View Full Version : Manti T'eo 0 - Digital Girlfriend 1

01-17-2013, 12:03 PM
So... What the fuck is going on... did this guy invent the whole thing or is he that thick.

01-17-2013, 02:08 PM
Former Arizona Cardinals player Reagan Maui'a says he met Manti Te'o's girlfriend - NFL News | FOX Sports on MSN (http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/former-arizona-cardinals-player-reagan-mauia-says-he-met-manti-teo-girlfriend-011713)

According to someone else, she does exist.

01-17-2013, 04:26 PM
Sorry i gotta call BS on the situation

01-17-2013, 04:41 PM
Sorry i gotta call BS on the situation

Obviously. You're a bright one aren't you?

The question is did T'eo know?

01-17-2013, 05:49 PM
i think he did know, i mean theres no way in hell you wouldnt

01-17-2013, 05:58 PM
I don't think she was his "Girlfriend" until after september. I recall the announcement and it was originally a "close friend".

I can see how he was duped. From what I hear, he is very religious and hard working, he wasn't out whoring it up. So it almost sounds like he met some girl, talked her up, and then was long-distance friending her an stuff - but all along she was just fucking with him.

01-17-2013, 07:53 PM
What I find really mind blowing is that this lie lasted as long as it did. What the fuck was the press doing? Nobody bothered to do any fact-checking? Nobody bothered to maybe call the fictitious girlfriend's family for a comment?

At worst there are some people in the press complicit in this coverup, and at best there are some people who chose to remain willfully ignorant and look the other way when none of the facts added up.

Even the line of questioning in the Sports Illustrated interview makes it seem as though the interview himself is somewhat skeptical.

Oh and people wonder why I hate Natre Dame so much (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/01/inspiring-tale-of-notre-dame-hero-totally-fake.html)

01-17-2013, 08:36 PM
What I find really mind blowing is that this lie lasted as long as it did. What the fuck was the press doing? Nobody bothered to do any fact-checking? Nobody bothered to maybe call the fictitious girlfriend's family for a comment?

At worst there are some people in the press complicit in this coverup, and at best there are some people who chose to remain willfully ignorant and look the other way when none of the facts added up.

Even the line of questioning in the Sports Illustrated interview makes it seem as though the interview himself is somewhat skeptical.

Oh and people wonder why I hate Natre Dame so much (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/01/inspiring-tale-of-notre-dame-hero-totally-fake.html)

Wait - you mean the press will ignore facts, cover up details, and false report!!! :eek:

Are you telling me that the media is not a pillar of ethics, integrity and honestly??!

01-17-2013, 08:42 PM
What I find really mind blowing is that this lie lasted as long as it did. What the fuck was the press doing? Nobody bothered to do any fact-checking? Nobody bothered to maybe call the fictitious girlfriend's family for a comment?

My problem for the whole thing was - WTF did anyone have to gain from it? I just can't see Te'o, who we all knew early on has a promising career in the pros ahead of him, going out and saying "hey, lets fuck with everyone".

I also don't see Notre Dame or anyone as early on as September trying to do this stunt as a way to get Te'o the Hiesman. Any fucking idiot knows the Hiesman is strictly a Quarterback/Runningback award. They'll give it to a spoiled racist, rich kid freshmen with an arrest record before they'd give it to a defensive player.

So I have to go back to - who had anything to gain from this?

01-17-2013, 08:54 PM
So I have to go back to - who had anything to gain from this?

Tebow Endorsements.

Notre Dame Myths.


Get drafted higher.

01-17-2013, 09:19 PM
Tebow Endorsements.

Notre Dame Myths.


Get drafted higher.

Maybe - but... as you stated, this is an easy one to fact check. The risk far out weigh the reward. Also, are you saying the entire Hoax was made up by ND and Te'o, or are you saying the delay'd announcement was because of ND?

As far as the delay, I agree with ND on that. It was better to have Katharine Webb be the talk on January 7th instead of Te'o's fake girlfriend.

01-17-2013, 09:43 PM
My problem for the whole thing was - WTF did anyone have to gain from it? I just can't see Te'o, who we all knew early on has a promising career in the pros ahead of him, going out and saying "hey, lets fuck with everyone".

I also don't see Notre Dame or anyone as early on as September trying to do this stunt as a way to get Te'o the Hiesman. Any fucking idiot knows the Hiesman is strictly a Quarterback/Runningback award. They'll give it to a spoiled racist, rich kid freshmen with an arrest record before they'd give it to a defensive player.

So I have to go back to - who had anything to gain from this?

He got 2nd in votes didn't he? I think it was heisman related to be honest. That kind of sympathy is what could of pushed him over the top in votes minds.

01-17-2013, 09:57 PM
He got 2nd in votes didn't he? I think it was heisman related to be honest. That kind of sympathy is what could of pushed him over the top in votes minds.

Is it Heisman related to be drinking underage with a fake ID? Get in a fist fight with black kids because you don't like blacks and then have Daddy strike up a deal so yo don't have to go to court till after the football season?

Te'o got second - DISTANT SECOND.

Manziel - 2,029

Te'o - 1,706

who-ever the fuck the other guy was - 894

It was not a close race.

01-17-2013, 11:37 PM
Maybe - but... as you stated, this is an easy one to fact check. The risk far out weigh the reward. Also, are you saying the entire Hoax was made up by ND and Te'o, or are you saying the delay'd announcement was because of ND?

As far as the delay, I agree with ND on that. It was better to have Katharine Webb be the talk on January 7th instead of Te'o's fake girlfriend.

I think it was more to do with him and trying to raise his "stock"...

I think he was smart enough to know that promotion wins awards in college, especially the Heisman achievement. This shit was a publicity stunt.

There was also the rumors about him making this up because he was in the closet. That's a bit far fetched I think...

As for ND, they wanted to keep this quiet, as they've been in trouble as of late (like always). I don't think they planned this out, but they sure love their folk stories. So in the end, they rolled with it.

Reports had stated that ND had known about this well before Christmas and did nothing about it.

They want this to blow over as quickly as possible as they don't need anymore eggs in their faces.

They way it's working out so far, you can select from the following...

A) Sympathy helps his Heisman chances.
B) Started as a lie that snowballed out of control until it became the narrative of the season.
C) He's gay and tried to hide it with a fake gf story.
D) He has a serious mental health issue.
E) Aliens.


01-18-2013, 12:00 AM
F) Catfish

01-18-2013, 01:44 AM
I don't follow college ball as closely as NFL, but my friend says that at the time these shenanigans started, he wasn't even really on the radar as far as the Heisman went. So doing this for self promotion didn't make sense. He goes to ND FFS, he should know that even as lazy as the press is at times, they do double check stories from time to time. Particularly stories that are as out there as his.

It really seems like he did this as a joke to the media for some lulz and it got out of control once his star started rising. Either that or he really is just that naive.

01-18-2013, 03:54 PM
Earlier I heard one voter on ESPN radio go on record saying they voted for him because of his story about his grandma and girlfriend dieing and using it as motivation to win games. He went on to say that if he could take his vote back, he would.

drift freaq
01-18-2013, 06:12 PM
Really just really guys. First off internet hook ups have been going on for years. It is easily possible for him to have been duped online by someone and engage in and online relationship. I mean how smart is this guy? At the same time he could of lied. Was Notre Dame in on it? Definitely not. So it comes down to he either lied about something to get sympathy and or he was duped conned and looked for sympathy not realizing it.

On the other hand who the hell cares? Seriously there are more important things going on in the world with much bigger implications than this. I mean you guys are arguing over whether this was real or not? National news is wasting air time over this. This is not like the Penn State coverup. In fact if he was not a football player at Notre Dame it probably would never have been investigated to see if he was lying or not.
Seriously the website that investigated this must really be having a hard time getting real sports news.
I don't think this qualifies.

01-18-2013, 07:08 PM
I think it could have started out as a locker room thing, maybe he made that shit up so his teammates wouldn't always get on him with "how come you ain't picking up b_tches?" and it just grew from there.

01-19-2013, 01:01 AM
Since this is the Internet, I'll go ahead and speculate...

T'eo is probably more than friends with the guy that started this female persona. What I mean is T'eo may be gay and the only way to keep things from getting suspicious is to use this female persona as a cover-up. Once his fame started to raise he needed an out and a timely death of this persona was fitting.

Honestly don't believe for a second T'eo was hoaxed...rather he was in on it...

01-19-2013, 07:28 AM
Really just really guys. First off internet hook ups have been going on for years. It is easily possible for him to have been duped online by someone and engage in and online relationship. I mean how smart is this guy? At the same time he could of lied. Was Notre Dame in on it? Definitely not. So it comes down to he either lied about something to get sympathy and or he was duped conned and looked for sympathy not realizing it.

On the other hand who the hell cares? Seriously there are more important things going on in the world with much bigger implications than this. I mean you guys are arguing over whether this was real or not? National news is wasting air time over this. This is not like the Penn State coverup. In fact if he was not a football player at Notre Dame it probably would never have been investigated to see if he was lying or not.
Seriously the website that investigated this must really be having a hard time getting real sports news.
I don't think this qualifies.

I'm pissed that this story is taking more precedence over the notre dame suicide rape case. Someone should be REALLY looking into that matter, as the university had really messed that one up. You'd think that it would be the bigger story, but I guess people don't like being taken for a ride.

That being said, I don't think someone is THAT stupid. So every time you'd skype with her, the box would be blank?! Really?

Anyways, he's done another interview (off camera which is funny since he LOVED to be in front of it when he was rolling with the sob story) with Schaap over at ESPN...

Link to the video/report! (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/8859077/manti-teo-notre-dame-fighting-irish-denies-being-part-hoax-late-girlfriend)

"When (people) hear the facts, they'll know," he said. "They'll know that there is no way that I could be part of this."

Really? REALLY?!?! I'm not about to drink this kids kool-aid.


It's good to see Manti Te'o brought his GF to the interview (along with his lawyer). She needs to present her side of the story as well.

01-19-2013, 05:25 PM
Rape/Suicide is hardly a national nes story. Oh no, fucking college got raped.. oh no, fucking college kid commits suicide. What else is new.

01-19-2013, 05:32 PM
The rape suicide sucks... Completely buried I had no idea till tricky dropped it... Hrm

01-19-2013, 05:45 PM
Meanwhile lanay kekua.. I mean Daniel O'meara is famous for having her pics jacked from fb.


this whole affair was a waste of time.

01-19-2013, 05:51 PM
Rape/Suicide is hardly a national nes story. Oh no, fucking college got raped.. oh no, fucking college kid commits suicide. What else is new.


I think it has more to do with the fact that she had reported it, and they sat on the information and did nothing with it.

It's still upsetting that there's not a lot of attention on this case (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/soraya-chemaly/the-big-american-rape-on-_b_2506761.html)

01-20-2013, 01:48 AM
Roll Tide.

01-20-2013, 07:31 AM
I think it has more to do with the fact that she had reported it, and they sat on the information and did nothing with it.

It's still upsetting that there's not a lot of attention on this case (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/soraya-chemaly/the-big-american-rape-on-_b_2506761.html)
Sports are most important.
That is why kids who are dumb boxes of rocks get free rides through school as they blow off and disrupt classes in which students who are actually trying to achieve something meaningful bury themselves in debt.

The American college system is pretty messed up.

01-20-2013, 11:12 AM
The American college system is pretty messed up.

No, it's all about money.

That idiot linebacker is going for free - so the school loses $30-70k.
However, by having a winning team, they are brining in millions for each game. Thus he pays for himself.

This is one thing Notre Dame actually does well - they actually do hold the players to the University's education standards - in that they have to go to class and are pushed to graduate.


01-21-2013, 09:18 AM
Why is this even in the news? Honestly, who cares about something that isn't even real.

Holy crap I hate the media.

EDIT: And yes, the university system in this country is a joke.

01-21-2013, 02:48 PM
roll tide.

' Manti Who? '
