View Full Version : welding diff (advice/comments)

01-19-2013, 03:20 PM
Sup guys.. so I read here nd there abt all these different lsd's. Also heard if u don't mind the noise, then just weld it!
What do you guys think? Im thinking abt it. Advice from your experience..?

mowgli 240sx
01-19-2013, 03:25 PM
welded diffs are fun and inexspensive if your on a budget

01-19-2013, 03:30 PM
Though I have a legit 2 way, I also have a Weld Locd v4.

Weld Locd diffs were diffs welded by Luke Lonberger (Blu808) on here some time ago (not sure if he still does it). He ran them on his old drift cars, and every version he added parts to it that he found improved driveability, strength, noise, etc.

Is it overkill? Maybe. But if you ARE going to go WELDED, make sure you get the most reputable one possible. Cheap welds can break, and your car will be a concrete paper weight with a broken diff. My Weld Locd is pretty awesome to drive with, for what it is worth.

Welded diffs will burn through tires faster though, PERIOD. I don't care what anybody says, I have owned and daily driven on them as well as open, 2way's, viscous, etc.

Be prepared to buy tires more often.

01-19-2013, 03:31 PM
Is there any downfall to it other then making some noise while turning sharp turns slowly?

01-19-2013, 03:36 PM
Ok.. tires wear out faster.. what else?

01-19-2013, 04:20 PM
just go for it and experience it. they are cheap anyways if you hate it just switch back.

01-19-2013, 04:52 PM
welded diffs are fun and inexspensive if your on a budget

had welded diffs on all of my 240s not bad at all and very cheap and dose the job good

01-19-2013, 08:36 PM
be careful in rain, dont hammer on/off throttle in turns unless you are prepared to drift it, have a good alignment to minimize tire wear.

01-19-2013, 08:44 PM
My advice is to use a welded diff for a track driven car only.

As stated above, you'll run into problems like having it chew through tires due the tires constantly turning at the same rate when turning. Plus in the rain, do you really want minimal traction/grip when you're simply trying to get from point A to B.

In some cases, a welded can be detrimental to parts that consist of the transmission and drivetrain. I personally have not had it happen to me or anybody that I know but some members can speak from experience about dailying a welded diff. Shitty welds are the least of your worries if you're dailying this car.

I tried to be about that welded life and it's alright. It's predictable and if you're just messing around, it's helpful. I would absolutely hate having to deal with it on a daily basis though.

01-19-2013, 08:51 PM
I've had a welded in all 5 of my s-chassis. Like said before, tire wear is the biggest concern. But if you want a cheap and easy way to get sideways, go for it.

01-19-2013, 08:52 PM
Just weld it and see how you like it. I had one for a couple of years when I started drifting then upgraded to a 2 way when I started to get more serious. There is nothing wrong with a welded and it isn't nearly as bad to daily as some people make it out to be. You will go through tires faster compared to other options but honestly if you are considering welding your diff that's probably not a big concern, plus it isn't that bad. You can get another open diff for like 40 bucks if you decide you don't like it and just put that in so there really isn't a reason not to try it :).

01-21-2013, 03:42 AM
Another welded diff thread...really???

01-21-2013, 06:51 AM
Apparently, Mr. S14 isn't familiar with the search feature. Topic has been beaten to death man. Stop asking for hand outs and do some research.

Cliff notes;

-Great, cheap alternative to true LSD's
-Wears tires faster
-Can be dangerous in wet weather if you drive like a retard
-Search function works

01-21-2013, 06:42 PM
I've been dialying a welded diff close to 6+ months now, not entirely bad as people say it is just try it out yourself you'll have fun the first time you go drifting with a welded. like stated before, be careful driving in the rain and not being a jackass around turns. Having a welded diff forces your car to want to go straight during turns so there will be a little more effort to turn your car once you're welded

01-21-2013, 07:11 PM
Tire wear really isnt that bad. And every thread about welded diffs people always say its not great for rainy weather and that you might spin out or start to drift, but honestly that doesnt happen

01-21-2013, 07:16 PM
Dude just weld it! It's so much fun and it's way easier to drift, the only down side is that you run through tires a lot more because you're more likely to be drifting more lol

As for the rain, just get good use tires and baby it and you'll be fine or you can dick in the rain too lol

01-21-2013, 07:22 PM
There is no cheap ways if you wanna drift. If you are not using it as a daily car, and don't mind replacing tires, then go for it.
Want to drive it everyday and have fun once in a while, like me, I get a good 2 way, but you still have to slow down on rain and snow.

01-21-2013, 07:27 PM
I daily drive on a welded and I would recommend welded differentials only for track cars. Welded differentials get really annoying daily driving for example taking sharp low speed turns and parking however, it's really fun when you want to mess around a bit and is predictable. Just don't drive like a dick in the rain when taking turns, YOU WILL BREAK TRACTION. If I could I would rather just have saved up for a aftermarket LSD or OEM VLSD for daily driving. Just my .02 cents. You should have just SEARCHED there are hundreds of posts on this.

01-21-2013, 07:32 PM
unless you have some sort of insane horse power numbers you are not going to break traction from just throttle.

Grocery Cart
01-21-2013, 07:34 PM
People over exaggerate so much...
Daily'd a welded for almost 3 months with barely any noticeable wear..

01-21-2013, 07:54 PM
IF you decide to get a welded, keep these in mind:

1. Alignment must be set, especially in the rear. If you're alignment is off, you will have issues in the rain and you will wear down your tires quicker.

2. Tire will not last as long to normal wear. I have been driving my car with a welded diff for the past 3-years and I buy new a pair every 1-1.3 years (0 Toe and -3.5 camber), this is after they're flipped.

2.5. If you take a lot of tight turns; moving in and out parking lot spaces, u-turns, etc...this will eat your tires.

3. Mowgli's advice (welded diffs are fun and inexpensive if your on a budget).

If you don't want to do it right the first time, which I recommend, just get a real one and other owners will help you.

01-21-2013, 11:29 PM
Haha don't drive a welded daily? What a joke I rocked that shit for like three years, yes I lived in SD and it didn't get wet all that much but I did drive it in nor cal a lot and it wasn't as bad as ppl are saying, the only time it was kind of a pain in the ass was in hilly terrain in wet weather. And yes the tire thing is also true. Other than that I loved it, honestly I have a kaaz 2 way in my daily now cus it is a little more comfortable and saves on tires, but I have a welded in my track car and I personally like the welded more, it's just my preference. But my advice to you is find a buddy who has a welded and just try it out and see if you like it

01-22-2013, 09:58 AM
ive dailyed a welded diff for liek 2 years now and have literally ZERO <--- issues at all. no wear on trans/axles/driveshaft, no excessive tire wear(except from me sliding/burnouts/etc. i actually have no idea how people would go through tires with a welded diff it doesnt make any sense.) Ive driven on turnpikes in the rain/snow no issues. If you know how to drive and how your 5 speed RWD car is going to react then you wont have any issues. everyone makes a big stink about them because of whatever reason but you'll be cool, man

01-23-2013, 09:03 AM
My least favorite part of having a welded diff is backing up while turning. But oh man is it fun. Getting sideways is a breeze.

01-23-2013, 09:45 AM
i love my welded, been daily driving it in my s14 for almost 2 years now. learn to not drive like you intend to commit suicide in the rain and you'll be fine in that regard and be extra careful on on/off ramps. be prepared to get alot of looks in crowded indoor garages too lol, that thing gets loud. with about 5 months of daily driving, im now bald on my rears and i got the tires with about 50% tread left, so be ready for that.

ive never really driven a car with 2 way (hard at least) so i cant say which one is better or worse, but at least with a welded you know for damn sure your shit is always locked

01-23-2013, 02:06 PM
ive dailyed a welded diff for liek 2 years now and have literally ZERO <--- issues at all. no wear on trans/axles/driveshaft, no excessive tire wear(except from me sliding/burnouts/etc. i actually have no idea how people would go through tires with a welded diff it doesnt make any sense.) Ive driven on turnpikes in the rain/snow no issues. If you know how to drive and how your 5 speed RWD car is going to react then you wont have any issues. everyone makes a big stink about them because of whatever reason but you'll be cool, man


01-23-2013, 04:41 PM
If this is for a daily, don't even consider it.
Welded diffs are loud, they shake the car around corners, they eat through tires, and essentially make you look like an asshat on the street.
When I bought my hatchback it had a welded diff in it, part of our agreements in the sale was to ditch the welded in favor of anything else.
But I really only say that for a daily driver. If you want a track only drift car, then do it and have fun!

daily missile
01-24-2013, 10:55 AM
i love my welded diff. i change tires about once a week (used and get them for free). but thats because im always drifting. but one thing you have to make sure of is that the rear tires have the same amount of tread. otherwise the car will pull one way or another. and the same air pressure. ive put 2 used tires on the back. the left tire had a little more tread than the right one and the car pulled to the right bad.

and your butthole will clench up in the rain on the highway or even hitting a patch of water going 70. so just becareful of that.

01-24-2013, 01:40 PM
ive dailyed a welded diff for liek 2 years now and have literally ZERO <--- issues at all. no wear on trans/axles/driveshaft, no excessive tire wear(except from me sliding/burnouts/etc. i actually have no idea how people would go through tires with a welded diff it doesnt make any sense.) Ive driven on turnpikes in the rain/snow no issues. If you know how to drive and how your 5 speed RWD car is going to react then you wont have any issues. everyone makes a big stink about them because of whatever reason but you'll be cool, man

+1 Just make sure both rear tires are the same and you get a zero alignment on the rear or it will do some weird shit. Fun if you expect it, but not fun if your followed by cops.... lol