View Full Version : Quick question on gt25r

03-30-2004, 12:25 PM
Hey guys, I have the 70a/r (0002) gt25r turbo. What is the stock boost set to on this turbo? I dont want to put on the turbo if its set to one bar.
Thank, snail

03-30-2004, 01:00 PM
stock boosT? i dont think this turbo came stock on most cars. but 6-8 psi like most other stock turbo cars?

03-30-2004, 01:43 PM
Does it even have a wastegate on it? If it does it all depends on which model of wastegate got shipped with it.

03-30-2004, 03:15 PM
If its a GT25R it will not have a wastegate actuator attached to it. there is no .70 a/r version though as far as I am aware, only .63, and .86. I have the .86 with an HKS wategate actuator and I cannot boost below 10psi. With a stock actuator, you should be able to keep stock boost level (7psi)

03-30-2004, 04:29 PM
It has an internal waste gate
I am wondering the waste gate factory setting?
#'s on the turbo are 705330-2
Compressor is a 70A/R and turbine is an .86
Here is a pic, just so you dont think im full of crap.

03-30-2004, 04:35 PM
Crap 10 psi ! do you think a stock intercooler and fuel is going to be safe?

03-30-2004, 04:40 PM
I need to read first... I guess mine is a stock actuator, so I guess mine will be around 7psi. I will just be carfull when I first crank it up for the first time. 00 -> boostgauge

03-30-2004, 04:59 PM
That doesn't look like the normal GT25R S trim compressor housing. You might want to find out for sheez that you didn't get a different turbo.

03-30-2004, 05:18 PM
compressor housing is changed for fitment reasons.

03-30-2004, 05:19 PM
The comp wheel is still 2.10"