01-14-2013, 09:40 PM
ok so i got a mutt of a car over here that when i turn the key to "on" and then back to "off" the dash lights will stay on and the ign lock wont let me take the key out. its a 92 coupe that was auto and now 5spd. now i just finished swapping in my sr from my s14. got brand new wiring specialties harness's upper and lower. used my old ecu from s14 ran good till i blew it up. now this problem happend once in the s14 but drove it down the road slid a little turn and then it was normal. ive tracked down so far that if i have the egi relay out itll be normal ign lock will unlock and i can take key out and power will shut off, but as soon as i put a relay in it (known good relays) itll happen. im thinking something in the ecu shit itself. any ideas before i buy and ecu and fry another. have good chassis grounds all connectors are tight no rubbing of the harness's. never had the problem with the ka in it a month ago.