View Full Version : suspended for drifting

03-30-2004, 04:20 PM
this morning for some reason or another i got up really early. having nothing else to do, i decided i would go to school early. i get there , pull into the lower parking lot, and seeing only a few cars were at the other end of the parking lot I proceed to drift. This may seem like reckless behavior but mind you it was irresistable. It was raining, i have a rear wheel drive car with a limited slip, and NOBODY was around. I do about 2 perfect donuts and a long sweeping drift into a parking spot. IAs i get out of my car an older man obviously part of the faculty ran up to me got my name and parking permit. this person i was later informed was our new in school suspension guy. yeah so i know im fuct. later that day i kept hearing people talk about a black 240 drifting in the lower parking lot and i couldnt help but smile even though i knew i was screwed. I get called to the adminisrators office and talked to the coach. at first i was going to get suspended but ended up just getting out of it with 2 weeks suspension of driving to school. that sucks. whatever i want to see the security tapes of it cause i know it looked sick.

03-30-2004, 04:34 PM
link him to this forum so we can all tell him off. i'll do it i promise.

03-30-2004, 05:28 PM
whatever i want to see the security tapes of it cause i know it looked sick.

you're stupid.

if you're practicing car control, practice car control. if you're going to be stupid, be stupid.

carry on... DRIFTER.

03-30-2004, 05:49 PM
whatever i want to see the security tapes of it cause i know it looked sick.

you're stupid.

if you're practicing car control, practice car control. if you're going to be stupid, be stupid.

carry on... DRIFTER.

what the fuck. this is an off topic forum so i was sharing an off topic story. clear your corners biotch.

03-30-2004, 06:06 PM
this morning for some reason or another i got up really early. having nothing else to do, i decided i would go to school early. i get there , pull into the lower parking lot, and seeing only a few cars were at the other end of the parking lot I proceed to drift. This may seem like reckless behavior but mind you it was irresistable. It was raining, i have a rear wheel drive car with a limited slip, and NOBODY was around. I do about 2 perfect donuts and a long sweeping drift into a parking spot. IAs i get out of my car an older man obviously part of the faculty ran up to me got my name and parking permit. this person i was later informed was our new in school suspension guy. yeah so i know im fuct. later that day i kept hearing people talk about a black 240 drifting in the lower parking lot and i couldnt help but smile even though i knew i was screwed. I get called to the adminisrators office and talked to the coach. at first i was going to get suspended but ended up just getting out of it with 2 weeks suspension of driving to school. that sucks. whatever i want to see the security tapes of it cause i know it looked sick.

June 8, 1986

thats all i gotta say.

03-30-2004, 06:06 PM
You got what your deserved, maybe even got off ez. Your stupid for "drifting" in a school parking, or any public parking lot for that matter.

03-30-2004, 06:08 PM
lol is this high school? You actually have security cameras outside?

Anyways you could have at least checked out the area. Its school there are going to be people there on a school day, you got too happy and did too much. Should have just slid to your spot or something, blame it on your tires.

But anyways that sucks.

03-30-2004, 06:12 PM
June 8, 1986

thats all i gotta say.

Age doesn't matter, there are 2x year olds that would do stupid shit like that.

To save you the time, I'm June 7, 1986.

03-30-2004, 06:14 PM
there are a lot more young kids doing stupid things than people who are 2x older doing stupid things.

03-30-2004, 06:28 PM
August 15 1982 and I would die before drifting in a public parking lot in the middle of a day, ESPECIALLY at school. No offense or anything, but you should have known better. Did you really think nobody was gonna see you? How do they know if you drive to school anyway?

03-30-2004, 06:43 PM
It's sheott like this that made my car insurance unbearibly expensive in HS. Goofing off can be therapeutic but you have to be smarter when you choose your opporunities. Probably fun tho.


03-30-2004, 06:57 PM
hey man dont take it too harsh. i'm sure all of us have done something similar before except we didnt get caught so we thought we did something right...granted it's not too bright doing it at a school. Live and learn my friend...at least you arent one of the people that got a wreckless driving ticket..in comparison suspension from school isnt that bad

03-30-2004, 07:04 PM
I almost got suspended for J turns in the school parking lot.

I'm a retard and 21.

03-30-2004, 07:17 PM
August 15 1982 and I would die before drifting in a public parking lot in the middle of a day, ESPECIALLY at school. No offense or anything, but you should have known better. Did you really think nobody was gonna see you? How do they know if you drive to school anyway?
You were born the same days and year as my brother :)

Ya I agree he was dumb for time, and place. I don't think I have ever done anything of that sort in daytime, well except one time, but it was a warehouse, and it was labor day :)

03-30-2004, 07:45 PM
August 15

One more day!!! I'm august 14 1986 !!

I've done doughtnuts and 180's in parking lots...the best was the park,me and my girlfreind were going to play fribess+hangout at the baseball feild...:blah:...it was hella fun too. My girlfreind was scared at first("stop damnit!"),then at the end she was yelling "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!:):):)" it was cool,there was a couple of kids there,but thats it.

"awsome car!!!" and "sweet driven dude!!! "

EDIT: Yeah,those'd be money tapes to watch:)

03-30-2004, 08:04 PM

Tomorrow i turn 18! :)

but yeah, i would like to see the tapes too lol :)

03-30-2004, 08:10 PM
It seems like you knew the school had cameras, sounds like you would've been caught either way. I guess you got what you deserved. Why don't you drive your mom's car to school or something, not like they are going to know. our school has cameras too and there are kids that always get tickets and shit for doing doughnuts and other cool driving maneuvers.

ryan hagen
03-30-2004, 08:17 PM
so i think every one on zilvia would quit drifting tomorrow if tracks were closed permantly to drifitng, cause every one gets on other people about it, kinda sounded like this is going the way of northwestnissans. personally the nearest track to me that is black top, and would let people off the street in, is 6 or 7 hours drive away, so i totaly am not bothered by it, kinda dumb time to do it but at least you werent like the dumbass at my school that did donuts in a full parking lot in a rx7 and smoked some cars.

the local walmart has tapes of friend in his national doing huge donuts, lol they call it a monte carlo though, i guess the security guys saved the tapes to there collection of sweet stuff. i got another friend that works there and he told us about the tapes about a week after the donuts incodent.

03-30-2004, 09:48 PM
1984 owns you all.

Drifting at school= retarded. You probably just did it to impress a cheerleader you saw walking to class in her skin tight uniform...mmmm

but seriously, you should have known someone was going to watch you. a security guard, teacher, etc. Punishment could have been a lot worse, hell if a cop saw you, maybe you woulda got a reckless driving ticket. NOW THAT would have sucked. Be thankful.

03-30-2004, 11:09 PM
I almost got suspended for J turns in the school parking lot.

I'm a retard and 21.
your doing j turns in a high school parking lot and your 21? :eek2:
haha jk!

03-31-2004, 01:38 AM
fuckin retards. The difference between us (older/wiser) folks, and you (younger/stupider) folks, is that we won't be telling everyone about the bank we just robbed.


03-31-2004, 01:41 AM
i just stole candy from a baby

03-31-2004, 01:58 AM
wow... retarded... butttttt

im sure we've all done something stupid in HS.

he who is free from sin shall cast the first stone... lets not burn people tooo hard now...

for example...

-friend stuck paperclip in electrical socket...
-friend beat up a person because someone said he saw him take his pager and later found out it wasn't but apologized the next day for it...
-i sucked on the back of a blue pen and all of a sudden my mouth was blue like hell with ink, drooled on desk, drooled on hand... big spit spot ...
-threw oranges at a garage... made big bang... man jumped in truck chased us... stupid -friend ran to another friends house... man knew where friend lived... haha ... dogs didn't let him in... but still talked to his parents
-friend licked ants off a tree
-friend threatened another student, made other kid wear bullet proof vest and brought tazer gun to school, that guy got expelled... friend was like wow damn.... didn't mean to do that
-we smashed picollo pete (make big boom) fuse was cut on accident to about 1/4 of an inch... told friend to light it.. *light**light* KABOOM HAHA was gunpowder and smoke coming from his hair... he had glasses on (good thing). first reaction was HAHAHA

yea we were retarded... but have fun stories to tell haha !

ok im done

03-31-2004, 02:42 AM
-threw oranges at a garage... made big bang... man jumped in truck chased us... stupid -friend ran to another friends house... man knew where friend lived... haha ... dogs didn't let him in... but still talked to his parents

:rofl: any other stories?

03-31-2004, 07:23 AM
hmm... i guess i can't say much. my friend pulled off a 180 drift in the middle of the day in the menlo mall parking lot, using cars as 'cones' for the 'course.' bad yes... but it was cool. it was an auto ford escort. i was impressed. anyway just try to keep it safe...

on the other hand, i want to hear more of airsoft's stories.

ryan hagen
03-31-2004, 07:34 AM
fuckin retards. The difference between us (older/wiser) folks, and you (younger/stupider) folks, is that we won't be telling everyone about the bank we just robbed.


sounds like another fast and the furious comin on, maybe u could be the subject for the 4th one>when i hear of drifting gettaway lol we ll all know

03-31-2004, 07:46 AM
I don't do a lot of public drifting, but every now and then, ill slide through a turn, but nothing like more than one or two slides in a given area. The first day I had my ka-t, i brought it to school and slidewayed around a horse shoe. It was hot and everyone was all happy and whatever..ahh..yes..the days of 2 wheel steering. Lol.

03-31-2004, 08:06 AM
I used to do yard jobs in the school yard, just because I hated school, haha it was great

6-29-84 REPRESENT!

03-31-2004, 09:26 AM
i thought i was young since i was always the youngest in my class 01-01-82

03-31-2004, 09:35 AM
1984 owns you all.

Drifting at school= retarded. You probably just did it to impress a cheerleader you saw walking to class in her skin tight uniform...mmmm

but seriously, you should have known someone was going to watch you. a security guard, teacher, etc. Punishment could have been a lot worse, hell if a cop saw you, maybe you woulda got a reckless driving ticket. NOW THAT would have sucked. Be thankful.

Impressing a chearleader? Middle of the day? It was 7:30 in the morning in a big ass parkling lot with nobody around. this is in the original post. there was no one around and the guy who came up to me was smoking outside. whatever it was an impulse moment and since youi weren't there, didn't know what the lot looks like, don't actually pay attention to the original post, or know me at all shut the fuck up. i know it wasn't the smartest thing but fuck all your oh he's 17. hmmm what the hell? i

03-31-2004, 09:39 AM

ive done donuts at my old community college.. VALLEY COLLEGE. I still go there at night to fuck around in the rain from time to time.. BUT, its pitch black and empty.. ive done it during the day too.. but fuck, i am just practicing car control in an empty parking lot. Cops have come nad let me go.. its all about how you talk.

but to get suspended? ghahahahahaha weaksauce. :)

03-31-2004, 09:44 AM
Maybe what i'm not understanding is given you have a limited amount of information about the incident and making comments about me like you know me. You guys go to the track EVERY time you let a tire spin and you guys go to the track EVERY time you race someone? this is bullshit. it was perfect for what went on considering nothing was around to run into. beautiful. let me tell you about the time i went drifting at some boat docks or the time i raced a gs-t on the road. that's right the road. a public road. you guys have never done anything that rash? My generation must be the ones that do all the stupid shit. i'm having fun regardless of personal injury or rising insurance prices. my car is fucking fun.

03-31-2004, 09:48 AM
i wish i had cameras at my school... :bite:

03-31-2004, 09:48 AM

ive done donuts at my old community college.. VALLEY COLLEGE. I still go there at night to fuck around in the rain from time to time.. BUT, its pitch black and empty.. ive done it during the day too.. but fuck, i am just practicing car control in an empty parking lot. Cops have come nad let me go.. its all about how you talk.

when you are "fucking around" are you practicing car control? what makes my story any different? It was the ass crack of dawn in an empty parking lot. i was practicing car control.........or practicing donuts.

03-31-2004, 10:19 AM
clear your corners biotch.

hahahaha, that made me laugh

03-31-2004, 10:46 AM
Gotta represent all those born in 86...atleast, those after whatever today's date is.., we 17 bitch!

03-31-2004, 10:50 AM
Gotta represent all those born in 86...atleast, those after whatever today's date is.., we 17 bitch!
:eek3d: :rawk:

dori2 s13coupe
03-31-2004, 11:11 AM
representin 7-11-86.... but mann in a school parking lot??? car control/drifiting or reckless driving.. to others they wouldnt kno the difference... plus isnt schools owed by the state? so if cops came then... ur a$$ed out...

03-31-2004, 12:17 PM
6-2-84.. im jus tryna fit in?

anyways.. yea. i think everybodys done it. not usually in the morning.. but yea. good times.

03-31-2004, 12:47 PM
hahahaha nice, i would always drift out of teh school parking lot when i was in HS lol

it was a good time, never got busted though hehe

on the last day i did 2 HUGE ass burn outs too, and i am 99% sure a cop saw the first one cause he was in the parking lot across the street waitin for ppl to come blastin out of the parking lot but he couldnt do shit cause i was still on school proporty :D, o and the other one i did infront of teh main enterance before i proseded to take teh back way out and drift an intersection where a cop was a couple cars back...............thank god for the red light ;) lol

i would still drive to school though, just find somewhere else to park :D

03-31-2004, 02:28 PM
-we smashed picollo pete (make big boom) fuse was cut on accident to about 1/4 of an inch... told friend to light it.. *light**light* KABOOM HAHA was gunpowder and smoke coming from his hair... he had glasses on (good thing). first reaction was HAHAHA

yea we were retarded... but have fun stories to tell haha !

ok im done That reminds me of this..I love this link :rofl:

Whoops wrong link...This one http://www.media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=bottlebomb.wmv

03-31-2004, 02:35 PM
damn kids :loco:

03-31-2004, 03:00 PM
Have that adminsitrator give me a call... It's obvious that you don't see where you were WRONG to behave like that in a public facility, no one was there when you started, but HEY someone pulls into the lot that you can't see for your blissful ignorance and take them out. Reckless is reckless and "practicing" drifting in public is just plain dumb...

03-31-2004, 03:35 PM
ha 4/25/88!! and i wouldnt do it in my school parkin lot, man, especially with cameras hangin around.... at least not till my senior year, then i plan to do a few laps around the track....lol

sucks for ya though, but hell its high school have some fun...

03-31-2004, 07:05 PM
Have that adminsitrator give me a call...

I'll get right on that.

i have like 3 weeks to go in school and i plan on dicking around every last day. hmmmm burn out the last day of school.... sounds like a good idea.

03-31-2004, 08:15 PM
ok, so if you decide you want to really be hardcore, how about you use those car control skills and write your name in the parking lot the last day of school?

03-31-2004, 08:49 PM
4/2/86. Friday's my 18th...

but jay, go there during spring break and let it rip. they won't be there to get you in any trouble...well assuming you can get in if the gates are open.

04-01-2004, 08:30 AM
6-2-84.. im jus tryna fit in?

anyways.. yea. i think everybodys done it. not usually in the morning.. but yea. good times.

Im with ya brother, 9-10-84

Yea...you guys think stuff like that is stupid?...you should come to louisiana and see what these redneck bastards do down here. hehe i used to be one of them with my Z71 cutting donuts on the football field right before getting a DWI. Now that my friends is good times...i still get bitched out for that one.

04-01-2004, 12:03 PM
ok, so if you decide you want to really be hardcore, how about you use those car control skills and write your name in the parking lot the last day of school?
That'll be the best thing ever 11/03/82