View Full Version : Computer Problems.. help

03-27-2004, 05:07 PM
Hey.. my gf's system is freezing up alot. During counterstrike playing it'll freeze, and then I have to hard-reboot. Usually it'll freeze 2 or 3 times in a row, just as it pops into windows. Then I get mad, walk away, and it works for a little longer when i come back.
I don't think it's heat.. there is 1.5" between the case and desk, and the house is like 72* all day long. Heat *should* also cause the computer to immediatly shut down... but when it freezes, I still hear the harddrive spinning.
Any clues?

03-27-2004, 05:15 PM
best thing to do is just FDISK the hard drive and reinstall windows when systems just start crashing its not good.Have you tried checkin for spyware,virsus? Spyware can cause a shit load of problems. And of course you know virus are never good things.I would just recomend wiping it out and starting over it will be better in the end.Trust me i know i see it everyday at school.

03-27-2004, 05:29 PM
yeah, scan your drives for viruses first. if its good, check the system temps. in BIOS, maybe run it with the case off for awhile (cause trust me i have a grip of space but the internal temps are around 120deg). if that doesnt work, get yourself a "techworm disc" and delete everything (especially the secret partitions in your HD's)and reinstall windows. just make sure you save everything to a separate partition or external HD.

one more thing. i know dick about counter strike but if you have a VCD copy of the game (i.e. a not legal VCD version) you may have to disable HYPERTHREADING in BIOS. i use a program called gamedrive for some VCD games but for some reason HYPERTHREADING screws it up. so while youre playing to have to disable it in BIOS then enable it later.

03-27-2004, 06:03 PM
i don't have a partition, and don't know how to make one, but I'd love to partition her harddrive. Games on one part, and school stuff on the other. I was thinking possibly it was a power supply issue. I'd rather not go format her computer, especially after I just installed a "legit" version of Win XP on her system 2 or 3 months ago.

03-27-2004, 06:29 PM
check for viruses, then get a spyware program. My computer use to do weird stuff too, turns out I had a shitload of spyware opperating on my computer.

03-27-2004, 06:40 PM
It freezes again right after it gets back into windows? Sounds like heat to me. Maybe a fan stopped working. Could be the cpu fan, case fan, power supply fan, or graphics card fan, if you have a high performance graphics card.

03-27-2004, 06:45 PM
if you installed a legit XP then you probably have SP1 (service pack 1) and the October25 updates. both of these (sp1 and the Oct.25) are said to patrol your cpu for registration keys, cracks, etc. to make sure they havent been used previously over the net.

for example,if you have any non-legit programs like Kazaa or a video game or ANYTHING that you need a crack/fake serial key to get it working, SP1 and the Oct 25 update are able to track the serial you entered over the net (kind of lie a crack wizard). if it finds a false serial number, any further updates to the prgram are stopped and the program may stop functioning properly which in turn screws other stuf up.

SO...if you have any non-legit programs and are running SP1 or the Oct. 25 its hard to get things working right. i just had to do the same thing myself (total flush of my C drive) because i had some Oct.25 things on my cpu without knowing it (that microsoft is a sneaky bunch).

if all your stuff is legit....i dont know. again, go into BIOS and check the system temps and make sure the fans are doing their job (if its a little hot try running it case off). but i dont think itd be a power supply issue. more likely a heat or compatability issue.

03-27-2004, 07:16 PM
check for viruses, then get a spyware program. My computer use to do weird stuff too, turns out I had a shitload of spyware opperating on my computer.
I do that every other day...
I'll get to looking for heat solutions.

03-27-2004, 08:11 PM
Hey.. my gf's system is freezing up alot. During counterstrike playing it'll freeze, and then I have to hard-reboot. Usually it'll freeze 2 or 3 times in a row, just as it pops into windows. Then I get mad, walk away, and it works for a little longer when i come back.
I don't think it's heat.. there is 1.5" between the case and desk, and the house is like 72* all day long. Heat *should* also cause the computer to immediatly shut down... but when it freezes, I still hear the harddrive spinning.
Any clues?
take the covers off
ok when you playing, 2 ways to find out what the faq.

1) reach over touch the video card. it will be fucking iron hot. if its not:
2) reinstall your drivers, most likely you have Nvidia, right? common driver problem
3) reinstall XP.

btw, this legit or non legit XP is bs. why? because i used hacked software since 1995. thats right. and it wont look for serials. you need to have the right stuff a.k.a corporate serial numbers. if you need some, drop me a mail.

03-27-2004, 10:01 PM
No.. my gf bought her computer from someone that used the same serial numbers for a bunch of computers.. windows blocked us from updating on their site.. so we got a legit XP.
I don't know what normal is.. but its running 125*F after like 45 minutes of CS'ing. Also, its a shitty Rage 128 card.. the computer refuses to accept anything different.. i've tried 3 or 4 new cards :(

03-27-2004, 10:44 PM
my comp used 2 do that 2... sumthin from windows that is vital 2 the harddrive got deleted and it keep freezin and blah blah ... i reformatted ^^

03-27-2004, 10:48 PM
mine runs at about a 110*f at idle and like 145 at 100% usage but i also have like 9 f fans total and its a 3.07 ghz overclocked a bit.S0 125 should be fine especially if its an intel But on the other hand if its a AMD, they hate heat and are no where near as durable as intel against heat .Maybe the motherboard is overheating.DId you run it with no panels?I know this sounds getto but sit it on a aircondition vent and turn the air on and see if it crashes after some usage

03-27-2004, 11:37 PM
sounds like your girl's computer is overheating..
same thing happenned to my computer a while ago too..
had to buy new motherboard, new processor, and new fan. my old ones were toasted :(

03-27-2004, 11:47 PM
mine runs at about a 110*f at idle and like 145 at 100% usage but i also have like 9 f fans total and its a 3.07 ghz overclocked a bit.S0 125 should be fine especially if its an intel But on the other hand if its a AMD, they hate heat and are no where near as durable as intel against heat .Maybe the motherboard is overheating.DId you run it with no panels?I know this sounds getto but sit it on a aircondition vent and turn the air on and see if it crashes after some usage

Sounds like overheating with me if it takes it 45min. Or you may be either running out of ram or hard drive space. Go with bryant's idea. Try it without the panels and see how it runs. What kind of system is it? Did it run CS just fine before? or this is the first time you tried running CS on it?

03-28-2004, 01:55 AM
overheating? Not likely.

Check the ram, check the cables. If it crashes in CS it should crash in any other app that uses the same drivers/system processes.

Split-half the problem and keep plugging away until its a few simple things like drivers or a bad NIC or something.

03-28-2004, 10:18 AM
its the video card. im positive on that one.

03-28-2004, 07:29 PM
now that i think about it some more it most likely is the Graphics card are you using a AGP slot or a PCMIA for your video card

03-28-2004, 07:37 PM
AGX slot????!!!!! bahahhaha what was your motherboard made my KYB~

sounds like video card overheating to me also.

03-28-2004, 07:44 PM
lol....It was a typo i fixed it

03-28-2004, 08:13 PM
AGX slot????!!!!! bahahhaha what was your motherboard made my KYB~

sounds like video card overheating to me also.

:eek2: LOL :p

03-29-2004, 12:14 AM
get new comp. sounds like an old crappy rig. CS should be played on a good rig with nice video. :D

03-29-2004, 10:47 AM
if you think its overheating try running it with no panels and a regular living room fan blowing at it all the time. i would scrap it and buy a new comp. if u dont want to build one get one from dell for super cheap.

techbargains.com :

Basic Desktop P4-2.66Ghz $389 shipped free

No rebate today! Dimension 2400 desktop P4-2.66Ghz/533Mhz Bus Free 256MB/Free 80GB HD, 48x CD/Ethernet, Word Perfect/MS Money, XP Home $389 shipped free.

Click Customize it under Dimension 2400, 2.66Ghz P4/ XP Home - Continue, Special Offer 256MB/Productivity Pack/Free 80GB HD/48x CD/No Floppy/Integrated audio/No speakers/No Modem - Continue, 1 year Basic Plan - Continue, Add to cart

just rip the soundcard and videocard out from the old computer and stick them in. use your old monitor too.