View Full Version : my mustang troubles

12-21-2012, 01:56 PM
So before I get all the "well the trouble is its a mustang" the cars fine, runs great actually. I bought it less than a month ago for a daily while I do some serious work on my 240. Its a 92 5.0 notchback with most of the basic bolt ons, its a fucking blast. And thats where the problem is.

Two weeks ago I got a criminal speeding ticket for 70 in a 45(officer said I was doing well over 90), still waiting for my court date to come up. This morning at about 4am I went to a local jr. high parking lot and started sliding around, to my surprise once I got the hang of it I got pretty good. ten minutes in, there's four cops in the lot. I got a reckless driving ticket for that dumb idea of mine.

Sorry about the rant, but I'm curious as to peoples opinions about what my consequences might be?? I know I'm an idiot, learned my lesson. But does anyone have any experiences and possibly shed some light on much I'm goping to spend or how long I'll be not driving

12-21-2012, 01:58 PM
You should be happy your car is not smashed

12-21-2012, 02:02 PM
i did some thing similar. street racing and 90 in a 45 ticket. ended up paying $1106 dollars, 3 years informal probation, and my insurance doubled for a year. didnt lose my license though

12-21-2012, 02:45 PM
Stop being an idiot with your car. Simple answer.

12-21-2012, 05:11 PM
Consider yourself lucky that they didnt fucking impound the car and put a fucking 30 day lock down on it. Just to get it out of the fucking lot would cost you more than the fucking car is worth. With that said, you're still fucked. Every state is different fine wise but you're gonna get fucked in the ass bad. Be prepared to pay atleast $1k in fines between the 2 ticket and be prepared for your insurance to butt rape you with no vaseline.

12-21-2012, 05:23 PM
hahahhhahahahahahahahhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaa ha HA!
stop being a dipshit took me 3 criminal speedings and a driving to endanger and a crashed car to relize there is more to owning a modded car than being a dick, pos, shitty driver and more.
Also buy a civic they have no tq and are as fun as rolling a tennis ball down the road.

12-21-2012, 05:31 PM
took me 3 criminal speedings and a driving to endanger and a crashed car to relize there is more to owning a modded car

Sounds like you're still a dipshit

12-21-2012, 05:46 PM
*sigh* *louder sigh*

12-21-2012, 06:47 PM
Sounds like you're still a dipshit

uhh no considering i dont speed around drive like a dick or anything called grew up sorry if it upsets you. I work on my car drive it, go to shows and drag strips. But guess sense i'm a dipshit i should go back to street racing and dorifting up highway on ramps like all ya'll cool cats.

12-21-2012, 06:50 PM
Sounds like i'm a dipshit
what you were trying to say ya?

12-21-2012, 06:52 PM
if they were both within a month of each other chances are you'll get your license suspended.

12-21-2012, 07:26 PM
if they were both within a month of each other chances are you'll get your license suspended.

Every state/judge is gonna be different. If that was my dumbass, I'd take driver safety ASAP and get a lawyer.

12-21-2012, 08:54 PM
It does depend on state my driving to endanger was 850$ 6points and a 30day suspension. By the time my court date was up i had my license back but was in the process of moving so didnt have time to fight the ticket. If anything fight it and they may lessen the charge to something less.

12-21-2012, 10:33 PM
sounds like you are lucky the officer didnt cite you for the actual 90 you were doing instead he was kind enough to knock off 20mph. count your blessings. curious why would you go out at 4 am in the morning sliding around in a parking lot if you just got a pretty hefty ticket not a month ago? i havent gotten a ticket in years but when i did, i drove like a grandma for 6 months at least. also, why did you go to a parking lot at 4 am? were u just sitting around the house awake at 4 and thought, "gee this is a great time to go out and parking lot drift?" were u drinking? this sounds alot like a drunken dare kinda thing...

12-21-2012, 10:44 PM
American points for letting that 5.0 work!

To hell with half these guys telling you that you are wack. They've never had a 5.0.

FWIW: I dont' care how lame they are, or how stupid some think they are, but I'll be hard pressed to find a better hooligan tire spin machine than a 5.0!

12-21-2012, 11:08 PM
American points for letting that 5.0 work!

To hell with half these guys telling you that you are wack. They've never had a 5.0.

FWIW: I dont' care how lame they are, or how stupid some think they are, but I'll be hard pressed to find a better hooligan tire spin machine than a 5.0!

we don't care that it was a 5.0, i wanted one so bad when i was younger. we care that the amount of stupidity shown by this guy in less than a month is off the charts. they should have taken his car when he was doing 90 in a 45. thats just ridiculous.

12-22-2012, 12:53 AM
You are lucky you still have your car. Where I am if they catch you going more than 14mph over the limit your license is revoked and your vehicle is impounded for a month with possibility of losing it permanently and receiving hella fines.. Something about excessive speed, they fit it all in with street racing and stunting automatically.

12-22-2012, 01:11 AM
Keep it on the track buddy. If you can't help yourself you need to get a corolla for a daily.

12-22-2012, 09:09 AM
let me know when you loose your driving ability

i can use the lower and upper manifold along with EFI wiring and pcm

12-22-2012, 09:44 AM
we don't care that it was a 5.0, i wanted one so bad when i was younger. we care that the amount of stupidity shown by this guy in less than a month is off the charts. they should have taken his car when he was doing 90 in a 45. thats just ridiculous.

Dude, it's a 5.0. If you're not burning out everywhere with one you're just wastin it.

12-22-2012, 09:46 AM
let me know when you loose your driving ability

i can use the lower and upper manifold along with EFI wiring and pcm

GT40 or stock? I may have a GT40 setup somewhere here yet...

No 240.. No id
12-22-2012, 10:27 AM
So before I get all the "well the trouble is its a mustang" the cars fine, runs great actually. I bought it less than a month ago for a daily while I do some serious work on my 240. Its a 92 5.0 notchback with most of the basic bolt ons, its a fucking blast. And thats where the problem is.

Two weeks ago I got a criminal speeding ticket for 70 in a 45(officer said I was doing well over 90), still waiting for my court date to come up. This morning at about 4am I went to a local jr. high parking lot and started sliding around, to my surprise once I got the hang of it I got pretty good. ten minutes in, there's four cops in the lot. I got a reckless driving ticket for that dumb idea of mine.

Sorry about the rant, but I'm curious as to peoples opinions about what my consequences might be?? I know I'm an idiot, learned my lesson. But does anyone have any experiences and possibly shed some light on much I'm goping to spend or how long I'll be not driving

Not trying to say anything bad, but just wondering. How old are you?

12-22-2012, 02:27 PM
well thank you guys for all the colorful answers lol Yes I realize I'm lucky to have my license, and especially my car.
I'll be the first to admit that these were retarded, irresponsible antics, and I'll nut up and pay the consequences like a responsible person. I'm not here to bitch and moan that I got caught doing something I shouldn't be, I was just looking for some opinions or personal experiences to learn from so I don't get blindsided going into court. and thank you to the people who actually had some decent input

I'm 26, and I get what you're trying to say... I'm some junior in high school who just got my license. I have a fair amount of driving experience both on and off the track. I know better

12-22-2012, 07:39 PM
If that was my dumbass, I'd take driver safety ASAP and get a lawyer.
This +1. Like, yesterday.

I had a buddy with a gutted 5.0 coupe. That thing was nuts. Kicked the tail end out around every fucking corner almost. You learn what 'real torque' is riding in one of those...