View Full Version : Finally Here!!

03-28-2004, 02:28 AM
Well, I finally made it to Japan. After years of waiting and 25 hours of traveling, were here safe and sound. Went walking around town today and had a look see here and there, and it's a quaint little town. After I get moved into my place, the next step is to get myself a car. Siliva S14 K's, just as pretty as my baby back home. Well wish me luck, I can't wait to get my new home on a roll. Laters all.

P.S. - Don't ask me to send you parts.

03-28-2004, 02:32 AM
send me parts manG!

anyways hope you have fun there

why are you there armed forces? or just plain ole moving there?

03-28-2004, 02:39 AM
I'm military. There's no way I'd ever get myself up to doing all that traveling without a reason.

03-28-2004, 02:46 AM
Good luck and have a great time there and I am jealous you are getting to travel and live there for a while. I wanted to visit there but it is so damn expensive. Good luck with the S14 hope to see pics soon.

03-28-2004, 02:48 AM
how long are you stationed out there? hope you have a great time and be sure to keep us updated with some pics.

03-31-2004, 03:15 PM
well, I'm gonna be here for a good while, so I'll have some time to get a car put together and then when it comes time to go home, I'll strip 'er down, junk the shell and have the heart and soul of a silvia sitting in my garage ready to rebuild my car in the states. That's the plan anyway. I'm actually thinking of keeping kind of a log on here, showing parts installed/installation and places and events based around the car only. What ya'll think. Would you be interested if I took the time to make kind of a log and pictures and all that mess on here?

03-31-2004, 03:32 PM
where the hell is Fussa? mainland?

04-02-2004, 06:48 AM
where the hell is Fussa? mainland?

Fussa is a city on the outskirts of Tokyo. Technically were still in Tokyo.

On another note, I'm getting a family car tomorrow. I'm getting a '94 Gloria all pimped out and gunmetal gray. I think I might go full VIP so the wifey has something nice to drive, but I'm actually having a hard time finding an s14 Silvia K's. All the ones I've seen so far have been NA (Q's). So after I pay off the Gloria in a few months, I'll be back in it for an s14.


I've also found out that I actually have the ability to ship my s14 over from the states on Uncle Sam's credit card. I'm no sure if I want to really do that, but if I do, I'll probably go KA-T just because I can and to be different in JP. What ya'll think.

04-02-2004, 07:25 AM
lol... you'll be one of the few with LHD USDM s14s. i wonder what japanese street racers would say about the ka24de. that would definitely be interesting. ka-t in japan would be 1337.

04-02-2004, 08:32 AM
Fussa is a city on the outskirts of Tokyo. Technically were still in Tokyo.
Hmm what base are you stationed on? We'll be on the outskirts of Tokyo as well..

I've also found out that I actually have the ability to ship my s14 over from the states on Uncle Sam's credit card.

As in the Gov't will pay? I wonder why they won't pay for any of our cars, then...


04-02-2004, 08:37 AM
lol... you'll be one of the few with LHD USDM s14s. i wonder what japanese street racers would say about the ka24de. that would definitely be interesting. ka-t in japan

hah hah I was thinking when I read that,"isn't that reverse of what most people want to do..." Why not have a freind sell it and get something better to replace it? Silvia K? S13 or S14? Hell,any other one of those japanese wonder cars we(states) will never see:( ?

04-02-2004, 08:47 AM
ok, after 5 minutes on google, it looks like you're on Yokota AB. And Fussa is only 32km from Atsugi!
Wanna play cars sometime? :D
We'll be there in the middle of May.. and should hopefully be fairly settled by early June.

04-02-2004, 11:34 PM
well KEWL beans!! Shoot me a PM sometime.

04-02-2004, 11:38 PM
hah hah I was thinking when I read that,"isn't that reverse of what most people want to do..." Why not have a freind sell it and get something better to replace it? Silvia K? S13 or S14? Hell,any other one of those japanese wonder cars we(states) will never see:( ?

Well I don't want to sell it (lotsa sentimental value), and I never got really got on my feet w/ this car(as is build up). I would like to continue building this chassis, and if at all possible I'll probably never get rid of it. It's payed off, got more miles than just about any other s14 I've ever seen and she's one tough cookie. If I bring it over here, I don't have to buy another one, money saved to put into the car. Get it?

04-03-2004, 03:17 AM
To bad for you other zilvia members... you guys dont get parts... (Goldmember Voice) "But I dooooooooo!" :rofl: Only cuz im his lil brudda. And im taking care of his lil baby. O yeah, my s14 next to my bro's s14. The driveway looks much prettier now. :D And bro, alot of people at school are wondering who did those "huge ass doughnuts" in our student parkinglot. Tell Chelle and LiL bIt :hyper: i said hi!! later bro. :kiss:

04-03-2004, 09:11 AM
lol... you'll be one of the few with LHD USDM s14s. i wonder what japanese street racers would say about the ka24de. that would definitely be interesting. ka-t in japan would be 1337.

They'd probably eat that LHD KAT right up. You could be the KAT ambassador to Japan. Plus...right before you move back to the states you could swap something else in there (RB25, S15 SR, etc.).


04-04-2004, 04:17 AM
well nothing is definate yet. GotsTa get the car over here first, and then I'll go from there. In all actuality, I just want my LSD back, LOL, and I miss my baby. Yeah, and I guess I could probably turn a few heads w/ a KAT in Tokyo. I wonder if thems would figure it out if I made a badge that says "KAT", since I have no badges on the rear.

04-04-2004, 04:34 AM
which base are you at? I use to be at Yokota, which is in Fuji i think. Have fun.

06-13-2004, 10:54 AM
well, long overdue update.(Sorry, haven't received my comp yet). I didn't get my s14 afterall, but I did get a steal on an s13 coupe. Let me reiterate, a steal. Well, it's a '93, white and came w/ a bunch of goodies out the box. Such as; 2way, enkei 2 piece wheels(16x7 and x8) w/ mucho tread on the tires, (after some research) I think HKS Superdown springs that drop the car too low, GAB adjustables, f/r STB, HKS SSQV BOV, HKS shroom filter, a seat that fits snug, sabelt harnes, Apex'i boost gauge, Apex'i multichecker, RAZO Turbo timer, Pivot speed limit defenser thingy(rids governor), MD player w/ no speakers, RSR NVidia catback, some beefy T/C rods(no distinquishing marks, looks just like SPL rods), and my first mod were to install subframe spacers bought at Tanaka Eng. (marks of some that used to be there), and I guess the car used to belong to someone from a team called "Selfish". Also came w/ an aftermarket steering wheel and a couple of spacers (35mm installed, 10mm in console). Like I said, a steal, and the only things wrong w/ it are it needed and oil change(already done), tranny and diff fluid change is next, and it also has an exhaust leak where the turbo/manny meet and somehow it passed JCI inspection w/ the leak, but I did have to buy a set of stock wheels to pass. Oh, I forgot to mention that I stole this car for Y50000. Which at the time I bought it equates to $478. It did come w/ 108K Kilometers on the odo, but still that's only like 67K miles. Not bad if I do say so my self. I will say that it takes some adjustment going from drifting NA to turbo. I have learned that this car definately is a big change from and s14, and this car is definately above my abilities........................for now. Definately having a good time though, and once I get my computer back then get it fixed and up N running, I'll shoot some pics. Hope all is well back in the states, cause in all actuality, I don't miss it all that much.

06-13-2004, 12:11 PM
wow.... just wow..... nice find.

06-13-2004, 12:18 PM
So jealous man, nice. Hope you have fun. Wish I coulda joined the military now even more, I mighta been stationed there too. ;) Oh well, keep it real and have fun man!

06-13-2004, 12:22 PM
Blahhhhhhhhh I hate you! J/K!!!! I am sooo jealous. nothing like that over here yet, none that we can find. lucky man! hehe

Did kevin (mr meph) ever pm you yet???

06-13-2004, 12:25 PM
FIndme a skylineline for $4000 and I will pay $7,000 for it.

06-13-2004, 01:00 PM
FIndme a skylineline for $4000 and I will pay $7,000 for it.

LoL, you can pray for one. He already told me hes not giving anyone anything (as far as i know). Xcept me and a friend of mine. Cuz im his bro n my friend is cool. BTW bro, you should try to post more often! :hug:

06-13-2004, 01:13 PM
wow man lucky you!

06-13-2004, 02:04 PM
i did, i had to re-register.. i been here a long time... mostly around FA and nico are my home bases..

06-13-2004, 03:36 PM

07-22-2004, 12:51 AM
Alright, been a while. Still don't have my PC up and running yet. Spending too much money on my car. Well, I've just been elected as the secretary of the TSCC. A local on base car club, we do gyhmkana. Also, I've replaced the GABS w/ a set of used but good condition TIEN HE's that I scored for under $300. Got another driver seat for $20, used of course. I broke the old FRP one and ziptied (about 15) along the break. Held up for a while, then gave in. And I'm about to rip off the mani/turbo to fix a bad exhaust leak. All of this for an event coming up, I can't remember exactly where it is, but it's got something like 7 different courses in one spot, 15000 yen, 34 hrs over two days of drifting. Gonna be crazy. On top of that, a whole cow is going to be cooked. So from what I hear, I'm lookin at 2-3 hours of on-track time over the weekend, all for under $150. Can't wait. Also put in a head unit, and some speakers. Next on my list after all that stuff is to rebuild the LSD and get some suspension arms and braces. Maybe even a cage, and get another set of wheels and enough tires to fill the trunk and (stripped for event) interior. We'll see how it all pans out. Oh, almost forgot to mention, my wife bought me an early B-day present, some Denso Iridium plugs ($60). Thanks babe, that was a great gift. Also, I've done made a visit to some underground spots for drift, and also made a trip to Daikoku (under the Rainbow Bridge). Well, laters all, and silviagrl, hit me up sometime, I think there's going to be a couple of silvias for sale here, and someone in my squadron is selling a CLEAN Hachiroku for cheap. Let me know if your interested.

Finally, laters,

07-22-2004, 12:54 AM
FIndme a skylineline for $4000 and I will pay $7,000 for it.

OK, but I'd hate to rip you off. Why a skyline anyway? I got over here, and they're everywhere. The only skyline here that might make me take a second look is a cherry R34, but even then, it comes down to just a glance. Don't buy the hype kid.

07-22-2004, 07:11 AM
All of this for an event coming up, I can't remember exactly where it is

Ebisu! I wish I could make it to that event..
We ended up getting a car..

Do you ever come down to Atsugi at all? Maybe we could meet up at Up Garage in Machida sometime.. I think they have some rollbars for cheap.


07-22-2004, 11:56 AM
Nice to see ya posting back on zilvia bro! Can't wait to see what you got me for my birthday! :D Anyway, take care.

07-23-2004, 06:15 AM
Ebisu! I wish I could make it to that event..
We ended up getting a car..


yeah man, we should all meet up sometime. Maybe do some touge on a nice night. There's a couple of nice spots up here, or maybe you could come down here for some gyhmkana. PM me and we can swap some info. Also, nice car, man I originally wanted a 180, but I got a steal on this one, and your wheel are the bomb diggity, cuz I got the same ones!! LOL

07-23-2004, 06:17 AM
Nice to see ya posting back on zilvia bro! Can't wait to see what you got me for my birthday! :D Anyway, take care.

I told you what I got for you. The clear zenki headlight lenses. They'll look so cherry on our cars. Schweeet even!!!!

07-23-2004, 03:11 PM
Oh yeah, lol. I forgot all about those :D Dad's going to come visit us for a week, Aug. 1st - the 8th. Maybe you should give a call or something. Or maybe we'll just call you. Why dont you try n post a vid of you drifting out there in japan? That'd be cool.

Edit: Wanna try n send me some R34 GTR rims? Just looking for a pair for the rear :cool: Try and shoot me a price, ill see what i can do.

07-25-2004, 06:48 PM
Hey are supras everywhere over there too?!?!?!

Bill Roberts
07-25-2004, 08:38 PM
Killer dude, take lots of pictures, turn us on to the scene and keep us up to date!

I need some goodies myself.

07-26-2004, 03:35 PM
I cant wait for when i go there next summer... :rolleyes: :coold: Who knows, i might just bring back some goodies with me :D

08-14-2004, 02:27 AM
Edit: Wanna try n send me some R34 GTR rims? Just looking for a pair for the rear :cool: Try and shoot me a price, ill see what i can do.

yeah, I've seen two sets and some used parts shops, and they run right around $1000, on the plus side of that.

08-14-2004, 02:33 AM
Hey are supras everywhere over there too?!?!?!

actually, no. I don't see nearly as many Supras (late model) as I do FD's and FC's. Rotaries seem to run rampant around here. I think I've seed more RX's than S chassis's. I've only seen a handfull of supras around here. Also on another note, I hit some bozozoku guy w/ an egg. They roll up and down the road outside of my apartment and just keep revving their loud ass bikes for no apparent reason other than piss me off in the middle of the night. I was at a friends house and they were rolling by, I launched an egg. Connected w/ his facemask, and the guy must have been doing like 80 clicks. Freaking hilarious. Just thought I'd share that.

08-15-2004, 05:16 AM
that was me you BAsTard!!!!!!!!

j/k..haha good one

08-15-2004, 07:37 AM
yeah man, we should all meet up sometime. Maybe do some touge on a nice night. There's a couple of nice spots up here, or maybe you could come down here for some gyhmkana. PM me and we can swap some info. Also, nice car, man I originally wanted a 180, but I got a steal on this one, and your wheel are the bomb diggity, cuz I got the same ones!! LOL
When I was in Yokota last I made a trip to see the Kevin clan in Atsugi. Here's a tip: PAY ATTENTION AS YOU GO! I got lost bigtime. I was driving an official US Dept of Def. vehicle and didn't get back to Yokota until after midnight. Worth the trip though. They okay folks. :)

09-28-2004, 06:58 PM
Well lates update, now that I've finally got my computer up and running. I crashed my car at touge awhile back, just some fender/bumber/light/hood damage, mostly just cosmetic stuff. So, I decided to make a one-via, AKA USDM s13 coupe, everyone around here tells me they never seen one. I've also decided to take it a step further. I'm going w/ a new paintjob, and ya'll are going to have to wait till it's done. I'll give you a hint, I think it will be something anyone can laugh about. What else, oh, just had a gymkahna the other week and I did my best time yet. Went from 3rd to last to 5th out of almost 20 people. That's comparing from the last event to this one. Had a great time. I'll download the crappy video sometime laters. It kinda sux, but I can't blame the cameraman, it was my wife who was also holding a rambuncious todler at the same time. There's more to say, but I'm tired and brain farting right now. So till next time kids. Stay sideways safely. Only you can prevent getting caught sliding in public.

Whatever that last line meant. I'm going to bed

09-28-2004, 08:07 PM
sounds like a really nice grab on that car you bought

09-28-2004, 08:39 PM
We drove to Yokota over the weekend. The drive kinda sucks, but we only got lost once.

Do you ever make it down our way? I could give you good directions.

09-28-2004, 11:12 PM
Buy a camera.

09-28-2004, 11:15 PM
get a kik ass digi camera and take pics eveyrday.

we need pics of every bad ass car you see

09-28-2004, 11:42 PM
can you send me a JDM woman?

sorry, i was thinking of stupid stuff people say...

09-29-2004, 08:21 PM
Well, I do have a camera and I've got a couple of sorry pics from when I went to Daikoku. It was really slow the night I went there so there wasn't much to choose from except for some FNF wannabes. Well here goes. Guess not, I've got four pics but they all exceed the size limit. I'll try it again later.

09-29-2004, 08:30 PM
lol... I still haven't been to Daikoku Futo.

09-29-2004, 08:35 PM
The first time I went it was crazy packed and was loud as a concert. The second time it was dead, and on a friday night. Oh, I missed it but I saw the aftermath. Some guy was drifting a R33 through an intersection where lots of people watch and one of his rear wheels came off and rolled about a football field down the road. I heard the tires, tires stopped abruptly and then everyone laughed. I check it out and he's limping the car off the road while his cohort goes to chase his wheel. I saw enough to break me out laughing.

09-29-2004, 08:36 PM
Yup, I can't wait to go to japan this summer. I'm finnaly going to be able to see my brother's Silvia. (He never sent me pics of the car!) :rant2: :rant:

Edit: Anyone know how to resize pics so I can post them?

09-29-2004, 09:02 PM
adobe photoshop resizes pictures easy.

09-29-2004, 09:05 PM
You can use MS paint......File>Save As, then when you see the different type of files, save it as a jpeg. If it's still big, cut out parts from the out side of the picture

09-29-2004, 11:20 PM
Easy Thumbs (http://www.fookes.com/ezthumbs/)

I've been using it for years and it ranks high on Cnet.com

09-30-2004, 01:02 AM
We drove to Yokota over the weekend. The drive kinda sucks, but we only got lost once.
Well...you got me beat don't you?

09-30-2004, 01:20 AM
I guess so.. I wish I knew the route you took. The route we went was fairly simple...

09-30-2004, 02:40 PM
Wow ..must be nice.. I'd love a chance to able to move to land of the Rising Sun

09-30-2004, 03:15 PM

09-30-2004, 04:43 PM
I guess so.. I wish I knew the route you took. The route we went was fairly simple...
I took the road less traveled. :D
I tried to take the normal route....but took a wrong turn somewhere.

NEXT time I'll know. Actually I should be coming up there in the next month or so. I'll give you a ring or something.

09-30-2004, 05:26 PM
NEXT time I'll know. Actually I should be coming up there in the next month or so. I'll give you a ring or something.

Right on.. Our house number is X64-6390
I'm sure you know what the X is.

12-06-2004, 07:06 PM
Well hello all, it's been a while, hasn't it? Just got back from a month and a half in the land of rising kim-chee stench. Alright trip all in all, made some good money which I will be spending a good chunk of this upcoming sunday. Those of you here sharing this land "should" know what I'm talking about. Hope you got your vans rented already. But back to the real point of me starting this thread, the car. Well, not much since the last installment. Got some new tires, Bridgestone G III's. Soooo much more stable when over. Used to be running the G II's up front, but they're in back now and I can already feel a couple of seconds ready to be ripped off of my gyhmkana times. Did a few test runs outside the base hobby shop, and the only prob right now is that w/ so much more meat than what I'm used to running, the FL tire rubs the back of the wheel well. Anyone else have that prob? It also seems that the LF has a lot less caster (i.e. wheel siter further back) than the right. And yes I do have T/C rods, came w/ the car and I've never touched them. Still haven't measured it all yet, but I know they're not bent. Still steers straight like always. Oh well, I'll figure that out, along with figuring out what kind of LSD I have. It needs a rebuild or replacement, either if which will depend on what brand it is. Mines is getting uber noisy and I can tell lock-up is just not what it used to be. Well see you in Tokyo on Sunday fellas. Laters.

12-16-2004, 12:27 PM
<---------waiting on pics of car, before and after damage. Glad you're having such a good experience over there. Just as an off topic question, do u miss your ka powered s14 much now that you have a lighter/faster turbo'd car? I remember you say that it had a lot of sentimental value

12-17-2004, 03:56 AM
pics of parts from the blowout. I'll be off until the new year is here, so I'll have time to paint the car and acutally install the left headlight. I'll be shooting before and after pics then.

12-17-2004, 02:20 PM
How much did all that stuff cost you?

01-24-2005, 04:39 PM
I got everything for under $800. I finally got my alignment cause I've been everywhere but home. I drove around for a couple of weeks w/ my alignment off and I hated it. Found out I had a slightly bent tie rod, so I just tweaked it a little before I had it aligned. My specs are,
1.0 -1.5

-0.14deg .07deg

-2.5 -2.1

-0.2 -0.2

-0.39deg -.0.79 deg

-2.0 -2.0

0.0 0.0

-0.3 -0.2

-1.5 -1.5

0.0 0.0

mind you the before setting was after I installed all the rear end rods and a friend and I just eyeballed it. Also, the caster measurements aren't really zero, it's just the way the computer puts out the numbers, that's actually stock. I think I should have had him dial in even more caster though. Even though it don't look like much, the before handled like absolute ass. Now w/ this alignment, it take much more effort to initiate, but is so so stable while in drift. Yeah, I took it to touge the same night even though the mountain was icey and -15deg C. I think the more difficult to initiate thing has more to do w/ the fact that half throttle around a LH turn (remember, I'm in Japan) after a stop would get me to full lock, same but less so for RH turns. Touge was actually scary. Thought I'd get stuck in some spots because to the ice. Didn't really do to much because of it, but on the way back I picked my turns. Found a new unicorn of a turn that I know I'll never have the balls to try though. Ima hafta take a day trip up there to take a pic of it. To cool to explain. Other than that, I still need to get my lazy tail to take pics of the ride and fix up a bunch of stupid stuff. Only other things done are 1) broke of my ignition key cylinder cuz my keys are still in another country, 2) installed momentary switch for headlights (popups), and 3) finally got all my lights up front working. BTW, thanks to Chedda Bob for bummin me a pair of wheels/tires. Well that's all for now, I'm offta bed, 12hr shifts in the cold night suck.

01-24-2005, 04:46 PM
one other thing I forgot to mention is that when I painted the car, I pulled the whole front end off to get it painted right and while I was in there, I welded up the Rt Ft corner of the car (where the battery sits), where the three pieces come together to make the corner cuz the tak welds popped when I wrecked it. Now it's all G2G. Now that I found out that I have access to the only non-military welder that's authorized on base, I just might have to take the time to do some A) chassis prep, and B) make some custom front lower control arms. Speaking of which, wasn't there someone on here a while back that did that (control arms)? Whatever happened to those? Are they still in use? I don't have a prob fabbin the fronts, but I'm just a little tentative to do the rear lower arms. Anybody think they'd be too difficult?


02-12-2005, 01:45 PM
Well latest update, not much to say. Went to Up Garage tonight w/ a friend, and picked up a set of Kosie K1's. 9JX17, +27 offset all the way around. Got some crazy ass race rubber on them, Potenzas. Can't remember the which ones they are, but I do know that they are JDM only, hard as rock unitl warm, then turn to gum at that point. The backs sit fine, almost perfect flush. The front's leave about 3 to 5mm space at the coilovers w/ a 5mil spacer. I'll definately post pics once I get my premium membership dealyO set up. This upcoming weekend is also gymkhana weekend. Hopefully my friend w/ vid for me, so my wife doesn't have to handle the camera like there's an earthquake goin on. If all goes well, I'll have some nice vids and pics to go up soon. I know, I know, I've been saying pics and vids for a while. Maybe I'll actually get off of my duff and actually do something constructive on the computer besides post here and look at porn.

02-12-2005, 01:53 PM
<---------waiting on pics of car, before and after damage. Glad you're having such a good experience over there. Just as an off topic question, do u miss your ka powered s14 much now that you have a lighter/faster turbo'd car? I remember you say that it had a lot of sentimental value

yes, I do miss my KA powered s14. I really miss the chassis, the s14 is so much better. I also miss that torque. I was really starting to have some fun w/ the car right before I left, which is when I dropped in the 2way. I was so pissed that I never got around to doing that sooner once I felt it. But I'm here, w/ an s13, w/ an SR, w/ a diff, seat, wheel, electronic toys, and almost all my suspension bits and braces, and have still spent less on the car and parts than I paid for my s14. I've had the car a year already, and still haven't matched the price of my s14 when I bought it w/ this car and all the money I've spent on it including maintenance. The other thing I forgot to mention, I rebuilt my clutch master and slave cylinder. Definately better clutch actuation. Plus it's great not getting fluid on the pedal every time I step on it.

02-12-2005, 08:24 PM
do u live by akina jk

02-13-2005, 11:52 AM
do u live by akina jk

:fawkd: I would slap you if you said that to my face. Good thing your were j/k. :hahano:

02-13-2005, 08:41 PM
Hey bro, forget about sending me the clear zenki lenses, just send me money so i can buy a PS2! LOL, i reserved GT4 and alfred decided the next day to sell his PS2. :squint: But yeah, everythings cool here, ur baby is now being garage kept now. So you dont have to worry about it getting stolen... LoL. I'm still gonna rape it for parts... hehehe.

02-14-2005, 02:30 PM
Hey bro, forget about sending me the clear zenki lenses, just send me money so i can buy a PS2! LOL, i reserved GT4 and alfred decided the next day to sell his PS2. :squint: But yeah, everythings cool here, ur baby is now being garage kept now. So you dont have to worry about it getting stolen... LoL. I'm still gonna rape it for parts... hehehe.

1. Get a job. If you want money, get a job. Nuff said. 2. After you get a job, buy my LSD damnit. That's WAY more important than a PS2. Your priorities are way messed up. You should be driving here soon and I'll be home to visit in not too long, my ride betta be ready. BTW, what's the status of my registration right now. Last I remember, my NC tags expired. Shoot me an email fool.

02-14-2005, 06:39 PM
Everytime I do e-mail you, you take 3 days to answer it... Your reply to this thread is the fastest reply ive ever gotten from you since you been in japan. No lie.

02-18-2005, 08:07 AM
Maybe cuz that's because I've got other things to do than sit at the computer looking at bad hentai and yankin my crank. Priorities, they work. Think about it. Damn son, you actually have more of an opportunity to get practice than I do. Crazy, but it's true.