View Full Version : ghosttown (pripyat'), ukraine

03-29-2004, 09:12 PM

03-29-2004, 09:50 PM
its a cool fucking website. the stuff she says about Chernobil are 100% true.

over the last years nature florished there, some species that dissapered long time ago cause of human expantion, reappeared. its filled with rare animals- fauna and flora. only thing, they all have high Stroncium and other radioative elements within their blood/structure, so no eating:). other than that its reletavily safe, but very spooky.
you can actually can take a 3-5 day tour with guides special hotel, suites and etc. its prety cool stuff, always reminded me of Fallout.

never being in Ukraine, but southern parts of Belorussia got affected after dissaster. :angel:

03-29-2004, 11:57 PM
SHIET........that is messed up. I remember when that happened faintly believe it or not. I was in Moscow at the time.

03-30-2004, 02:01 AM
Woah, I've gotta go there. Imagine, you could drift the city streets and not ever worry about traffic, cops, or anything.

03-30-2004, 02:12 AM
but if you crash your screwed

03-30-2004, 10:31 AM
Woah, I've gotta go there. Imagine, you could drift the city streets and not ever worry about traffic, cops, or anything.

other than your LIFE...

man that is some very very interesting but vividly scary footage.. im seriously shocked. that woman has balls to go through there and take all those images.

- mike

03-30-2004, 11:17 AM
That freaked me out....you can see the end of the world, and civilization, in just that area.....Its like going to our own funeral if nuclear fallout happened around the whole world...

also makes me think of that movie, 28 Days Later, and Terminator 2 lol

03-30-2004, 11:56 AM
[QUOTE=russian]its prety cool stuff, always reminded me of Fallout.QUOTE]

LOL! after looking through that, it so got me into Fallout and Fallout 2 game. Damn i feel like playing it right now. Its pretty scary that if we would have kept on going with Nuclear Plants in the States would could get whipe out good. Thank god for 3mile island. But hey, if it ever happens i'll be the first to make the Brotherhood of steel :coold:

03-30-2004, 12:01 PM
wow thats some fugging spooky shit!

03-30-2004, 12:19 PM
just a reminder of how much i hate nuclear technology. It's only a matter of time

03-30-2004, 12:47 PM
crazy spooky shiet.. It's such a far cry from our everyday lives.. yet so close at the same time.

03-30-2004, 01:00 PM
Well, take your pick: A remote chance of a sudden nuclear plant failure, causing a one-time catastrophic ecological disaster, or, fossil fuel energy production causing certain, but gradual, ecological disaster.

Chernobyl is better seen as a failure of communism, not of nuclear energy. The plant was improperly designed, and extremely poorly maintained and operated. The typical communist engineering philosophy of building things cheap and simple for the benefit of the proletariat workers does not work for something this complicated. A nuclear reactor can't be built like a Kalashnikov or a Trabant, but they tried, and it melted down.

Most of the civilian casualties were a result of the surrounding population not even being told about the disaster and evacuated for days.

I'm not saying there aren't serious risks and drawbacks of nuclear energy. Disposing of waste is the biggest one - not only do you have to keep it from contaminating the surrounding area, but you have to keep it secure since many nuclear plant wastes can be reconstituted into nuclear weapons. I'm just saying a nuclear disaster on the scale of Chernobyl won't happen in the US, and traditional energy sources are just as harmful. Wind, water, and sunlight are the way to go - but it'll be a while before those technologies can supply energy for the entire world.

03-30-2004, 01:53 PM
what happen at 3mile island? I don't know the whole story behind it, but wasn't it preventable with a more careful eye? thats the thing about us, once we made something dangours and after a good few years of having it we let our gruad down and thats were the accidents happen. I don't know i think we're still not ready for such things right now with all this terriostism, but still shit can happen and shit won't happen. Ohwell, we are all going to die anyways.

03-30-2004, 04:12 PM
our nuclear plants today are more safer than chernobyl was...even back in the day our plants were still better...

everything AKADriver said is true...its just sad that that many people had to die due to something so stupid...

03-30-2004, 05:45 PM
The typical communist engineering philosophy of building things cheap and simple for the benefit of the proletariat workers does not work for something this complicated. A nuclear reactor can't be built like a Kalashnikov or a Trabant, but they tried, and it melted down.

dont be fucking stupid -- look at Rocky IV, the russians are hardcore man...

AND they have all the work-out high-tech gadgetry.. they are fucking crazy. Americans have always been idiots compared to russians, europeans, and ESPECIALLY japanese. ;)

03-30-2004, 06:51 PM
Americans have always been idiots compared to russians, europeans, and ESPECIALLY japanese. ;)
which is why they all come here to go to school.

03-30-2004, 07:43 PM
our nuclear plants today are more safer than chernobyl was...even back in the day our plants were still better...

everything AKADriver said is true...its just sad that that many people had to die due to something so stupid...

you obviiously have no idea about the technology, culture and traditions of my country. Im not shocked, its very common, after all you know no better.

03-31-2004, 12:43 AM
edit: this post made no sense to me at 9am in the morning after i posted it 6 hours b4 that after a 17hour workday.

And so just that people dont argue, i'm going to remove my post. In a sense akadriver is right, ppl did die because they were uninformed. But it wasn't the government's fault. Officials that been sent down to the spot to check the conditions reported that everything was ok because they were too scared to report otherwise. But hey i still love my country, no matter how fucked up it is. And communism wasn't all that bad. The propoganda u've been fed bout communism is the same we were fed about capitalism. Go figure. :) :fawkd:

03-31-2004, 12:43 AM
Woah, I've gotta go there. Imagine, you could drift the city streets and not ever worry about traffic, cops, or anything.

other than your LIFE...

man that is some very very interesting but vividly scary footage.. im seriously shocked. that woman has balls to go through there and take all those images.

- mike

Yeah, but it's really not much more dangerous than a track. Defenitely less dangerous than barrelling down the street at 180MPH on a little crotch rocket. Obviously, the radiation isn't too bad, if there are tours operating in the city.

Plus, it was just talking about something that would be cool. It's not like I have any intention of actually going there. It's just like wanting to go drifting the mountain passes in Japan.

03-31-2004, 12:53 AM
Being a Biologist and having studying in ecology, I can say from an environmental stand point that nuclear energy is much safer than the fossil fuel burning plants found around the world. While accidents do occur, they are far and few between. Fossil fuel are killing the environment period, just slower then what the unfortunate incidents like Chernobil. Nuclear energy is demonized becuase of accidents like Chernobil and 3 Mile Island but it is still our best bet for a clean energy source. Hell, the waste water from the the cooling pools in a nuclear power plant emits less Alpha-partical emissions then a cup of coffee per volume. Think about that the next time the sip back on your mountain grown brew.

While using air, solar and hydro powered plants is the perfered option, they are also an expensive and non-efficient option. And since the big wigs up in D.C dont like spending more money then they have too, they keep pushing fossil fuel plants. Keeps the people from worrying about "a nuclear meltdown" and keeps the people from complaining about raising taxes for development of a clearer energy source. Hell, so what if we are killing the enviornment by using plants that put out 115,000 tons of sulphor and carbon monoxide per year. We still got a few years before it can effects us. Until an efficient plant using natural sources is developed, the best answer is still nuclear power. Period

03-31-2004, 01:01 AM
anyways, as for the technology, just so u didn't think your country is so superior, every russian nuclear missle carries about 200 warheads, that will seperate and set themselves on different targets during flight. American missles only cary one. too bad. US can play policeman of the world, but always know, there is someone u HAVE to listen to before u make some decisions.

The reason for the Russian missles carrying 200 warheads is that the Russian weapon's development team were never able to develop a advanced targeting program for the ICBMs. The massive warhead payload was there to insure that at least one of the war head would hit the intended target. If not, then the whole area would be destroyed and the statistical possiblity of the target being destroyed would be increased. Think the US and the British carpet bombing of Germany during WWII as compared to laser guided missles used in conflicts today. Russian philosophy in every conflict (or preperation for conflict) as been quanity over quality. Just the way it is.

03-31-2004, 01:11 AM
that doll is scary as hell

03-31-2004, 07:28 AM
Counter on the main page reads at 750000.... 2 days ago when i read it, it was at 450000.....

03-31-2004, 10:45 AM
Wow, fascinating page. I grew up 200km north of there, in contaminated Belarus, haha.

03-31-2004, 11:06 AM
The reason for the Russian missles carrying 200 warheads is that the Russian weapon's development team were never able to develop a advanced targeting program for the ICBMs. The massive warhead payload was there to insure that at least one of the war head would hit the intended target. If not, then the whole area would be destroyed and the statistical possiblity of the target being destroyed would be increased. Think the US and the British carpet bombing of Germany during WWII as compared to laser guided missles used in conflicts today. Russian philosophy in every conflict (or preperation for conflict) as been quanity over quality. Just the way it is.

let me correct this since my whole family on my dads side develops those things.

the new topol-mt class rocket, mobile icbm is even scarier than SS-18 ans SS-22. they call them "satan". and for a damn good reason.

they just tested the new missle couple weeks ago, my dad told me some stuff about it, it will void any defence system it moved at hyperspeed. you cant shoot it down.

SS-18 carrier 15 nuclear warheads. not 200. they seperate in atmosphere to cover a very large territory. very accurate. while the naval based ss-21 and "Sevna" class rockets are decayin , the land force is still developing.
guidence programs? im sorry you dont read enough. maybe you still think US was first in space? lol. :sadwavey:

and quantity over quality? hmm i dont know, but our arms are very reliable. hands down. we own a lot of market out there. :ugh:

03-31-2004, 11:20 AM
you obviiously have no idea about the technology, culture and traditions of my country. Im not shocked, its very common, after all you know no better.

so what do you know about our countries "technology, culture and traditions" of the US of A? are you a russian rocket scientist? are you and american rocket scientist?

so what the hell did i say that had to do with anything about your traditions?

and dont tell me that an ass load of people dying is not stupid. who are you to say that i know no better? im sorry that i like to make my own informed decisions about what ive read in different books and websites dedicated to the disaster of chernobyl...unlike what russia used to be like and they censored a ton of stuff from the public unless you were in the need to know, and now tell me, who was more informed (and by this, i mean who had access to knowledge that the government didnt block) at the same time in both of our histories, the american public or the russian people?

and if you would like to say that russian nuclear plants were more developed and had better technology, show me some proof...from what ive read about the differences, i still think that i am correct in saying that when this disaster occured, we had better nuclear tech...

also, what does russias modern rockets have to do with anything about chernobyl? after all russians and americans are still friends that are probaly sharing all their information about weapons...

03-31-2004, 11:27 AM
i was just correcting him as far as rockets goes. and as far as "know no better" is justified with poor educational system in US, lack of education that is.

03-31-2004, 11:30 AM
If you have anything bad to say about the US, get the f*ck out of my country...seriously...

03-31-2004, 11:46 AM
there is plenty bad to say about the US. and it's not your country you ignorant american. "American" haha. that's laughable. there's no such thing.

03-31-2004, 11:48 AM
i was just correcting him as far as rockets goes. and as far as "know no better" is justified with poor educational system in US, lack of education that is.

at least i can spell obviously with my american education...

dont diss on the educational system of this country, yes it may be weak in certain areas (look at east LA) but for every bad school there is an amazing one to go with it, its just that the media like to start shit and get attention so they state that the US's schools suck...just like everything else the media says...

but you cant tell me that russias school system is any better, the rest of the worlds school systems suck as well, but dont make a dumb argument as to weather or not whos schools are better

03-31-2004, 11:57 AM
let me correct this since my whole family on my dads side develops those things.

the new topol-mt class rocket, mobile icbm is even scarier than SS-18 ans SS-22. they call them "satan". and for a damn good reason.

they just tested the new missle couple weeks ago, my dad told me some stuff about it, it will void any defence system it moved at hyperspeed. you cant shoot it down.

SS-18 carrier 15 nuclear warheads. not 200. they seperate in atmosphere to cover a very large territory. very accurate. while the naval based ss-21 and "Sevna" class rockets are decayin , the land force is still developing.
guidence programs? im sorry you dont read enough. maybe you still think US was first in space? lol. :sadwavey:

and quantity over quality? hmm i dont know, but our arms are very reliable. hands down. we own a lot of market out there. :ugh:

New Russian missle technology may very well be up to par with the other current western nuclear powers, I am not sure. But at the height of the cold war the Russian ICBM program was the equivalent of trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer. The guidence systems on these rockets were basically using the same technology as that of the V-2 rockets from WWII; gyroscopes, mercury attitude sensors, staged ignitor switches for rocket release. It was basically calculating fuel, setting the ignitor burn period length for release and pointing the rockets the right direction and hoping that one of your missles hit the target.

From the Napoleonic and Crimean wars onward, the Russian military philosophy has been to place as many troops with as much equipment into the field as possible, hoping that the amount of men and materials will counter balance the lack of quality in the training and equipment. Using the steamroller effect on the battlefield rather then precision attack. It is because of this doctorine that the blackmarkets throughout the world are flooded with cold-war era Russian military technology, simply because there is so much of it any one could get it and for cheap. Weapons such as the AK-47 are used by militaries around simply due to the fact that they are cheap and if one breaks, there are so many spare part to use or another one maybe purchased for next to practically nothing.

Guess I dont read enough....the minor I got in History of World Conflicts was a huge waste of time. And no I dont think that the Americans were the first in space, everyone knows it was the French

ryan hagen
03-31-2004, 11:59 AM
there is plenty bad to say about the US. and it's not your country you ignorant american. "American" haha. that's laughable. there's no such thing.

american, lol then what are we, last time i checked was american, or german-irish-american, what ever, and it is our country, we just dont know what to do with it. lol russian war fare, "when the man in fornt falls pick up the rifle and shoot" lol enemy at the gates.....yah in the history class i took it said russia always tried to win by numbers, throw enough out and some should get there.

03-31-2004, 12:01 PM
you know what i meant though

i dont like the "this is my country" attitude.

this is a country for everyone. the doors are open to everyone. the country is run by everyone. there is no more majority. minorities are majority.

03-31-2004, 12:28 PM
it should be this is our country...we are all in this together...

actually, it should be this is our world...i had an hour long onversation with one of my friends discussing the fundamental problems of the world and where they come from...if you look at it like this, we are our worst enemy...

03-31-2004, 06:13 PM
yah in the history class i took it said russia always tried to win by numbers, throw enough out and some should get there.

Guess what? It works. Russia's war record is no worse than the US's.

To those judging Russia: Different philosophies, sure, but to each their own. Unless you have lived in Russia or Belarus or Ukraine during Soviet times, please quit making cretins of yourselves. You have to understand that not everyone lives or even wants to live like you. Different cultures, different people.

drift freaq
03-31-2004, 06:14 PM
ok that is one site that numbs you to say the least. It left me feeling pretty bleak. Thank god 3 mile island was able to be contained and did not go critical like cherynobl. they say if they had not caught 3 mile island within somewhere around 1/2 hour of when they did we would have seen a similar situation except 3 mile island was located in a much larger population base.
anyways on to the debate about countries , Russian great that you speak up about the new soviet ICBM's but do you realize that american missiles are so precision accurate at this time that they can take out a building in a block and leave all the others standing? Fact is our conventional weaponry is so scary we don't even need to worry about nukes.
But , this is the United States and contrary to how the world may view us due to our head up their ass current adminstration its a country founded on the principles of being a place for all . In that sense it is , in fact this kind of country/expirement is a first for the human race . No where in the history of man have so many cultures been put together under one umbrella and had it survive as long as 200 years. Its unprecendented. I am proud of that. Does our country make mistakes and do fucked up shit sometimes? hell ya, show me a single country in the world that has not done that. You can't every country in the world has fucked someone or their own at one time or another. Yet no one has tried to put so many different races and cultures together like this before the United States. Its a strong statement . Lets hope it can be the example for the evolution of mankind i.e. one world one race the human race.

gets down off the podium and walks out of the hall.........

drift freaq
03-31-2004, 06:26 PM
Guess what? It works. Russia's war record is no worse than the US's.

To those judging Russia: Different philosophies, sure, but to each their own. Unless you have lived in Russia or Belarus or Ukraine during Soviet times, please quit making cretins of yourselves. You have to understand that not everyone lives or even wants to live like you. Different cultures, different people.
making cretins of ourselves? is russian not doing the same thing by bragging about how great russia is ? about how superior soviet technology was? give me a break . sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.
don't hide behind that kind of statement. Like I said in my earlier post america is a fascinating expirement. Russia, the Ukraine during soviet times? my friends who are russians have lots of stories and you know what? They are glad to be here and not stuck under the oppressive totalarian regime that was the Soviet Union.
Where you basically had to cheat the system to get ahead.guess what you don't have to do that here. The Soviet Union turned a lot of perfectly otherwise honest people into snitchs con artists and thieves. Why cause they could not get shit if they did not do that. The only people that had it decent were members of the communist party at the expense of everyone else.
if you liked the soviet system and russia so much why don't you move back there? I was born in this country of Italian american blood and english/scottish american blood. You are welcome to criticize my country because we do believe in free speech but if you feel its so different and that your soviet culture was better then go back to russia and allow some other immgrant who wants to come here take your place.

03-31-2004, 07:54 PM
my friends who are russians have lots of stories and you know what? They are glad to be here and not stuck under the oppressive totalarian regime that was the Soviet Union.

they are jewish, right? those people migrated to US in numbers because of "racial" oppression. what a joke, liars. i cant stand for the most part those "russians" (not everyone of course), they are assholes. and brooklin is the worst example of russsian communities. gross.

and let me guess how far did you go in your education? wal-mart parking lot, right? :fawk:

you are that type of personality which is quite popular now, "Nobody can have a different opinion", "you dont like it go home". etc. you are sooo limited in your nature, come on!

oh btw, if i ever saw a russian talking shit about his life back home, i'll beat his ass. come on line up. :bash: cant stand whining bitches :duh:

03-31-2004, 09:11 PM
and let me guess how far did you go in your education? wal-mart parking lot, right? :fawk:

wow, what a nice thing to say asswad...fuck you...and no, im in college right now, and then im joining the army

ok, so how far has education taken you? ovbiously you saw something better in the US or you wouldnt be here, so what the fuck is your problem...

so since that was a personal attack and you are very childish about a simple debate which you lost and the only come back is to tell me that im a failure, which im not...grow the fuck up

and no, im trying to get the facts straight, and where is the evidence that russian schools are better? hmm? since you are basically talking out of your ass, just shut the fuck up...dont personally attack people if you arent ready to be attacked back...i could say a lot of racial things or bad mouth you, but im a step above that...and i refuse to think like a neandrathal, like you

so personally, fuck you too

if you dont like what i said, id be happy for you to send me a PM and we can discuss this in a civil manner, but dont bash me asshat


03-31-2004, 09:25 PM
they are jewish, right? those people migrated to US in numbers because of "racial" oppression. what a joke, liars. i cant stand for the most part those "russians" (not everyone of course), they are assholes. and brooklin is the worst example of russsian communities. gross.

all the way with ya on that one :) Hitler hated jews too, but i doubt any germans would complain of his regime. After all he must've been supported by alot of ppl, he did almost take over the world.

As for education, you ppl gotta stop arguing. American education is a joke compared to russian education. If there was something communism did better in, that's education. I learned in 8th grade in russia what i studied here in 12th.

Oh and as far as education took me, i'm 20, have a bachelor degree, earning ~50K right now, to be 70-80K by the end of the year. My parents earn ~70K each and live in a 400K house. All that after being in this country for 6 years and coming here with not a dime.

What i saw here? Nothing. I didn't care enough when i was 14. I must however agree that this country has way more opportunities than Russia. The fact i'm here is not cuz i like this country so much, but because I can get more from this country... call me a parasite if u want. I will exploit my opportunities to get the best out of US, but deep inside i still stick with values i grew up with heh oh well :gives:

blah, i didn't want to argue in this thread, but u guys are forcing me lol. and lets get back to the original topic!

edit: edited so ppl dont take offense :p

03-31-2004, 09:32 PM
Where you basically had to cheat the system to get ahead.guess what you don't have to do that here. The Soviet Union turned a lot of perfectly otherwise honest people into snitchs con artists and thieves. Why cause they could not get shit if they did not do that. The only people that had it decent were members of the communist party at the expense of everyone else.

wrong. very wrong. The reason communism regime failed, is not because ppl were killing or stealing. Crime was on a very low scale. Reason was, that since everything was free and everyone had access to everything, lazy ppl decided that they didn't have to work in order to live normally. And so they refused to work, yet recieved same benefits as everyone else. On the other hand, those ppl who could get ahead with their talent, had no incentive to, since everyone was equal and everything was shared. Whats the point to strive if u arent' getting your brains worth? So those ppl left the country. In the end, the population was dividing into those who left, and bums that remained. And then money ran short to feed the bums.

03-31-2004, 09:35 PM
and will always await US's downfall :) heh oh well :gives:

wow, i have nothing else to say to such a comment, makes me glad that in a year i could be dieing over in iraq for people like you...good job buddy

and i think that what youre doing is cool in this country and i have nothing against that...lots of people do that, at least you arent leeching off our welfare system...

but dont say stupid shit like that in public, people really take offense to shit like that, i know i did

dont bash my country, im proud of it, and i am aware that it has its flaws...did you see me bashing yours? no.


03-31-2004, 09:45 PM
wow, i have nothing else to say to such a comment, makes me glad that in a year i could be dieing over in iraq for people like you...good job buddy

no u are not dieing in iraq for people like me. I have no clue whats' the whole iraqi thing is about. Free iraq my ass. I dunnow what bush was thinking, but it was clear that the compaign is a loss as is. So they kicked Saddam out. The moment they leave they'll have saddam #2, doing the same shit. And while the forces stay they will die. And just let democrats get to power, they'll pull the forces out in no time. I'll laugh.

And don't take offence. It's the way i was brought up. Just like u were brought up to hate communism. Maybe i worded it wrong. Hell, doing my work i help economy grow, but i dont care. Probably the more right way to say it would be that every time us screws up, it makes me smile, because with the american approach of "we can this, and we can that and noone can stop us" its always a pleasure to see US get slapped.

03-31-2004, 11:13 PM
i see your point, but i am still fighting for this country, and that means you too...doesnt have to mean if its right or wrong...

americans werent taught to hate communism, i actually love what karl marx has written and i like the idea of pure communism, but im not a communist in any way, i like the ideas that he represents

but whatever, i dont even know why im arguing lol

04-01-2004, 06:53 AM
If you lived in Iraq, you would pray everyday that a ruler like Saddam would be driven out of power...Did you not see the people crying and celebrating?!!? Just because Bush isnt a p*ssy democrat who wants to have 6 year negotiations that go nowhere, that makes you hate him?

And obviously some people didn't take my advice , get out of my, our, and the PROUD american's country if you have anything bad to say about the US..
I have not said anything bad against Russia/USSR, but when you start talking sh*t about this great country we are blessed to live in, thats when you p*ss me off..

04-01-2004, 08:32 AM
i could be dieing over in iraq for people like you...good job buddy

dear Glen, so much anger? do you actually believe you are dieing for your country?? you are deing for politics and bullshit of top 3% of commanding population . your death would be merely a statistic for them, they will pretend to care, still getting political points.

stop being so naive.

04-01-2004, 08:45 AM
RUSSIAN.....who the hell are you to belittle what Glen or all the other soldiers have done to protect our country, in war today, or 60 years ago..That is the reason why I am not typing in German, or Japanese, or even Russian..Why do you even live in this country..

and you're not winning any argument, you are winning the a$$hole of the year award...

04-01-2004, 09:38 AM
If you have anything bad to say about the US, get the f*ck out of my country...seriously...

fuck you and fuck america.. when's the last time you bought anything because it was "MADE IN AMERICA" -- shieeeeeeeeeet, seriously.

04-01-2004, 09:40 AM
at least i can spell obviously with my american education...

dont diss on the educational system of this country, yes it may be weak in certain areas (look at east LA) but for every bad school there is an amazing one to go with it, its just that the media like to start shit and get attention so they state that the US's schools suck...just like everything else the media says...

but you cant tell me that russias school system is any better, the rest of the worlds school systems suck as well, but dont make a dumb argument as to weather or not whos schools are better

east LA my nuts, EVERY fucking school in Los Angeles blows dick if you ask me.. even Beverly Hills high sucks major cock.. fuckin bunch of junky rich kids paying their way through school.

please.... schools in general are a joke

04-01-2004, 09:43 AM
RUSSIAN.....who the hell are you to belittle what Glen or all the other soldiers have done to protect our country, in war today, or 60 years ago..That is the reason why I am not typing in German, or Japanese, or even Russian..Why do you even live in this country..

and you're not winning any argument, you are winning the a$$hole of the year award...

a perfect example of a moron we discussed. thank you, come again!

04-01-2004, 09:44 AM
I think RUssian brings the most valid points to the table. He is real, not sugarcoating his feelings. I agree with most things, but you gotta RESPECT our troops. Too bad the guy leading our troops is a jackass.

04-01-2004, 09:48 AM
i have respect for men fighting on either side. i could have chosen a military career, and im 100% i would make my mama proud :hahano: i just refuse to die for politics. but i will die for my friends or my family.

04-01-2004, 09:49 AM
ona lighter note, we need an Off-topic political chat. :tweak:

ryan hagen
04-01-2004, 09:56 AM
wow, i have nothing else to say to such a comment, makes me glad that in a year i could be dieing over in iraq for people like you...good job buddy

and i think that what youre doing is cool in this country and i have nothing against that...lots of people do that, at least you arent leeching off our welfare system...

but dont say stupid shit like that in public, people really take offense to shit like that, i know i did

dont bash my country, im proud of it, and i am aware that it has its flaws...did you see me bashing yours? no.


i got friends over there now, i agree, i back u guys 100%......i think (had a histroy class that spent 2 weeks on iraq when this happened) that they needed it, and we did need to help them, cause only we could/would. U guys have so any problems with every thing here why did u come here? its seems many of you are trying to say u went to a worse place??????

04-01-2004, 09:57 AM
i have respect for men fighting on either side. i could have chosen a military career, and im 100% i would make my mama proud :hahano: i just refuse to die for politics. but i will die for my friends or my family.

thats exactly my view on this... if you're in the military for whatever reason, good.. you're services are appreciated and all that good stuff, but dont make it seem like you got up one morning and decided to do this for "us." I dont fight, I dont kill, I dont get involved with politics because I am well confident that the REAL reasons behind war are rarely mentioned and typically covered up. Yeah, I believe in the illuminati controlling shit.. thats the way the world turns.

I have friends in the military who are fighting out there, and yeah it sucks that they are away and risking their lives.. I very much respect what they do, even though there is no way I would ever want to do that just because its against my beliefs. I am not going to fight for a "country" .. it just doesnt make sense to me. America is a great place to live but anytime you get too involved with this political mentality its as if you are getting brain washed.

I dont say shit like "fuck cops" like most people do, because cops have a job and I respect that as well. But, I will say that a lot of the stuff people get cited for and jailed for is crazy.. its a money making scheme, and thats the way countries are run. Its never a FREE country.. people have to pay one way or the other. AND, people in the military are getting paid for what they are doing.

As for Russia vs US, its all good.. it doesnt matter.. its all opinion, there's really no way to judge which one is better or worse.. because you have to look at the pros and cons. Every country has its ups and downs, its good and bad, and its good citizens and bad ones.. you just cant generalize.

I still dont like when people say this is "my country" and "get the fuck out if you're not down with America" .. reminds me of Jerry Springer when I hear all these racist idiots yelling. People live in America, have your beliefs, and just focus on being good people..

There.. lets keep the peace.

04-01-2004, 10:00 AM
you know, i hope some of you guys even have russian friends, french friends, persian friends, atleast that way you dont sound so crazy when you talk about other people's cultures. i have plenty of friends from numerous cultures.. the more you expand yourself the easier it is to see their perspectives. it sure can get confusing though...

04-01-2004, 10:04 AM
you know, i hope some of you guys even have russian friends, french friends, persian friends, atleast that way you dont sound so crazy when you talk about other people's cultures. i have plenty of friends from numerous cultures.. the more you expand yourself the easier it is to see their perspectives. it sure can get confusing though...

werd mike. i KNOW you have some Armenian friends living in LA.. haha most of them probably drive civics. it's sad

04-01-2004, 10:08 AM

you just gotta go out there and give it a 110% percent. you wanna play good. and you hope you play good. well we had a prety good game tonight. :eek:

04-01-2004, 10:29 AM

you just gotta go out there and give it a 110% percent. you wanna play good. and you hope you play good. well we had a prety good game tonight. :eek:

hey roosk, i got your high output bulbs in stock. give me a call or e-mail, blet. ;)

04-01-2004, 10:58 AM
It is MY country...it is OUR country..
I have not said one bad thing about any other culture, and have friends from diverse cultures...Its your complaining about how life is in America that set me off. If you don't like it, leave..
Just keep your lips sealed as the pledge of allegiance plays, since politics are the backbone of our country..which you don't support..

And thats your opinion "Russian" if you think I'm a moron, good for you.

and westboroughpimp, it is easy for Russian and Ols S13 to be the devils advocate, picking apart the flaws of a country.....SO "pimp", wipe the splooge off your chin from giving those 2 felatio about their posts..

04-01-2004, 11:03 AM
and westboroughpimp, it is easy for Russian and Ols S13 to be the devils advocate, picking apart the flaws of a country.....SO "pimp", wipe the splooge off your chin from giving those 2 felatio about their posts..

did we wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? mmkay. they weren't picking apart the flaws, cause if anyone tried to do that they'd be typing forever. Russian brought good points to the table is all i said. If you call that felatio then hand me a napkin.


04-01-2004, 11:07 AM
hey west, i think your singature says it all.....

04-01-2004, 11:17 AM
Oh Russain!! stop giving me felatio!! s14speed hand us a napkin please

04-01-2004, 11:20 AM
i thought you guys might have been a couple...real cute lol

04-01-2004, 11:22 AM
tough shit , but i just cant dump yo mama, shes soo good :fawk2:

04-01-2004, 11:25 AM
my mom is dead a$$hole.....

04-01-2004, 11:37 AM
ok, this is just a question...

lets say that china decides to invade our country, what would you all do? go back to russia? refuse to defend our borders?

i mean come on, you live here, at least respect what it means to be an american, and do the right thing and support our troops that are deployed...

and yes it would be dieing for my country, even if it is for some stupid asshole...think about the reasons of why we are over there, we are defending what our constitution has laid down...

and let me guess, all you are going to say is that bush lied to us and thats why we are over there? or that its all b/c of sept 11...

hell, there is no more fucking pride in this country...and its really goddamn sad

04-01-2004, 11:49 AM
ok so im stuck here at work for 26hours, come on back here and get 1.5 new pages of worthless bickering CRAP. If u wonna argue in my thread start throwing some real ARGUMENTS :fawk:

As for constitution, that's what AMERICAN constitution laid down for AMERICAN people, not the rest of the world. That's why other countries have their OWN 'constitutions'. If i wonna live by the rules of communism, who the fuck are YOU to tell me i can't or that its bad? GFY.

And if you are so damn concerned with iraqi freedom, then why don't you open up the fuckin border and let all the iraqis who are so oprressed onto your territory, just like you did with jews from russia? Oh, sorry you don't want any islamic terrorism-oriented people in your country. Then STFU about 'freedom'. Horseshit.

Now everybody STFU and go back to the topic of this post. 50K to get to a million hits :-o. Blah, no sleep in 30 hours, last 26 of which were spent at work... yes i'm cranky.

04-01-2004, 11:54 AM
i think you guys, that are russian, will find this funny. :bow: hope that lightens you up at work dude.

04-01-2004, 01:19 PM
^^^^ HAHA good stuff. Used to watch those cartoons all the time... Nu Pagadi! is even better.

As for those bitching about how "you should go back to your own country", don't forget Russia is no longer a communist country and it is nothing like it was 12 years ago. Since the chernobyl disaster occured during the USSR times, I assumed you were all commenting on the political system back then, which, today, is a totally moot point. Russia has been a capitalist democracy (albeit run by the communist party somewhat) for quite a while now. As a matter of fact, their democratic system IMO, is almost better than the US's in that they do not have a 2-party system but rather a choice of 5 or 6 almost equally-desired candidates in each election. On top of that, they have the "we don't like any of these fools, let's get new candidates and start over" option on every poll... wish we had that in the US 2000 elections! Or 2004 for that matter!

I'm not ripping on the US by any means. I love this place for what it is, and I'd rather live here than Russia (at this time). And most of us never made the choice to come here, but rather came over with our parents.

04-01-2004, 02:13 PM
As for constitution, that's what AMERICAN constitution laid down for AMERICAN people, not the rest of the world. That's why other countries have their OWN 'constitutions'. If i wonna live by the rules of communism, who the fuck are YOU to tell me i can't or that its bad? GFY.

yes, but once another country attacks ours, it is a problem with OUR freedom...and i never said that i was fighting for their freedom, im fighting for the people of this country (and that means all the lost people in 9/11 for example, their FREEDOM was imposed on)

And if you are so damn concerned with iraqi freedom, then why don't you open up the fuckin border and let all the iraqis who are so oprressed onto your territory, just like you did with jews from russia? Oh, sorry you don't want any islamic terrorism-oriented people in your country. Then STFU about 'freedom'. Horseshit.

im not really concerned with iraquis freedom, actually i really coundnt give a shit, and i never said that i was interested in giving them their freedom, as far as i care, Saddam was one of the best things that country had, sure he was an asshole, but he did a few things right (like banning all religion so there was no way any religious fanatics could start shit in his country like in israel) and that comment about "islamic terrorism-oriented people" is utter horseshit and you know it, not every arabic person is a terrorist, and as far as i can tell, some of their religions have started less stupid wars that all the catholics and jews

Now everybody STFU and go back to the topic of this post. 50K to get to a million hits :-o. Blah, no sleep in 30 hours, last 26 of which were spent at work... yes i'm cranky.

i will, if you will :)


04-01-2004, 03:20 PM
I'm okay with invading Iraq, i'm just not cool with the billions it takes to repair everything. Dont blow something up then go fix it. it's stupid. Bomb it, blow it up, kill, leave it there, go back home.

04-01-2004, 06:17 PM
What most countrys think of the US is - They are trying to be the "World Police"

Im not talking shit, Im just saying, America does not need to stick there nose in other people buisnes, because then America picks a side and starts fighting. (alot of time the wrong side)

I am from Serbia, and I got to see exactly how much planing went into "Operation Balkins" , lets see, they took the side of bosnia because Serbians were killing them off, then they see Serbia is not affected, so America goes in with air force, Serbia shot them down ( The first Stealth shot down in history). So then they step back, and from a distence they shoot with their "presision" missles, and blow up the Chineese Embassy, HAHAHAHA ! ! China became furious, America packed there stuff, and that was the last you heard it on CNN.
Its funny how lots of Americans had nothing but bad things to say about the French because the refused to get involve with " Operation Iraki Freedom ", One year later, who do you think is being laugh at? Now who do you think will risk future Terrorist attack, France or America? America just lost lives and billions of dollars, I would of though the thing in the Balkins would taught somethings about snooping around and engaging in battle, but three years later America is at it again, and in two years America will battle with the Eskimos over an Icecream cone buisness, (would not laugh, could possably become true). I recomend America get out of Irak and chill out, It would be in the intrest of the American people.

04-02-2004, 01:39 AM
keep the flaming to a minimum and the discussion to the maximum.
actually, since this thread has gone off-topic, start a new one on the matter, or drop it completely.

The original site in question is awesome, and I'm envious of her, and yet, sad for her.