View Full Version : sr flywheel and clutch Q's

03-28-2004, 09:15 PM
hey do u guys think the 105-112 ft lbs of torque for the 8 flywheel bolts are necessary because my friend with an MKiii supra told me he only torqued his to about 80 and he's had no problems.....and when i try to torque it the specs, its pretty hard. i dont know just curious to see what you guys think. i was also wondering about my SR clutch bolts. are all 9 necessary as well?? because don't ka24's only have 6? just curious cuz i lost 2 bolts and nissan wants 6 bucks per bolt. and if i DO have to replace the bolts, will ka bolts fit? or do i need the SR's. thanks everyone....

03-29-2004, 03:08 AM
Personally, I won't half ass anything when you already got this far. Follow bolt torque specs, maybe minus 5 lb-ft. As for the bolts, I would say why not buy it? It's only <15$, think of the long run, especially when you already got it out like that. Not spending <15$, and screwing up something in the thousands is totally not worth it. Good luck

03-29-2004, 09:51 AM
the KA bolts fit, but the parts guy at the nissan dealership said they weren't hardened so we just used 3 basic bolts from an autosupply place. i secons what nissandriver said, don't half ass something in that area, even fixing something cheap in that area is a pain in the ass. and you don't want to worry about it down the road if you start pushing more power.