View Full Version : [email protected] cops

03-26-2004, 04:11 PM
OK i just had to make one statement about the assholes we know as the police. As much as anyone wants to argue that they just serve justice i say BS. I am currentely serving a suspeneded liscence becasue of having 3 tickets on a provisional system. 1st ticket 90 in a 65- fine completely my fault. 2nd ticket 70 in a 65- bullshit 5mph equal 1 point? 3rd Following to closely on a backroad- debateable but whatever. all told this equals no liscence for 6 months. I have a friend, a female friend(very hot) who has been pulled over 6 times and been in an accident yet recieved no tickets. Of these 6, 5 were for speeding and one was for Following to closely. In each speeding case she admitdly said she was either doing double or slightly less of the speed limit, and as for the Tailgating she was tailgating a cop. This just goes to show you that truly citations are not granted on merit but more like lack of BREAST and the lack of a thong.


03-26-2004, 04:16 PM

Lifes not fair. Can you picture our life without Cops? Seriously.

03-26-2004, 04:21 PM
Yeah, fuck them :mad:. Some are cool but most of them are pigs.

03-26-2004, 04:22 PM
Females generally earn something like 10%-15% less then their male counterparts over the course of a career, let her get out of a few tickets to even things out ;)

03-26-2004, 04:51 PM
...but more like lack of BREAST and the lack of a thong.

Haha classic...thats life though....Shit if I was a cop I would probably have done the same thing :naughtyd:

03-26-2004, 05:16 PM
You should have learned from your first ticket, but just like the rest of the youth of america you need to blame somebody for your mess ups. You broke the law 3 times now your paying for it, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

03-26-2004, 06:06 PM
you got to pay to play bud. Trust me, your friend (the fine girl) gets fucked more than you do. ;)

03-26-2004, 06:18 PM
hahaha, NAW man i get fucked more than she does, mine just happens to be the kind thats on the side of the road by a PIG(police). Yeah and i am paying im just saying that i wouldnt have to pay at all if i had a Minge and a set of tits.

Additionally provisional liscensing is bullshit in that theres no rated levels of offense, U get the same suspension time for 3, 1 point offenses for 2, 5 pointers or more.

03-27-2004, 06:36 PM
deng. you need to stop whining.. didnt you start a different thread about the same type shit?

03-27-2004, 06:43 PM
Most places have a thing where you can get court supervision and/or take a class and get the ticket off your record.

I guess it depends where you live though.

03-27-2004, 09:37 PM
life is shit. get used to it because its not gonna be different. suck it up and move on like a man.

03-27-2004, 09:45 PM
who cares, they are just cops, their jobs suck and they don't get paid that well. whenever i get fu#ked over by a cop, i just make myself feel better knowing that i have all this shit that they wil never be able to have.

03-28-2004, 01:57 AM
suprised you couldn't take traffic school for the small tickets.


Hey! Picts of your friend kthx

03-28-2004, 02:20 PM
Cops are just invertabrates from high school that got picked on and now want to enact their revenge and control complexs.

03-28-2004, 03:18 PM
Hey! Picts of your friend kthx

I second that.

03-28-2004, 03:46 PM
The best thing to do is start carrying a gun in the car. Next time a cop pulls you over, as he leans up to your window to ask for DL etc, shoot em in the face. That's what I always do.

03-28-2004, 04:31 PM
if i had a gun in my possesion at the time i would have capped him, and unloaded the entire clip into his dome. Yes cops are the rats that get picked on at school come to think of it then they spend the rest of thier lives trying to make up for their small dicks haha

03-28-2004, 05:01 PM
Wow, with an attitude like that it's no surprise you get tickets you are probably a cock to cops. I have never been pulled over in 3 years of driving. You on the other hand feel that it is always the police officer's fault that you are given a ticket but like you said about your first ticket it was all your fault, well guess what I am going to go with my instinct here and say the other 2 were your fault too. Just don't drive like an idiot and be polite if you are stopped. My friend picked me up at the airport the other night and got pulled over going 50 in a 25 he was polite and didn't admit he was speeding but said he knew he was going fast but didn't realize, and I know ignorance is no excuse, but he ended up not getting a ticket....so I think that just goes to show. Maybe I am completely wrong, but good luck with your tickets and if it is such a big deal don't come on here and whine about cops, do some homework and take them to court. THere are a lot of technicalities sometimes.

03-29-2004, 12:40 AM
stfu. you are a newb to life.

03-29-2004, 12:55 AM
wishihadasilvia - please never have children. the world does not need stupid people to produce more stupid people. do all of us a favour and put your penis in a blender and turn it on. better yet, after the penis trick, lock yourself in abasement and never come out. you won't be missed.

03-29-2004, 01:25 AM
You should have learned from your first ticket, but just like the rest of the youth of america you need to blame somebody for your mess ups. You broke the law 3 times now your paying for it, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

are u kidding me? yes, the entire "youth of america" is just like this idiot. lick balls. youre doing the same thing he is by stereotyping young drivers as he did with cops. yeah, HES an idiot, but apparently you havent met some of the lesser neanderthal-like young drivers.

and about the cops: yeah, some are assholes. alot of the time, you broke a law whether you knew about it or not. fair? no. but thats how life works. id much rather deal with all cops, dicks included, that to not have them on the street. come to think of it, why dont you try pulling a gun on a cop if your such a hardass??? id love to see what would come of that. diethanks.

03-29-2004, 05:59 PM
ok mr PROMISE, I might consider putting my penis in a blender but the problem is its to big. sorry? and yeah sterotyping youth is bullshit, and i think the cops if there going to be assholes they might as well be EQUAL OPPURTUNITY OFFENDERS. Not swayed by tits and crying and everyother god awful thing woman do to get away with shit. I am always very polite to the officer and have never given them attitude or other shit even when they give it to me, I mean one of the speeding tickets the cop made me get out of the car for no reason and searched it for drugs. If this isnt a youth sterotype i dont no what is, The only group stereotyped more than a youth is mexican or black youth.
And yes dick i am a newb to life its called Growing up, im sure u never did nething retarded or not so wise when u were a kid huh

03-29-2004, 10:34 PM
ok mr PROMISE, I might consider putting my penis in a blender but the problem is its to big. sorry?
:p oh boy. i had no idea!

03-29-2004, 11:04 PM
OK i just had to make one statement about the assholes we know as the police. As much as anyone wants to argue that they just serve justice i say BS. I am currentely serving a suspeneded liscence becasue of having 3 tickets on a provisional system. 1st ticket 90 in a 65- fine completely my fault. 2nd ticket 70 in a 65- bullshit 5mph equal 1 point? 3rd Following to closely on a backroad- debateable but whatever. all told this equals no liscence for 6 months. I have a friend, a female friend(very hot) who has been pulled over 6 times and been in an accident yet recieved no tickets. Of these 6, 5 were for speeding and one was for Following to closely. In each speeding case she admitdly said she was either doing double or slightly less of the speed limit, and as for the Tailgating she was tailgating a cop. This just goes to show you that truly citations are not granted on merit but more like lack of BREAST and the lack of a thong.


How's it the cop's fault what equals a point on your liscense or not? Blame City Hall or your insurance company. Do a little research and find out if you can take a safe driving class to avoid points on your liscense. I did.

I'm a guy who has been pulled over probably 6 times total so far (I'm 26) and I've gotten tickets on 2 occasions. The other 4 times the cop was cool. Don't hate all cops because you are 0 for 3. If I were a cop I'd be pulling over little dorifuto wannabe teens with 240sx's also. I know how tailhappy these cars are and how reckless young male teens can be. Life does suck, but you have do adapt to make it work for you...not the other way around.


03-29-2004, 11:36 PM
And yes dick i am a newb to life its called Growing up, im sure u never did nething retarded or not so wise when u were a kid huh

Sure, I did stupid things, but I learned from my mistakes. I did not go on making them. I'm only 24, and yet, I've never been issued any citations. (Unless you count ONE fix-it ticket as a citation).
It's kind of a matter of maturity and common sense. Not saying I'm 100% mature, as I like to goof around, but exercising common sense is easy. THINK before you do stuff.

03-29-2004, 11:46 PM
sounds like you should stop putting illegal aftermarket parts on your street driven car mr.mrph. that is clearly an issue that has to do with the police. cone filters and exhausts are very bad!

03-30-2004, 01:40 PM
rgr guys, i know my mistakes and wether i like it or not im learning from my mistakes. I mean after this round of tickets itll be ur ass that will be pulled over for tailgating casue ill be doing like 20 in a 35 and ull want to kill me.

03-30-2004, 01:51 PM
lol this is classic