View Full Version : Your thoughts on sandy hook conspiracy theories?

01-15-2013, 11:12 AM

Just watched it and did some of my own digging. I am very confused, disturbed, and I want to find out more.

This especially interests me because of it involving young kids. But look at 8:50 especially.

If this theory is true, then we should look into Adam lanza's (or whatever) life. Maybe he might have found some information online that the government didnt want exposed so they killed him?

I'm just a guy with some questions thats all. It's quite curious if you look at it without emotion

Damnit, I suck at embedding videos

I also feel that it is just going to end with the news bringing up some nasty news about the theorists themselves and most people will discredit it. There is some info that is really quite shady such as the medical examiner/firemen/people were just standing around/there was only one ambulance that we ever saw/the dad who came out joking and shit and gets into character etc etc

01-15-2013, 11:28 AM
Seen the vid. Kinda speechless

01-15-2013, 11:37 AM
Well, since Government trying gun control pretty hard lately, it makes sense to me.

Perfect excuse for them to ban guns. Or is it only "Assault Rifle"?

01-15-2013, 11:37 AM
gvt staging murders for stricter gun laws/bans

01-15-2013, 11:39 AM
it's sad those kids had to die so the government could pass some gun laws....

01-15-2013, 12:11 PM
You guys are surprised? I would consider the government doing stuff like this to be common knowledge.

You know what's really sickening. That all of us know shit like this goes on and no one has the courage to stand up and say anything. Not far in our past America had a voice. People would protest and riot. No a days no one gives a shit. We are comfy in our little bubble. We found 35 congress men proven guilty to taking bribes yet they are still in office. 30 years ago American people would have rioted and put them on trial for treason. These guys paid a fine. Stop blaming shit on the government. Because it is our fault that we have let them go this far with out so much as one person bringing it to the attention of the American people. It's our fault we are now getting fucked over by our government. We have done nothing. Don't forget the people hold the power! But it's far to late. With the drones flying and armed troops walking around u.s. soil, We are doomed. Soon guns will be banned just as they want and a new military leadership awaits for the American people. You want to do something? Get media attention. Local media because its obvious that national news is already owned by either party. Get people to stand up. Protest peacefully. It is our right as u.s citizens. But no one has time for that. We can't be bothered in our busy lives of face book and burritos.we should be ashamed. This country was once proud and stood strong for its opinions. But now as long as we have an iPhone we don't care.

Grow balls.
Stand up for what you believe in.
And don't ever let any one silence you.

Oh and starting some Internet post doesn't count. Show your face. On camera. More than 50% of people do not approve of the way this country is being run. Clearly something is wrong

01-15-2013, 12:13 PM
K style, I'm not too sure about the laws that they are trying to pass, but I think it was for assault type weapons.

Jamg, I'm kinda questioning a lot, I mean if the kids really died why the hell is everyone so slow moving? The one EMT who was bringing someone out was just strollin though the crowd.

I tried looking through the stuff on facebook and the "newtown memorial fund" page was created on the 14th of december. December 15th at 2 am there was a post about selling teddy bears to raise money. Wow that is some quick work ( a little too quick)
Has anyone tried to verify the CT website that the video uploader linked (or said he linked)?

Another thing I found interesting is that there actually is a website called crisisactors.com
and on their front page they are denying that they were involved. It just seems interesting that's all.

The guy who made the video probably will not show his face in fear of retaliation or murder. I probably wouldn't either unless I was involved with politics or something as a career. The video is easy to follow and understand. He doesn't go about to say that we should believe him word for word and encourages us to research into it as well.

Anyone think that the FPS russia killing is related?

^I just made this because I saw it on facebook and I put it up for discussion. I do not know jack shit about politics, or rallying people up, or anything of the sort. I put it here to discuss it. I brought this up with my friends and we had a discussion for like 5 minutes but it was probably the most intelligent discussion I've ever had with them in the 15 years that I have known them. I wanna see what people here have to say.

01-15-2013, 12:22 PM
The guy in Russia wasn't the only one. A guy in America that does the same thing ( progun videos with him shooting sweet stuff) was also found dead in his office with a bullet in the back of his head. They are with out a doubt disarming the American people. It's not a theory in my book. But what do I know I'm just an engineering student with friends working for Boeing and other military corporations.

I was just saying what we would need to do to fix it. I wasn't really saying my stuff directed at any one. It's just lame that stuff like this surfaces, pusses people off, then no one does anything.

01-15-2013, 12:58 PM
Man you guys should know media news articles are made by what they are told, so alot of misinformation can be easy. If I am the first person to call the news and tell them my story, they will believe and run with it. Once you get a few other point of views, it becomes confusing.

Thats all.

01-15-2013, 01:00 PM
FPS Russia isnt really in Russia. the FPS Russia thing and the guy in America are the same person.

01-15-2013, 01:12 PM
No they aren't look into it. Skinny Russian dude and a fat white guy. Both gun activists killed

01-15-2013, 01:19 PM
the fat dude was the guy who got the skinny guy the weapons for the show

FPSRussia Manager Keith Ratliff Found Dead In Suspected Murder (http://www.ammoland.com/2013/01/fpsrussia-manager-keith-ratliff-found-dead-in-suspected-murder/)

01-15-2013, 01:21 PM
pretty sure the american was killed not this guy
Professional Russian - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/FPSRussia)

01-15-2013, 01:29 PM
the "russian dude" is an american guy using a fake accent. his name is Kyle Myers.

FPSRussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FPSRussia)

01-15-2013, 05:08 PM
I can believe most of this. The gun in the trunk looked more like a shotgun than any AR I've ever scene though. Either way if it was a scam or true it gives the government the advantage with the people in the cities for taking these guns away from people that actually use them properly.

As for the bann. Last that I heard it was for assualt rifles and hand guns. Not 100% if it's still that way. I stopped listening to it for the fact that it's that far past the peoples power to do anything past it. Most people are happy in their own little worlds and are brainwashed into thinking that assault rifles are bad for normal civilians.

01-15-2013, 05:13 PM
K style, I'm not too sure about the laws that they are trying to pass, but I think it was for assault type weapons.

NY just passed the law that any magazine is ILLEGAL if it holds more than 7.

CT is in process to ban all the fire arm holds more than 1 single bullet.

01-15-2013, 05:16 PM
Now this is an one heck of letter..


T chop
01-16-2013, 11:59 PM
It makes me sick thinking about the victims families being contacted by conspiring theorists. Let these people grieve in peace..... fuck.

Has Alex Jones been ranting about this on his douchey website or is this mainly a Facebook type thing?

01-17-2013, 12:08 AM
Kill everyone. 666.

01-17-2013, 12:11 AM
badass letter. pretty much telling them to fck off.

now what would be insane, is the federal army rolled in with military force, to try to disarm them.

then they would need to arm every citizen and fight back. at that point, you know the government dun goofed.

01-17-2013, 11:49 AM
Well, the good news is; if this conspiracy true, it means nobody dead or hurts, its just a movie set up.

01-18-2013, 04:22 PM
Im glad this thread even exists. I was pleasantly surprised to see that you guys anticipate this shit... Gun rights is there biggest leverage for population control.

01-18-2013, 04:34 PM
Well, the good news is; if this conspiracy true, it means nobody dead or hurts, its just a movie set up.

I was quite curious about whether this is conspiracy or not, but I am very convinced that it can't be. Because it will required to involve way too many people to pull this kind of stuff..

If it happened in some school in town population of 100 or something then, I'd be more convinced but not this one..

01-18-2013, 04:41 PM
Wow, just watched the video

This is the definitive Age of psychological warfare.

01-18-2013, 04:49 PM
How did he kill 20 people with a bushmaster... If he left it in the trunk of a car the entire time.

01-21-2013, 05:40 PM
you've got to be fucking kidding me.

if you believe this bullshit, and you think the American government would actually set up something like that, please, do everyone a favor, pack your shit and leave the country. we have more than enough gullible dipshits; you won't be missed.

01-21-2013, 06:00 PM
Sensationalist media that only produces more incidents like this because it provides a selfish and reckless exit for mentally disturbed individuals.

Quit glamorizing it and plastering the killer's life all over the TV screen, all that accomplishes is letting their fucked up life story go mainstream so their pain is spread to innocent people. Quit using Adderral (sp?) and Ritalin as parenting tools, and quit using Prozac while you're pregnant and you might see healthier youth in America.

01-21-2013, 06:24 PM
you've got to be fucking kidding me.

if you believe this bullshit, and you think the American government would actually set up something like that, please, do everyone a favor, pack your shit and leave the country. we have more than enough gullible dipshits; you won't be missed.

:picardfp: Wow instead of presenting an intelligent argument you resort to name calling. And whos the gullible one? the one who believes every thing the media tells them or the ones who question the "facts" that defy logic and physics.
Ignorant 'Merican lolz

01-21-2013, 06:49 PM
1. The government actually went in and killed 20 kids, then brought in actors to play horrified parents? I dont think they would've needed to bring in actors, because there would have been real horrified parents. So the government and the United Way are in cahoots!!!

2. The government staged the shooting at the school, but just abducted the kids? Again, no need for actors. Real parents would be freaking out on camera! In this scenario, the government, the United way, all of the police, and every person in the school would be in on the charade. Why would real teachers choose to be a part of something like this?

3. Or lasty(and this is the one I hear the most), the ENTIRE thing is a hoax! There was no shooting, no kids were harmed or taken, the government simply made up 20 names, hired some actors, and put on this big show. So the Government, the United Way, all police, firefighters, EMTs, the media, and the entire town are in on it! Sorry, thats just not possible.

There is bound to be one honest person in that town that would refuse to go along. And even if there wasnt, there would be at least one person who would be trying to cash in on some crazy $$$ and blow the whistle. Theres no way in hell youre getting thousands of people (both adults, teenagers, and kids) to keep quiet and just play the part.
Not happening.

Also, if they brought in actors and put them on national TV, with all of the eyes of the nation on them, dont you think someone would recognize them?!?! Like "Hey thats not Robert Parker, thats my ex-boyfriend"
Someone somewhere would know them and call them out. Or did the government track down every single person that each actor has ever known and paid them off??

Did you know that Google sent out an email claiming the incorrect dates to be a gitch. Is Google is in on it too!!!!

And how and why is the United Way involved?? Makes no sense.

I dont think anyone truely believes that we're being told the entire story. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some of the facts are being changed in order to make a case against assault weapons.
But to blatantly believe that the ENTIRE thing was staged, imo, makes you a brain dead, conspiracy crazy sheep.

Here's the TRUE conspiracy:

A mentally disturbed guy shot up a school with some handguns.

The anti-gun media incorrectly reported he used an AR-15.

People love conspiracies.


01-21-2013, 07:06 PM
Just sayin....

Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_Stat es)

01-21-2013, 07:14 PM
1. The government actually went in and killed 20 kids, then brought in actors to play horrified parents? I dont think they would've needed to bring in actors, because there would have been real horrified parents. So the government and the United Way are in cahoots!!!

2. The government staged the shooting at the school, but just abducted the kids? Again, no need for actors. Real parents would be freaking out on camera! In this scenario, the government, the United way, all of the police, and every person in the school would be in on the charade. Why would real teachers choose to be a part of something like this?

3. Or lasty(and this is the one I hear the most), the ENTIRE thing is a hoax! There was no shooting, no kids were harmed or taken, the government simply made up 20 names, hired some actors, and put on this big show. So the Government, the United Way, all police, firefighters, EMTs, the media, and the entire town are in on it! Sorry, thats just not possible.

There is bound to be one honest person in that town that would refuse to go along. And even if there wasnt, there would be at least one person who would be trying to cash in on some crazy $$$ and blow the whistle. Theres no way in hell youre getting thousands of people (both adults, teenagers, and kids) to keep quiet and just play the part.
Not happening.

Also, if they brought in actors and put them on national TV, with all of the eyes of the nation on them, dont you think someone would recognize them?!?! Like "Hey thats not Robert Parker, thats my ex-boyfriend"
Someone somewhere would know them and call them out. Or did the government track down every single person that each actor has ever known and paid them off??

Did you know that Google sent out an email claiming the incorrect dates to be a gitch. Is Google is in on it too!!!!

And how and why is the United Way involved?? Makes no sense.

I dont think anyone truely believes that we're being told the entire story. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some of the facts are being changed in order to make a case against assault weapons.
But to blatantly believe that the ENTIRE thing was staged, imo, makes you a brain dead, conspiracy crazy sheep.

Here's the TRUE conspiracy:

A mentally disturbed guy shot up a school with some handguns.

The anti-gun media incorrectly reported he used an AR-15.

People love conspiracies.


google owns facebook?

01-22-2013, 09:01 AM
^ don't they? or is it another big company?

@89s13sd: Umm you think the government is not capable of doing something like that?
I bet in your history class you never heard about the bombing of a black militant town in America? you should probably go read about that then.

Tuskegee anyone?
Yeah, you guys are kinda late to THIS party......

01-22-2013, 02:58 PM
Nope, they don't own Facebook.

01-28-2013, 02:12 PM
This is just ridiculous. And scary. Thats all I can say about that.

02-06-2013, 04:46 PM
:picardfp: The government has been waiting, like an animal stalking prey, for something to clutch onto to push their gun control agenda. It's all a part of the larger picture of becoming bigger and more powerful. Some may say they oppose gun control, but that would mean they oppose more power which we know is false.
But some of these "conspiracy" hoax claims that are saying Sandy Hook never happened are absolutely insulting to intelligent human beings. The people who preach this bullshit are indirectly shitting on the dead. It is something I can't stand one bit, and I hope they all get fucking Fothergill's Disease.
On another note here is a link to the father of a Sandy Hook student speaking in front of Congress, which is EPIC by the way
SANDY HOOK FATHER OWNS CONGRESS - YouTube (http://youtu.be/dhXPlCjr0Vw)

02-06-2013, 06:28 PM
To the people who think this was not orchestrated, at least in some small way, by the government then you are asleep my friend. Learn about what your monetary system is and what it is truly intended for and that is SLAVERY. 9/11 was also done by the US gov. (Corporate Conglomerate) as well as a slew of other horrors. Iraq, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Ecuador... These countries have more in common than you think. It is not YOUR government and it hasn't been for a very long time.

02-06-2013, 07:28 PM
To the people who think this was not orchestrated, at least in some small way, by the government then you are asleep my friend. Learn about what your monetary system is and what it is truly intended for and that is SLAVERY. 9/11 was also done by the US gov. (Corporate Conglomerate) as well as a slew of other horrors. Iraq, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Ecuador... These countries have more in common than you think. It is not YOUR government and it hasn't been for a very long time.

Go back to Florida.

02-06-2013, 10:28 PM
To the people who think this was not orchestrated, at least in some small way, by the government then you are asleep my friend. Learn about what your monetary system is and what it is truly intended for and that is SLAVERY. 9/11 was also done by the US gov. (Corporate Conglomerate) as well as a slew of other horrors. Iraq, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Ecuador... These countries have more in common than you think. It is not YOUR government and it hasn't been for a very long time.

:wtf: So you're saying that the government set up the Sandy Hook shootings, so they can ban guns... Yet it was a corporate capitalist move? :picardfp:

The relevance and validity of everything you've said is so :bs: that you can't possibly fathom the intensity of the :picardfp: after I read what you said. :mepoke:

02-06-2013, 11:27 PM
New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside' - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX_UKdqoa_o)



I am just trying to help you guys. No need for hostility.

02-07-2013, 12:27 PM
New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside' - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX_UKdqoa_o)

Remember Building 7 | Stand with the 9-11 families demanding a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ? (http://rememberbuilding7.org/)

Peter Joseph | Russia Today 12-2 -11] Money Debt, & RBE [ The Zeitgeist Movement ] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RDihFrV_Os)

I am just trying to help you guys. No need for hostility.

Let's just to keep this discussion about Sandy Hook. Create a government conspiracy thread and we can have a discussion there.

02-07-2013, 11:01 PM
what a sad world we live in.