean yet custom. But thats kinda the joy out of anything...have other people impressed at your work. I'm not saying you should paint your car easter egg yellow cause hot import nights says its cool...but we all mod our cars to impress eachother whether you admit it or not....doing a clean slide or smoking a supra with that RB... we all do it so someone will say "damn hes smooth"..haha.. but seriously, does anyone really need $2,500 volk rims?? It's just so you can say yup those ARE volks! Now im not saying people ONLY mod there cars to impress others...I like the feeling of going 130 mph and I'm sure drifting probably gives you a rush too, but theres nothing better then getting compliments. You worked your ass off to get those volks or swap in that SR20 and you should be damn proud. And like I said earlier If you do got those volks, someone says damn I wish I had those...which is jealousy. And back to what I was saying...I'm into clean yet custom. I wanted the full jdm kouki aero but I've seen 4 different koukis with it in person, randomly so that takes the custom away from my goals, and I dont like bodykits cause that takes away from the clean. So now I'm just stuck basically. Dont get me wrong if you love drifting and drift every weekend..that makes total sense, but the way I look at my car in the custom sense..it just doesnt make sense to me anymore and its just not worth it. Should I import a RHD dash just so I'm up on those other 4 S14's I saw?? And the kid in this thread was (2 years ago haha) in the same mindset I'm in...cars cars cars cars...how can I make my car unique....what can i take from another car and blah blah...its just a waste. I'm just happy im starting to think like this when im 18. Just like grant said....I just realized my life revolves around cars....as soon as I hear an exhaust I'm like a hawk looking to see what kind of car it is... spotting mods... checking driver...How fucking retarded is that? Cause its a competition...you hear exhaust then you hear pshhhh...BOV...damn I need a BOv..I need a bigger turbo I need blah blah so I can beat THAT guy. Woop tee doo...I know someone is reading this and saying hey I do the same thing!...but yeah I dunno..


01-16-2005, 02:44 AM
..haha.. but seriously, does anyone really need $2,500 volk rims?? It's just so you can say yup those ARE volks!

you still have the wrong idea.... some people need volks because of the light weight, offset, and size selection..... other wise those stock pizza cutters could be holding you back.... :keke: :keke:

how can I make my car unique....what can i take from another car and blah blah...its just a waste.

honda dudes been doing that for a long time now... why dont you just buy a bike and customize that...... there is still room to customize those... they havent done everything... ( not makin fun of custom bike dude..)

01-16-2005, 03:06 AM
Yeah I know what you're saying about the volks..bad example...think super tYTe JDm Bomex kit then...something along the lines of something really pricey. Maybe I should get a truck already. haha...nahh ill stick with my 240. Its just that the past 5 years was all about cars..time to expand my minnddd yanno...get into rock climbing or something crazy. Cars is a pretty boring hobby I must say.


tew photy
01-16-2005, 03:06 PM
dude why are you telling us all of this? if you think cars are a boring hobby, then go find something that's more fun, more power to you. the differences between 2500$ Volks and 500$ tenzos have been said before...weight, strength, sizing, production quality. so some people really do need the expensive shit to have the most fun at their hobby. when you are at the limit with your car, you want the best shit to keep you safe and in control. if you feel that you are buying expensive parts just to show off, then maybe you are in the wrong mindset. personally, if i had 5000$ in mods in 6 months on my car, i would have a car that i could drive the shit out of in a fun, safe way, and be damn proud of how it performed. if the parts i got made it look cool, then thats a bonus. it looks like you are regretting spending all that money, which maybe means your head wasn't in the right place when you bought it.

look at any hobby, they all have expensive shit that people buy to excell. in your example of mountain climbing for example...you could say "does anybody really need a 500$ North Face jacket" or something along those lines. but when you're in a blizzard on some mountain, i'm pretty sure you'd want to be in the best equipment, not some 30$ Riddell hoody you got from Wal-Mart that won't protect you.

cliffs notes:
people buy expensive shit because they do not want to sacrifice quality for price.
think carefully about why you are buying a part before you buy it to decide if you really want/need it.
theres cheap shit and expensive shit in every hobby.
if you feel that cars are boring you, find something else. simple.

01-16-2005, 07:26 PM
Damn guys. Its an old thread, but thanks for the input. At the time, I was bored out of my mined and was building my sr at the time. With my broke ass, and no car for 3months. I had nothing to do but to keep building the car, and saving every penny. I drank a crap load back then, flunked out of school, had no job, got DUI, and the machine shop guy that was replacing my sr rod/crank bearings, was in the emergency room for the next 2 months, then ended up dieing a month later. So I had $4000, in the sr, with still harness, ecu igniter to go, and putting my sr together. about one month after this thread was made I woke up one fine hangover morning, and snapped and decided that if I was going to go all out with my car, and at a 4000$ price tag on an incomplete sr, I was going to make the project more involving, difficult and expensive, but since I did not see my car going any where, and nothing to do, I had all the time in the world. So I parted out the sr and a bunch of other goodies and bought an rb26. After that, My broke ass had to figure out a way to make money to get everything else I needed to install the motor. I did three swaps for people, and that was enough to build my first “selling” car. I got a 91 hatch for 1g, rb20 for 1g, and 400$ for miscellaneous parts, then put it on ebay that sold for 6000 in cash. Now a bit happier since I had was making something good out of my days, and making lots of $$$, Over the next 5 months, I built 3 more rb20 cars and a ca car. I stopped about 2months ago, but I am set as far as having money. Which also lifted my spirits since I did not have to desperately find a way to make small money. Spending 10g+ on my car was not an issue anymore, and it was fun to have money to just buy what ever you wanted. I felt like the richest poor guy. It was great, but it got old. making and selling cars was cool and all, but I had plenty of time to do nothing. Kind of like when you were a kid and you got out for summer, and you were glad to be out of school, but then the last days of summer you were exited to go back. Any ways it was something like that. I had all the money to get some nice things for my car, and money left over to make sure I had enough money to complete it, and I had 2g's put aside to attend school again. I don’t like the feeling of doing nothing with your life for a long period of time. So I made sure to have money to get my ejumakation first. I put my priorities first and put down the tools, (except weekends) and chilled out on drinking so heavily. I just started class last week and unlike last year where I had HOPE and lost it due to my grades, this year its coming out of my pocket, so I will do my HW for damn sure this time. Now I have school to take up my time and a completed car to enjoy life. Life is good now, It was hell when this thread was created, but I managed to climb back up as I was falling to rock bottom. Thanks for all the support! :)

01-16-2005, 08:25 PM
I Just like grant said....I just realized my life revolves around cars....as soon as I hear an exhaust I'm like a hawk looking to see what kind of car it is... spotting mods... checking driver...How fucking retarded is that? Cause its a competition...you hear exhaust then you hear pshhhh...BOV...damn I need a BOv..I need a bigger turbo I need blah blah so I can beat THAT guy. Woop tee doo...I know someone is reading this and saying hey I do the same thing!...but yeah I dunno..


okay for the love of God the next time you wanna write a book use paragraphs, alright?

the sensation of speed and self expression is the best in the world and THAT is what drives those of us to build our machines.

anything else is RICE and compensation for being BORING.

01-16-2005, 08:26 PM
Very good turn around. :)

01-16-2005, 08:51 PM
Is it just me or do I have no life.
Shits deppresing when you move, so a block of metal (240) is one of my only friends.I understand having a hobbie is cool and all, but since the car is always there, its basically all Ive done in the past two years. I guess its better then my first year moved ( drugs drugs drugs) and all that shit is probably the reason I feel like shit. Anyway, I dont want to become obsesive on 240's, I wake up now and think 240, 240 240, but I would hate to see my self disconected from society, in my house with 240sx paper weights, 240 shaped cookies, and so on. Does any one else know what I mean, or am I just taking crazy pills?

go start a cheap hobby like me. Costs like 1000-1200 to start but doesn't really require much money after that other then the ocational battery. I am talking about filming events. Like local drifting events and stuff. When i move to sacramento thats what im going to start doing.

If you do get a camara just make sure it has 3ccd. Anyway good luck. But for now im in the same boat :bite:

01-16-2005, 09:23 PM
I take it you didn't read his last post..........

01-16-2005, 11:11 PM
I'm not putting anyone down for doing what they are doing... shit I've been doing it the past 3 years...I'm just getting over the car scene now personally and realized there are other things in life besides cars, but thats the only thing I been concentrating on the past few years, thats why im trippin out ...I read snails first post and said holy crap thats me...I wake up and say 240sx..every break at work im on zilvia...its like im addicted or something. And the title says "I have no life" and I said hey me too! I think it was just a reality check with all the crap happening...I'm turning 19 soon and my bullshitted 18th year is over so now I have to take stuff seriously like college and start doing more productive stuff with my time and money instead of surfing zilvia all day and chatting about sound systems and engines. Sorry about the long speech too..I just went nuts when I thought of a lifestyle change.

tew photy: I agree with you to the fullest, my car time has passed and I AM looking to get into other things....guitars, basketball, something that can give me a new sense of accomplishment. I want to do something that someone appreciates instead of envying. Someone would ask me what My hobbies were...I say cars..then thats it. I need to expand to live life more instead of living in a car world. And I totally agree with the expensive shit is good shit theory! I just dont know how to explain myself correctly.

PS: Glad to hear Snail came out of the lifeless hole and turned it into something he loved to do! Now throw me a shovel please! haha


01-19-2005, 10:57 AM
This thread was awsome... It shed some light into my life. thanks!

01-19-2005, 11:05 AM
if you don't love it don't do it. its as simple as that. someof you are tallking like you're 40 years old and have a NEED to stop dropping dimes on the stuff you love. screw that.

01-20-2005, 01:43 AM
ok makoto you LOVE cars...I get it. A month ago I would have said the same thing. You're not getting the point I'm trying to make. I'm saying I am 18 years old...been "obsessed" with cars for the past 5 years. The last time I had fun doing something else was when I was 13 playing a playstation. I know guys that have been into cars since they were 15 and now they're 25 and they live in the smallest apartment with the fastest WRX in the world. Yet they are still the happiest person on earth. Now same scenario...But car gets stolen. The only thing that you had to show for your 25 years of living is gone. The pride and joy of your life is in pieces somewhere and now you drive a stock civic. That happened to someone I know. The point I'm trying to make is when all you do is cars all the time, what happens when you cant do cars anymore or you're forced into a lifestyle change.
I personally was so sucked into the import craze that it was all I did...used to go to the illegal street races...car shows...car meets...whatever. Now if one day lets say it became illegal to drive any Jap cars in america, not saying it will; but follow, what the hell would I do? The only reason I woke up for has been taken away. Work isnt paying for my mods anymore... so I'm not working for any reward. If you love ONE thing...imagine life without it. If you let your life revolve around cars, you're missing out on so much other stuff going on in the world. Thats how I feel anyways. I used to think "why spend $200 on a stupid football game that lasts 3 hours when I can buy springs that I will have forever". I have finally realized its about all the experiences rather then having the most JDMest car EvEr! Cars should be left as a hobby not a money pit that consumes all your free time.

cliff note
enjoy life in as many DIFFERENT ways as you can, if it wasnt fun try something else...


01-20-2005, 06:27 AM
I'm not putting anyone down for doing what they are doing... shit I've been doing it the past 3 years...I'm just getting over the car scene now personally and realized there are other things in life besides cars, but thats the only thing I been concentrating on the past few years, thats why im trippin out ...I read snails first post and said holy crap thats me...I wake up and say 240sx..every break at work im on zilvia...its like im addicted or something. And the title says "I have no life" and I said hey me too! I think it was just a reality check with all the crap happening...I'm turning 19 soon and my bullshitted 18th year is over so now I have to take stuff seriously like college and start doing more productive stuff with my time and money instead of surfing zilvia all day and chatting about sound systems and engines. Sorry about the long speech too..I just went nuts when I thought of a lifestyle change.

tew photy: I agree with you to the fullest, my car time has passed and I AM looking to get into other things....guitars, basketball, something that can give me a new sense of accomplishment. I want to do something that someone appreciates instead of envying. Someone would ask me what My hobbies were...I say cars..then thats it. I need to expand to live life more instead of living in a car world. And I totally agree with the expensive shit is good shit theory! I just dont know how to explain myself correctly.

PS: Glad to hear Snail came out of the lifeless hole and turned it into something he loved to do! Now throw me a shovel please! haha


*tossing you the shovel right now*

All I'm saying is that there is more to life than cars, simple as that.. For some people. its their life, its what makes them happy. so be it.

01-20-2005, 07:41 AM
Cars should be left as a hobby not a money pit that consumes all your free time.

an 18 year old is telling this to a 22 year old college graduate that has had more liffe experience than some poeple ever do... this.. no you have missed the point. just because you love something doesn't mean your life revolves around it. there is a difference between pursuing a dream and letting it consume your life. apparently you just lack the backbone to keep everything in balance.

don't shove your insecurities and inadequacies off on me. i pity you.

01-20-2005, 10:32 AM
I'm not saying YOU personally...im trying to make a point...for some people it is the life, for me it isnt all it cracked up to be. I was just posting to shed some light on other things. You gotta keep an open mind. Basically if its the life for you, good for you... but consider the options. I'm not saying everyone should turn in there 240's and start playing b-ball, but try it...you might like it. I mean I started at 13 what if I became a mechanic and I spent my whole life messing with cars? Thats something that I have decided I don't want to do. I'm not quitting on my car, but I wont be as engaged as I used to be. And Makoto you're absolutely right... the problem is it did consume my life, I feel it did anyways, so it is a problem to me. I'm sure you did have many other experiences too, I want to be caught up by the time I'm 22, ya feel me.


01-20-2005, 10:53 AM
I would consider working on and driving cars to be a much better hobby than drinking or doing recreational drugs. The prevalence of dependence on alcohol and drugs in modern society is both pathetic and troubling. To me, it signifies the degradation of human control to the level of animal.

One's life should not be spent seeking out sources of instant gratification.

01-20-2005, 11:06 AM
i have thousands of dollars in guitars, computers, and car crap. i write, draw, and design web stuff.

fixing and creating things is part of who i am, thus, this car is an extension of myself. if it wasn't a 240 it'd be a mustang and if cars weren't around i'd probably have more guns and computers.

everything i do is all or nothing and that's the way it'll stay.

i feel that you are trying to grow up too fast and when you get a wife and kids you'll regret the youth you wasted on pursuing what would eventually come as a natural part of life.

01-20-2005, 11:06 AM
Geez, you guys need to chill out. I'm 27 now. I must be an old man to you! I've been messing with cars for the past 8 years or so and I'm not even that worked up on this as you guys.

The 240 is my 3rd car to modify and build. Looking back now I have to agree that when the car does become your life it really destroys you when something happens. I've had my cars broken into numerous times, people stealing parts and trying to steal the car itself! But I dont let that ruin my life and not let me do what I want. My 240 was considered TOTALLED in a hit and run accident yet I had it REPAIRED. The repair cost more than the car itself! Each time it feels like my world is falling apart when something happens but I just grit my teeth and keep on going.

I still enjoy cars, driving and racing but I've found that life is not complete without other stuff and people in it. I have friends who are getting married, buying houses and I always get the "when are you going to grow up?" It doesnt bother me because I know what I like and for me it is a hobby not my whole life.

You guys are young, enjoy life, stop worrying about this stuff. :)

s14 blacktop
01-20-2005, 12:54 PM
you know whats funny I got started on my car after I got married and bought a house, but the car is not that important. its just fun to have to take on a course or back road and have fun with what you built, oh and its nice to have the extra power when a guy thinks hes a bad ass...just the expression on their face is worth it..

06-02-2005, 10:04 PM
Geez, you guys need to chill out. I'm 27 now. I must be an old man to you! I've been messing with cars for the past 8 years or so and I'm not even that worked up on this as you guys.

The 240 is my 3rd car to modify and build. Looking back now I have to agree that when the car does become your life it really destroys you when something happens. I've had my cars broken into numerous times, people stealing parts and trying to steal the car itself! But I dont let that ruin my life and not let me do what I want. My 240 was considered TOTALLED in a hit and run accident yet I had it REPAIRED. The repair cost more than the car itself! Each time it feels like my world is falling apart when something happens but I just grit my teeth and keep on going.

I still enjoy cars, driving and racing but I've found that life is not complete without other stuff and people in it. I have friends who are getting married, buying houses and I always get the "when are you going to grow up?" It doesnt bother me because I know what I like and for me it is a hobby not my whole life.

You guys are young, enjoy life, stop worrying about this stuff. :)I am much the same except heavily into drugs when young, but have stopped, it seems cars are my new drug of choice. IMO it is the drugs that make everything outside of being stoned boring... Seems logical but few people consider the reality. You need to a few different interests for sure struggling at the moment.

06-02-2005, 10:13 PM
This thread is immortal.

06-02-2005, 10:24 PM
This thread is immortal.

yes it is.

but i missed your last update.

glad to hear you turned it around.

06-02-2005, 11:20 PM
Try thinking of what you did when you were 15, and do it. Video games, sleepovers, spending some time with friends or whatnot. Takes your mind off things. ;). Good luck.

06-02-2005, 11:42 PM
Try thinking of what you did when you were 15, and do it. Video games, sleepovers, spending some time with friends or whatnot. Takes your mind off things. ;). Good luck.

Bahh! I was expelled in my 2nd week of school when I was 15, for bringing a Taurus 380 to my workshop class to re-do the finish. Fucker behind me did not ask to go to the bathroom, rather three cops and the principle came back and gave the teacher a note. The teacher call me, I walked out into the hall, and with the cops standing there(one holding my bookbag), the principle asked me "if there was anything in here we would not allow." I responded- (A pack of new ports........ and a 380). I got off easy with a year of probation and 100hrs community service since the school put my name and actions in the school newspaper, which is not allowed since I was under age.:) the good thing is the next year I could skip class and they never said anything to me, but rather made everyone I was with go back to class, and I was left standing there. I was crazy when I was younger. I have an ass load of stories from those days. But to answer your statement, It would not be good if I was 15 again.

06-02-2005, 11:53 PM
Ehh lol never knew your life was like that even at that time. What about the "nice" things you did? You musta've had some nice times in your childhood. Good or bad, its always fun to think about what you did back then. It really just removes your mind from the stressful things that are bothering you.

06-03-2005, 12:00 AM
Ehh lol never knew your life was like that even at that time. What about the "nice" things you did? You musta've had some nice times in your childhood. Good or bad, its always fun to think about what you did back then. It really just removes your mind from the stressful things that are bothering you.

True. God I wish I never moved. I think about it all the time. Those were the good old days. And now I'm in collage and im thinking those days will be forever gone. Friends you grew up with, the fun, all the girls, your way around the town, the life... Now its just Homework, 240's, and Zilvia. WTF

06-03-2005, 08:59 AM
And getting drunk with your glock? heheh

06-03-2005, 10:42 AM
And getting drunk with your glock? heheh

Its to ease the pain kandyflip... to ease the pain..... ;)

06-03-2005, 07:03 PM
read this, http://ccadp.org/donwalk.htm ... you may have more of a life than you think you do.

06-03-2005, 08:37 PM
ayyyyyyyyyy man im moving too for college.......... maybe ill live the life of "THE SNAIL" also.. LOL not yet atleast...

06-03-2005, 11:16 PM
Its okay, most of us don'thave lifes either. Long Live ZILVIA! and my 300th Post!