01-16-2013, 08:18 PM
Purchased a 91 s13 with a stock ka. Got it running in limp smooth after new spark plugs and removing the S14 maf and one random blue injector it had. Got a souple S13 mafs one was remain and guaranteed, when wired in tonight it runs the same with the maf plugged, like a V8 lope, hesitates, sputters, back fires sometimes. In limp it sounds good all 4 firing. There was an aftermarket gound kit installed horribly so i removed that and re grounded in some spots, but it ran afterwards no diff than before. I am lost and have no clue where to start with this issue, its stranded at a church parking lot and wont start after driving it to move it and it running all crappy and then dying.....any help would be great guys, thanks!!!!