View Full Version : MiLITARY DRAFT?

03-31-2004, 12:37 PM
Will it happen? The radio says they are starting to send people from the friggin coast guard over to Iraq. Does this mean there is a shortage of troops in our army? What do you guys think?

03-31-2004, 12:40 PM
i dont know but i dont think my Draft card made it to them cause the address was all messed up on it and i thin ki got it back and forgot to send it out again................................cant remember though

so i gues im safe

03-31-2004, 12:40 PM
nah, no draft, public would go even more crazy than vietnam era... so many people oppose this that the pres and stuff wouldn't touch that sensative area near election...

now if it were say.. WW2 and the pearl harbor.. and all the public support we had, then yeah draft would be more likely.

thats my opinion :P

03-31-2004, 01:10 PM
word. not gonna happen.

03-31-2004, 01:36 PM
Anyone ever hear of a 4F certification, or something like that? I know I qualify. 302, involountary admission to a mental institution. :) Cheers!

No way they would bring back the draft. But I do know that the Military is low on COMBAT ready troops and Moral, Ha. The M-16 doesn't even have the right oil for it over there. The infantry is buying it on the civilian market. I heard the tank crews are using Krinkov's and folding Kalashnikov's. F'ing military has got it's head up its a*s no matter which way you look at it. 1/3 the troops don't even have the ceramic armor yet. What's that mr. Pres. there is no such thing as the military industrial machine. BAH. War is hell. and we create it. Eventually it will come for us all. We made saddam and we made Osama. Now we reap the "rewards".

Sorry, "my emotions betray me" Peace, a far away and fading dream.

03-31-2004, 02:16 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........

03-31-2004, 02:30 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........

Thanks asshole. Thank your lucky stars that we live today and not even 60 years ago other wise you would have been called out on that little comment.

If I get drafted, I get drafted. I would see it as an honor. Would I join on my own with the way things are right now...no. But if thing got as bad as it did back in WWII, my ass would have signed up in a heart beat.

However, what still gets me is how the idea of a military draft doesnt violate the Constitution as it is as type of indentured servitude. Its never even been brought before the Supreme Court. Oh well, I really dont think you have to worry about the draft anyway but if I does come up, you better be thinking about the people who do get drafted and are off in some hell hole fighting for your libraties oojpeeoo and you sure as hell better be thankful.

03-31-2004, 03:20 PM
i dunno, it could be worse. think my friend said in Iran there is a mandatory service of at least 2 years for all males.

03-31-2004, 03:21 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........

That's okay. That's what us Men are for. :D

03-31-2004, 03:40 PM
i dont know but i dont think my Draft card made it to them cause the address was all messed up on it and i thin ki got it back and forgot to send it out again................................cant remember though

so i gues im safe

um...you better get it sent out....you can face jail time for this. As soon as you turn 18 you have to have that card sent in.

03-31-2004, 03:56 PM
i doubt there is gonna be a draft..too many in the reserve..

03-31-2004, 05:32 PM
hey, George Bush Jr. is in the texas air national guard reserve, maybe they will send him out to the front lines for some action! that would be good.

03-31-2004, 05:53 PM
theres not going to be a draft. we have plenty of troops.
we have it easy. most countries have required service

03-31-2004, 06:12 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........

It's just really sad to hear people say stuff like this. I can't even comment.

03-31-2004, 08:28 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........

The go to Cuba, or china, or North Korea. Is the Freedom this country offers worth anything to you? Is it? It very well should be. If it is my duty to fight for my country, I will do it. That is a price to live in a society that is free. If you don't like it, go somewhere else

03-31-2004, 08:33 PM
i would fight if needs be but of course, rather not
for those who dont believe in fighting for this country, then that's pretty sad. many pepole have died for our freedom and you dont have the balls or ability to do the same for the sake of your offspring, friends, families and future. pathetic coward

quite a few of my family friends, my personal friends, and people i know here and there are military and i highly respect that.

the military isnt for everyone (obviously) but for those who are in it/veteran or out, i respect them very much. they were willing to fight for MY freedom and the freedom of all those who stand under the flag.

yeah you might not like everything about this country, but for people who have emigrated here or have been in other countires and see what it is like, then you'll really start to appreciate how fantastic this USA is.

my family is form Cuba, Puerto Rico and mexico.
talking with relatives who moved to the USA....they never regret a moment and LOVE this country.

03-31-2004, 08:45 PM
I second that dousan. I'm not exactly a military person; anyone I know will tell you that. I heard this story in Gov class of a cuban man who worked as a teacher. A student once had a project on what freedom meant. She knew that this quiet teacher had come from Cuba. So she asked him, how did you get to this country? He answered, "I swam" Now, remember, Cuba is like 90 miles off the coast of Florida. The student was incredulous, and asked if he swam all the way. The man said no. the coast gaurd picked him up 15 miles out of Florida. Think about it. A man swam 65 miles for what this country offered. Give that somethought.

03-31-2004, 08:52 PM
My personal opinion is that the sheer number of reservists will see to it that the draft will never be a necessity... My brother was in Goldsboro, NC a couple weeks ago and there are still PLENTY of non-reserves was still pretty high (CA18, aren't you still on this side of the water) and I was in Fayetteville, NC last month and there was still plenty of life around Fort Bragg and Pope AFB, so I think the number of REGULAR inlisted people in addition to the number of reserves will more than handle the bullshit over there... I do, however, take happiness that they will NOT be drafting my black ass in the unlikely event the draft comes back around. See, back in 97 when I was finishing high school, I actually applied for the army, but was declined because I'd had asthma when I was younger, even though I'd since outgrown it. We applied for an exception from the surgeon genral, who also shot me down. Fast forward 6 1/2 years now, after finding a better understanding of politics and looking at the shit going down, I am glad I WAS declined, because I so don't agree with the current war effort...

03-31-2004, 09:02 PM
hopefully they dont have a draft, i just turned 18 and signed up for all that stuff

03-31-2004, 09:14 PM
I don't think I could;If you have ever had a hernia the marine corp/army/coast guard/army won't take you,and I've had one.I've also had major back surgery (fusion of the L4 to S1 with pedicral srews) and che-re1 malformation of the neck. I would proble be one of the people in the U.S. making bullets or sumthin????

03-31-2004, 09:18 PM
(CA18, aren't you still on this side of the water)

I was supposed to be in Afghanistan at the beginiing of the month. The day before I was supposed to leave I got a call that said my slot was cancelled :mad: So I'm stranded here with no car just going to work as normal :hsdance:

As for a draft, its been a stupid rumor for 3 years now, give it a a rest people :ghey:

03-31-2004, 09:25 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........

you are probably one of those assholes that were like "kill all the arabs!!!" right after 9-11....

go up to any ww2 vet or vietnam vet...see if you could stand a chance fighting against a raging 85 year old man, who fought that war just so you could make that jackoff statement....

if you wont fight for this country, then what the hell are you doing here? you dont like what we do? then leave

03-31-2004, 10:12 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........
That's okay. That's what us Men are for. :D

hahahhahaa. :coold: Got his ass

04-01-2004, 02:37 AM
although this draft isnt likely to happen i was told that if you're the only son in your family you wont get drafted, is this true?

04-01-2004, 02:55 AM
although this draft isnt likely to happen i was told that if you're the only son in your family you wont get drafted, is this true?



-You are not exempt from military service simply because you are an only child or an only son. You are exempt only if one of your siblings or parents (mothers are now included as well) has died as a result of military service.

-You do not have to be a sole remaining son to meet this requirement - the exemption applies to all remaining sons from qualified families.

-This exemption is not in effect during wartime.

04-01-2004, 04:40 AM
Haha, screw that, I dont want to fight for this stupid country.


Though seriously, if it was an important war like WWII I would have no problem. But this war is just stupid IMHO. We started it, we pissed off our own allies, and now we're stuck with the crappy result.

04-01-2004, 10:53 AM
Yeah I'm going to defend the "Freedom" of this country? what the H*ll are you talking about? How does Iraq have anything to do with my freedom? O that's right it's my freedom for cheap gas. Bah!! That's retarded. I will not kill anyone, or contribute to any such thing, in the name of the advancement of some private military industrial buisness. Halliburton is who you are fighting for. I am not some "spit on the soldiers when they come home" hippie or some crazed anti-american. I just feel that the men and women in the military are being abused by a regime that mascarades behind democracy and furthers the destruction of the world in the name of peace. The bush white house are a bunch of sicko's, whether it is deliberate or just done in accident I do not know. It almost does not matter. Death is Death.

And Osama? he's a freaking mujhadeen for gods sake. Its all are own mess. this is what war creates. Iraq is far from afghanistan though, a totally different reason and rhyme to why we are there in that place of madness. 911 is different than because "
he was a very bad guy." Osama should have been gone 10 years ago.

I reject the idea that I am not patriotic, and I reject the claim that we are defending "our freedom". Look past the lies, and see history and its true causes and effects. War is Evil.

04-01-2004, 11:44 AM
its based upon the principle of things...and yes war is evil...in a sense we are still protecting our freedom, we are trying to set a precedent that says "you fuck us and we'll fuck you 10 times harder"

i for one am tired of all this petty lame ass terrorism and its time that someone did something about it, and that would be us...

or would you like to say that you would prefer that another 9/11 happened or that we didnt do a damn thing about what happened that day?

04-01-2004, 12:19 PM
did you read my post? Iraq and Afghan-A-Nam are two different places that do not have anything in common except the military is fighting in both. 911 should never happen again, and Osama needs to be taken out. But Saddam has nothing to do with this, he was a moron who could barely control his own country. Osama is a mastermind, a terrorist genius. But if we go after every country who is controlled by a crazy evil madman then we are in for a long haul fight with most of the third world. The best estimate says that we need to be in Iraq for at least the next 10 years. I am not interested in having to control 1/5 of the worlds governments for the next 10 to 20 years. I personally do not think this would ever work. Even the whole "Axis of Evil" thing is crazy, the conflicts caused by that would annhilate the entire world.

But really at this point it doesn't matter because we are in Iraq so now we have to finish up are buisness, and with the amount of foriegn fighters that have been drawn into the area it is a fight against terrorism now. We cannot pull out "with honor" like vietnam and look like a bunch of pussies. We need no repeats of Somilia. And now they are burning peoples bodies and draggin them through the streets so I would agree in the fact that its time to "kick some ass".

I just don't see how saddam "f*cked me". I don't know, it just seems like we got tricked into a war that's about something else entirely and now its turning out just like Vietnam. It plain sucks, through and through. And I don't want any part of it, even though that descision is not really up to me anymore. I know I can't be drafted because of the 302, and I don't even think it would come to that, but taxes,voting, and such have already happened.

I feel like I have been used.

04-01-2004, 12:38 PM
Yeah I'm going to defend the "Freedom" of this country? what the H*ll are you talking about? How does Iraq have anything to do with my freedom? O that's right it's my freedom for cheap gas. Bah!! That's retarded. I will not kill anyone, or contribute to any such thing, in the name of the advancement of some private military industrial buisness. Halliburton is who you are fighting for. I am not some "spit on the soldiers when they come home" hippie or some crazed anti-american. I just feel that the men and women in the military are being abused by a regime that mascarades behind democracy and furthers the destruction of the world in the name of peace. The bush white house are a bunch of sicko's, whether it is deliberate or just done in accident I do not know. It almost does not matter. Death is Death.

And Osama? he's a freaking mujhadeen for gods sake. Its all are own mess. this is what war creates. Iraq is far from afghanistan though, a totally different reason and rhyme to why we are there in that place of madness. 911 is different than because "
he was a very bad guy." Osama should have been gone 10 years ago.

I reject the idea that I am not patriotic, and I reject the claim that we are defending "our freedom". Look past the lies, and see history and its true causes and effects. War is Evil.

AutoDestruct, talk to someone who lived in Europe before and during WWII. Ask them what it would have been like if countries had gotten off there pansy asses and stopped Hitler when they had a chance and just not let him do as he pleased. Ask my grandmother whose saw her best friend shot by the German SS outside of her home because her father was an Italian partisan. Ask the brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters of the peope who died in that war what it would be like if countries had come together to stop the German war machine before it even started, before the hundred of thousands of Americans lost there lives to try to retake ground that should have never been lost. Why let people like Saddam do as he please when we have the mean of stopping another, possibly worse conflict in the future? Saddam was a tyrant plain and simple and a dangerous tyrant at that. The world is a better place with out him. You may sit here and whine that "This war is for oil and not to protect peace" but think about what it would be like 20,30, or even 40 years from now if we let things go and Saddam became the next Hitler and your sons (or daughters) have to fight in a war of necessity rather avoidence. Would you want to get that letter that says your boy isnt coming home and knowing if we had stepped up all those years before, things would have been a little different.

Your right, look past the lies, and see history and its true causes and effects. Learn for the mistakes of the past and learn from them, we are all fools if we dont. And we would all be fools if we let Saddam remain in power for a second longer then we did because of the leasons learned in the past.

Sleep on that one for a little while and tell me what we are doing is wrong.

04-01-2004, 12:56 PM
Do you guys think that religion plays a part in this mess? I personally blame everything on religion. Even though i'm a Christian and i believe in God, I believe religion should be kept to yourself. I think it should be illegal to preach religion except in church. Religion should be a private matter. People use it as backup for their arguments. The muslims in the middle east are brainwashed to hate christians. I say they should make following Islam illegal in Iraq at least for a small period of time so people snap out of their stubborn rage against the world and open their eyes.

I smogged some dude's car and i found out he was from Iraq. He sat here and broke it down for me for 45 minutes about how life is over there(before this mess). He says all the muslims there are so hardcore against christians that if a christian touches something, they are taught to not touch it, even burn it if they can. That is just plain ignorance. They are forcing hate into the minds of their children. They are essentially turning them into terrorists.

04-01-2004, 12:58 PM
I just don't see saddam as anything near Hitler, even if he acted like him and killed like him. The other thing I would say is that if we are going after tyrants there are worse ones by far than saddam, and that if we do go after other tyrants we have no way of winning all of the impending wars agaisnt countries with far better militaries than Iraq's. North Korea being One, China being Two. And what about Saudi Arabia, they are our Allies! that is insane. And lets not even get started on the pakistan thing.

But yes you are right In the fact that I should stop now and think about things. But one last question, when you say "tell me what we are doing is wrong", who is the "we". You and me. The government. America as a whole. Etc. ?. I am not attacking I am just trying to better understand.

Peace. Auto.

04-01-2004, 01:10 PM
Well I'll just have to post one more thing then. :) sorry

What is Good?--Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.
What is Evil?--Whatever springs from weakness.
What is Happiness?--The feeling that power increases--That resistance is overcome.
Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency.
The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.
What is more harmful than any vice?--Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak--Christianity....
Friedrich Nietzsche

And that sums up what I think about religion as a whole. Judaism,christianity,Islam,blah,bah,blah. It is a opiate for the masses, a blinder for the minds eye.


04-01-2004, 01:22 PM
I'm personally opposed to all violence. I don't believe I have the right to take another life. If you want to fight, by all means.

If there's a draft...
I'm going back to the mother country.

04-01-2004, 01:25 PM
i disagree with every line in that saying. Especially the last one. I'm no defender of christianity but to say that symapthy for the weak is just against everything i believe in, and i come to the conclusion that you are German..hehe j/k.

04-01-2004, 01:32 PM
excellant point, burmonster. *edit, suppose I should check if the word I meant is spelled even remotely close to what I meant.

04-01-2004, 05:00 PM
The draft won't happen They are sending the guard and reserve because the active duty soldiers are getting real worn out because we have been doing more time overseas then the guard and reserve.They are taking soldiers from korea and get them to the states and then they go back to a deployment so they are trying to slow down active duty as much as possiable.there are a small shortage but korea is haveing a shortage as well they are offering us 300.00 extra a month to extend for a year and 400.00 for two years.

04-01-2004, 05:38 PM
Headless chicken drafter! wUt!

04-01-2004, 08:00 PM
there is no way im fightin for this country.........
Freedom ain't free you ass cream...

04-01-2004, 08:26 PM
Well I'll just have to post one more thing then. :) sorry

What is Good?--Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.
What is Evil?--Whatever springs from weakness.
What is Happiness?--The feeling that power increases--That resistance is overcome.
Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency.
The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.
What is more harmful than any vice?--Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak--Christianity....
Friedrich Nietzsche

And that sums up what I think about religion as a whole. Judaism,christianity,Islam,blah,bah,blah. It is a opiate for the masses, a blinder for the minds eye.

damn, now i know exactly where youre coming from. Nietzsche and Marx are both madmen and you agree with them...
Burmonster is summing up my feelings pretty well.

FastBack 240
04-01-2004, 09:10 PM
I would fight for my country if it all boiled down to it. My grandfathers both did so what makes me special not to? Nothing at all. I look up to infantry men and honor all those who served. What I dont understand about the situation in Iraq is that we killed their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, sons, and daughters and we just expect them to bow down to us and be happy with their so called PEACE. Something isn't right there.

Yea and if you dont want to serve for the red white and blue then get the Fuk Out!!!!!

Just remember, if it wasnt for those who served we would be speaking German and wiping our ass's with sand paper.

My two cents. Good day.

04-02-2004, 01:26 AM
Not wanting to fight for your country out of cowardice and not wanting to fight for your country because you do not agree with your government's bullshit-ass foreign policy is completely different.

Is Muhammad Ali a coward because he didn't fight in Vietnam?

Did Mr. Ali put our "freedom" (quotations intentional) at risk by refusing to "serve our country"?

Instead of blindly swearing loyalty to Herr Bush, perhaps you should think about why we are in this mess in the first place.

Perhaps you should consider why Muslims, particularly Arab Muslims, hate America so much. And here's a hint: It has nothing to do with strip clubs, booze and Oscar Meyer weiners at Safeway...

Fighting against a facist who was clearly going to take over the world is one thing. Iraq is another thing entirely.

Read a fucking book. Don't be so quick to accuse people of not being "patriotic" or not appreciating what they have because they are opposed to shit that you so blindly accept.

After all, weren't our founding fathers basically against THEIR government?

Think twice.

04-02-2004, 07:10 AM
In am in full agreement with kazuo here... I can honestly say I enjoy the "freedom" I am allowed in this country to the point that I couldn't see life anywhere else. Fundamentally, however, I can't say I can find any good reason to be in Iraq in the first place, as every reason I have read to have been presented has been effectively discredited. This seems less an effort to liberate a country from a madman and nore an effort to create America version 2.0 under a completely different madman. Does that make Saddam a good person? FUCK no, maybe he needed to be removed from power, but who is any other country not being actively tormented by him to make the decision or effort to do so? Back to the reasoning, because he provided funding for 9/11? Does anyone believe that? It goes from absolute certainty, then to "credible sources say...," then to "we don't exactly have evidence that... but sources have provided strong signs of links between...," and finally to an "intelligence failure." None of this adds up to sufficient reasoning for thousands of people, both innocent and guilty, civilian and inlistedmen to have died over this bullshit. Draft? I'm calling it very unlikely, but in the event that they callmy house looking for me, go ahead and sign me up for a haircut and fed time because I'll be damned if I participate in some shit I don't agree with. Call it what you want, I never had that false sense of security BEFORE 9/11 and I damn sure didn't trade it for a sense of makeshift patriotism after.

04-02-2004, 12:01 PM
Thank you. at least some people out there can read and think a little on their own. The fundamental issue I think here is a lack of education. I will not demonize another fellow human being, I refuse. We all share life on this one planet, we Must learn to coexist.

And Yes Sometimes I think "Madman" speak the truth. Marx just wanted a far away dream. Nietsche on the other hand, I feel spoke of reality of the past, present, and future. The very essence of human exsistence and the life the soul tries to live. Whatever, it is America, ha ha :( , and we are all entitled to our own opinions. nothing should be sacred here.

P.s. "If you don't like (red,white,blue), get the F*k out", spoken like a true american fascist Xenophobe.
And I consider myself an american, but I guess you can label me as a german, or french, or a pile of sh*t. whatever makes you feel better. I can take it.

Peace. Auto. :bigok:

04-02-2004, 01:06 PM
Im currently in the air force and been deployed a couple of times myself. I dont agree on what is going on in Iraq but Im doing my job. I signed a contract and pledge that I would do anything and everything in my power to defend the constitution, the flag and the people. I was stationed in NJ when 9/11. I was working Air Traffic Control out there and personally first hand saw the 2nd plane hit WTC. Imagine how it felt like watching a plane on your radar scope just disappear and scrambling to call NYC Radar approach to find out what the hell is going on. I agree with what we did in Afganisthan cuz i believe it was justified. We didnt do to throw the Talibans out or for human rights...we did it to get ours. Iraq is another story. I do not see any point to it other than a personal vendetta. Theres been way too much he said she said going on in the white house to know what info was accurate and which ones are not.

As for the Draft, it wont happen. Yes the military is stretched, we are fighting 2 different wars and dealing with everything else *eg. korea* but the air force is actually cutting its man-power. By law, each armed forces has a certain limit in personnel and we are well over 14,000 over.

04-02-2004, 05:44 PM
Aaron, thank you for your comment! Burnmonster, thank you as well!

OojPee00~uhmm yeah, it is awesome that boys, younger than you have more balls to defend and support our country. It is sad that they have to defend it for a Jackass like you. Do you hate the fact that women are in the military too? Seriously. If women, ones that are brought up to love & nurture can go into this beliving that it will prevent another 9/11, don't you think it is sad that you arent man enough to join everyone in the fight to keep the US and you and your loved ones safe? Seriously, grow up. If you don't like it, leave. People like you arent wanted here.

04-02-2004, 11:17 PM
That's okay. That's what us Men are for. :D
haha werd.
anybody that would say something along the lines of they wouldn't fight for this country doesn't deserve to live here IMO. you may or may not agree with this war but the fact remains that the United States has the most freedom and the most chances for people than any other country. how many other countries have to patrol their borders like we do just to keep people out? there's reasons for that.
I'm not saying everybody has to serve, if its not your thing, great. but to say it in a sense that if asked to protect our freedom and our economy you never would is just wrong.
I attempted to join the marines a little under a year ago but was medically rejected due to just getting out of a leg cast. I was rejected for a year. But you'll be damned sure in may when I'm eligible I'll be back at MEPS. the way I see it as much as this country has given and offered me, what's 2 years of my life? or 4 years? or 8 years? and if you were to die in combat for your country in this day and age you come back a hero? or injured for that matter. but if you die for your country, IMO that is the greatest honorable thing a man, or woman, can do.

04-03-2004, 09:06 AM
You are all kidding yourselves. Do you know what it feels like to be on adrenalin 24 / 7? It burns when you piss because you are so stressed out and the blood is laced with excess epinephrin. Your muscles start to lock together and it feels like your ripping yourself apart, and your not even moving. The muscles just clench harder and harder on the bones filling with lactic acid.

When people get shot at, do you notice how everybody tries to drop to the ground? Even though if it had been coming for them, that it would have been far to late? In and out, long before you heard anything. Have you ever truefully heard a bullet come at you? Have you ever been one of the people who hits the deck anyway, and you don't care if it was "to late"?

I mean I'm just asking these questions to try and show my point. I mean maybe if you don't know what something like this feels like, you know, confrontation and brutality as a way of survival and ultimately life, then maybe you should'nt make such a huge judgement about the state and direction of America's government so quickly, especially when it comes to the Iraqi/America war machine.

I mean, I am not a soldier. I know this, I have never been in any service or guard. That does not mean I can't put 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 together. But I will not fight for a american regime in Iraq. At least not for the America that I see in control of the rein's right now. I know that "through and through;)", as they would say. I have hurt people and I have been hurt back just as hard, and I will not go back to that state of mind because it is a pain filled place. A place I hope I will never be.

Remember That. Auto.

04-04-2004, 01:27 AM
Auto, you talk like moron. You talk about having live rounds comming at you. IF you have NEVER been shot at....STFU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY SHIT ON THIS MATTER. You and you alone are enough to make anyone that has ever served feel like shit, why you ask? Because, they fight and DIE for your sorry ass. Why do they fight and die? So you can make moronic assumptions that you have never had ANY experience in. Why do you not have any experience? Because of a LACK of pride in your country and a lack of backbone to step up to the plate.

So, let me ask you, do YOU know what it feels like to have a bullit shot at you in combat? or to know the tiresome feeling of patrolling and standing a post to protect your fellow Marines, Sailors, Soldiers or Airmen so that they can sleep? No. If you havent been there, imho you have NO room to say shit. Why don't you go sit back in your easy chair, wait for the rest of the world to come and take your freedom away(since people like you feel that America should just "stay out of it")....then you won't ever be able to say anything that is ever on your mind ever again. Or, better yet, why not just leave?

04-04-2004, 01:35 PM
Auto, you talk like moron. You talk about having live rounds comming at you. IF you have NEVER been shot at....STFU!

Does it count if a cop has shot at me??